Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (2024)

Have you made some pioneer recipes your ancestors made many years ago? They didn’t have the ingredients we have today, so they had to make do with what they had. And make do is what they did for sure. They had to fill the belly because they were traveling in covered wagons, in most cases, with limited access to the General Store, back in the day.

Whether it was the Oregon Trail, the Mormon Trail, or other destinations as a goal, times were tough when it came to meal planning.

Plus, even when they got to their destination, it could have been months or years before regular food supplies or merchant stores were readily available to them to purchase ingredients to make their favorite dish.

I sometimes think we’ll be making these recipes once again if and when we have a grid down, additional disasters, or whatever you believe will happen. And they will happen, trust me.

As an example, our power grid in the US is so outdated and will take years, actually several years to replace, if it can even be done. Power outages are reported almost daily somewhere in the US.

These pioneer recipes are pretty well known, but I want to put them in printable form so you, my readers, can print them now before you need them. This is a post I wrote some years ago, but I felt the need to update it now based on the challenges I’m reading on social media and hearing about on the TV.

Of course, if you cook from scratch you know several recipes to get you by if the grocery stores are shut down for days, weeks, or months.

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (2)

Table of Contents

Typical Ingredients:

  • Cornmeal
  • Salt
  • Baking Soda
  • Molasses
  • Buttermilk
  • Eggs
  • Rice
  • Raisins
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • Baking Powder
  • Oil/Lard
  • Flour
  • Brown Sugar (1/4 cup molasses per one cup white sugar)
  • Potatoes
  • Milk or Cream

Pioneer Recipes

Mormon Johnny Cake

Bread is a staple in every era we read about. We all love bread as comfort food and something we know will fill us. If you have an iron pan or skillet you can cook a host of meal options at home, or out in the open.

The batter mixture for this recipe is pretty simple and easy to throw together if you have a small bowl to use, a spatula, and all the ingredients available.

5 from 18 votes

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (3)


Mormon Johnny Cake

Prep Time

5 mins

Cook Time

20 mins

Total Time

25 mins



Servings: 4 people

Author: Linda Loosli


  • 2cupscornmeal
  • 1/2cupflour
  • 1teaspoonbaking soda
  • 1teaspoonsalt
  • 2cupsbuttermilk
  • 2tablepoonsmolasses
  • 2eggs (optional for fluffy cake)


  1. Combine the dry ingredients and add the buttermilk and molasses.

  2. Add eggs if desired. Cook in a hot greased cast iron pan for about 20 minutes on high heat.

Spotted Pup

Breakfast is an important meal no matter who you are and when you live. I really love using a Dutch oven to cook meals, and this is a great example. The ingredients in this recipe make for a flavorful and sweet meal option everyone will enjoy!

5 from 18 votes

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (4)


Spotted Pup



Servings: 4 people

Author: Linda Loosli


  • 2cupscooked rice
  • 1-1/3cupsmilk
  • 1/2cupbrown sugar
  • 1tablespoonbutter
  • 1teaspoonvanilla
  • 1teaspooncinnamon
  • 1/2cupraisins
  • 2eggs, slightly beaten
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  1. Preheat a seasoned Dutch oven and add ingredients as stated.

  2. Stir the eggs in quickly or you will have scrambled eggs. Cook until the eggs are cooked through.

  3. This was served for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. This recipe makes a bowl of sweet rice and fills the belly.

Soda Biscuits

My family made soda biscuits all the time. There is something awesome about making homemade biscuits. Did you grow up making them? I sure did. We would lather them with butter and homemade jam.

We would also make bacon gravy or chipped beef gravy to pour over biscuits a few times each week for dinner. As long as you have some flour available you can mix up a bread of your choice, and biscuits are generally liked by family members of all ages.

5 from 18 votes

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (5)


Soda Biscuits

Prep Time

10 mins

Cook Time

12 mins

Total Time

22 mins



Servings: 4 people

Author: Linda Loosli


  • 3/4cupmilk
  • 1/2teaspoonsalt
  • 1-1/2 teaspoonsbaking soda
  • 2cupsflour
  • 1/3cupoil


  1. Combine the ingredients, and roll them out onto a floured board. Cut with anun-flouredbiscuit cutter.

  2. Bake in a Dutch oven or on an ungreased cookie sheet bake at 425 degrees for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.

Honey Candy

My church group used to pull this honey candy all the time. Those were great times when people socialized with one another. I miss those days. Having something sweet to look forward to is always welcome after a hard day on the trail or in the office.

This recipe is fun to make as a family team whether around the kitchen table or the back of a covered wagon.

5 from 18 votes

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (6)


Honey Candy

Cook Time

15 mins

Total Time

30 mins



Servings: 10 people

Author: Linda Loosli


  • 2cupshoney
  • 1cupsugar
  • 1cupcream


  1. Combine the ingredients and cook to a hardball stage.

  2. You can test the syrup for a hardball stage by drizzling a small amount into a cold cup of water. If a ball forms quickly it's ready.

  3. Pour onto buttered platters.

  4. Let it cool until your greased hands can start pulling it in sections to a light golden color. Cut into pieces.

Potato Cakes

One of the recipes my family made all the time. It’s truly a cheap and filling meal. I grew up drizzling honey on mine. How did you eat yours? Life is so good with good friends and delicious food, isn’t it?

5 from 18 votes

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (7)


Potato Cakes

Prep Time

15 mins

Cook Time

15 mins

Total Time

30 mins

Course:Main Course


Servings: 6 people

Author: Linda Loosli


  • 6potatoes, peeled and grated
  • 1/2cupmilk or cream
  • 2tablespoonssalt
  • 1cupflour
  • 2eggs, slightly beaten
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  1. Combine ingredients and scoop a 1/8 cup onto a greased hot griddle.

  2. Turn the potato cakes halfway through cooking so each side browns.

  3. Bake until light and golden brown in a greased cast iron pan. I grew up serving honey over my potato cakes.

Norwegian Lefse

Lefse is one of my favorite recipes made by my great-grandmother, Danny, one of my pioneer ancestors from Norway. I love my Lefse spread with butter and brown sugar. My family prefers white sugar. My mouth is watering right now.

It’s all about memories, right? My husband hadn’t heard of Lefse until I introduced him to this recipe. When our kids were young we’d make it on weekend mornings, and they loved it! My Lefse Post

5 from 18 votes

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (8)


Norwegian Lefse

Prep Time

30 mins

Cook Time

5 mins

Total Time

35 mins



Servings: 8 people

Author: Linda Loosli


  • 4cupsmashed potatoes
  • 3tablespoonsbutter
  • 2teaspoonssugar
  • 1/2cupsweet cream
  • 2teaspoonssalt
  • 1cupflour (approximately-enough to roll lefse thin)


  1. Boil the peeled potatoes, and mash very fine and fluffy.

  2. Add the cream, butter, sugar, and salt. Beat again until light and fluffy. Add flour just before rolling out.

  3. Roll a piece of the dough as for pie crust, rolling as thin as possible.

  4. Bake in a fryingpan until light brown, flipping to cook both sides. When baked, place them on a plate with a cloth between them to keep them from drying out.

Bacon or Sausage Gravy

Biscuits and gravy are a personal favorite that I probably eat more than I should. This is a combination I grew up with because they were cheap to make and my mom could stretch a meal with more flour and milk.

I actually went to several restaurants with a friend when we lived in Southern Utah to see who made the best sausage and biscuits. We decided it was a restaurant called Black Bear Diner. They were awesome!

5 from 18 votes

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (9)


Bacon or Sausage Gravy

Prep Time

20 mins

Cook Time

15 mins

Total Time

35 mins

Course:Main Course


Servings: 8 people

Author: Linda Loosli


  • 1/2cupbutter
  • 1cupflour
  • 1/2gallonof milk
  • 1poundbacon or sausage
  • sugar to taste (optional)
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Grab a frying pan and brown the bacon or sausage. Set the meat aside.

  2. Add the butter to the same pan and let it melt.

  3. Add the flour to make a roux with the butter and bacon grease. When the roux is smooth, add the milk and stir until completely cooked through.

  4. Add the bacon bits or sausage pieces. Salt and pepper to taste. I add a little sugar which is optional.

Some other old-time recipes you may want to research and make are hasty pudding, cornmeal mush, hard tack, Mormon gravy, corn dodgers, beef jerky, pemmican (dried meat), and a US favorite, apple pie.

Final Word

I feel strongly about learning to cook inexpensive meals because I believe hard times are coming. Please teach your family how to cook from scratch. Learning how to cook these pioneer recipes would be a great start for any family wanting to be thrifty and self-reliant during tough times as all preppers do. Thanks for prepping. May God bless this world. Linda

Pioneer Recipes Everyone Should Know How To Make (2024)


What was a typical pioneer meal? ›

(10 – 14) Bread, corn, jerked meat, beans and rice, and dried fruit were staples for pioneer family meals. (15) Dutch ovens and iron caldrons were a crucial cooking tool for open-hearth and campfire cooking on the frontier.

What did the pioneers eat for breakfast? ›

In addition to coffee or tea, breakfast included something warm, such as cornmeal mush, cornmeal cakes (“Johnny Cakes”) or a bowl of rice. There was usually fresh baked bread or biscuits. To bake the bread, the dough was placed in a dutch oven.

Did pioneers eat oatmeal? ›

Bacon and biscuits were common. Pancakes, beans and oatmeal were also options. Midday meal: Some pioneers cooked this meal ahead at breakfast so that they could rest.

What kind of beans did the pioneers eat? ›

Pinto beans were the bean of choice for cowboys and pioneers. Beans were ideal for travel and work on the frontier because they are highly portable, nutrient-dense, and lightweight.

Did pioneers eat eggs? ›

Pioneers did bring chickens along in crates tied to the backs of their wagons. Eggs were used in many pioneer recipes.

What kind of bread did the pioneers eat? ›

Heritage Gateways, for the sesquicentennial celebration of Mormon Pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley, wrote this about food on the trail: “Sourdough Bread was used by men on the range in early days before baking powder or yeast were available.

What did the pioneers drink? ›

It was an easy example for the colonists to follow. The first beverages of choice were cider and beer. Both were simple to make. For cider, the raw material, apples, was readily available.

What did pioneers carry their lunch in? ›

There were no plastic lunch boxes or thermoses on the homestead. This girl is carrying her lunch in a tin container called a lunch pail. Some families could afford to buy lunch pails for their children. Others saved empty lard or syrup buckets to use as lunch pails.

How did pioneers keep meat from spoiling? ›

The meat was rubbed with salt, placed it in wooden barrels and topped off with water, making a brine. The brine kept the meat moister and more palatable than drying, and it prohibited the growth of harmful organisms. Making butter was a common way to preserve milk.

How did pioneers keep bacon from spoiling? ›

Usually, thick slabs of smoked bacon would keep as long as it was protected form the hot temperatures. One way to preserve bacon was to pack it inside a barrel of bran.

What did Mormon pioneers eat? ›

An agrarian society, the Mormon settlers ate a variety of delectable foods utilizing the ingredients they hunted, gathered and farmed. Rabbit, fish, berries and crops of corn and wheat were mainstays of the settler's diet. They were also very handy with their provisions.

What did pioneers eat in the winter? ›

At harvest time many fruits and vegetables were dried, but one vegetable was especially common — corn. Corn was stored in dry storage bins and used in meals throughout the winter months.

What is the cowboy diet? ›

Cowboys in the United States relished similar "chuck" (also called grub or chow). Canned and dried fruit, "overland trout" (bacon), beans, fresh meat, soda biscuits, tea, and coffee. Breakfast might include eggs or salt pork.

What did pioneers carry in their covered wagons? ›

However, most of the space in the emigrants' wagons was reserved for food. The endless walking and hard work made even the most delicate appetites ravenous. Hundreds of pounds of dried goods and cured meats were packed into the wagons, including flour, hardtack, bacon, rice, coffee, sugar, beans, and fruit.

Did cowboys eat cheese? ›

A favorite dish on the trail was known as “Son of a Gun Stew” — a kind of soup made from an animal heart, liver, and tripe. Truly delicious! Hard cheese was an important extra in the rations provided for cowboys by their employers.

What did pioneers on the Oregon Trail eat? ›

The endless walking and hard work made even the most delicate appetites ravenous. Hundreds of pounds of dried goods and cured meats were packed into the wagons, including flour, hardtack, bacon, rice, coffee, sugar, beans, and fruit.

What did the LDS pioneers eat? ›

Mormon pioneers (hereafter referred to as "pioneers") used spices and tried to breed varieties of fruit, especially apples and peaches, that were well-suited to the surrounding climate. Pioneers learned what to forage from indigenous tribes, and relied on foraging in years of famine. They made their own sweeteners.

What did people eat for dinner in the 1800s? ›

Typical foods included sausage and dried pumpkins, pig's feet and head and turnips, or beans and butter. “Supper” was the evening meal, and would include porridge or bread and milk, apple pie (an evening meal for children), or milk and mush. If milk wasn't available, sweetened water or molasses would fill in.

What did Pioneer kids eat for lunch? ›

Lunch at school, called 'nooning,' might include cold pancakes, bread with lard, jam or meat sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, dried meat, baked goods like muffins, cookies, and maybe even a slice of cake.

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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