The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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'BUFFALO EVENING NEWSi SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 1933 MONEY TO LOAN Real Estate Classified Real Estate Classified FURNITURE FOB I ALB (CoaUaoadl Real Estate Claisif ied Real Estate Classified Employment ITOBC FIXTURES iCentteoedi SHOWCASES stars fixtures for any business manufactured we buy and sell used fisturca Treger Bros 323 Broadway SITUATIONS WANTED MALE (ChUik4 (mb Preceding Face) arouNQ man 33 (Ood education P-X paaranea and personality daalrea po-altlon ca 037M IMHUHID KOOMS TO LET LLEnT Mallear Male nwly decorated room $250 up -ALLtN 328 Apt Xr-Nicoly furnished A room heated $380 A Prlvlteacs la Am(u optional: aara ORant 1480 UUUKN 463 Boom In private boma with home privileges OA 3041 AUBURN Attractively furnished bedroom and anting room 88 alngte: $8 double 4680 ay-8 park Warm single room conveniences 13 7 vrAgf ana Attractive room bath XJ single or double maid butter acrvica ressocabl ILAWiBL Attractive room and bath maid eervlea exceptionally reasons ble TVELAWARE Rooms running water XI private bath steam heat: single $3 DyiauARE- 450 Nlceiy furnished apartments and rooms 3 up also larga room twin beds radio IWWASE Comfortable rooms XJ reasonable and apt private bath TOAST UTICA Large well furnished -I quiet room phone IUIWOOD 333 Look: all conveniences Xj cheerful best locstlon inviting to friends businessmen or girli: S3 up Tvuwnnn 73 near Allen Furnace-X-J heated rooms home comforts $250-93 i iTUIWOOD Pleasant warm room refined home: reasonable LI 6332 TOLMWOOD Parlor good bed semi-Xi private bath ELMWOOD 79S Desirable warm room kitchenette water also sleeping room TOMERSON PL Nice housekeeping Xi reoln with ranee 612 month to adult TOERGUSON 43 Grant-Ferry clean iwuuoun warm sleeping rm 62 rent part work TORANKUN Front -A- room 14 and g5: private entrance housekeeping TORANKUN Beautifully furnished room maid service: garage: reasonable HARVARD At Balcom: attractive room Mlcblgen-Forest cer line HARVARD PL Room private family privileges: board optional near Main-Delavan IGHLAND-Elmwood warm comfortabla room private bath reasonable OR 5144 VENMORK Pleasant room private XV home: near bus breakfast optionsL 341 Haxeltlne AFAYETTE 685 Pleasant warm room 1 running water garage: reasonable KXINGTON 304 Bright pleasant teem 83 all convenleneea JVXtEL ST Hera Is opportunity for i gwittemen to secure good room In f-M of two at reasonable rate: situates near Main st privileges of home 0 5771 or call In person jtBONGTON 364 Exceptions! homelike room private family LI 9338 Pleasant warm front room twin beds also single room LI 3267 2376 Nicely furnished front room private home: reasonable fASTEN 301 near SmaU single rooms 63 and up Large airy room Ilre---v pipes for men 6350 up ORant 7831 Vj'JiiTH Cheerful warm rooms vrivtieges radio reasonable TTslBlH park Furnished room private family DE 6122 PARK section homeiikeT loom hot water garage DE fivVoOD at Comfortably -lv ta-nlshed room car line reasonable Chant 4301 warm 2306 ittCHARD PL 44 off Main near Two rooms CR 0359-J RD 65 Attractively furnished warm front room davenport bed re- surroundings phone 'll ARK Sunny room nicely fur nlxhed fireplace privileges reasonable: prlvsts home TJARK Cozy warm room man: quiet he PENNSYLVANIA 14-50: houiekei gentleman quiet home: very reasonable 209 Kitchenettes housekeeping 8350 6350 apt SIS month HOUIES SINGLE FOE SALE ANBURY LANE 48 near Delaware rd i la exeluslva Dearborn section new brick colonial full tlte oath and kitchen 1 breakfast nook 6 spacious oadmoms ex-tro lavatory a fool flispinea copper gas ter double garage and other features of an 11000 Jaoae to bo sacrificed at 01 Fits infer 3012 Delaware rt-REXEL Muit sacrifice modem XJ bungalow CR 10234 TOA6T AMHXBAT comfortable well built 1 bungalow bedrooms 3 living rooms 1 lam airy attic fuU dry cellar X-car garage concrete drlvei worth 87000 sell to00' reaaonobte terms 716IL 321 Detevaa TOLMWOOO comer fit Jamca-Moa-reite xx dent win sell tot mortgage DE ISIS TTIOH PARK BLVD Hall brick eo -xxtonial hom*o on 80-ft lot at 810000 ono of tho best buys In Snyder: open fov inspection Saturday and Sunday Burd Jameson Inc UN 2821 Assuming $3350 1st $330 cash buys Xenmoro alngte 3 bedrooms: closo to Delawars a vs Chann of a lifetime call Haven Co Inc PA 3050 for details TfEKMORB New brica single 3 living hitehen tiled breakfast room 3 bedroom one a master's full tlte bath shower 2-car garage bar-galn $6300 Boehringer 2002 Delaware TO 139 Knowiton ave 4-bed-roc California bungalow $8300 first mortgage 86500 A ONTCLAIR bedrooms 2 -car ga ra: A-l condition way below assessed valus 84200 rrtACOMA-Btarln 3-bedroom colonial hob water heaL 18200 5 mortgage 8700 Oage Stafford Web- iwr uif 1910 T3 ANK owner haa several exceptional bar Faina In home building lota small-acreage and farms in the Wllliamivllte Clarence district CR 10260 iDt al estate now 'at 1U lowest pomC Clyde Lane tot A Bon 820 Erla County Bank Bldg WA 8690 JWNER forced to sacrifice modern 7-v room home North Park steam heat' real fireplace open porch den garage DE VU bUUl ta0m SM0 ternu S'JOfll Bungalow Genesee-Union section lot 35x123 Gangna-gI Realty Co 2600 Ballsy ova FI 6108' CW)n Oood bungalow garage Deis van-Kensington widow saerU firing $400 cash UN 1215 Unul aiD modern com-qptrOvfU fortabte home 3 bedrooms end garage near Kenmore ave and Niagara Falla bivd terms Buor At Buor 4361 Mala ftftQnn Kenmore modern brick alngte 1 ejpUtUU open porch front sunroom rear 3 bedrooms stippled walla tiled ailla metal easem*nt windows full tlte bath and hoMr roll screens nice yard shrubbery double garage solid drive email down payment make your own terms uneall-abla mortgage 5M first mortgage 5' second mortgage Call DE 5038 until It A and UN 1785 after HOUSE DOUBLE FOB SALE piOLVIN near Hertel acrltlce lexsThsn vJ assessed value leaving city DE 7306 ISBON near Comstock modern double 3 rer bedroom oak floors fireplace full stone cellar 2-car garage owner leaving town will sacrifice investigate mate r- Sommerfelt 1512 Genesee PI 7206 ATIB PL 11 Well constructed pleas-' antly located good rental returns garages sacrifice 31()()0 aowa' modern fist cost 811-tSUAVU OOP sell 7000 51 Wyandotte £70(1(1 Real bargain well buiit twe? t-1UU laaily go Good ave off Trl angle at to close estate Apply 3 Lilac HOUSE 6 WANTED RQUIT has immediate buyers for sin-gles and doubles 213 tarry ARFIELD SAGER auctioneer geta cash quickly any location RI 3031 XTOUSES wanted in North Main section L- many Inquiries list your property for rent or sate with Lewis Mitchell SOI Brio Co Bank bldg CL 1675 Prompt service' mENANTS waiting for singles at (30 to (so month CR 68H-J Ufi have arid 810000000 worth of house and lota at auction consult tho veterans Danforth-BUss Real Estate aue- tloneers exclusively 200 Pearl at CL 4436 YVTXLL assume 1st mortgage not ever (3000 on modern 3-bedroom single ns Kenmore east of Delawars ava must bo In rood repair Write No Cash 30 News office MOBTGAGES AVAILABLE funds at 8 on moderate priced homes: prompt service WA0123 GOUKD mortgages solicited Bom-O merfelt 1512 Genesee: FI 7206 VI have for sale several very esceltent mortgages first mortgages of various amounts from S500 to 84000 will allow tha usual discount Buor 61 Buor 4361 Main at OFFICES TO LET DESIRABLE office furniahed er unfur- nlshed 1103 Walbrldge Bldg DESK apace for manufacturer's agent or sales representative with phone service good location parking faculties reasonable WA 3840 I NOR dentist doctor etc 520 Broadway near Jefferson neat to theater RIVERSIDE Suitable for doctor or dentist reasonable RX 4122 REAL ESTATE FOE EECBANGE 1 QNYVER 200 Kings hwy slngls for va-C' cant Haas Hoamer Ctr Newton Msu TtIVERSIDE slngls for 2-fsmUy central -LL not over $7000 RI 3468 BEAUTIFUL North Park double both flats rented 3 mortgage hot water heat: wiU consider trade for single or double central locstlon DE S772 eve'gs BEAUTIFUL 4-bedroom bungalow trade for beach property RI 0320 2-family In Hertel aection for alngte DE 3702 OWNERS only What hava you for Ex change? Creed RX 0664 1 Q-famlly apartment consisting of living XO room bedroom kltchenotta dinette and bath to each apartment several of these apartments are tarnished place is rented 100 and in good location owner wishes to ba relieved of responsibility and will consider a good one-family house In exchange tn good location i property haa only one mortgage Address Apartment 23 209 Elmwood ave or phono OA 4795 BEAL ESTATE WANTED Write Acre 24 Newa office About 1 acre Canadian shore property: give complete particulars 1ITI are in a position to tease far gaso- line station purposes desirable corners If owners' will improve same Ramsey ft Co 1 Niagara at CL 7430 BOOHING HOUSE TO LET TVOOMINO house for rent or sale Lind-LV bergh dr near New York Central terminal: 20 rooms Owner JE 3806 ROOMING HOUSES FOR IALE ALLEN 10 rooms well furnished on rented going business quick sale rent 150 Phone OHanl 3031 rooms partly lilted centrally catcd 3700 cash no agents CL 681B 21 STORE! TO LET EAST CTKRY Good ooatneaa location reasonable rent CL 1070 AIN 802 Nice heated store good to-cation excellent parking space Wilson CL 2070 SUBURBAN PBOPEETT HOKE on Ellteott Creek rd near mag-are Falla bivd: minutes drive from Buffalo city line 5 scree of land with 300 ft of crook frontage: beautiful trees and shrubbery modem stuceo home sultabla for small family (araga and (table on if 1500 cash required Ph DE 6750 Oaias price glBOO cellar furnace electricity Albert Fax 4 TMsngte it Abbott rd end Wtbeter's corners rd house and two-car garage lot VACANT pTA-tt lot 103 ft deep North Main see- I M' tion Brantwood rd near Wsatmoao- i land sacrifice at 81950 UN 3500 ABANDON all worrus we money on autos O'Donnell 1339 Mala advance A DVANCES on accounts receivable eon-tracts financed: notes and Installment contracts purchased Monetary Service Oorp 207 Franklin at- at Huron A UTO loans drive repay monthly: also finance direct purchase from dealers Consumers' Finance Co 330 Delaware open Monday-Thursday evenings WA 6505 A UTO lurnlturo loans legal rate Homs A A Auto Loan Co Inc 310 Brisbane Bldg over Ktelnhans WA 1040 AUTO loans drive ear pay monthly: no endorsers reasonable 6 Booth Boom a 1377 Main et Ptlcs XJ 0773 AUTOMOBXLB loans cash Immediately no signers 463 Ferry it of New loan company 433 Brisbane Bldg: WA 6688 IF YOU NEED MONEY CALL AND SEE US Terms Reasonable PEOPLES COLLATERAL CORPORATION 43 WEST HURON STREET MONEY loaned on late model cars you drive Avenue Motors 2300 Delaware a IRE Prudential Society Inc 10 South Division EUleott Square Bldg: absolutely lowest rates on diamonds watches etc an Institution ol the better kind MONEY WANTED ITT 9300 chattel mortgage on high class well established confectionery store Dougherty 691 EUleott Bq CL 8036 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ALMOST new email Kimball grand piano will bo sold at private sate carries new warrantee no dealers need apply 780 Main st Baby grand piano small else will sac-rlfice for quick sale cash or payments Write Sacrifice 44 News office Gi OOD pianos 19 players $39 big Vle- trolsis $195: etectrte radios $9 must go this week 393 EUleott at TAR TIN alto sax gold finish and barl-tone Refort ORant 6213 PERSONAL ACCOUNTS collected feta 10 People's Collection 510 Stock Exchange CL 3213 ALL curtains launoereu by experts 30c pair ruffles machine fluted: prompt delivery 107 Orldor PI 7721 ALL watches cleaned 15c mainspring 69c winding stems 45c crystals 35c work fully guaranteed PhiUlpa 4 Eagle ANNABELLE'B Studio otagt dancing for kiddies adults reasonable satisfaction assured GA 0587 ANT make sewing machine adjusted SL Singer Sewing Machine Co AB 0018 CL 0061 DE 7354 ANT watch cleaned and adjusted 81 mainspring 75e nil erork guaranteed one year Baekett'a 47 Huron AT 6345 up trunks Gladstones 6495 Moran Bros Trunks 491 Washington ATTENTION 75 brand new battery seta 0139 while they laab Bargain Radio Market Oak and Bycamors eta BEDROOM dining room read suites breakfast seta re finished CL 1648 ROWAN'S Flowers has sold interest at 2692 Main sb and la now doing business at 38 Chippewa st DANISH pastries for late suppers: everyone enjoys pastries of this sort Get your supplr from Baltimaa's Health Bakery 54 Chippewa open Bundaye from 2:30 to midnight T'kETECnvE Clark'a confidential service XJ licensed bonded shadowing OR 0133 TOXSH and chips old English style 20c A- different 444 Pearl st TOURNITURE rcupholstered 3-pieca Uv-X ing room 635 CL 1648 LADIES' hand tooled handbags laced edges as low as 8325 each Kaeer's factory 45 Brown ab IP linoleum you want laid call FI 2147-J 15c yard: bathrooms 6178-62 TNTELLIGEKT and amiable man wishes to have position of any kind with a wall-to-do lady Write 6 News office JOUIS Changed Root Glower Ferrey mind Manipulation and physical culture treatments 290 Elmwood WA 8482 foilE money for your old gold silver XL platinum and Jewelry Bee Harry Gamier 522 Main corner Genesee OCCULT Science and Hindu Psychology Registrations for class opening at Statter Hotel about Feb IS accepted by Prof Bid AhMd 1017 Lafayette ave permanent resident native Hindu Information given without obligation references shown LI 6893 PBIHTUia 1000 businesa card! 1150 cut rata printing price JE 0017-J TATB roaches bedbugs moths extermin-LV sted product for sale Rose Rat Exterminator Co Brisbane Bldg CL 2414 (RINGER and White sewing machine serv-O ice elean and adjust 75e CR 1143-R SUPERIOR Rug Cleaners 2548 Elmwood DB 0860 83x106 or 9x12 cleaned washed slied 62 living room aultei cleaned 86: renphnlatered 83250 fnrnl-turs repaired re finished: work guaranteed rpRAVEL Bureau: Los Angales $24 lif ami 632: Phils 8550 320 Jackson Bldg WA 6641: evenings LI 4550 mHR Benefactor broom la sold by all first-elass dealers It la better than many another and costs no moro than any other Ask your dealer for It YlTARTS and molis ate removed In one vv treatment SO cxperlcnca Muehiberger 613 Jetlcrson at High 7ILL persons who saw man struck by trolley 8neca and EUleott at Friday Jan 27 7:30 help widow and children by sending names to 23 Newa offlceT V7ILL board refined children private home piano Instruction Included rea sonable RI 2075 YITILL gentleman who assisted lady home after being hit by street ear at Bird and Delaware write Assist 10 Newa officer WINTER clearance sale drastic redue-ttona open Toes Thurs Bat avia Kerta Dress Shoppe 61 Gooden at 1 nnn business cards 8145 cut-rate XvUU printing: onion label FX8836-R RADIO EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE AB Radio Berries home calls 50c day and night Phone PArkslda 6406 ANY radio any condition repaired 50c to 6160 parte at coat DB a2 ATTENTION 75 brand MW battery acts 8131 while they last Bargain Radio Market Oak and Syce more its repair ai Service We repair anything In radio free inspection call PE 1252 day or night BOYS club will buy Midget radio 25' cycle moat be bargain Write Radio 49 News office MAJESTIC radio 20 cannot bo from new 124 French et QQQ model short and long wave ra-XafcJe dins pollen eaUs ate reduced to only $2995 terms as low as 61 week-ly open evenings Wurlltzcr 674 Main told CA brand new 1933 radios all makes to be closed out at 40 off cash only Bcherer Bona 150 Genesee EEFE1GEK4T10N ELECTUIC APPLIANCE! TOOK Several floor samples olee-X trieal refrigeratora cheap Iroquois Bales Co 238 Franklin st YFACUUM cleaners repaired 019 Main CL 6847 Oanlln'K Y17ABHERS brand new 1933 models re- dneed to only 83380 easy terms as low as 01 weekly free delivery open evenings WnrUtaer 074 Main at STORE F1BTUBEB ABLE manufaetarers: front back bars tables chairs refrigerator counter! coolers aava 30 27 Latour open eve'gs A BOUT modern fixtures eee as new and dL used ahoweaaea fountains booths refrigerators bar fixtures tables term Buffalo Store Fixture Co 711 Jefferson ACTUAL bargains new used ragfrigara-ton all purposes store fixtures fountains booths showcases wnllcatea restaurant kitchen equipment tables chain terms to suit Meyar-Bmlth 409 Broadway jpUSH registers bought sold and re- paired Meyer-Smlth Co 40g Broadway Ctisa regiaura sold nought repsirta Store Flxtnrea Bales Co 77 Broadway ScCBAT refrigerators for all purpoaiii naw and used excellent values: easy terms A McCormick 144 Broadway fIAT diaplay counter 675 delicatessen counter 833: meat hook $10 flow showcase 110l 051 Smith st popcorn machine 205 Xaamore XY ave gATE money Buy used grocery butch ers' delicatessen fixtures 77 Broadway Next Celuam) APARTMENTS TO LET tbon tin uadi ANDON 05 room upper with ga-raae: near ear line PI 0625 AUREL ST Modern upper 5-room flat Phone ORant 0131 INWOOD apartment de luxe heat hot water Frlgldalrc tile kitchen sad tile bath gtrage ISBON Modern lower upper Hsnrtch OA 0772 Lower flat all convanl-CL 2240 or CR 1402-J AIN ST 3154 3 rooms host rofrlg-oration incinerator OA 6067 FASTEN 206 Lower remodeled every convenience reasonable LI 5570 AroJmcELLQ Modern room low-garage RI 4399 trORTXMER ST "groans flats 835 and 6 bsd-CL 0629 AMBASSADOR 175 NORTH STREET ORant 3913 Between Delaware and Elmwood 1 2 3 4 and 5-rooa apts Dinina room opened to tbo puollc OR1HLAND Modern upper fiat near Humboldt FI 5333 V' OR HUMBERLAKP Modern low-V cr newly decorated garage OA 3603 ORTHUMBKRLAND Modern flat -V very reasonable NORWOOD Upper 6 rooms aun Xv porch maid's room and bath OA 4322 1 AKQROVE Blx room house with bath and shower rent cheap OAKQROVE AVE Six-room flab newly decorated Ineluding garaga Can CL 6620 or apply 1230 Rand Bldg OXFORD Modern upper newly decorated near Main CR 3348-R T1EACH bath 264 Rear upper 4 rooms no 613 CR 5453-M PEACH 8T upper indud-Ing bath a good flat In a fins neighborhood CL 7961 T1ICHMOND Attractive 5-room Xu upper heated tlte bath shower GRant 2310 RIVERSIDE section 1083 Tonawanda upper adults reasonable RI 4618 IbOESCH Heated comfortable 3 Xk and 4-room apartment very convenient for downtown workers Call CL 5340 Mr Shirley UU88ELL AVE Upper den hardwood floors tile vestibule and bath fireplace heated CR 4223-J ST JAMES RD Madera lower Pint Hill Henrieh OA 0772 SANDERS RD section 2-bedroom apartment with garage Fbr quick rental 82750-630 jmd 835 Inspection today all day Sunday and evenings Inuse 387 Bandera rd DB 7937 jeNECA 3 6 and 7-room uppers Inquire 01 Paul pi AB 0719 (JHOSHONE BT near Parkslde 3 and fl room apt and flats refrigerator range garage moderate rent Dwyer Bldg Corp UN 6933 evenings PA 2004 SIXTEENTH BT 4 near Richmond Modern upper apartment UTRATFORD RD Upper 2 bed-O rooms garage newly decorated rpiMON 47 Modern 3-bedroom upper inquire 64 Tlmon GA 4533 rilROWBRXQGE BT 68 7 rooms includ-X ing bath furnace stationary tuba CL 7961 WfiETT FERRY Upper double parlor dining room kitchen 4 bedrooms bath all conveniences reduced to 62750 VYriNSLOW Upper 6 rooms furnace all conveniences redecorated GA 1372 YVOODLAWN AVE flat and garage Small upper TOODLAWN 7-room upper rent reduced if taken at once GA 3074 YITOODLAWN AVE Near Humboldt 2 rooms 3 bedrooms bath adults North at -to sublet at a great sacrifice: occupant had to leave city 4 rooms heat light etc Call WA 6961 A PARTMENTS 616 to 635 unfurnished XV apartments heated 63 to $00 Dixon UN 2060 4 TTRACTXVE ateam heated apt 2 bed-XX rooms Janitor central GRant 4770 ENTRAL kental for heated or unheated apartments single houses flats 815 up 76 Elmwood LI 8312 TTE8IRABLE 2d floor 196 Anderson pi XJ st greatly reduced rent: adults also 48 Atlantic and 682 Richmond ave TOLAT and garage for rent at former rental: furniture ruga Frlgldalrc vacuum piano range auto: sold at sacrifice Apply9175aindayorevnlng rjOOD flat also cottage GA 4953 Buffalo Rental efficiency apartments larger apartments flats singles refrigeration heated unheated: open evenings 82 Elmwood: ORant 7438 QREATER Look Before Renting SANDERS ROAD 1 Apartment No 2 De Luxe Duplex the apartment with the privacy of a finale home and convenience of an apartment SANDERS road Apartment No 11 Do Luxe one-floor plan The last word for modern convenience KENMORE AVENUE Apartment No 10 Has large living room two bedrooms kitchenette dinette bath with shower Includes steam heat larse Frigid-sire and aaraae 1933 price $4730 per month IDE 3111) larseat Apartment House Owners have reduced rente to 1933 values Visit the above three apartments open afternoons and even In zs for your convenience or come direct to our offlee Triad Properties Inc 534 COLVIN AVENUE RI 5617 MARION APTS 235 Hudson attractive 3 4-room front epartmente 615 up TfODERN flats West side location from XL gat) to 830 par month garage available Bclalfo Realty Co 426 Niagara WA 5883 MODERN 3-room apartments North Park section 62250 Denmark Co CL 3300 Modern 4 room flat Johnson st Inquire 349 UPPER fist 3 bedrooms tllo bath shower 22 Brookslde dr block outside city line Potter rd db-f 491 Babco*ck upper newly deco-wXaj rated throughout WA 1277 t) Cozy 3-room lower range bath wXa 216 Eagle 480 Spring rear upper 3 rooms $10 prefer adulta $15 1 room apartment 2 bedrooms bath Inquire 230 Massachusetts 61 to 625 6-room apt and bath tPXu Inquire Dr Brownell GRant 2687 61 Lower 5 rooms garden driveway vXO downtown redecorated 290 Fenn-aylvanla desirable Verplauck line quiet flats that price responsible tenants OB 2518 6U1 7-rooBl upper 179 Waverly 194 Chester 0-room lower bargain sift Modern upper 8 room flat XI matle heat 1270 Jeffson GA 3514 il East Oakwood upper hot water AO heat: garage without garago 621 69 Parkdate 6 room modern lower not free to March 1 GA 4618 83 Grider 6 rooms newly deco-ww rated enclosed porch OR 7283 121 Rlchlawn 4 rooms and hath 501 heat water Included 1013 Kensington lower flat newly decorated GA 4166 BOQ 7 rooms bath furnaea garage 56 Bast Oakwood: CR 3620-W 72 Virgil attractive 6-room -upper Near Winspear-Main nearly naw room upper available March 1 CR 4717-W adults Furnished lower garai 68 Hagen Ww street APARTMENTS f*ckUISHEP TO LET ALLEN 4 rooms redecorated refurnished reasonable Apply Apt IB RUNGTON FL Pleasant front 2-room apartment complete kitchen walking distance ASHLAND Two bedroom apartment A peer xarags: hot water heat Prlgidaira A SHUah Coxy kitchenette pri vote bath: near car and bus ASHLAND Two-room kltchanatia! complete with bath A BHLAND Private 3 room kiteben-XX ette hath: reasonable clean A UBURN WsU heated 4 loom XX private bath adults references AVE Two and 3 rooms light housekeeping reasonable rates IRD Completely furniahed apartments reasonable mHRIE-plec living room suite gee raoia bedroom aulta alee trie rainier i tor all new -at practically your own price Sea them at 410 Genesee 3 to 7 evenings rriwuc -A- WO! aulta 035 me bed bedroom aulta $40: mahaiauy $30 O-pleea dlalai -room Ml Smith at COfk nnn vortli lino furniture to nPaaUfVVU go at wholesale for cash 3 pc bedroom suites $49 9 pc dlnlnt room suites $89: living room suites $35 hundreds of odd places chairs beds tables dressers so reasonable offer refused Open iidar Wednesday Saturday evenings Schorsr Js Bona 154 Bast Oenaaee drawers Monday Bella FtBhlTLBg OFFICE FOB UALB V7B pay cash for used office furniture: rental lypewrltara 16 3 months Me-Garl Corp- 338 Washington at CL 643 8l FUENXTUEE 8TOEAGE AMERICAN Household Storage Co 305 Niagara Finest In furniture storage separata rooms locked sealed Moving local long distance packing for shipment reasonable rates Estimates given WA 0701 Incorporated 1903 Wilkes President DEPENDABLE warehousing Lincoln Etor-aga A Carting Co LI 8517 0 3 GLENN 4t SON Inc 304 Terraco carting and shipping WA 1211 "FLBN1TUBE WANTED ABANDON absolutely all Idas' giving household goods away: most cash for complete flats or odd places CL 3590 ABANDON doubts: sntlre flat of furniture bought cash immediately Weis-bauer DE 6365 BSOLUTXLY hignest prices paid for XX used furniture and stovei CL 6065 BEST prices for furniture stoves CL 6676 WA 3466 quick eervlea All kinds of stoves furniture parlor suites prleea paid WA 1537 fuss TCURS Jackets 68: estimates at your home Mrs Klopp LI 6941 NORSES STOCK VEHICLES VV 11EAM horses and double harness for sale 1298 Bailey ritHREE good horses matched teams cheap Inquire 1979 Seneca matched team 3700 lbs double harness cheap 101 Sycamore st 'OUNQ team weight 2700 good work-L era 1288 Geneses st -4 horses fresh arrivals from the XuU country at private aala Sunday and at auction Monday Feb 6 buy hones at wholesale prices save retailers' profits we sell horses on commission weakly: send ua what you have to sell Crandall Horae Co 1049 William st Ofnn lb team also 3 other -Uv" horses cheap 693 Clinton it HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine good condition Call 5:30 to 7:30 61 Albemarle INSTBUCTION Mid-Year Graduates from High School Will find the Feb 8 Opening at Bryant Stratton MAIN STREET AT NORTH STREET A vary convenient time to begin a College Grade Preparation For Business Careers IT PAYS TO ATTEND A GOOD SCHOOL DON'T get caught this way again study law now locally in spare time LLB degree conferred 18 months' course Write for free literature 16 News office T)IANO lessons at your residence tead-X fng pianist with car recitals FA 6676 LOST AND FOUND BOSTON bull pup lost on Lancaster and Delawaxe white markings bran spiked harness: liberal reward Return to Penseyrea 2104 Delaware or DE4265 BUNCH of key of about 8 or 7 lost Friday mornin" vicinity of Louisiana to Elk ab South rark ear to Main and Seneca reward Call WA 4400 or WA 7049 IRISH setter lost mahogany red silver streaked tall name Terry LI 4064 EADY'S shell rimmed glasses losb Greenwood Linwood or Brcckanrldga reward CR 196S-J 2 setters orange and whits vt-elnlty Floss ave reward JE 0187 OGT Black brief ease on Ohio near XX Qsnaon Friday reward Call WA 2146 or DB 6172 £ALB Irish setter lost license 127995 RI 0310 POLICE dog losb subject to distemper In doctor's care reward 265 Niagara 1JUR8B losb with glasses and pen vicln-X ity Adam's JE 2526 MACHINEBY fOTORB of all sixes new an Dynamo 61 Motor Exchange Elm ib and rebnllb Inc 41 md 2 60 cycle 110-volt motor AB 1880-R RXVATB machinery and tools at Art Work Shop 626 East Ferry at precision bench lathe spot welder shaper milling machine lathes punch presses shafting pulleys sheet and bar steel vises etc See Mr Klnunel STERNS 66-70 Broadway WA 0194 mo-tors repaired sold ranted and Installed rebuilt motors arc tally Sterna Elec trio Equipment Co MlgCELLANEOCgjrOBgALB ALL A-l plumbing and banting materials at wholesale price direct-to-U special price to clean up add lot ot alnka and other fixtures automatic hot water heater 933: closet seats 1175 heating systems 41 Pearl at James Bresna-han Inc- ALL plumbing aupplice 10 discount this week Alert Plumbing Supply Co 788 Beneea and 679 Sycamore A MERIOAN Radiator Veeto hot air lur-1 naeea 919 brand new biggest bargain In Western New York Huber-Lanctot Houxewrecklng Cnrp 800 Hertel RI 3313 ANYTHING in new and used plumbing heating and baUdlng mite rials at bargain prices Buffalo Housewreekiag Co 489 Walden avsi FI 1956 rtn for chocolate Raster goods rea-aonabla Write Molds 36 News offteo TXlNT 61J5 gaL white lead 6660 1 hundred linseed oil 70a gaL varnish shsllac Blanot Co 209 Broadway CL 1321 OGERB paints enamels and varnishes carry an absolute guarantee you must bo satisfied: aleohol for radiators Poliak Paint Co 290 Paorl near Court CL 3362 rains t-a USED newspaper matrix sliaeta about 18x23 tnehaa suitable for wall covering iMniatfnf ohlcksn coops or sheds or attics also for decoration SI par 10a 214 Main ab RECKING 2346 Delaware ave corner Hertel new hot air furnace asphalt shingle a oak floors plnmblng kitchen eablnata lumber and mlllwork Apply on fob or call RI 2312 VtTRXNOEB rolls for alaatrlo 'wasbara (DO eaeh tnataned 107 Ortder PI 7711 db-f A will boy DU hold safe condition CL 6220 oxcclldht db- takes an elect rlo and vultigraph machine and equipment muit bn sold at once Call JE 6516 aCiaCEELANEOUE WANTED WANT to boy: Mimeograph altigraph dictating maebinea Bard ex cablneta adding and calculating machines Write Machine 39 News office Used It FI 8360 air eompreaeor Phono Lathe swing 18'' to 24' 1 1 center: must be In good condition Write A 13 News office YT7ILUNG to boy used Pittsburgh Bed Face tact meters Bet Mr Eckloff 33 Barker sL APAETMENT6 FURNISHED TO LET (Caatiaacd) TTRKCKTNRIDGE See neatly fur- Btobd-g-rooM garage 93 or phono RI 6625 Broadway 3 rooms ateam hast reasonable WA 2791 fXHESTEH 4-room apartment bath convenleneea ORant pvOLLEGE ST Kltcbraatte dinette living room Murphy bed bedroom tils batb abowar steam boat Pngidalra Beau tifuliy lurnlaned reasonable: reference TELAWABX Living room overetuff od kitchen ateam very nice: SB WESTBROOK Delaware at North Furniahed or unfurnished apartments 2 3 and 4 rooms Hotel service distinguished location Restaurant and club rooms Now rental schedules McCarrlagher General Manager ORANT 9100 DELAWARE Prices reduced for short term lease ORant 1511 "DELAWARE Unusual 5 roonuTa -LS bedrooma garage heated nicely furnished reasonable TOELAWARE 675 GRant 2750 XF 126 Bldwcll 845 oa 0132 IVAST UTICA Kitchenette apart-X-J meet newly decorated hewt private Jl ATON BT rooms nicely fur-J wished all conveniences: adults EDWIN PL light housekeeping rooms rear cottage private 66 TOLA! WOOD room kitchenette X-d apartment: exceedingly well fur- nlshed moat unusual reasonable ELMWOOD 482 3-room steam heated apartment private bath reasonable 242 Utica nicely furnished 3-room apt reasonable ELMWOOD AVE room loner housekeeping apartment ELMWOOD or 4-room apart-manta for working people reasonable ELMWOOD AVE AttraeUva 3-room apartment ateam heated re-frlgeratlon reasonable ORant 7675 ELMWOOD 409 3 rooms complete prices reasonable ELMWOOD B1 Coxy steam heated kitchenette complete reasonable T1ARGO 40 Clean 2 room front apart-X? ment running water adulta Amert-eans preferred TOILLMORE 2014 Clean 6-room upper conveniences reasonable FI 2054-W VARNER 105-107 Email lower sepa-vT rate apartment sink range fVENESEE 173 2 and 5 rooms private vT bath 2 beds well furnished LI 6712 ENEBEE 55 Front housekeepin apt vT gink range bath heat 1350 up HAMPTON 3-room ateam heat private bath $10 Inquire 161 Northampton TTARTWELL RD 121 4-room upper XX beautifully furnished everything included: reasonable TTERKIMER 116 2 clean large upper XX front with alcove: private bath furnace heat hot water phone reaeonabte HERTEL 67 2 rooms bath furnace heat hot water CR 0703-W DE 4013 igODGE AVE rooms kitchen gas range private entrance reasonable Huntington 3 bedroom heated apartment baby grand piano Oriental ruga Frlgldalre Inquire 1779 Hertel JEWITT 2 rooms modern privileges fireplace refrigerator separate entrance CR S620-X fj' ENMORE Cozy 3-room heated aparl-XV ment very reasonable DE 9624 59 8teila small furn apt radio refrigeration shower garage KENMORE 65 Euclid ave 3-room kitchenette private bath RI 8798 KENMORE 6 rom lower flat nicely furniahed radio garage (40 76 Elseman near Delaware RI 3591 Cosy heated 4 rooms bath garage 260 Delaware rd DE 3634 I INWOOD apt completely IJ furnished reasonable free parking 6 rooms heated tlte bath kitchen luxuriously furnished S125 month UN 9296 MARYLAND and Prospect Furniahed apartments by week or month 17 to 69 week Inquire Janitor ASSACHUSKTT8 Clean cozy up-per 5 room flat reasonable RI 0927 MASTEN room upper furnished reasonable CL 3056 nicely MICHIGAN Large front room with kitchenette all conveniences 10 4 room front apart ment with bath yORTH PEARL 2-room apt range sink 650 walking distance yoRWOOD 523 Desirable 3 rooms Xn light heat private bath 'VORWOOD 434 Heated 8 rooms all JLi conveniences Frigldalre LI 8530 OXFORD Lower apartment adults garage reasonable Pleasant 5-roa ail private garage CR 5-room upper flat 4926-R PENNSYLVANIA 360 Comfortable bed-X sitting room front reasonable business couple PLYMOUTH room flat private bath entrance reduced rent OA 6796 PROSPECT room apta hot water heat redeccoratcd 5 CL 1955 I )R06PECT Lower 4 rooms and bath OA 6717 PURDY Heated upper four rooms bath adults 935 LI 7257 XtXCHMOND 550 pretty 2-room kitchenette tlte bath ateam heat ICHMOND Front 2 3-room apart-XV manta rsnge sink furnace: 65 YFIRGINIA APTS 520 Virginia (down-' town) Efficiency l-room unit apartments Better than any hotel for hom*o comforts Daily weekly or monthly rates yyELUNGTON RD- Attractive 3 rooms private bath DE 8057 XynsST AVE Lovely 3 room sink range shower ateam 6430 6650 gar yyE3T CHIPPEWA 174 Kitchenette apartment ateam Rested 7 64 WEST DELAVAN Near Elmwood attractive heated 2 3 4 rooma 65 up 7EBT HURON 162 2 room housekeep-11 ing apt link and range raasonable WILBUR7 65 also 741 Qrant furnished or unfurniahed CR 952B-W Vi OODWARD Lower 3 bedrooms nsaonable: Peb 1 CR 0257-W three rooms sink bath garage reasonable 42 Lawrence pL Ci ENTRAL Rental has exceptionally well furnished apartments in private homes apt buildings over stores free auto service open evening 76 Elmwood LI 0512 CHARMINGLY furnished apartment North st Call evenings 3004 jjlOUR furniahed apartments: 2 down- Washlngton: CL 0885 INURNIBHED one room apartment pri- veto bath and entry heated: desirable for business person rent reasonable GA 3632 HEATER Buffalo Rental kitchenette apartments flats singles aub-renlata all sections open evenings 92 Bmwood GRant 7438 PLEASANT modern well furnished 2 bedrooms til batb cheap WA 0123 rpHS ALGONQUIN 76 Johnson Park beautifully furnished apartment with private bath WA 8147 TWO or 3 room apartment private entrance all convenleneea AB 2043 YYTXDOW will share flat or rant entire lV flat garage reaeonabte CR 2230-R $6 Front housekeeping suite ateam heat 353 Richmond near Utica o7 p-ri Well tarnished 8 room flat heai jp I OU allowance 669 Grant OA 6623 An Cosy 3-room heat light gas garage yt) gg commonwealth near Hertel nnn unusual 6-roem apartment 2 bed-CuU room everything tarnished 134 Chenango xai crestwood 5-room upper tile kitchen end bath: well furnished Jefferson-Delavan six-room completely tarnished OA 7046 ggQCMWl 6 beautifully tarnished noma maid's room heat-Dixon UN 2060l ed APARY3IEWTE FPENI8HEP WAWTYP EUDBBXiY couple of culture and refinement desires tore rooma furnished or untarnished and bath In private household with board or privilege of light housekeeping A 27 News office APARTMENT HOUSES FOE BALE wwtxll sacrifice seven-family brick apt steam heated In first claai condition 300 Caroline at near Elmwood: any reasonable offer will be considered A Pep 283 Swan St BUSINESS PBOPEETT "FANTFACTURING space 46000 sq ft good light 424 Niagara CANADIAN PROTESTS BAY BEACH sate or rent take front house bath garage DB 3076 FARMS fOE SALE TOARIEN 53 acres gravel loam soil 6 room bouse born erase greenhouse electricity water in bouse two hones one cow 70 laying bona complete line of farming tools 5 acres orchard 1 acre strawberries 1 sera grapes 1 acre peaches 1 acre rye 10 acres woods 19 acres fall plowing on Improved road 10 mlnutea' walk to railroad station torts price 63700 half down no trad Julius Forster Aldcn TOAST Mala voad 40 acres good XJ land good buildings 1 mils from church school 65000 631 Dodge LAWRENCE County Tennessee farmers believe In safe farming baaed on diversification of crops and use of livestock in farm program unusual opportunity for the man whose first consideration is a safe farm home For full particulars write for copy Hoddy General Development Agent Dept T-43 L- A Railroad Co Louisville By BANK owner has exceptional bargains In homes building lots small acreage and farms in the WlUiamsviUe-Clarenca district CR 10280 CHICKEN farm 10 acres strictly modern buildings 700 chickens good milk cow regular $14000 farm only 30 minutes from this office going at $8000 terms CL 4033 Chamber 615 Brisbane Bldg rpo settle estate dairy and grain farm ten aeres of orchard house and barn nearly new Roy Cote 277 Washburn Lockport TWO acres fine black soil near Tonawanda new 6-room house electricity garage: price $1800 vary easy terms Also flno plots of vacant 1 to 3 acres 0200 per acre terms 050 down balance easy Bollter Sweeney Bldg Tonawanda phone 2416 miles from downtown modern 7 room house 2-ear garage: 19 aeres 63000 Dean Hyland Lawyer 319 Brie Co Bank L7 acres house (erase chicken house I EUleott creek 37 Leroy ave Buffalo Ot) acre State road farm near Million Dollar highway fair buildings variety of fruit: price 81800 Slattery Real Estate Lohrmann Bldg Lockport or acres house barn fair condition 3 JJ acres fruit 1400 6700 cash Bowen 79 Main at Lockport 7fl acres Niagara county dairy fruit I poultry Collins 33 Heath st Buffalo HO acre Orleans Co near Albion good limestone soil 7 acres excellent muck land lib-story house barn henhouse hog house SS200 100 aeres near Medina 17 aeres orchard 6 acres woods fair buildings (4000 62 acrei northeast of Lock-port gravel loam 20 acre orchard 3 acres woods electricity and Btate road (5500 20 'r down long term financing plan cash discounts Btpprell 407 Catherine st Medina Rep Joint Stock Land Bank 4 00 Knrt county fine alts of buildings 20 acres of fruit owner had shock and must sell with stock and tools 36200 with 01200 cash Bowen 79 Mein at Lockport -t Cfl acres good land 40 acres timber XCU urge buildings fine location all for part vxlue of buildings Box 1 Centerville 01 cre' house near East Arcade good 2 fine barns milk house hen house hog pen etc 27 head cattle team all farming tools machinery etc gravel loam soil tn fine state of cultivation must be sold to close estate 64000 complete 82000 cash required Hunt Real-tor 410 Brisbane Bldg WA 3943 QIOO E(lulPPa farm 100 acres: good V'Xttyjyt buildings gravel soil orchard woods near Buffalo Farmers Realty 3060 Bailey FARM WANTED FARMS wanted for cash or trade Writs A Goodwin 46 Melrose at Buffalo XT ANTED Equipped farm state road electricity Oood Land 59 News offics I 7ANTED SmaU fruit and poultry farm near Buffalo to lease with buying privilege Write Farm 12 News office 1T7ANTED To rent poultry farm fully equipped Poultry 24 News offlee GARAGES IjMNE for trucks or repair shop 25x27 ft Michigan at North at GRant 9779 HOUSE! TO LET 4-bcdroom home wood-burning fireplace tile shower hot water heat Horey PA 4542 TbRECKENRIDGE rooms garage (25 159 Potomac rear cottage 5 rooms bath 918 322 Esser 6 rooms fur-nace garage 625 Sciailo WA 5883 CENTRAL North Park University Ken-vJ more Elmwood sections furnished and unfurnished Denmark Co CL 3300 (CHATHAM 87 and Exceptionally fine residences Kllhoffer WA 2384 I 'DELAWARE 487 Residence or business xJ newly decorated Kllhoffer WA 2384 I'kORRlS Modern cottage garage XJ $25 per month FI 6426-W TY EATH Modern single 4 bedrooms II double garage CR 3326-W 825 singles and flats on Bhepard ava Inquire 232 Bhepard "TOENMORE Modern alngte bedrooms Ik enclosed perch garage JE 9031 night DE 6441 ENMORE (25 new rooms 3 bed-rooms veranda near bus RI 3687 Modern 3 -bedroom single garage 640 Call Eberhardt RX 1200 after 4 DE 0920 ENMORE 39 Bhepard 6-room house 2-car garage RI 4926 Lv'ENSINOTON Kenmore and Riverside h- reduced rentals modern homes excellent locations 628 and up Haven Co Inc 2931 Bailey PA 6050 62 corner 630 8 Ik rooms GRant 9456 evenings AMAR1CK Dr bedrooms shower 2-car garaga near churches and schools CR 0526-W AT ARNE 23 Modern bungalow 3 bed-XL rooms Henrieh OA 0772 TO ORTH DELAWARE Houses flats 4-7 apartments stores 825 up Evenings Holdgate 2437 Delaware ave RX 5640 7 ORTH 4 bedrooms tlte bath YVICKLAWN Single house 0 rooms I and bath ail Improvements 2-ear ga-rage reduced rent A White WA 1277 ROOSEVELT Near Baltey 1-family house 3 large bedrooms 2-car garage oil Improvement: 640 Phone FI 9493-R CJIRRETT On aide of duplex and garage 922 CL 1543 (SOUTHAMPTON 176 Cosy newly decorated cottage 4 bedroom bath cellar 625 mONAWANDA 6-room cottage and garden plot (13 Hall 047 EUleott Bq ttbt yymsin Modern 3-bed- room bones low AB 1505 BEAUTIFUL 4-bedroom tlte kitchen and bath 340 Hyman blvd RX 0320 bungalow hedrodma sun-AL notch 2-car garage beautiful lawn and shrabbory 650: 160 Xvyhurat rd Egaertevtlle key 220 Ivyhurat CR 7472-W '-room modern cottage 590 Swan SIS Inquire Mr Degrate 504 Bwan Aon B-room cottage bath gas electric ity garage 334 Hawthorne at room lower all conveniences Inquire 113 Block at after 8 43 Juniata seven rooms hath CwtJ laundry trays ORant 3659 Before you rent inspect the one-family houses in tha Broadway-Harlem subdivision on conveniences 3 rooms 3 bedrooms garaga heating ate Apply to caretaker 73 Andrews st or phone JE 1907 OX Modern 3-bedroom bungalow $a-rage 36 Orandvtaw off Kenmore av In $35 $35 Eanslngton B-hediwom SaltaraUL PA 1040 buys bungs- $2900 RX 2630 haHefw hatBB down a month rent nothing FURNISHED TO LET DEPEW ave Beautiful furnished home reduced rental desirable couple preferred: excellent references necessary WA B377 TYUNGALOW fully furnished electric II range piano and garage in Kenmore Phone evenings and Sunday afternoon RX 1355 8TOVES AND RANGES A Donaldson BO South Division MHERST kitchen gas range 115 1- 4347 28 Lonsdale rd OA TTFEWBITEIS A LL makes portable and standard type-A writers low prices: terms Buffalo Typewriter Emporium 307 Main 162 Pearl BOY any make typewriter for SL on our special rental plan Woodstock Typewriter Co 47 Court WA 7112 CvALL WA 0943 for excellent typewriter rentals 2 months $9 sold repaired Eagle Typewriter Sates 74 Genesee (SPECIAL Corona No 4 92450 Royal No 10 824A0 Smith No I 82450 City Typewriter 108 Broadway corner Elm mYPEWRITERS from 64 up rent and re-X pa- Broadway Typewriter Service 262 Broadway CL 0430: open Saturday UNDERWOOD standard typewriter like new bargain ORant 7034 able A-l shape reasonable 444 14th Real Estate Classified AFAETMENIBJIVLEX A MHERST Heated modern iV apartments 2 bedrooms dining room fully equipped kitchen Ulo bath furnished and unfurnished Denmark Co CL 3300 VNDREW Ciieektowaga 5 rm lower Sunporch fur'ce gar 630 FI B471-M ARLINGTON PK rm apt everything included: reasonable LI 0938 Ashland 485 Sublet opportunity Choice modern lower garage GR 1420 Ashland rooms light heat refrigeration: vary attractive Warm 2 baths after 5 o'clock LI 0079 I SHLAND bedrooms 2 baths heated WA 6152 sunny flat 3 BAYNES ST Cosy 5-room upper flat conveniences: low rent OR 8870 jjtSI APTS 1 3 rooms Inquire Jani tor Apt 4 BI36KIL AVE 109 SmaU upper flab 5 rooms with batb all conveniences 620 garage it desired OX AVE 35 Modern upper flab CAMBRIDGE Upper flat rear bed-i rooms near Delavan garage CHOATE 301 near Abbott Upper mod-ern 025 13 8543 (lOLLEQB New 2-famlky apts 830 635 842 Buot A Buor 4361 Main at: UN 5700: open evenings CRYSTAL Modern lower 2 rooms Henrieh GA 0772 bed- Gates Circle Apartments 1306 DELAWARE AVE We have one 2-room apartment and two 3-room apartments overlookina Gate circle Bates S50 month Manner on premises TVELAWARE 2363 near Modern XJ 4 rooms heat alectrlo refrigeration 835 2429 DELAWARE AVE 643 AND 633 LIGHTED AND HEATED Modem 3 and 4 room apartments DE 6480 or Janitor 2253 Post-season cuts large 4-room heated apartments light heat roll-away bed ete resident superintendent DE 0249 'DELAWARE and Gates Circle kitchen-XJ ette heated: S30 LI 6261 916 DELAWARE AVE DELAWARE AVENUE AT BRYANT All modern apartment Latest conveniences 2 3 and 4 rooms Furniahed or unfurnlaneo Manager on premises GRANT 5874 rvELAWARE AVE 1165 corner XJ choice electrically equipped 3 and 4 room 850 to 880 Under management ot Fred Rice Stock Exchange Bldg DURHAM AVE Near City hospital Attractive upper Front and back porches fireplace 3 rear bedrooms Available March 1 AST DELAVAN Upper modern 3 rear bedrooms FI 2086-M EAST UTICA 37 Lover good condition garage Kllhoffer WA 2384 EDISON ISU-Larg flats 34 63 1 793 Glen wood $23 1586 Delaware 840 Phone CL 1845 LI 0523 ELLICOTT 971 5-room lower and upper flat newly decorated hot water heat hardwood floors very modern open afternoons Call CR 3594-J Denmark Co CL 3300 iLM-NOR Heated furnished and unfurnished reasonable rent ELM VIEW 27 Near Elmwood Ilk new real fireplace reduced to 633 TO1LLMORE AVE Rear cottage gas bath electricity ENE8EE 966 Attractive 6-room apart-VT mint newly decorated CL 3966 ENEBEE 339 Refinished six-room XT apartment Apply In atore QKNEBEE BT Upper flat 619 LENWOOD Rear 3 XT bath 616 CR 5453-M room upper fv ranger Upper 3 bedrooms 620 XT to May 1 after May 1 635 OR 6407 QRANT Near Lafayette heated reasonable Apply Apt 4 RANT BT 116 Upper 18 rooms 57l Main or call WA 3730 GROVELANDl Modern 6 room tile bath fireplace garage: will redecorate to suit 635 CL 0337 lor appointment TT AMLIN RD Heated furnished or XX unfurnished apartment shower bath garage optional 3-room ateam heat private bath SO Inquire 181 Northampton HARTWELL RD Upper and lower 2 and 3 bedroom low rent RI 7014 TTERKIMXR Upper 3 bedrooms XX alcove awnings screens furnace fire- Siei hardwood floors good condition: mediate possession or Fab 1 rent reasonable LI 6847 ERTEL section 1 and 2 bedrooms inquire 1300 Hertel RI 0779 IOH STREET APT8 (23 High Remaining 2 3 room apartments heated and electrically equipped renting from 640 to 850 Also furnished apartments by week or month LI 7623 Modern 6-room lower Inq 84 Roosevelt Hill st garage reduced JEWETT ACTS Jewett pkwy comer Main attractive 4-room apts new low rentals 830 up electric refricera-tlon light heat Phone UN 4037 JOHNSON PK 28 near Mod-ira 6-room apartment Janitor service WA 0430 141 Nasaau modem room lower RI 3564 TT' ENMORK Special prices for winter XV g- and 6-room duplex: garage separate laundry tils bath shower CR 9696 Modern lower 5 rooms veranda garage 131 Elseman 289 Kinsey nearly new XV 3250 RI 0320 TO ENMORE Nassau at Winchester two XV bedrooms ateam heat Frlgldalrc excellent location $40 to SSOt Call RI 7159 154 Victoria modern 6-room upper Feb 13 garage PA 1064 338 Nassau modern 5-room upper tile kitchen and bath elee-trlo refrigerator ateam heat RI 6843 ENMORE ave near Btarin heated 6-room apartments real fireplace refrigerator range garage: moderate rent Dwyer Bldg Corp UN 8933 evenings PA 2004 Modern 5-room lower gs-raga bath equipped for gas or electric stove Wabash near Delaware DE 7444 Chapel Road Apartments XV you are Invited to inspect them under no obligations see thsm befors making a change: open evenings 20 Chapel rd 17 Pullman ava 3-room lower garage $30 RI 9349 evening! XT ENMORE and Hartal sections $23 to XV 75 675 Flats and alngte houses DE 1697 K1 lowers: 3260 up Bickford UN 70n 149 Modern iowa Kingsley quire 440 Dodge A SALLE 330 5 room modern upper awnings screens garage CR 6304-M A SALLE and New high elass heated apts upper and lower 2 bedroom garage UN 1941 evenings AFAYETTE 115 Remodeled building XJ equipped with every comfort heated equipped 1 pOTOMAC 365 Cosy room home cooked meals very rtssonabla TS1CHMOND 42 Large front room twin beds shower: single 64 IJILEY 172 Cosy room real home for XV right party board optional: 8350 KILEY Central off Main well heated A-l running water: reasonable STERLING 269 Beautifully furnished room alngla or double privileges reasonable SUMMER 303 Larga warm front room twin beds fireplace very reasonable garage ATTEST UTICA Nice front room iv 7 connecting bath private entrance 13 WHITNEY Nicely furnished rooms IV S3 end up CL 6603 A TTRACTXVE studio for 3 business worn-XV- en: $4 weekly ORant 1321 after 6 KAUTIFUL 'large room In well furnished cosy apt prlvllegsa avery eonvenl- ones reogouable Evenings ORant 6793 EXCEPTIONALLY attractive warm front J-l room runnlng'water reasonable 143 So Elmwood Stplsf 8175 welfare checks accepted 124 8250 Cherry ABOB front room private home break-'XJ fast optional: gentlaman LI 8116 IVE downtown near your work: Hotel I worth offers rooms and hotel service low as 65 week 200 Main at OUKKN 2- or 3-room apt complete jYL kitchens 66 and 6750 366 Errant A' I Rfi Large warm Housekeeping room 353 Richmond nr Utica FURNISHED BOOMS TO LET WITH BOARD A BHLAND 475 Lueora Home for elder-XV jy people: low rates ORant 9304 Ashland AVE Lower attractive home for a gentleman Comtortabte home with breakfast 96 a week Inquire Mrs Alberta R1 6882 79 Delaware rd Private home prirlleBca good board OA 3412 AURKL FT Room good boarcL Xi hom*o privileges 6 ORant 7589 NORTHAMPTON Attractive warm UN room with meals: reasonable ICHMOND 213 Pleasant room for 1 XV or 2: home comforts ORant 0996 154 Room board laundry UM 1V of entire home RI 2521 A TTRACTIVE room and good food prl-I XV veto home business person 87 LX 3066 SOARD and room for young girL private family 65 456 Dodge sb -yrrCELY furnished rooms LLM aired furnaea board if dewidow's home 320 Hudson STEADY boarder middle Sg'd widow's quiet home Write Home 5 News offlee WARNING 'Complaints have been made to the Buffalo Evening News that readers and users of NEWS rental Want Ada have been defrauded by persons claiming to have rental prospects Advertisers are warned not to pay any mosey in advance to such parsons FURNITURE FOB SALK ANTIQUE mahogany sideboard $50 cx-ccntlonal value 331 Elmwood A TTRACTIVE living room suite like new: very cheap 45 Nevada ave up pOFl'Ulia ayartasenb gas range walnut dining room suite bedroom suite tastkfsd sab bed dresser lamps living room aulta sewing machine elec trie radio 93 Sterling TOLECTBXO range rup highboy dinette get other furniture 1411 TTiURNIBHINGS of liquidated estate an-S tlqua furniture brlc-a-brae rugs etc me less mirror day bed cheap for quick aala 45 Tuxedo pL lower U8T sell enure andnw furniture Outleb 219 Genesee ab 1 qumiiii handmade antique furnlturs vw axeallent condition most ba seen to be appreciated 8 Parker Varwburg SACRIFICING practically new living room and dining room aultei single bed cheab lamp rug Radiant beater range 435 Htnman (Centinaea Next Celmmn) VILLAGE PEOPEETV TOEW SCRANTON 8 roam modem -7 bungalow 1-car garaga: price 92800 half down Julius Forster Aldeq I -V teed 40 up worth lot more OA 2130 (Continued Host Cslsos) 'T (Caatinacd Next Calamu).

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What historical event happened in Buffalo New York? ›

The Pan-American was also notable for being the scene of the assassination of United States President William McKinley. He was shot by Leon Czolgosz on September 6, 1901, at the Exposition, and died in Buffalo on the 14th.

What happened in the Battle of Buffalo? ›

The Battle of Buffalo (also known as the Battle of Black Rock) took place during the War of 1812 on December 30, 1813, in the State of New York, near the Niagara River. The British forces drove off the American defenders and destroyed many buildings and ships.

What happened in Buffalo New York in 1901? ›

The Pan-American Exposition was a World's Fair held in Buffalo, New York, United States, from May 1 through November 2, 1901. The fair occupied 350 acres (0.55 sq mi) of land on the western edge of what is now Delaware Park, extending from Delaware Avenue to Elmwood Avenue and northward to Great Arrow Avenue.

Were there ever Buffalo in Buffalo New York? ›

The origin of the place-name is in dispute, as buffalo (bison) did not inhabit the area; it may reflect a mispronunciation of the French beau fleuve (“beautiful river”), in reference to the local Buffalo Creek. The first steamboat on the upper Great Lakes, Walk-on-the-Water, was built at Buffalo in 1818.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.