Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (2024)

Pairs trading is a more advanced strategy that quants would use to trade a portfolio, rather than guessing on one instrument. In this article, we'll make an analysis of this market-neutral strategy that seeks to gain from the relative movements of two closely related financial instruments - using a simulation and free yahoo finance data.

This strategy is rooted in the believe that, in the long run, the two assets will maintain a consistent spread, making it possible to profit from their converging prices, irrespective of broader market trends as it focuses on the relationship between the selected assets.

This is a continuation of the mean reversion article.

Prepare your Environment

Have a jupyter environment ready, and pip install these libraries:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • yfinance

Refer to the previous article for basics on momentum and reversion techniques and the utility functions used here.

Prepare your Environment

Have a jupyter environment ready, and pip install these libraries:

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • yfinance

Refer to the previous article for basics on momentum and reversion techniques and the utility functions used here.

Give Me More Data!

Collecting and sanitizing data for a pair trading strategy is crucial, we need to know who moves with who in a universe of financial instruments.

Data collection is done through the trusty yahoofinance, but this time, we will pull in some crypto daily timeseries.

Crypto tends to be volatile, and we might be pulling instruments that have already delisted or worse. This will make it hard to corellate prices with the more traditional stocks or indices and their dailies. We need to ensure data integrity by:

  • Interpolate missing values.
  • Smoothen outliers.
  • Ensure all timeseries have the same number of data points.

That last one will be challeging, as cryptobros trade all day, every day! Let's do that:

crypto_forex_stocks = ['BTC-USD', 'ETH-USD', 'BNB-USD', 'XRP-USD', 'ADA-USD', 'DOGE-USD', 'ETC-USD', 'XLM-USD', 'AAVE-USD', 'EOS-USD', 'XTZ-USD', 'ALGO-USD', 'XMR-USD', 'KCS-USD', 'MKR-USD', 'BSV-USD', 'RUNE-USD', 'DASH-USD', 'KAVA-USD', 'ICX-USD', 'LINA-USD', 'WAXP-USD', 'LSK-USD', 'EWT-USD', 'XCN-USD', 'HIVE-USD', 'FTX-USD', 'RVN-USD', 'SXP-USD', 'BTCB-USD']bank_stocks = ['JPM', 'BAC', 'WFC', 'C', 'GS', 'MS', 'DB', 'UBS', 'BBVA', 'SAN', 'ING', ' BNPQY', 'HSBC', 'SMFG', 'PNC', 'USB', 'BK', 'STT', 'KEY', 'RF', 'HBAN', 'FITB', 'CFG', 'BLK', 'ALLY', 'MTB', 'NBHC', 'ZION', 'FFIN', 'FHN', 'UBSI', 'WAL', 'PACW', 'SBCF', 'TCBI', 'BOKF', 'PFG', 'GBCI', 'TFC', 'CFR', 'UMBF', 'SPFI', 'FULT', 'ONB', 'INDB', 'IBOC', 'HOMB']global_indexes = ['^DJI', '^IXIC', '^GSPC', '^FTSE', '^N225', '^HSI', '^AXJO', '^KS11', '^BFX', '^N100', '^RUT', '^VIX', '^TNX']START_DATE = '2021-01-01'END_DATE = '2023-10-31'universe_tickers = crypto_forex_stocks + bank_stocks + global_indexesuniverse_tickers_ts_map = {ticker: load_ticker_ts_df( ticker, START_DATE, END_DATE) for ticker in universe_tickers}def sanitize_data(data_map): TS_DAYS_LENGTH = (pd.to_datetime(END_DATE) - pd.to_datetime(START_DATE)).days data_sanitized = {} date_range = pd.date_range(start=START_DATE, end=END_DATE, freq='D') for ticker, data in data_map.items(): if data is None or len(data) < (TS_DAYS_LENGTH / 2): # We cannot handle shorter TSs continue if len(data) > TS_DAYS_LENGTH: # Normalize to have the same length (TS_DAYS_LENGTH) data = data[-TS_DAYS_LENGTH:] # Reindex the time series to match the date range and fill in any blanks (Not Numbers) data = data.reindex(date_range) data['Adj Close'].replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True) data['Adj Close'].interpolate(method='linear', inplace=True) data['Adj Close'].fillna(method='pad', inplace=True) data['Adj Close'].fillna(method='bfill', inplace=True) assert not np.any(np.isnan(data['Adj Close'])) and not np.any( np.isinf(data['Adj Close'])) data_sanitized[ticker] = data return data_sanitized# Sample someuts_sanitized = sanitize_data(universe_tickers_ts_map)uts_sanitized['JPM'].shape, uts_sanitized['BTC-USD'].shape 

Note the date_range = pd.date_range(start=START_DATE, end=END_DATE, freq='D') which will set the data timewindow we want. Then its all interpolate and fillna to cover those NaNs or Nones. We try our best to interpolate linearly or if this fails, just backfill with the latest sane value.

We verify that all is as expected with an assert and check the shapes of 2 random instruments, which should have the same dimensions.

Who Moves Who?

Late's take the latest crypto scandal with FTX as an example in this analysis. With the downfall of this exchange, would that mean that the market will have more confidence in Banks until the scandal is forgotten?

We'll corelation and cointegration to find patterns.

Correlation and Cointegration

Correlation quantifies the relationship between two variables using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r). It ranges from -1 to 1, where:

Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (1)

Cointegration, on the other hand, goes beyond - it assesses whether two assets are bound together over time, meaning their price spreads tend to mean-revert, offering opportunities when they temporarily diverge from their historical relationship.

This is evaluated using statistical tests, such as the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, which checks whether the spread between the two assets is stationary. If the spread is stationary, it suggests that the assets are cointegrated and have a long-term relationship.

Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (2)

Luckily numpy and the stats library abstract the above complexities.

Finding Pairs

While find these by testing the cointegration relationship. Quants would do this to signal buy and sell orders when the spread between the assets strays from its historical mean, aiming to capture opportunities when the spread reverts to its long-term equilibrium. That's why we need all that data.

The code below will test a universe of stocks and, that other stuff, to see if there is a hidden relationship.

It will test what's called a Null Hypothesis (H0), which in statistics means we can assume no effect or relationship. In general, if the p_value is below 0.02, H0 is rejected, and the pair has something going.

from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import cointfrom itertools import combinationsfrom statsmodels.tsa.stattools import cointdef find_cointegrated_pairs(tickers_ts_map, p_value_threshold=0.2): """ Find cointegrated pairs of stocks based on the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. Parameters: - tickers_ts_map (dict): A dictionary where keys are stock tickers and values are time series data. - p_value_threshold (float): The significance level for cointegration testing. Returns: - pvalue_matrix (numpy.ndarray): A matrix of cointegration p-values between stock pairs. - pairs (list): A list of tuples representing cointegrated stock pairs and their p-values. """ tickers = list(tickers_ts_map.keys()) n = len(tickers) # Extract 'Adj Close' prices into a matrix (each column is a time series) adj_close_data = np.column_stack( [tickers_ts_map[ticker]['Adj Close'].values for ticker in tickers]) pvalue_matrix = np.ones((n, n)) # Calculate cointegration p-values for unique pair combinations for i, j in combinations(range(n), 2): result = coint(adj_close_data[:, i], adj_close_data[:, j]) pvalue_matrix[i, j] = result[1] pairs = [(tickers[i], tickers[j], pvalue_matrix[i, j]) for i, j in zip(*np.where(pvalue_matrix < p_value_threshold))] return pvalue_matrix, pairs# This section can take up to 5minsP_VALUE_THRESHOLD = 0.02pvalues, pairs = find_cointegrated_pairs( uts_sanitized, p_value_threshold=P_VALUE_THRESHOLD) 

Although we can simulate algo-trading in code, as people we need to visualize these relationships.

The heatmap below will give us a map of who is paired with who - based on the p-value discovered.

import seaborn as snsplt.figure(figsize=(26, 26))heatmap = sns.heatmap(pvalues, xticklabels=uts_sanitized.keys(), yticklabels=uts_sanitized.keys(), cmap='RdYlGn_r', mask=(pvalues > (P_VALUE_THRESHOLD)), linecolor='gray', linewidths=0.5)heatmap.set_xticklabels(heatmap.get_xticklabels(), size=14)heatmap.set_yticklabels(heatmap.get_yticklabels(), size=14) 

That's quite a bunch - and all these crypto are in bed with each other!

Let's select 3 with the highest relationship. The barchart below helps us in identifying these pairs and their strength, the lesser the p value, the stronger:

sorted_pairs = sorted(pairs, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=False)sorted_pairs = sorted_pairs[0:35]sorted_pairs_labels, pairs_p_values = zip( *[(f'{y1} <-> {y2}', p*1000) for y1, y2, p in sorted_pairs])plt.figure(figsize=(12, 18))plt.barh(sorted_pairs_labels, pairs_p_values, color='red')plt.xlabel('P-Values (1000)', fontsize=8)plt.ylabel('Pairs', fontsize=6)plt.title('Cointegration P-Values (in 1000s)', fontsize=20)plt.grid(axis='both', linestyle='--', alpha=0.7) 
Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (4)

We have some sensible candidates:

  • AAVE-USD with Citigroup Inc (C)
  • XMR-UD with Citigroup Inc (C)
  • FTX-USD (oh god!) with Ally Financial Inc (ALLY)

Let’s have a look at their timeserieses with the code below. Given how mercurial and small these crypto instruments are, we choose to scale the prices to be better able to compare with the paired-stock. We will use MinMax from sktlearn, to transform the closing prices.

There is some smoothing with a rolling window, to allow us to see better the stationarity between the pairs:

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScalerticker_pairs = [("AAVE-USD", "C"), ("XMR-USD", "C"), ("FTX-USD", "ALLY")]fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(18, 14))scaler = MinMaxScaler()for i, (ticker1, ticker2) in enumerate(ticker_pairs): # Scale the price data for each pair using MIN MAX scaled_data1 = scaler.fit_transform( uts_sanitized[ticker1]['Adj Close'].values.reshape(-1, 1)) scaled_data2 = scaler.fit_transform( uts_sanitized[ticker2]['Adj Close'].values.reshape(-1, 1)) axs[i].plot(scaled_data1, label=f'{ticker1}', color='lightgray', alpha=0.7) axs[i].plot(scaled_data2, label=f'{ticker2}', color='lightgray', alpha=0.7) # Apply rolling mean with a window of 15 scaled_data1_smooth = pd.Series(scaled_data1.flatten()).rolling( window=15, min_periods=1).mean() scaled_data2_smooth = pd.Series(scaled_data2.flatten()).rolling( window=15, min_periods=1).mean() axs[i].plot(scaled_data1_smooth, label=f'{ticker1} SMA', color='red') axs[i].plot(scaled_data2_smooth, label=f'{ticker2} SMA', color='blue') axs[i].set_ylabel('*Scaled* Price $', fontsize=12) axs[i].set_title(f'{ticker1} vs {ticker2}', fontsize=18) axs[i].legend() axs[i].set_xticks([])plt.tight_layout() 
Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (5)

AAVE-USD and C look good for our experiment, as beyond the dislocation at the beginning of the series, the prices seem stationary in relation to each other. We will create trading signals using the Z-score and mean. With a rolling window, so we don't have to split into training and tests sets. The Z-score is denoted as:

Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (6)

1. X is the price we want to standardize.2. μ is the mean (average) of the rolling window.3. σ is the standard deviation of the rolling window.The Z-score measures how far the current ratio of the two asset prices is from its historical mean. When the Z-score surpasses a predefined threshold, typically +1 or -1, it generates a trading signal. If the Z-score goes above +1, it indicates that one asset is overvalued compared to the other, signaling a sell for the overvalued asset and a buy for the undervalued one. Conversely, if the Z-score drops below -1, it suggests the undervalued asset has become overvalued, prompting a sell for the former and a buy for the latter. This strategy leverages mean-reversion principles to capitalize on temporary divergences and the expectation of a return to the mean.

TRAIN = int(len(uts_sanitized["AAVE-USD"]) * 0.85)TEST = len(uts_sanitized["AAVE-USD"]) - TRAINAAVE_ts = uts_sanitized["AAVE-USD"]["Adj Close"][:TRAIN]C_ts = uts_sanitized["C"]["Adj Close"][:TRAIN]# Calculate price ratio (AAVE-USD price / C price)ratios = C_ts/AAVE_tsfig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))ratios_mean = np.mean(ratios)ratios_std = np.std(ratios)ratios_zscore = (ratios - ratios_mean) / ratios_stdax.plot(ratios.index, ratios_zscore, label="Z-Score", color='blue')# Plot reference linesax.axhline(1.0, color="green", linestyle='--', label="Upper Threshold (1.0)")ax.axhline(-1.0, color="red", linestyle='--', label="Lower Threshold (-1.0)")ax.axhline(0, color="black", linestyle='--', label="Mean")ax.set_title('AAVE-USD / C: Price Ratio and Z-Score', fontsize=18)ax.set_xlabel('Date')ax.set_ylabel('Price Ratio / Z-Score')ax.legend()plt.tight_layout() 
Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (7)

The green horizontal line here will signal a buy for Citi if crossed and a sell for Aave, the red line will do the opposite. This chart is only for visualizing the stationary, in running our signal, the thresholds will move with a rolling window to reflect the changes in the market.

Let's apply the signal:

def signals_zscore_evolution(ticker1_ts, ticker2_ts, window_size=15, first_ticker=True): """ Generate trading signals based on z-score analysis of the ratio between two time series. Parameters: - ticker1_ts (pandas.Series): Time series data for the first security. - ticker2_ts (pandas.Series): Time series data for the second security. - window_size (int): The window size for calculating z-scores and ratios' statistics. - first_ticker (bool): Set to True to use the first ticker as the primary signal source, and False to use the second. Returns: - signals_df (pandas.DataFrame): A DataFrame with 'signal' and 'orders' columns containing buy (1) and sell (-1) signals. """ ratios = ticker1_ts / ticker2_ts ratios_mean = ratios.rolling( window=window_size, min_periods=1, center=False).mean() ratios_std = ratios.rolling( window=window_size, min_periods=1, center=False).std() z_scores = (ratios - ratios_mean) / ratios_std buy = ratios.copy() sell = ratios.copy() if first_ticker: # These are empty zones, where there should be no signal # the rest is signalled by the ratio. buy[z_scores > -1] = 0 sell[z_scores < 1] = 0 else: buy[z_scores < 1] = 0 sell[z_scores > -1] = 0 signals_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ticker1_ts.index) signals_df['signal'] = np.where(buy > 0, 1, np.where(sell < 0, -1, 0)) signals_df['orders'] = signals_df['signal'].diff() signals_df.loc[signals_df['orders'] == 0, 'orders'] = None return signals_dfAAVE_ts = uts_sanitized["AAVE-USD"]["Adj Close"]C_ts = uts_sanitized["C"]["Adj Close"]plt.figure(figsize=(26, 18))signals_df1 = signals_zscore_evolution(AAVE_ts, C_ts)profit_df1 = calculate_profit(signals_df1, AAVE_ts)ax1, _ = plot_strategy(AAVE_ts, signals_df1, profit_df1)signals_df2 = signals_zscore_evolution(AAVE_ts, C_ts, first_ticker=False)profit_df2 = calculate_profit(signals_df2, C_ts)ax2, _ = plot_strategy(C_ts, signals_df2, profit_df2)ax1.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10)ax1.set_title(f'Citigroup Paired with Aave', fontsize=18)ax2.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10)ax2.set_title(f'Aave Paired with Citigroup', fontsize=18)plt.tight_layout() 
Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (8)
Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (9)

In an algotrading system these would be running together, therefore the returns are best represented as a sum.

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))cumulative_profit_combined = profit_df1 + profit_df2ax2_combined = cumulative_profit_combined.plot( label='Profit%', color='green')plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10)plt.title(f'Aave & Citigroup Paired - Cumulative Profit', fontsize=18)plt.tight_layout() 
Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (10)

That's surprisingly good, minus that 50% drawdown, this strategy returned a paper-returns of 100% (vs SnP500's 2 year 10%).

Then again it came with high variance due to whatever crypto instrument we paired Citi with, this is were quants would measure the strategy with risk-adjusted performance indicators like the Sortino Ratio.


To end this article, we learned about pairs-trading strategy, and saw that it had these attributes:

  • Market-Neutral: Pair trading strategies aim to be market-neutral, meaning they seek to profit from relative price movements between two assets rather than overall market direction.
  • Statistical Basis: The strategy relies on statistical measures like the Z-score and cointegration, providing a quantitative foundation for decision-making.
  • Mean Reversion: It takes advantage of mean reversion, exploiting the tendency of asset prices to revert to their historical averages. Check out the previous article.

Though in reality, it would have these challenges:

  • Transaction Costs: We signaled a lot of trades in our simulation, that would create severe commission and exexution costs.
  • Risk of Non-Stationarity: If asset correlations or cointegration break down, the strategy will underperform and create risk.

While doing quantitative analysis and coding for financial engineering is challenging, making youtube trading courses are not, always be sceptical!

Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (11)



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Pairs-Trading Strategy Analysis (2024)
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