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SO YOU QUIT the ministry.

You said you weren’t giving up your faith in Jesus Christ. Not that. It was people’s indifference to your message of the Gospel that made you decide. They liked to have you “pass the time of day,” but when you followed up with deeper spiritual truths, they seemed to “hasten you to the door.” The “banker” even said you’d better “ease up or you’d have to leave.”

After prayer and serious thought and talking it over with your wife, you finally decided to quit. I don’t blame you. You’ve expressed what many earnest servants of Christ have experienced not only in the “east” but in the west and north and south as well. Many a minister has been on the verge of asking: “Shall I quit?”

But, young man, don’t quit! Discouragement is hard for anybody to take, and the minister is no exception. I know. I’ve been discouraged many times myself. So has every other minister. The obstacles are real, the disappointments enough to break any man.

When you and I accepted Christ’s call to the ministry, we claimed the glorious truth that Christ is “King of kings and Lord of lords.” And indeed, Christ will triumph! What’s more, his triumph applies to us—our “faith is the victory that overcomes the world”!

We also accepted the assignment to “take up our cross and follow him.” In “taking up our cross,” as you intimated, we didn’t expect everything to be easy.

It’s between these two—the victories of faith and the seeming defeats of cross-bearing—that we labor and minister in the Gospel, meeting both discouragement and joy. We cannot give up! His victory is bound to prove true, even though the path to that victory will often be the way of the cross.

You must not quit—you are one with us and we are one with you both in our disappointments and in our victories. We may not be a blazing success in the world’s eyes. But Jesus Christ is going to have his victory—and until that day comes is using us toward that end.

What we do for Christ does have an effect! Last Sunday I saw a young couple in church whose home several years ago almost broke apart in divorce. Often it seemed as if hardheartedness, selfishness, pride would win, as if prayer had no effect. But today that young couple would gladly witness to what Christ has done in their home. In the months I ministered to that problem I was often tempted to quit. Suppose I had?

The Lord has probably used you to help more people than you realize. And “those faithful few” you talk about. Your ministry to and through them may be more effective than you think. I remember a young couple both of whose children died at birth. How we prayed together through both times of sorrow! How very real was the comfort of Christ! One day while I was calling on a new couple to interest them in Christ and the church, the phone rang. Who do you think were wanting to come over? Yes, the young couple who in their times of sorrow had experienced the comfort of Christ wanted to share it with someone else.

When you speak of Christ people take you far more seriously than you suspect. When a news editor on the Denver Post confessed faith in Christ, I learned a printer had been quietly witnessing for Christ by his life. That converted news editor now works for a newspaper in Honolulu, and both he and his wife teach Bible school classes.

Even those who oppose your message of Christ or those who do not respond may yet discover their spiritual need. I remember a young woman whose very first words when I called on her were: “I don’t believe in religion for myself. I just want my child to go to Sunday school.” Some time later she said: “When I brought my little girl to your church, everybody seemed so happy!” Those words betrayed a wistfulness, an unspoken yearning for some of that happiness. I remember another person who waited 17 years before accepting Christ. Young man, we can’t quit. We’ve got to keep on. Someone may respond to our witness for Christ in the coming weeks and months.

One oft-learned lesson helps me meet these “dark moments of the soul”: looking to people brings disappointment, but looking to Christ restores the sense of purpose. To keep thinking about how people disappoint me would make it easy to give up. Aware of this, however, if I replace these thoughts with thoughts of Christ and set my mind “on things above” I regain the sense of his purpose for me. Things like “the banker telling us we may have to leave” fall into proper perspective when we see the crucified Christ calling us to “take up our cross and follow him.” Our twisted emotions untangle and line up once again with his purpose.

If people were a “finished product,” you and I wouldn’t need to bring them the Gospel of Christ. We wouldn’t be needed to bear the message of his mercy and forgiveness and strength and newness of life. But they’re not a “finished product.” For that very reason we must keep on for Christ. Man’s sin is not the barrier before which to capitulate; it’s the battlefront where we attack with the Gospel. People are by nature unresponsive to the Gospel, prayerless and powerless: this is the way people are. This is where we, too, begin—needing Christ. But we don’t quit where we start. That is the very place to go on!

When I urge you not to quit, I’m thinking of other young ministers, too, who will face these same disappointments in their service for Christ. Of the 30 young ministers or missionaries who have gone out from our church in recent years, some are facing galling opposition and lack of response this very hour in Africa, in Thailand, in rural towns of the west, in city churches. Will they quit?

A team of four young ministerial students served in our church last summer. The joy and confidence of their faith was a blessing to all of us. But in time these young men will face the same kinds of people and the same kinds of churches that you and I have faced.

Two of my sons are preparing for the ministry. I know they, too, will have to face what you have gone through in recent months. There will come a day when they will want to quit. So I’m telling them just what I’m saying to you: don’t quit! Keep on with Christ! The world needs the Gospel which you proclaim. And Christ needs you to proclaim it.—The Rev. ROBERT S. LUTZ, Minister, Corona Presbyterian Church, Denver, Colorado.

Page 6258 – Christianity Today (12)

Christianity TodayJanuary 4, 1963

Toward A Strong Finish

“If there are two places in the sermon,” remarks the Archbishop of York, “which call for more care than others, they are the beginning and the ending.”

Agreed! After unanimous consent has been gained on this point, one other point too enjoys virtually complete support from students of the preaching task: the desirability of giving to both introductions and conclusions the spice of variety.

But now, granted that endings are crucially important and that the form of them should not be so repetitious as to lose all suspense or surprise, what are the possibilities from which the preacher can choose?

“There are four approved methods,” is the over-precise dictum of one author who normally speaks with fine discretion. With less stress on mathematical exactitude, let us think of some of the options at the preacher’s command:

1. There is the “built in” conclusion. It belongs to the sermon whose outline has been so carefully and convincingly developed that when the final point is presented, it rounds off the whole, creating a kind of natural climax.

2. There is the “recapitulation” conclusion. The word is not attractive, nor (too often) is the practice which it represents. Merely to go back over the main points in bare reiteration is hardly enough. This negative judgment, however, must not be too austere. It depends on who is doing it and how impressively it is done. What some men do with excellent taste and memorable finesse is to cast the “recap” in fresh language. When this is skillfully done, a latecomer, arriving for the final two or three minutes of the sermon, might easily catch the whole idea and burden of the message. Those who have been with the preacher from the start have the truth sharpened for them into what should be a compelling clarity.

3. The “illustration” conclusion is another option. If the sermon has had in it a minimum element of the pictorial and a maximum of the logical and the didactic, the “story” ending is particularly appropriate. It should, however, be made to pass three tests: (a) Is it in good taste? (b) Is it simple? (c) Is it convincing? If, for example, it is (in the preacher’s view) drawn from science, let him be sure that it will not be challenged by the knowledgeable man of science who may be sitting in his congregation.

4. There is, moreover, the “poetry” conclusion. It may be a verse or two of a hymn or something gleaned from the broader field of the muses. As a rule, it should be brief. It should be quoted well. Better not resort to verse in this solemn moment unless you are in love with poetry, have a sensitive regard for its rhythms and nuances, and can make it live in the understanding and emotions of your listeners. These requirements met, however, this can be a way of finishing that is not likely to be forgotten. More than 30 years have done little to fade the vividness of a ringing finale I once heard given by M. S. Rice of Detroit to a Holy Week sermon on the text, “Behold, the world is gone after him.” The unrestrainable triumph of Christ was sent hurtling home to all of us on the rhythmic chariot of Henry Milman’s hymn-poem, “Ride On, Ride On in Majesty!”

5. The “application” conclusion is yet another of the possibilities open to us. In any sermon, regardless of homiletical type, the relatedness of truth to life should never be far from the preacher’s mind. Nevertheless, there are times when the preacher’s message has duty for its target and action for its aim in a way so direct and demanding that it would be unforgivable not to show “wherein” and not to deal with “how to.” Give the steps. Reduce the general to the specific. Name the action (or actions) that should be taken, beginning now. Press the point in lovingly relentless thrust to the will. Your role as expositor and illustrator has given way to your role as exhorter.

6. We should not omit the “peroration” finish. This is the penchant of the oratorically inclined. Usually it is a combination of elevated voice, invigorated gesture, heightened drama, and cascading eloquence. Is it good or bad? Effective or offensive? If it is “worked up,” synthetic, over-strained, it is always objectionable, sometimes ridiculous. Urged the late and great Sangster of London: “Do not perorate. The custom must be dropped, not mainly because it is old-fashioned, but because the emotion is faked.” Grant the term of reference—“faked”—and Sangster’s conclusion is inescapable. But what if the emotion is not fictitious? If the preacher is “to the manor born,” if eloquence is his endowment and he has it under dedicated discipline, the crescendo style of ending may be his way of carrying out Philip Doddridge’s advice to ministers: “Be sure to close handsomely.”

Whatever the category may be into which the conclusion falls, the preacher who plies well his holy craft will want to keep in mind a few simple rules:

1. Rarely, if ever, announce your conclusion. Announcement is superfluous: move into it!

2. If you do announce it, don’t repeat it three minutes later since, as is now obvious, you were not really concluding when you said you were. It is this pulpit nonsense that has spawned the wag’s definition of an optimist: “A man who reaches for his hat when the preacher says, ‘Now in conclusion.’”

3. Avoid conclusions that appear ready-made, “tacked on,” or trite. There should be a living, organic connection between the “body” of the sermon and the manner in which we dismiss it to the trust of the people. A strong, carefully worded final sentence is worth a dozen vaguely trite references to “the Spirit of Christ.”

4. End on a high note! Solemn as eternity or radiant as the Resurrection, never mind: finish high up against the heart of God!


Lord, it is good for us to be here; if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles (Matt. 17:4b).

The topic comes from a well-known English book, which shows that the thoughts of the cloister become corrupt unless they are corrected by the experience of life amid the crowd. The structure follows the little-used order of thesis—antithesis—synthesis. Try it, if only for a change.

I. The Blessing of the Cloister Hour. It is good to be in Christ’s presence and to see his glory. To be under his influence and be able to live at the highest and best. To be moved by holy thought and stirred by pure desire. What an ideal for every hour of worship! With others to behold the transfigured Christ!

II. The Curse of the Cloister Life. This curse lies heavy on the history of Christendom. Today, also, devout folk keep attending conferences for the deepening of the spiritual life, with no opportunity to face human need, or to use their spiritual muscles. As before the Reformation, we need to beware lest we tarry in the cloister and keep away from the crowd.

III. The Spirit of the Cloister amid the Crowd. To be healthful, sane, and pure, a Christian life is to be lived not in the cloister but in the crowd. We follow the One who knew the cloister hour, but whose heart loved the crowd. His years on earth were a constant keeping of the cloister spirit in the midst of the crowd.

For Christ Peter would have built a tabernacle on a secluded hill. But our Lord soon came down from his time of transfiguration to the crowd around the demoniac lad, to the crowd that later went up to Calvary on the way of weeping, to the crowd in the midst of whom he died. From the Mount of Transfiguration he came down to the crowd and to the cross.

Who follows in his train, both to the cloister and to the cross?—From The Secret of the Lord, n.d., pp. 216–28.


WILLIAM M. CLOW,With Christ in Cloister and Crowd; MARIANO DI GANGI,A Christian Crusade in Our City; FRANK E. GABELEIN,The Christian Dynamic; and DR. BLACKWOOD’SThe Cost of Being a Christian.

The hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number believed, and turned unto the Lord (Acts 11:21; read vv. 19–21).

Sometimes we wonder at the failure of the early Church to evangelize the whole earth. If so, we condemn ourselves. Many a congregation has no missionary vision. Even when we show concern about missions overseas, we do little as witnesses in the area around the home church. But today, as in Antioch of old, there are exceptions. Let us look at a Christian crusade, one described for us on the biblical page.

I. The Proclamation of Christ. After the martyrdom of Stephen, believers who had to leave Jerusalem took with them their Christianity. In Antioch those Jewish Christians broke through the walls of nationalism and preached Christ to Gentiles. Today in our city we should do the same. Here we have but one message: the Lord Jesus. This Jesus is the merciful Saviour; let no one despair! Jesus is likewise the sovereign Lord; let no one presume!

II. The Response of Faith. Those Christian refugees in Antioch met with a response of faith. As in our city today, many had given themselves over to the pursuit of pleasure, much of it sinful. But the Gospel proved to be the power of God unto salvation. For these new Christians in Antioch, conversion meant a revolutionary change of direction. The citizens were noted for scurrility. Their religion was influenced by superstition, and degraded by orgiastic worship of the river-god. But once again the Gospel proved to be the power of God unto salvation. So must we feel persuaded that the believing reception of the Word here can turn many from self to the Saviour and Lord.

III. The Secret of Effectiveness. What brought the people of Antioch to faith and obedience? Not only the clergy, but the whole people of God as witnesses for Christ. Ever working through them was “the hand of the Lord.” This truth may crucify our pride, and thus increase our zeal. So let us preach the Gospel from the pulpit, and commend it to others by our daily example, in the lively hope that the Lord will bless our witness and make it fruitful, because “our sufficiency is of God.” Thus saith the Lord: (here quote Matt. 28:18–20).—Pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.

“… I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power [literally, “the dynamic”] of God unto salvation to every one that believeth …” (Rom. 1:16).

Our subject brings us to the center of Christianity, and confronts us with the power that makes it go. What is the power that the Apostle proclaims as the dynamic of God unto salvation? About this dynamic of God no one needs to be in any doubt. The Bible makes perfectly plain that the dynamic of God is the Gospel. We stand, therefore, on ground that is familiar to many of us. And yet is it not strange that people these days are willing to try every solution for the problems of life except plain, downright Christianity? What then is the Gospel?

I. The Gospel Centers in Christ, the most important Person who has ever lived. Not only because of what he did 1900 years ago, but because of what he is doing now, with his life-changing, transforming power. Today he still has power to transform; whether in the slums of our cities or among respectable, educated sinners, he is changing the weak and the erring into strong children of God to whom he gives life more abundant.

II. The Gospel Centers in the Cross, and in the Resurrection. There alone is rock-bottom Christian truth. No one who has experienced the joy of release from the bondage of sin and guilt can ever think of these events as other than all-powerful, life-changing facts. Thousands of men have died as martyrs; only Christ has ever claimed to die for the sins of others, and today he is not dead. He alone has brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.

“And now,” writes Arnold Toynbee, “as we stand and gaze with our eyes fixed upon the farther shore, a single Figure fills the whole horizon. There is the Saviour. ‘The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand; he shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied.’” At the center of the New Testament, as at the center of the whole Bible, and of the entire Christian faith, is this fact of the crucified and risen, living and transforming Christ.

Now I close with a simple invitation to acceptance of this Saviour. After all, Christian preaching is proclaiming the Gospel for a personal decision. Believe me, Christ is still effective to meet the deepest needs of human life. But there is a condition. The dynamic of God operates through only one channel. In the words of our text, the Gospel is “the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” The only channel is belief, trust, personal commitment to Jesus Christ.

John G. Paton, pioneer missionary to the New Hebrides in the Pacific, was hard put to find a word for “believe,” in the sense of trust, in the language of the South Sea Islanders, for whom he was translating the New Testament. Finally he found the solution, by thus translating the answer of Paul and Silas to the question of the Philippian jailer, “What must I do to be saved?”: “Lean your whole weight upon the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.” That is all, but that is enough, and vastly more.—A college baccalaureate sermon.

If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me (Luke 9:23).

The cost of being a Christian! That sounds strange! “Jesus paid it all; all to him I owe.” Herein lies the heart of all that we believe. But still it costs for a man to live as a Christian. Much as our Lord wishes everyone here to accept him as Saviour, he would have no person make such a decision without first counting the cost. Being a Christian—

I. Begins with an Act of Decision, a decision often hard to make. In the Greek the word translated “will” stands out strongly. It points to a decision that goes far to determine a man’s character here and his destiny. The “will” means the entire personality in action. Whenever the future pilgrim hears the voice of Jesus, it calls for the response, “I will!”

Sometimes we think of being a Christian in terms of knowing, or else feeling. Surely both factors enter largely into Christian experience. But knowledge and emotion should lead to the sort of action we call “will.” For the noblest example on the human level, think of a marriage ceremony. In the light of what she knows, in the joy of what she feels, the maiden whispers to the minister, “I will.” By faith lift all of this up to the highest level (Eph. 5:25) and see how much it costs to become a Christian.

II. A Spirit of Unselfishness. Deny yourself, not merely shreds and patches of things that money can secure. Why do we whittle down what the Lord requires? In “self-denial” we often give up pennies, and snatches of time. Here, as often elsewhere, our Lord wishes you to give up yourself, having your own way. “Not my will, but thine, be done.” Herein lies much of the difficulty, as well as the fascination, in being a Christian. For a series of examples, read Schweitzer’s Out of My Life and Thought.

III. A Habit of Sacrifice. In Africa David Livingstone used to declare that he never had made a sacrifice. He used the term only about his Lord. Another Scotsman, W. M. Clow, insists that many a church member confuses his cross with a burden, or a thorn in the flesh. A burden, perhaps a debt honestly incurred, you bear until you can pay it off. A thorn in the flesh you accept if no surgeon can remove it. But, on the human level, a cross means something hard, perhaps loathsome, apparently impossible, which you accept every morning, and then bear all the day, for Christ’s dear sake. Often the cross of the believer has to do with some cantankerous person in the home. Could that person, perchance, be you? Being such a Christian issues in—

IV. A Life of Service. This may seem anti-climactic, but so is most of life. Read the text. Christian warfare leads to a battle once in a while, but for many a God-like warrior life consists of a succession of pale gray days, and dull drab nights, with seldom a vision from the sky. This is why the devil most often gets a good man down.

In view of all these facts, my friend, are you a Christian? “Yes,” you reply, “but not much of a Christian.” If so, take this text as a sort of a guiding star. Follow the Lord, and let Him transform you into one who pays the full price and so becomes more and more like his Lord.

Page 6258 – Christianity Today (13)

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A Theology That Walks The Earth

Evangelical Theology: An Introduction, by Karl Barth, translated by Grover Foley (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963, 224 pp., $4), is reviewed by Geoffrey W. Bromiley, Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.

For his final lectures as professor of dogmatics at Basel, Karl Barth gave a special series of 17 addresses as an introduction to theology. (Subsequently he delivered the first five of these at Chicago and Princeton on his American tour, and he has contributed a special American foreword to the English translation of the whole work.)

In these lectures Barth has deliberately avoided giving yet another synopsis of the Church Dogmatics. Instead, he has gathered together in more compendious form his thinking concerning the nature, theme, and practice of theology itself. Students familiar with the Dogmatics will recognize many things that they have read before. Indeed, it is an astonishing fact that in this fundamental field Barth has changed little during the past 30 years. On the other hand, what has previously been scattered is here brought into a single volume and presented as the mature thinking of one who has devoted the last four decades, and more than half of his own life, to active dogmatic work.

On the 17 addresses, the first is an introductory “Commentary” in which Barth explains why he is undertaking to introduce evangelical theology. In the first main section he then discusses the place of theology, with successive lectures on the Word, the witnesses, the community, and the Spirit. He then moves on to a second section on theological existence, which he considers from the successive standpoints of wonder, concern, commitment, and faith. The third section deals with the threat to theology in the three forms of solitude, doubt, and temptation, with a final lecture on hope. The last section is devoted to theological work, which is discussed in terms of prayer, study, service, and love.

For the purposes of a critical assessment of Barth’s theology nothing very new is to be gleaned from these lectures. The main dogmatic elements are to be found in the first section. Here Barth insists again on the objectivity which will be sought by evangelical theology (i.e., as distinct from Roman Catholic and liberal) in relation to God as its theme. Theology is a true science not when it imitates the sciences which deal with creation, but when it is content to be good theological science, with a logic which derives from the Logos. This leads us at once to the familiar threefold structure of authority as Barth understands it. The primary authority is the Word itself, i.e., the divine self-revelation. This is the Word which God has spoken, speaks, and will speak in the history of Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the history of Israel. The secondary authority is the immediate and normative witness to this Word in the Old and New Testaments, which are the work of prophets and apostles whom God specifically “ordained, appointed and elected” for this purpose. The subsidiary authority is the dependent testimony of the Church, and especially of its theology, in the canon, the creeds and confessions, and the fathers. In relation to all these fields strong emphasis is laid on the work of the Holy Spirit as the divine “spiration.” Theology in particular needs this moving of the Holy Spirit if it is truly to be the logic of the divine Logos attested in the written word. In face of constant attempts either to resist the Spirit or to control him, Barth believes that theology must always pray: Veni, Creator Spiritus.

The valuable points in this presentation are evident. In contrast to earlier trends in his work, he rejects the concept of the Wholly Other and insists on the high and necessary place of logic in theology. He also sets his face firmly against any form of subjectivism as an ultimate theological principle, while recognizing that theology must accept its distinction from other sciences by virtue of the distinctive nature of its “object,” i.e., God. The Christological concentration and the regard for the active nature of revelation are healthy in themselves, as is also the judicious attitude to indirect and relative authorities in the Church. No one can reasonably quarrel with the emphasis on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, especially in relation to theological endeavor, and Barth’s mention of the special divine appointment of the biblical witnesses will be noted with satisfaction.

Nevertheless, the place of Scripture remains the area of greatest difficulty. Barth does not touch on inerrancy or inspiration in this series, nor do we meet with his concept of saga except in an incidental reference to the creation stories. To this degree, the work is less controversial than earlier writings, though it also does nothing to meet earlier objections. In terms of the material before us, we may ask whether the concept of witnesses is really adequate in itself to describe all that the Scriptures are. Do they not have a far more direct role in the divine act of revelation? While their words are witness, are they not witness in forms other than that of mere testimony? Does not the divine work itself come in and through them even in their original setting? Furthermore, if we rightly stress the ministry of the Spirit, should we not plainly recognize that the Spirit who rested on Christ, and who now illumines Scripture and guides theology and preaching, was no less active in the biblical authors and in their specific work of composition? Is there really such rivalry between the incarnate and the written word, between the Spirit and the letter, that we can exalt Christ and the Holy Ghost only by relative depreciation of the Bible? To be sure, the primacy of Christ and the sovereignty of the Spirit are to be maintained. Even on Barth’s view, however, Scripture is a decisive link in the chain of divine self-revelation. God ordained that there should be this witness, and the Holy Spirit uses it as the absolute norm of faith and practice. Is it not essential, then, that there should be a strong statement here, not in opposition to Christ, or the Spirit, or even human proclamation, but in honor of Christ, in responsibility to the Spirit, and for the sake of pure proclamation?

When we turn to the wider themes of the attitudes, problems, and actions of the theologian, we enter a less debatable sphere in which one need not agree with all Barth’s dicta to catch the wise and reverent spirit of the whole. Here is a high understanding indeed of theology, the theologian, and the theological task. Humility, devotion, and wholehearted commitment are required. There must be a readiness to withstand isolation from without, doubt from within, and the possibility of divine withdrawal from above. None may dare to undertake this task, nor may he continue in it, unless he is prepared to engage unceasingly in prayer, not merely in the sense of an attitude, but in definite acts of Sabbath refreshment. The study demanded is not to be for pragmatic reasons such as earning degrees, nor can it be regarded as a purely temporary engagement. Theology is a ministry: it is service to God, for in theology, too, God is to be praised in the beauty of holiness; it is also service to fellow-Christians for upbuilding in knowledge and greater effectiveness in proclamation; and finally it is service to the world. Above all, theology also is a walk in the Spirit, so that the theologian must be a man of faith, hope, and love.

In face of a presentation and confession of this kind, it would be impertinent to praise and churlish to condemn. In objective evangelical theology, pursued in loyalty to the biblical testimony and to orthodox tradition, we shall come to many conclusions different from Barth’s. But it is to be wished that we may do so with the same high conception of our task, with the same spirit of reverence, humility, and prayer, and with the same ultimate desire that the Gospel may be prospered, that the brethren may be edified, and that God may be glorified.


For Whetter Appetites

Open Your Bible to the New Testament Letters, by Sherwood Eliot Wirt (Revell, 1962, 128 pp., $2.50), is reviewed by J. B. Phillips, translator of The New Testament in Modern English.

I have long held that while the scholar is well catered to in his study of the New Testament, the ordinary intelligent man is not. Unlike the expert, he is not only daunted by the apparent complexity of the material before him, but he does not usually know where to turn for help. Dr. Wirt’s book, Open Your Bible, can hardly fail to serve many as a lively and stimulating introduction to the New Testament Letters. The style is racy but never irreverent, and an excellent example of how to communicate the Gospel with infectious enthusiasm. It is almost entirely free from religious jargon.

Scholars may wince a bit at the brash certainty with which the author tells us when, where, and why each letter was written and at such sentences as, “When Christ circumcises you, he cuts off not your skin but your sin!” (p. 66). But, taken all in all, this is an exciting book and a true appetite-whetter for the Word of God.


How Shall They Hear?

The Outsider and the Word of God, by James E. Sellers (Abingdon, 1961, 240 pp., $4), is reviewed by David E. Kucharsky, News Editor, CHRISTIANITY TODAY.

Praise waits for him who dares investigate how the Gospel ought to be communicated, even if he winds up in a dilemma.

Why does a person respond to the Gospel? Is it the result of the working of the Holy Spirit, or of a persuasive presentation of the message? Or is it a combination of these and other factors?

The problem is so complex, and becomes increasingly more so with the introduction of new forms of communication, that any serious observations are welcome.

Reading for Perspective


The Teaching Office in the Reformed Tradition, by Robert W. Henderson (Westminster, $6.50). A historical survey of what happened to “Calvin’s” ecclesiastical teaching office in Scottish and American Presbyterianism.

The Reformation: A Rediscovery of Grace, by William Childs Robinson (Eerdmans, $5). With an eye on ecumenical dreams of union with non-Reformed churches, the author uncovers the centralities of Reformation theology.

The Silent Past, by Ivar Lissner (Putnam’s, $6.95). A fascinating panorama of peoples and cultures that have vanished from the earth and left behind only tantalizing hints of their ways of life.

Sellers, with newspaper and religious publishing-house experience as well as a professional theological background, never does tell us precisely what the Christian ought to communicate. Perhaps that is the chief shortcoming of his work—a work which relies on Tillichisms to the point of boredom.

The book might have been more valuable had more comprehensive data been brought into play. Strangely enough, Billy Graham, easily the most effective communicator of the Christian message in the twentieth century, is rebuked for allegedly improper use of symbolism. The author stacks sketchy data to minimize the long-range effect of Graham’s ministry.

Yet, for all these defects, the book uncovers important obstacles to the communication of the Christian message—obstacles of which every believer ought to be aware. Sellers will have served a good purpose if his book does nothing more than excite further exploration into a field in which reliable guidelines have yet to be drawn.


Conscience Shocker

The Long Shadow of Little Rock, a Memoir by Daisy Bates (David McKay, 1962, 234 pp., $4.75), is reviewed by T. B. Maston, Professor of Christian Ethics, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas.

Little Rock a few years ago cast a shadow that reached to the ends of the earth. Daisy Bates, as president of the Arkansas branch of the NAACP, was a leading participant in the tragic occurrences of those days.

Although this book is primarily autobiographical, many will be particularly challenged by the courage, stability, and strength of character revealed by “the Little Rock Nine”—the nine Negro teen-agers whose enrollment at Central High School touched off the Little Rock episode. They, their parents, many other Negroes (including Mr. and Mrs. Bates), and some white people paid a terrific price for their part in the struggle for desegregation of the Little Rock schools.

This is a well-told story, although it might have been developed in such a way as to avoid some repetition and confusion. It is also possible that more credit should have been given to certain white people, ministers and others, who took a courageous stand and paid the price for it, but who at the same time maintained enough rapport with the white community to be an effective factor in the easing of the tension and in the final solution of the problem—if a final solution has been found. Some will regret, as does Eleanor Roosevelt in the Foreword, that the author reveals so much bitterness, although this is understandable in the light of her childhood experiences—her mother was raped and killed by three white men—and the tragic events of Little Rock. Many of us will agree with Mrs. Roosevelt that “the book should shock the conscience of America” (p. xv). It should be read by both white people and Negroes, both segregationists and desegregationists.



Christian Faith and the Contemporary Arts, edited by Finley Eversole, with a foreword by Robert Penn Warren (Abingdon, 1962, 255 pp., $5), is reviewed by James Daane, Editorial Associate, CHRISTIANITY TODAY.

Every present-day church sensitive to its times and its mission is exploring and experimenting with the baffling and exciting possibilities which the new art forms and media of communication present for breaking through to the spirit of modern man and confronting him with the claims of the Christian faith. And every large denomination is also somewhat troubled by attempts within its own walls to introduce jazz into its liturgy and an almost beatnik kind of drama in the hope of speaking the Christian message to its youth in terms it can understand.

This book deals with this very contemporary form of the old question concerning the compatibility of Christianity and culture. It is written by 28 artists, writers, movie critics, playwrights, cartoonists, and the like, who each contribute an original, short essay on some facet of the field. Articles discuss Christianity and the traditional art forms of literature, painting, sculpture, music, the dance, church architecture, as well as the uniquely contemporary art forms of the motion picture, television, and the cartoon and comic strip. The delightful analysis of the existential mythology of Charlie Brown and his one-block world, in an essay entitled “Demythologizing Peanuts,” is worth the price of the book. Contributors include Amos N. Wilder, James T. Miller, Stanley Romaine Hopper, Tom F. Driver, and Jim Crane.

The book is written not for experts but for anyone interested in modern culture and in the ways that modern communication media can be used to grip the spirit of today’s man and gain a hearing for the Christian message. For such people it is an exciting book. Theologians—who perhaps most need the book—will discover the old problem emerging in contemporary form because of the manner in which some writers conceive of Christianity as Revelation and of culture as revelation. Sixteen illustrations offer evidence that art can “chill us with irony and wash us with beauty and preserve us in a selfhood that many things in our culture conspire to destroy.”


Five Ways To Show

Ways of Thinking About God, by Edward Sillem (Sheed & Ward, 1962, 190 pp., $3.75), is reviewed by Henry Hamann, former President and Professor of Theology, Lutheran Seminar, Adelaide, Australia.

This book may be described as a work in Christian apologetics inasmuch as it deals with the demonstration, by arguments drawn from reason, of the existence of God in the theistic sense, as well as with the need of divine revelation; more specifically, it discusses the teachings of Thomas Aquinas on these subjects. The author is at pains to defend Thomas against those Thomist philosophers whose views on the great Schoolman’s teaching rest upon too narrow or exclusive an interpretation of the famous “Five Ways”—the five ways of proving God’s existence—in the Summa Theologiae. He speaks of “the enigma of the Five Ways” because of the context in which they occur, their Aristotelian origin and form, their extreme brevity, and their comparative inconclusiveness. St. Thomas, he insists, while convinced that God’s existence can be established by human reason, was not “philosophizing as a philosopher but theologizing as a theologian,” so that the Five Ways represent merely a preparatory stage in his argument, designed to show what pagan philosophy, unaided by divine revelation, could conclude about God. Dr. Sillem seems to have proved his contention; but then Thomas is partly responsible for being misunderstood because of his conception of theology as a “subalternate science” and his invention of a “new metaphysics” through which reason, enlightened by faith, engages in speculative thinking about God’s Being.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the book is the last and longest chapter, in which the author summons his hero, as a sort of Thomas Redivivus, into a conference with Kant and more recent philosophers to expound his Five Ways, in order to show where they should be extended or amended for the purpose of meeting modern conditions and to cross swords with those modern writers who attempt to nullify the theistic arguments by raising logical difficulties about “necessity” and “causality.” The writer does not touch the question whether some efforts to establish a “reasoned theism” have biblical sanction (Rom. 1:19 ff., 2:14, 15); and his emphasis upon metaphysical thinking, however necessary for Aquinas as well as for contemporary formal treatises, fails to take into account the intellectual limitations of the ordinary mortal. Traces of Roman Catholic teaching naturally appear in this work by Father Sillem, and there seems to be a leaning toward some mild form of theistic evolution (p. 182); but atheistic pleas based upon the presence of natural and moral evil in the world are well countered. Students of Thomas Aquinas will welcome this volume, and all minds occupied with the natural knowledge of God will find much food for thought. Unfortunately the plan and arrangement of the book have caused some duplication and repetition. A few printer’s errors will be easily recognized.


First Of Ten

The Encyclopedia of Christianity, Volume I, Edwin H. Palmer, General Editor (Encyclopedia of Christianity, Inc., Princeton, N.J., 1962, 661 pp., $13.50), is reviewed by William Childs Robinson, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Church Polity, and Apologetics, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Ga.

As its name indicates, this work deals with the biblical, historical, religious, and ethical concerns of Christianity as seen from the standpoint of conservative scholarship. This first volume of a projected series of ten takes us through the A’s and into the B’s. William L. Lane contributes an exhaustive article, running more than a hundred columns, on apocrypha. For J. G. Vos, the Bible is the written Word of God. Gregg Singer finds in Bernard of Clairvaux that faith is “a voluntary and certain foretaste of truth not yet unveiled.” E. J. Young interprets the biblical account of Abraham as straightforward history. Treating of Abelard, Gordon Clark finds that the universals precede the particulars in the mind of God, exist in the particulars in things, and follow them in our minds. The main line of development in the doctrine and beliefs of the Baptists is Calvinistic.

Of course, in such a voluminous undertaking there are details which arouse questions in the mind of a reviewer. The description of Arndt and Gingerich’s lexicon as a translation of the German one by W. Bauer seems to need further qualification. In the treatment of Abba, one misses the implications brought out by Jeremias that this term is drawn from a little child’s familiar address to his father. Cornelius Van Til uses 27 columns to continue his antithetical interpretation of Karl Barth.

On the other hand, we appreciate A. Freundt’s fine review of the life and work of Francis Beattie of Columbia and Louisville Seminaries. Again, Richard Baxter’s piety and character outstripped his theology. For him, “That man who has anything in the world so dear to him that he cannot spare it for Christ, if He call for it, is no true Christian.”


Fascinating History

The Reformation in England, Volume I, by J. FI. Merle d’Aubigné (Banner of Truth Trust, 1962, 476 pp., 15s.), is reviewed by Philip H. Buss, lay tutor at the London College of Divinity, England.

Originally published in 1853 and a best-seller, this first of two volumes covers the history of the Christian faith in the British Isles up to the death of Cardinal Wolsey in 1530, and the emergence of the Roman See as the chief scourge of pure British Gospel Christianity. The highlights are the word-pictures of Wycliffe and Tyndale, the exciting story of the spread of the newly-translated Scriptures in England, and the agonizingly suspenseful narrative of Henry VIII awaiting permission to divorce Catherine of Aragon. The whole reads swiftly and arrestingly and displays an intense interest in people and life.

The book comes from a time in which the Roman-Protestant controversy was waged more heatedly than today, when there is more than one knock on Vatican doors. The publishers would probably recommend this to be read alongside reports from the present Vatican Council, hoping that we will hand on our dearly bought evangelical heritage unimpaired. It stands as a rebuke to all who bleed Church history of its fascination and relevance.


Book Briefs

The Layman’s Bible Commentary, edited by Balmer H Kelly, Donald G. Miller, and Arnold B. Rhodes. Volume 8: EzraJob, by Balmer H. Kelly; Volume 15: MicahMalachi, by James H. Gailey, Jr.; Volume 17: Mark, by Paul S. Minear; Volume 24: HebrewsII Peter, by John Wick Bowman (John Knox; 1962; 152, 144, 136, 176 pp.; $2 each, four or more $1.75 each). Four more volumes in the Southern Presbyterian Church’s commentary. Readable, helpful, lucid, and sometimes questionable.

In the Midst, by G. Don Gilmore (Eerdmans, 1962, 100 pp., $2.50). A call for renewal of the Church, not by gimmicks and pot-luck suppers, but through recovery in depth of the power of Christ so that the Church may again “turn the world upside down.”

The Conscience of a King, by Margaret Stanley-Wrench (Hawthorn, 1962, 186 pp., $2.95). The life story of the great Sir Thomas More, man of God and conscience of King Henry VIII, who said no to the king’s divorce and thereby pronounced his own death sentence. Actual dialogue of More and his contemporaries used where possible.

Decisive Battles of the Bible, by Edward Longstreth (Lippincott, 1962, 191 pp., $4.50). An unusual book recording the military history of Israel.

The Young Minister, by John B. Wilder (Zondervan, 1962, 120 pp., $1.95). Practical advice on many practical matters for young ministers.

Is Religion Enough?, by George F. Tittmann (Seabury, 1962, 177 pp., $4). In language clean and crisp and with a style that jogs the reader, the author seeks to contrast the true meaning of the Gospel with mere popular pseudo-religiousness.

A Protestant Believes, by Ralph Beryl Nesbitt (distributed by The American Tract Society, Oradell, N. J., 1962, 126 pp., $1). A portrait of evangelical Protestant faith as it covers doctrine and the history of the Church. Written for laymen. Lucid exposition.

The Orthodox Church, by John Meyendorff (Pantheon, 1962, 244 pp., $2.50). Orthodox theologians relate the past story of the Orthodox Church and the role of this church of 100,000,000 in the differences existing between East and West. Highly informative.


The Reformation of the 16th Century, by Charles Beard (University of Michigan Press, 1962, 478 pp., $2.95; also cloth-bound, $4.40). The Hibbert Lectures for 1883, by a nineteenth-century English Unitarian who, in accord with his own sympathies, stressed the humanistic rather than the more definitely theological aspects of the Reformers’ work.

The Reformation and Its Significance Today, by Joseph C. McLelland (Westminster, 1962, 238 pp., $2.25). This thought-provoking work sets forth the thesis that the Church is always in need of reform because of its nature as a living organism following in the steps of a living Lord.

John: A Brief Commentary, by Everett F. Harrison (Moody, 1962, 128 pp., $.39). Laying illustration and application aside, Harrison sets forth the basic thought of the fourth Gospel with clarity and brevity.

Karl Marx: The Story of His Life, by Franz Mehring (University of Michigan Press, 1962, 608 pp., $2.95). Long regarded as one of the best sympathetic treatments of the life of Marx. First printed in 1918.

A Little Exercise for Young Theologians, by Helmut Thielicke (Eerdmans, 1962, 41 pp., $.95). Thielicke warns of the dangers of theological study to those (seminarians, for example) still in their theological puberty.

The Nature and Purpose of the Gospels, by R. V. G. Tasker (John Knox, 1962, 112 pp., $1.50). Seventh edition of the work of an evangelical able to communicate scholarship to those who claim to be merely students.

How To Publicize Church Activities, by William J. Barrows, Jr. (Revell, 1962, 62 pp., $1). How to make the most of newsletters, bulletins, newspapers, radio, and television for church publicity.

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AN EXTRAORDINARY WIDOW’S MITE—What does a thriving debt-free church do with a windfall of $342,625? A 74-year-old widow left the sum to Bethel Baptist Church of Toronto with the proviso that half be spent on the local church and half be given to missions. The congregation will decide what to do with the money at its annual meeting this month. Meanwhile, the Rev. Roy Cook is worried: “I don’t want the money to be a bane on the church. People sometimes think because a church is endowed there’s no reason to give.” “Christian living,” he adds, “shrinks along with their giving.”

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION—U. S. churchgoers are so busy with their leisure that Vacation Bible Schools find it ever more difficult to recruit workers for the full two-week stint. Because of this Gospel Light Publications is begrudgingly adding to its 1963 line a five-day curriculum, which it says is the first ever ofered. “Frankly,” said an official, “we are heavily in favor of the ten-day school, but unmistakable trends show that our new five-day course will help many churches with their problems.”

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (United Presbyterian) and University of Pittsburgh are expanding their cooperative education programs, raising new speculation of a possible merger. Seminary officials, however, deny a merger move, although they foresee further expansion of specialized cooperative ministries.

Assemblies of God plan total separation of their two schools in Springfield, Missouri, Central Bible Institute and Evangel College. The Rev. J. Robert Ashcroft, now a joint president, will retain his office with Evangel, which is seeking regional accreditation, and a new president will be selected for Central.

California Baptist Theological Seminary, American Baptist school at Covina, won accreditation last month from the American Association of Theological Schools.

John Brown University, interdenominational school in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, is embarking on a ten-year development program costing $3,510,000.

PROTESTANT PANORAMA—A demand that the independent Valley Presbyterian Church of North Hollywood, California, cease using the term “Presbyterian” in its advertising was lodged by Los Angeles Presbytery of United Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.

Mass evangelistic assault on Wellington, New Zealand, this month is the first of several planned for 1963 by Churches of Christ, spearheaded by Central Avenue Church of Christ in Valdosta, Georgia. Thirty-five Americans and two tons of literature were imported for the month-long effort.

World Mission Board of American Lutheran Church ordered a program cutback, blames 1962 convention for not providing sufficient appropriations. Forty-five volunteers are ready, the board says, but it now appears that no new missionaries can be sent in 1963.

Baylor University President Abner V. McCall ordered cancellation of “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” because of the play’s profane language. McCall cited numerous complaints in his directive to the drama department at Baylor, largest Southern Baptist school. Cancellation order won unanimous endorsem*nt from Texas Baptist Executive Board.

PERSONALIA—The Rev. John M. Burgess, first Negro Episcopal bishop to have jurisdiction over white congregations, consecrated last month as suffragan bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts.

Bishop O. T. Jones elected senior bishop of the Church of God in Christ at the Negro group’s national convocation in Memphis.

The Rev. John C. Harper, rector of St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Bedford, New York, appointed rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, world-famous “Church of the Presidents” on Lafayette Square in Washington.

Veteran Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., says he will retire as minister of the 11,000-member Abyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem, next December 1.

Dr. Homer L. Payne appointed director of Belgian Gospel Mission.

Bishop Otto Dibelius will continue for the time being as head of the Evangelical Church of Berlin and Brandenburg, which in separate synods in East and West Berlin has not been able to agree on a successor.

Dr. Hudson T. Armerding appointed provost at Wheaton College.

The Rev. Joseph Wenninger appointed president of Simpson Bible College.

MISCELLANY—Two freshman coeds perished in a dormitory fire at Central (South Carolina) Wesleyan College.

Two children were injured by a bomb thrown in front of a Negro church used for pro-integration meetings in Birmingham, Alabama.

In a survey of 845 members of the Luther League of America, 87 per cent confessed that they had cheated in high school examinations. The survey was compiled by the Rev. Ralph R. Helierich, editor of Time Out, official organ of the league, which is a youth auxiliary of the Lutheran Church in America.

Evangelist Billy Graham addressed thousands at a noon rally in the Pentagon concourse last month. Films of the meeting, which also featured the U. S. Army Chorus, will be made available for showings at American military bases throughout the world.

A spokesman for the Yugoslav Embassy in Washington says there is no prospect for reopening religious bookstores in Belgrade. The shops, including one operated by the British and Foreign Bible Society, were shut down under a law which prohibits distribution of foreign publications except by Yugoslav firms registered with the government.

A spokesman for Church World Service, which is conducting a campaign for blankets for homeless Algerians, says there are still some 600,000 persons without them. About 40,000 had been distributed by December 10 as the winter began to set in.

WORTH QUOTING—“Fearful and unprepared we have assumed lordship over the life and death of the whole world of all living things. The danger and the glory and the choice rest finally in man. The test of his perfection is at hand. Having taken God-like powers, we must seek in ourselves for the responsibility and the wisdom we once prayed some deity might have.”—Novelist John Steinbeck, in accepting the 1962 Nobel Prize for literature.

“Despite all the reservations which we have in regard to the Roman Catholic Church, the improvement of relations between this church and ourselves, as expressed in the invitation and sending of observers to the Second Vatican Council, should fill us all with joy and thankfulness. Let us hope that the matter will not rest with this beginning, but that one day a genuine doctrinal discussion may become possible between the two churches concerning the commission laid upon us both to witness to the truth in Christ.”—Dr. Kurt Schmidt-Clausen, executive secretary of the Lutheran World Federation.


DR. ROY A. BURKHART, 67, nationally known author, pastor emeritus of First Community Church of Columbus, Ohio, and organizer and first president of World Neighbors; in Columbus.

DR. ASA J. FERRY, 82, well known Presbyterian minister who had served churches in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Wichita, Kansas; in Asheville, North Carolina.

JACK SHULER, 44, evangelist; in Van Nuys, California. He was a son of Dr. Bob Shuler, retired Methodist minister who for many years served Trinity Methodist Church, Los Angeles. Evangelical Press Service said the young Shuler’s death was attributed to bronchiectasis.

REV. H. J. KUIPER, 76, for more than 25 years editor of The Banner, official organ of the Christian Reformed Church; in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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The percentage of the American population that belongs to churches and synagogues has declined for the first time in almost a century, according to statistics in the 1963 Yearbook of American Churches published by the National Council of Churches.

The decline, only two-tenths of one per cent, came as no surprise, however, inasmuch as the post-war church membership boom has been leveling off in recent years.

Total church and synagogue membership for 1961 was reported as 116,109,929, or 63.4 per cent of the total population, as compared to the 1960 percentage of 63.6.

Two of the top ten U. S. Protestant denominations showed net losses for 1961. United Presbyterians reported 3,242,479 members compared with 3,259,011 the previous year, and the Protestant Episcopal Church was down from 3,444,265 to 3,269,325.

Records of church membership since 1850 show that a percentage decrease occurred only once before, in 1870, when the drop (in a 10-year period) was from 23 to 18 per cent.

Another factor which indicates a leveling off is that for the first time since World War II percentage gains in membership have fallen below the estimated population increase. The 1961 membership increase of 1,660,712 amounted to a 1.4 per cent rise as compared to an estimated population gain of 1.6 per cent.

Although both Protestants and Roman Catholics reported an increase in membership, their percentages of the total population showed a decline. Both were reduced by two-tenths of one per cent.

Of the 258 religious bodies supplying membership figures, 228 were Protestant with a total membership of 64,434,966. This was a gain of 766,131 or 1.2 per cent over 1960.

Protestant churches also reported a loss of 3.1 per cent of the total Sunday school enrollment.

Compilers of the yearbook (members of the NCC’s Bureau of Research and Survey) stress that church statistics must be examined with the foreknowledge that not all churches reporting employ the same recording system. Some include infants and all family members while others record only those received into membership by baptism. The new yearbook carries statistics furnished by 258 religious bodies of all faiths, one less than reported in 1960 and three more than in 1959.

NEWS / A fornightly report of developments in religion


Catholic membership was given as 42,876,665, an increase of 771,765 or 1.9 per cent over last year’s total.

Membership in Jewish congregations showed a decline for the second time in two years. The 1961 total was 5,365,000 compared with 5,367,000 in 1960, and 5,500,000 in 1959.

Eastern Orthodox Churches reported 2,800,401 members, an increase of 101,738. The Old Catholic Church, Polish National Catholic Church, and the Armenian Church of North America had a combined membership of 572,897, almost 17,000 less than in 1960.

The 31 member communions of the National Council of Churches reported a total membership of 40,318,430, a slight increase over last year’s figure of 40,185,813.

The yearbook listed the total number of ordained persons in 236 reporting bodies as 381,252. The total number of pastors having charges was given as 247,009.

The total number of local churches reported was 319,670, compared with 318,697 for the previous year.

Some 228 religious bodies reported 286,661 Sunday or Sabbath schools in 1961, with 3,715,221 teachers and officers and a total enrollment of 44,434,291.

Meanwhile, figures contained in the newly-released 1962 World Mission Map of the Catholic Students’ Mission Crusade show that Catholics throughout the world total some 558,221,000; about 18.2 per cent of the global population.

The total is a numerical increase of nearly eight million over the previous year, but represents a percentage decline of about one-tenth of one per cent.

The students’ map statistics are widely recognized as the most authoritative source of Roman Catholic population figures.

Already somewhat lean statistics covering large areas of Christendom are beginning to prompt concern. At a meeting of denominational leaders in Nashville last month Executive Secretary James L. Sullivan of the Southern Baptist Convention Sunday School Board posed the question:

“We have been emphasizing the functions and planning projects, but where are the people?”

Preliminary statistical reports indicated that Southern Baptists, leaders in Sunday school enrollment totals in the United States, increased only 54,000 in membership during the 1961–62 associational year. This apparently was the lowest numerical increase since the mid-1940s.

Preliminary data was said to indicate that Southern Baptist Training Union enrollment increased during 1961–62, but that it too failed to make an annual increase similar to previous years.

Methodists outnumber members of any other religious affiliation in the 88th Congress, which convenes January 9. A total of 102 lawmakers—78 in the House and 24 in the Senate—list themselves as Methodists.

Roman Catholics, who were the most numerous in the 87th Congress, are second this year with 88 in the House and 11 in the Senate for a total of 99.

Here is the current makeup of Congress according to religious affiliation (Senators are italicized):


Abele (R.-Ohio)

Abernethy (D.-Miss.)

Adair (R.-Ind.)

Albert (D.-Okla.)

Arends (R.-Ill.)

Aspinall (D.-Colo.)

Avery (R.-Kan.)

Ayres (R.-Ohio)

Bass (D.-Tenn.)

Bayh (D.-Ind.)

Belcher (R.-Okla.)

Bible (D.-Nev.)


Brademas (D.-Ind.)

Brooks (D.-Tex.)

Broomfield (R.-Mich.)

Brotzman (R.-Colo.)

Brown (R.-Ohio)

Burkhalter (D.-Calif.)

Cameron (D.-Calif.)

Collier (R.-Ill.)

Colmer (D.-Miss.)

Corman (D.-Calif.)

Cramer (R.-Fla.)

Denton (D.-Ind.)

Devine (R.-Ohio)

Dole (R.-Kan.)

Dowdy (D.-Tex.)

Eastland (D.-Miss.)

Elliott (D.-Ala.)

Engle (D.-Calif.)

Flynt (D.-Ga.)

Foreman (R.-Tex.)

Fulton (D.-Tenn.)

Grant (D.-Ala.)

Haley (D.-Fla.)

Halleck (R.-Ind.)

Hardy (D.-Va.)

Hawkins (D.-Calif.)

Herlong (D.-Fla.)

Hickenlooper (R.-Iowa)

Hill (D.-Ala.)

Holland (D.-Fla.)

Inouye (D.-Hawaii)

Jennings (D.-Va.)

Jonas (R.-N.C.)

Jones (D.-Ala.)

Jordan, B. E. (D.-N.C.)

Jordan, L. B. (R.-Idaho)

Kilburn (R.-N.Y.)

Kilgore (D.-Tex.)

Kornegay (D.-N.C.)

Long (D.-La.)

Mahon (D.-Tex.)

McGovern (D.-S.D.)

McLoskey (R.-Il)

Meader (R.-Mic.)

Mechem (R.-N.M.)

Metcalf (D.-Mont.)

Mills (D.-Ark.)

Moore (R.-W. Va.)

Morgan (D.-i a.)

Mundt (R.-S.D.)

Murray (D.-Tenn.)

Nelson (D.-Wisc.)

Olsen (D.-Mont.)

Pilcher (D.-Ga.)

Pool (D.-Tex.)

Quillen (R.-Tenn.)

Randall (D.-Mo.)

Rhodes (R.-Ariz.)

Rich (R.-Ohio)

Roberts (D.-Tex.)

Robison (R.-N.Y.)

Rogers (D.-Fla.)

Russell (D.-Ga.)

Schenck (R.-Ohio)

Shriver (R.-Kan.)

Sheppard (D.-Calif.)

Sikes (D.-Fla.)

Skubitz (R.-Kan.)

Smathers (D.-Fla.)

Mrs. Smith (R.-Maine)

Smith, H. A. (R.-Calif.)

Smith, N. (D.-Iowa)

Sparkman (D.-Ala.)

Staggers (D.-W. Va.)

Steed (D.-Okla.)

Stubblefield (D.-Ky.)

Talcott (R.-Calif.)

Thomas (D.-Tex.)

Thornberry (D.-Tex.)

Tower (R.-Tex.)

Trimble (D.-Ark.)

Tupper (R.-Maine)

Vinson (D.-Ga.)

Waggonner (D.-La.)

Wallhauser (R.-N.J.)

Wharton (R.-N.Y.)

Whitener (D.-N.C.)

Williams (R.-Del.)

Young (D.-Ohio)

Roman Catholic

Addabbo (D.-N.Y.)

Barrett (D.-Pa.)

Bates (R.-Mass.)

Becker (R.-N.Y.)

Bennett (R.-Mich.)

Blatnik (D.-Minn.)

Boggs (D.-La.)

Boland (D.-Mass.)

Buckley (D.-N.Y.)

Burke (D.-Mass.)

Byrne (D.-Pa.)

Byrnes (R.-Wis.)

Cahill (R.-N.J.)

Carey (D.-N.Y.)

Clancy (R.-Ohio)

Conte (R.-Mass.)

Daddario (D.-Conn.)

Daniels (D.-N.J.)

Delaney (D.-N.Y.)

Dent (D.-Pa.)

Derwinski (R.-Ill.)

Dingell (D.-Mich.)

Dodd (D.-Conn.)

Donohue (D.-Mass.)

Dulski (D.-N.Y.)

Fallon (D.-Md.)

Feighan (D.-Ohio)

Finnegan (D.-Ill.)

Fino (R.-N.Y.)

Flood (D.-Pa.)

Fogarty (D.-R.I.)

Gallagher (D.-N.J.)

Giaimo (D.-Conn.)

Gonzalez (D.-Tex.)

Grabowski (D.-Conn.)

Green (D.-Pa.)

Grover (R.-N.Y.)

Hart (D.-Mich.)

Healey (D.-N.Y.)

Hebert (D.-La.)

Hoffman (R.-Ill.)

Holland (D.-Pa.)

Mrs. Kelly (D.-N.Y.)

Kennedy (D.-Mass.)

Keogh (D.-N.Y.)

King (R.-N.Y.)

Kirwan (D.-Ohio)

Kluczynski (D.-Ill.)

Lausche (D.-Ohio)

Leggett (D.-Calif.)

Lesinski (D.-Mich.)

Libonati (D.-Ill.)

Macdonald (D.-Mass.)

Madden (D.-Ind.)

Mansfield (D.-Mont.)

McCarthy (D.-Minn.)

McCormack (D.-Mass.)

McDade (R.-Pa.)

McIntyre (D.-N.H.)

McNamara (D.-Mich.)

Miller (R.-Iowa)

Miller, G. P. (D.-Calif.)

Miller, W. E. (R.-N.Y.)

Minish (D.-N.J.)

Monagan (D.-Conn.)

Montoya (D.-N.M.)

Murphy, J. M. (D.-N.Y.)

Murphy, W. T. (D.-Ill.)

Muskie (D.-Maine)

Nedzi (D.-Mich.)

O’Brien, L. W. (D.-N.Y.)

O’Brien, T. J. (D.-Ill.)

O’Hara, B. (D.-Ill.)

O’Hara, J.G. (D.-Mich.)

O’Konski (R.-Wis.)

Onge (D.-Conn.)

O’Neill (D.-Mass.)

Pastore (D.-R.I.)

Patten (D.-N.J.)

Philbin (D.-Mass.)

Price (D.-Ill.)

Pucinski (D.-Ill.)

Rodino (D.-N.J.)

Rooney (D.-N.Y.)

Rostenkowski (D.-Ill.)

Roybal (D.-Calif.)

Ryan, H. M. (D.-Mich.)

Ryan, W. F. (D.-N.Y.)

Shelley (D.-Calif.)

Sickles (D.-Md.)

St. Germain (D.-R.I.)

Mrs. Sullivan (D.-Mo.)

Thompson, F. (D.-N.J.)

Thompson, T.A. (D.-La.)

Vanik (D.-Ohio)

White (D.-Idaho)

Willis (D.-La.)

Young (D.-Tex.)

Zablocki (D.-Wis.)


Anderson (D.-N.M.)

Auchincloss (R.-N.J.)

Baker (R.-Tenn.)

Baldwin (R.-Calif.)

Barry (R.-N.Y.)

Bell (R.-Calif.)

Bolton (R.-Ohio)

Bow (R.-Ohio)

Brock (R.-Tenn.)

Bromwell (R.-Iowa)

Case (R.-N.J.)

Chelf (D.-Ky.)

Church (D.-Idaho)

Clark (D.-Pa.)

Corbett (R.-Pa.)

Curtis (R.-Neb.)

Dague (R.-Pa.)

Davis (D.-Ga.)

Derounian (R.-N.Y.)

Edmondson (D.-Okla.)

Ellender (D.-La.)

Ervin (D.-N.C.)

Fountain (D.-N.C.)

Fulton (R.-Pa.)

Fuqua (D.-Fla.)

Gibbons (D.-Fla.)

Glenn (R.-N.J.)

Gross (R.-Iowa)

Gubser (R.-Calif.)

Harsha (R.-Ohio)

Harvey (R.-Mich.)

Hays (D.-Ohio)

Hemphill (D.-S.C.)

Henderson (D.-N.C.)

Hoeven (R.-Iowa)

Horan (R.-Wash.)

Horton (R.-N.Y.)

Jackson (D.-Wash.)

Jarman (D.-Okla.)

Johnson (D.-Calif.)

Karth (D.-Minn.)

Keating (R.-N.Y.)

Knox (R.-Mich.)

Kyl (R.-Iowa)

Laird (R.-Wis.)

Lindsay (R.-N.Y.)

Long (D.-Md.)

MacGregor (R.-Minn.)

Marsh (D.-Va.)

Martin (R.-Neb.)

Matthews (D.-Fla.)

McCulloch (R.-Ohio)

McDowell (D.-Del.)

McGee (R.-Wyo.)

Milliken (R.-Pa.)

Morris (D.-N.M.)

Norblad (R.-Ore.)

Pearson (R.-Kan.)

Pillion (R.-N.Y.)

Poff (R.-Va.)

Purcell (D.-Tex.)

Reid, O. (R.-N.Y.)

Mrs. Reid, C. (R.-Ill.)

Rumsfeld (R.-Ill.)

Scott (D.-N.C.)

Secrest (D.-Ohio)

Slack (D.-W.Va.)

Springer (R.-Ill.)

Stennis (D.-Miss.)

Stephens (D.-Ga.)

Stinson (R.-Wash.)

Stratton (D.-N.Y.)

Thomson (R.-Wis.)

Ullman (D.-Ore.)

Utt (R.-Calif.)

Weaver (R.-Pa.)

Weltner (D.-Ga.)

Westland (R.-Wash.)

Whalley (R.-Pa.)

Whitten (D.-Miss.)

Wright (D.-Tex.)


Abbitt (D.-Va.)

Andrews (D.-Ala.)

Ashbrook (R.-Ohio)

Ashmore (D.-S.C.)

Beckworth (D.-Tex.)

Broyhill (R.-N.C.)

Byrd (D.-W. Va.)

Cannon (D.-Mo.)

Carlson (R.-Kan.)

Chenoweth (R.-Colo.)

Cooley (D.-N.C.)

Cooper (R.-Ky.)

Davis (D.-Tenn.)

Diggs (D.-Mich.)

Dorn (D.-S.C.)

Forrester (D.-Ga.)

Gary (D.-Va.)

Gathings (D.-Ark.)

Gore (D.-Tenn.)

Gray (D.-Ill.)

Hagan (D.-Ga.)

Hall (R.-Mo.)

Harris (D.-Ark.)

Ichord (D.-Mo.)

Johnston (D.-S.C.)

Kefauver (D.-Tenn.)

Kerr (D.-Okla.)

Landrum (D.-Ga.)

Lennon (D.-N.C.)

Lipscomb (R.-Calif.)

Long (D.-La.)

Long (D.-Mo.)

McClellan (D.-Ark.)

McIntire (R.-Maine)

McMillan (D.-S.C.)

Natcher (D.-Ky.)

Nix (D.-Pa.)

Passman (D.-La.)

Patman (D.-Tex.)

Pepper (D.-Fla.)

Perkins (D.-Ky.)

Powell (D.-N.Y.)

Rains (D.-Ala.)

Randolph (D.-W. Va.)

Riehlman (R.-N.Y.)

Roberts (D.-Ala.)

Robertson (D.-Va.)

Rogers (D.-Colo.)

Schwengel (R.-Iowa)

Shipley (D.-Ill.)

Siler (R.-Ky.)

Talmadge (D.-Ga.)

Taylor (D.-N.C.)

Teague, C. M. (R.-Calif.)

Teague, O. E. (D.-Tex.)

Thurmond (D.-S.C.)

Tuck (D.-Va.)

Tuten (D.-Ga.)

Williams (D.-Miss.)

Wilson, B. (R.-Calif.)

Wilson, C. (D.-Calif.)

Wilson, E. (R.-Ind.)

Winstead (D.-Miss.)

Yarborough (D.-Tex.)


Allott (R.-Colo.)

Ashley (D.-Ohio)

Beall (R.-Md.)

Betts (R.-Ohio)

Bolling (D.-Mo.)

Bolton (R.-Ohio)

Bonner (D.-N.C.)

Brewster (D.-Md.)

Brown (D.-Calif.)

Byrd (D.-Va.)

Cohelan (D.-Calif.)

Cunningham (R.-Nebr.)

Curtin (R.-Pa.)

Deerlin (D.-Calif.)

Dominick (R.-Colo.)

Downing (D.-Va.)

Ellsworth (R.-Kan.)

Frelinghuysen (R.-N.J.)

Ford (R.-Mich.)

Gavin (R.-Pa.)

Goldwater (R.-Ariz.)

Goodell (R.-N.Y.)

Hayden (D.-Ariz.)

Karsten (D.-Mo.)

Mrs. Kee (D.-W. Va.)

Hanna (D.-Calif.)

Hechler (D.-W. Va.)

Hosmer (R.-Calif.)

Huddleston (D.-Ala.)

King (D.-Calif.)

Kuchel (R.-Calif.)

Kunkel (R.-Pa.)

Lankford (D.-Md.)

Mailliard (R.-Calif.)

Mathias (R.-Md.)

Matsunaga (D.-Hawaii)

Mrs. May (R.-Wash.)

McFall (D.-Calif.)

Monroney (D.-Okla.)

Moorhead (D.-Pa.)

Morrison (D.-La.)

Morton (R.-Ky.)

Morton (R.-Md.)

Pell (D.-R.I.)

Pelly (R.-Wash.)

Proxmire (D.-Wis.)

Reifel (R.-S.D.)

Reuss (D.-Wis.)

Rivers, L. M. (D.-S.C.)

Rivers, R.J. (D.-Alaska)

Rogers (D.-Tex.)

Roosevelt (D.-Calif.)

Schneebeli (R.-Pa.)

Scott (R.-Pa.)

Selden (D.-Ala.)

Short (R.-N.D.)

Simpson (R.-Wyo.)

Smith (D.-Va.)

Mrs. St. George (R.-N.Y.)

Symington (D.-Mo.)

Thompson, (D.-Tex.)

Widnall (R.-N.J.)

Watson (D.-S.C.)

Wydler (R.-N.Y.)

Congregational Christian

Battin (R.-Mont.)

Berry (R.-S.D.)

Burdick (D.-N.D.)

Cotton (R.-N.H.)

Doyle (D.-Calif.)

Findley (R.-Ill.)

Fong (R.-Hawaii)

Fraser (D.-Minn.)

Griffin (R.-Mich.)

Gurney (R.-Fla.)

Humphrey (D.-Minn.)

Johansen (R.-Mich.)

Keith (R.-Mass.)

Morse (D.-Ore.)

Morse (R.-Mass.)

Mosher (R.-Ohio)

Osmers (R.-N.J.)

Pike (D.-N.Y.)

Prouty (R.-Vt.)

Schadeberg (R.-Wis.)

Sibal (R.-Conn.)

Stafford (R.-Vt.)

Wyman (R.-N.H.)

Younger (R.-Calif.)


Aiken (R.-Vt.)

Baring (D.-Nev.)

Bartlett (D.-Alaska)

Casey (D.-Tex.)

Chamberlain (R.-Mich.)

Cleveland (R.-N.H.)

Duncan (D.-Ore.)

Mrs. Dwyer (R.-N.J.)

Fascell (D.-Fla.)

Gill (D.-Hawaii)

Mrs. Griffiths (D.-Mich.)

Hagen (D.-Calif.)

McClory (R.-Ill.)

Minshall (R.-Ohio)

Moss (D.-Calif.)

Ostertag (R.-N.Y.)

Pirnie (R.-N.Y.)

Snyder (R.-Ky.)

Taft (R.-Ohio)

Van Pelt (R.-Wis.)


Beermann (R.-Nebr.)

Broyhill (R.-Va.)

Bruce (R.-Ind.)

Hartke (D.-Ind.)

Jensen (R.-Iowa)

Johnson (D.-Wis.)

Langen (R.-Minn.)

Magnuson (D.-Wash.)

Martin (R.-Calif.)

Nelsen (R.-Minn.)

Nygaard (R.-N.D.)

Olson (D.-Minn.)

Quie (R.-Minn.)

Rhodes (D.-Pa.)

Senner (D.-Ariz.)

Tollefson (R.-Wash.)

Walter (D.-Pa.)

Disciples Of Christ

Alger (R.-Tex.)

Bennett (D.-Fla.)

Fulbright (D.-Ark.)

Mrs. Green (D.-Ore.)

Harvey (R.-Ind.)

Holifield (D.-Calif.)

Hull (D.-Mo.)

Jones (D.-Mo.)

Latta (R.-Ohio)

Roudebush (R.-Ind.)

Watts (D.-Ky.)

Wickersham (D.-Okla.)


Celler (D.-N.Y.)

Farbstein (D.-N.Y.);

Firedel (D.-Md.)

Gilbert (D.-N.Y.)

Halpern (R.-N.Y.)

Javits (R.-N.Y.)

Joelson (D.-N.J.)

Multer (D.-N.Y.)

Ribicoff (D.-Conn.)

Rosenthal (D.-N.Y.)

Toll (D.-Pa.)


Clark (D.-Pa.)

Curtis (R.-Mo.)

Edwards (D.-Calif.)

Gruening (D.-Alaska)

Harrison (R.-Wyo.)

Hruska (R.-Neb.)

Neuberger (D.-Ore.)

Saltonstall (R.-Mass.)

Staebler (D.-Mich.)

Williams (D.-N.J.)

Latter Day Saints

Bennett (R.-Utah)

Burton (R.-Utah)

Cannon (D.-Nev.)

Harding (D.-Idaho)

Lloyd (R.-Utah)

Moss (D.-Utah)

Udall (D.-Ariz.)

Young (R.-N.D.)


APOSTOLIC CHRISTIAN: Michel (R.-Ill.); BRETHREN IN CHRIST: Roush (D.-Ind.); CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST: Dawson (D.-Ill.), Mrs. Hansen (D.-Wash.), Hutchinson (R.-Mich.); CHURCHES OF CHRIST: Burleson (D.-Tex.), Evins (D.-Tenn.), Fisher (D.-Tex.), Sisk (D.-Calif.); CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN: Everett (D.-Tenn.); EVANGELICAL AND RE-FORMED: Garmatz (D.-Md.), Saylor (R.-Pa.); EVANGELICAL FREE: Anderson (R.-Ill.), Cederberg (R.-Mich.); EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN: Goodling (R.-Pa.); REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA: Dirksen (R.-Ill.); SCHWENKFELDER: Schweiker (R.-Pa.); SOCIETY OF FRIENDS: Bray (R.-Ind.), Douglas (D.-Ill.); UNIVERSALIST: Poage (D.-Tex.); NOT LISTED: Kastenmeier (D.-Wis.); Martin (R.-Mass.).

Governors’ Lineup

Eleven U. S. state governors list a Methodist affiliation or preference as of the beginning of 1963. Nine governors are Roman Catholics, eight are Baptists, seven are Presbyterians, and another seven are Episcopalians. Here is a complete breakdown:

Methodist: Anderson (R.-Kan.), Bryant (D.-Fla.), Clement (D.-Tenn.), Connally (D.-Tex.), Fannin (R.-Ariz.), Hughes (D.-Iowa), Russell (D.-S.C.), Sanford (D.-N.C.), Smylie (R.-Idaho), Tawes (D.-Md.), Wallace (D-Ala.).

Catholics: Brown (D.-Calif.), Burns (D. Hawaii), Campbell (D.-N. M.), Dempsey (D.-Conn.), Egan (D.-Alaska), Hughes (D.-N.J.), King (D.-N.FL), Reynolds (D.-Wis.), Rossellini (D.-Wash.).

Baptist: Barnett (D.-Miss.), Combs (D.-Ky.), Davis (D.-La.), Faubus (D.-Ark.), Hatfield (R.-Ore.), Rockefeller (R.-N.Y.), Sanders (D.-Ga.), Sawyer (D.-Nev.).

Presbyterians: Babco*ck (D.-Mont.), Barron (D.-W. Va.), Bellmon (R.-Okla.), Dalton (D.-Mo.), Guy (D. N.D.), Rhodes (R.-Ohio), Scranton (R.-Pa.).

Episcopalians: Carvel (D.-Del.), Chafee (R.-R. I.), Hansen (R.-Wyo.), Harrison (D.-Va.), Hoff (D.-Vt.), Morrison (D.-Neb.), Peabody (D.-Mass.).

Congregational Christian: Kerner (D.-Ill.), Reed (R.-Maine).

Latter Day Saints: Clyde (D.-Utah.), Romney (R.-Mich.).

Lutheran: Anderson (R.-Minn.), Gubbrud (R.-S. D.).

Disciples of Christ: Welsh (D.-Ind.).

United Church of Christ: Love (R.-Colo.).

The Battle Begins

With the convening of the 88th Congress, controversy over possible federal aid to religious schools promises to flare up again.

A general aid-to-education bill was defeated in 1961, and a college aid bill was rejected in 1962. In each case, a religious issue was involved.

The Kennedy administration, nonetheless, is still determined to see a bill enacted for aid to education. The strategy is not yet certain, but first reports suggested that one approach being considered would give federal planning grants to states to enable them to determine their own elementary and secondary school needs. In this way the states would have to wrestle with the problems of separation of church and state and would keep the major responsibility for decisions out of Washington.

The Court Rests

The U. S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Kentucky’s Sunday closing law last month. A one-sentence order dismissing the appeal of three store owners cited want of a substantial federal question. Justice William O. Douglas, who takes the most extreme view of church-state separation of any member of the court, filed a dissenting opinion.

In another ruling, the court agreed to hear a South Carolina court opinion that a Seventh-day Adventist properly was denied unemployment benefits for refusing to work on Saturdays.

Still being weighed by the highest court in the land were several all-important cases on the constitutionality of Bible reading and prayers in public schools.

Surplus Favoritism?

Chester B. Lund, supervisor of the federal government’s surplus disposal program, was quoted last month as saying that the transfer of U. S. acreage and buildings to church bodies has not resulted, as charged by some, in favoritism to the Roman Catholic Church.

Lund’s contention was promptly disputed by Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State. A POAU statement referred to the “downright dishonesty of Mr. Lund’s information.”

Lund, in an interview in New York, said disposal of surplus properties to church groups over the past 18 years is tabulated this way:

Roman Catholic: Receipt of real estate with an original value of $11,775,274. The property was appraised at a “fair present value” of $8,849,632. Discounts of up to 100 per cent, Lund said, brought total payments up to $133,227.

Protestant: Receipt of real estate and buildings with an original value of $25,211,632. The property was appraised

at a “fair present value” of $8,375,192. The sum actually paid after discounts were applied amounted to $398,662.

Lund gave the figures to the New York Herald-Tribune. In discussing the amount of property released to church bodies, he said that the Catholics are ahead, with Baptists and Methodists not far behind.

Methodists, it was reported, received the largest single property transfer in the 18-year history of the federal program when the government turned over a General Electric defense plant having an original value of $8,088,143. Actual payment was $11,561.

POAU said the General Electric plant went to Syracuse University, which is Methodist-related somewhat peripherally. “On such a basis,” POAU added, “many of the so-called Protestant donations turn out to be donations to private, nonsectarian colleges which have only a nominal church tie.”

Since 1944, when U. S. surplus disposal began, 527 transactions involving sale or grant of property to religious bodies have been recorded. Lund, a Lutheran and one-time deacon, said Catholics were involved in 209. Seventh-day Adventists were second with 125.

Ncc Housekeeping

Encouraging frigid temperatures in Louisville, Kentucky, last month, the policy-making General Board of the National Council of Churches seemed quite content to remain indoors for housekeeping chores. Lack of a big issue for the two-day meeting doubtless accounted in part for absence of out-of-town secular-press reporters (though regular coverage given these thrice-yearly meetings is generally slight compared to that accorded major denominational conventions), but the sessions highlighted the fact that through the year the Second Vatican Council has siphoned funds from newspaper travel-expense money which ordinarily would have gone to covering Protestant meetings. In the rivalry for the travel dollar, the Protestants should do better in 1963.

Some General Board difference of opinion was sparked by presentation of a preliminary report of a special committee which is restudying the National Council’s structure and function, to which end the Rockefeller Brothers Fund has provided $100,000. One NCC official indicated that greater centralization is envisaged, with more General Board control over the various council units. The hope is that the denominations will thus send the best-equipped sort of delegates to the General Board. A Methodist layman objected to what he termed “this strong move” toward centralization and warned that the NCC could lose members over it, with a consequent “weakening of the ecumenical movement.”

General Board deliberation on this subject is planned for its next meeting, to take place in February at Denver.

NCC General Secretary Roy G. Ross reported that council staff members, at the request of the General Constituent Membership Committee, “have developed personal ties with leaders of a number of those denominations which are not members of the Council but whose boards are members of some of the Council’s divisions. These ties are resulting in a growing interest in full Council membership.”

Dr. Ross also noted embarrassment among leaders of NCC member churches over “wide differences of conviction” on church-state relations as dramatized by the Supreme Court decision on the New York State Regents’ prayer. He pointed to the irony in NCC inability “to be definitive in stating any common position on behalf of our member churches” even though special study has been carried on since 1953. He said the NCC will be poorly prepared to face questions arising from new Supreme Court decisions until the NCC conference on church-state relations to be held in 1964.

Louisville actions of the General Board included:

•Approval of a net budget of $15,329,270 in 1963.

•Allocation of $33,000 toward the development of a Protestant center at the New York World’s Fair of 1964 and 1965.

•Election as head of the Washington, D. C., office of the Council, Dr. Vernon L. Ferwerda, now director of U.N.-U.S. interpretation in NCC’s Department of International Affairs.

Board members also heard plans for a three-week visit to this country in February by some 20 church leaders from the Soviet Union. This will return a visit to Russia last summer by 11 NCC representatives. Plans call for the Russian churchmen to visit the February General Board meeting in Denver. F. F.

Presbyterian Precedent?

When the Gunton-Temple Memorial Presbyterian Church leaves Washington, D. C., for a suburban Maryland location, it will leave behind $50,000 somewhat reluctantly.

The bequest was ordered by the Presbytery of Washington as a condition of its approval of relocation plans. Members of the church argued that the sum of $90,000 originally attached to relocation approval would hamper establishment of the church elsewhere. Others argued that the church had an obligation to its old locale.

The 80-year-old congregation, which currently has a total membership of 291, reportedly will receive $360,000 for its old property, which is being sold to a Negro Baptist group.

There was no debate over the advisability of the move itself. The $50,000 will go toward helping other Presbyterian churches in the area as well as toward interdenominational projects deemed worthy.

Belated Review

Not even a work of “dignified mediocrity,” says writer T. S. Eliot, referring to the language of the New English Bible (New Testament), whose world sales are pushing the five million mark. Eliot declares that from a panel representing the most distinguished modern scholars has come “something which astonishes in its combination of the vulgar, the trivial and the pedantic,” causing us to ask in alarm, “What is happening to the English language?”

The 74-year-old Nobel prizewinner, writing in London’s Sunday Telegraph, went on to give examples. He was especially critical of “Do not feed your pearls to pigs,” which he concluded was not only undignified and gauche, but also made the figure of speech ludicrous. “There is all the difference in the world,” he suggests, “between saying that pigs do not appreciate the value of pearls, and saying, what the youngest and most illiterate among us know, that they cannot be nourished on pearls.” Some passages of the new version he finds lack clarity: it is, for example, small comfort to be told, “How blest are those who know that they are poor.” He deals with a number of other infelicities, and recommends for further reading a leaflet published by the Trinitarian Bible Society which gives “a useful list of specimens of bad taste.”

Turning to the translators’ introduction, Eliot points out that “no attempt is made to substantiate the assertion that the rate of change of English usage has accelerated, or to inform us in what respects English usage is changing.” The writers evidently had not considered that change could sometimes be for the worse, and “it is as much our business to attempt to arrest deterioration and combat corruption of our language, as to accept change.” After discussing the difference between public and private use of the NEB, he suggests that when read in church it will be just as difficult to grasp as, and will not have the verbal beauty of, the King James Version. The conclusion of his article will make the fur and hair fly. While approving the stress on classical scholarship, he nevertheless adds: “It would also be good if those who have authority to translate a dead language could show understanding and appreciation of their own.”

Bells And Smells

Parliament’s relationship with the Church of England came up in the House of Commons last month. A motion introduced by an Irish farmer, John Maginnis, was believed to be pointed toward a recent letter to Parliament dispatched by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, who called for revision of Canon Law and the Prayer Book (see “Uneasiness in the Camp,” CHRISTIANITY TODAY News, November 23, 1962).

The motion read: “That this House is mindful of the fact that the majority of the people of this country adhere to the Christian religion and that the Church of England is by law established; and is concerned that the relationship between Parliament and Church shall, in the interests of both, be effectively maintained.”

There was, of course, more in this than met the eye. Maginnis himself made it clearer: because of the Established Church’s many privileges in England, he thought it right that the supremacy of Parliament should be effectively maintained. “We must get back to the Bible and the teachings of the Holy Scriptures,” he added. “We must get back to the teaching of justification by faith and everything embodied in our great, historic Church of England.”

The Commons debate touched upon widespread deviations from the Book of Common Prayer, and Maginnis suggested that such irregularities have produced serious tensions in the church. Cited was a list of 48 churches in the diocese of London alone where masses were advertised as part of the service. Maginnis also noted that the Bishop of Southwark, Dr. Mervyn Stockwood, had celebrated a “Solemn Pontifical High Mass.” Maginnis charged that the Church of England was in a state of anarchy, and proposed the establishment of a royal commission to investigate.

Mr. Chuter Ede, a former Home Secretary, said he saw no sign that the majority of the people of Britain adhered to the Christian religion, and deplored a system which tied a church for expressions of doctrine to decisions of the House of Commons. Mr. Iain Macleod, Leader of the House, stating that charges of illegality in Church of England services were completely valid, agreed that it was wise to postpone discussion of details until the House discussed an Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure early in 1963. Mr. John Cordle, a prominent evangelical, pointed out that many laymen disliked the way in which the Communion service was “monkeyed around” by some clergy. Parishioners were subjected to “bells and smells”—and there were times when it was impossible to follow the service from the Prayer Book.

This can be regarded as a dry run in anticipation of the future full-scale debate on kindred topics. Although the participants handled a provocative subject in a surprisingly quiet and reasonable manner, the fact that the motion passed unopposed might well set episcopal hearts beating faster at the thought of things to come.

J. D. D.

Word From Rome

How serious was the recent illness of Pope John XXIII?

“Alarmist news” reports in certain journals are “completely unfounded,” Professor Antonio Gasbarrini, the pontiff’s personal physician, declared in a Vatican City interview.

Later, an official of Osservatore Romano, Vatican City newspaper, was quoted as saying that “there is every reason to hope that the Pope does not have cancer, but rather a weakening of the blood vessels of the stomach.”

Meanwhile, Osservatore Romano also disclosed two weeks after the close of the first session of the Second Vatican Council that the council fathers had voted to allow certain changes in the Mass. Bishops with the approval of the Holy See may now change many parts of the Mass from Latin into the language spoken by the people. The council voted to let such bodies as national and regional bishops conferences decide whether the change should be made. Also provided by the action of the council fathers on December 7, the day before they recessed, is adaptation of the Mass to the culture and traditions of some areas.

Anti-Christian Law

Seventeen United Presbyterian and Reformed missionaries from the United States have been ordered by the Sudanese government to leave that Moslem country under its new anti-Christian missionary law. Six already have left the country and the remaining 11 must quit their posts by January 19.

The Sudan law requires that every missionary society or missionary be licensed annually to carry on any activity. Under this law, church schools have been confiscated, resident missionaries expelled or arrested, and contact restricted between Christian clergymen and the people.

Other provisions of the law state that Christian children may not be baptized without permission of police or village chiefs.


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There have been times in the life of the Church, as there were in the life of our Lord, when things began to happen because of a new and sudden movement of the Spirit of God. After 30 years had passed Jesus suddenly began his public ministry, healing the sick and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. When the Spirit of God came upon him, he was abruptly thrust into the wilderness and onto the road that led to Calvary. And the abrupt “before” and “after” contrast that we see—the only one we see—in the lives of Jesus’ disciples occurred because of the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, a coming which happened “suddenly” (Acts 2:1).

Similarly, there have been times of sudden outbursts of expansion and vitality, of reform and renewal in the history of the Church because the winds of the Spirit blew through the garden of God. The Reformation, the Counter-Reformation, the upsurge of Revival in England and America and of Pietism in the arid rationalism of Germany, were emergents whose causation lay not in historical antecedents but in new and special stirrings of the Spirit. In such seasons of refreshing the Church recaptured the warmth and passion of her springtime and moved forward eagerly into her promised harvests. Indeed, for such times as these the Church has ever prayed: Come, Holy Spirit.

We seem to be living today in such a season of spiritual excitement. There are new and fresh energies of God bestirring the Church to new obedience to her calling and new awareness of fresh opportunities.

In all her long history there has not been a mission concern comparable to the modern concern to bring Christ to the nations. Not since Reformation times has there been anything comparable to the expansive Luther-Calvin research of recent decades. Never before has there been such interest in the nature of the Church and in the eschatological nature of the Gospel. It has been a long, long time since we have experienced so great an interest in systematic and biblical theology, New Testament studies, the role of the layman, liturgical appreciation; such lively concern about Christianity’s confrontation with non-Christian religions; such extensive probing of the Gospel and the problem of communication—to mention no more. Not until modern times did the Church become aware that as the holy, catholic Church, she is indeed a world church. Even those churches most critical of the ecumenical movement are practicing ecumenics within the limits of their provincial concerns.

To see in all this seething activity a movement of the Spirit is not to accept everything that occurs as Spirit-induced and acceptable to God. Not all the story of the Reformation is happy reading; yet who would deny it was a time of the Spirit? Even under the leading of the Spirit we are not to expect the infallible word, the perfect deed, the pure miracle. The Spirit works through people and churches who are always old wineskins and earthen vessels. Even the story of the Pentecost Church of the New Testament page is a spotted story. Much recorded there was not the fruit of the Spirit.

Moreover, we must not be surprised that those seasons when the Spirit moves are times of disturbance within the Church. Old familiar ways are strained, time-honored boundaries crossed, limits pushed back, accepted patterns of thought and practice broken, walls of human device crumbled, respected churchly machinery toppled, and long-established ecclesiastical structures disestablished—or by-passed.

It is striking that much of the exciting action of our time has occurred among people and in places where some of us would least have expected it. Theological energy has come more from the liberal than the conservative side of the Church. The extensive Luther-Calvin research has not been carried on by the denominations that give their particular loyalties to these men. Ecumenical theology has not come from those specifically concerned about traditional denominational theologies and their distinctives. The earliest ecumenical impulse came not from the churches but from the mission fields, and the “younger churches” are more pained over the divisions of the older churches than are the older churches themselves. Today’s mass evangelism began and continues outside rather than inside the churches. Fastest growth occurs within the segments of the Church that are highly flexible and little organized, not within the established and staid denominations. On all fronts the Spirit is breaking the old wineskins.

It is precisely the Holy Spirit’s high disregard for our organized Christianity that intensifies the ecumenical question of the “nature of unity we seek.” The Church’s unity is spiritual; this, however, does not mean disembodied. The Spirit resides in the Church. The unity he establishes is spiritual, yet not merely mystical or ethereal. It is for the Church to pray: Come, Holy Spirit, and search amidst all the bustle of activity for the visible unity the Spirit demands.


The Loss Of Identity: Who Is A Jew?

What happens in Israel (where the modern Jew is defining his spiritual destiny) may be as important for our times as what happens in the turbulent Gentile world.

The Christian community has always insisted that through the merit of Christ’s atonement Jews and Gentiles alike, as individuals, are offered redemption.

Since Jewry’s return to Palestine and formation of the state of Israel in 1948, the view has widened that there remains a place in the purpose of God for the Jewish nation. In Israel there is deep-seated antagonism toward Christian missionary effort, and religiously-oriented Jews contemplate Israel’s world role in relation to a hoped-for revival of Judaism. The long, hectic Jewish dispersion among the Gentiles is sometimes viewed as a providential linguistic and cultural preparation for such a world mission.

Many Christian teachers link whatever spiritual role Israel may find as a nation predominantly to the Jewish attitude toward Jesus Christ. They find scriptural confirmation of their emphasis that the Jews have resettled in Palestine in spiritual unbelief, that Gentile godlessness will become the occasion of God’s abandonment of the Gentiles (at the end of the Church age) and of new spiritual opportunities for the Jews—among whom mass conversions are expected at Messiah’s return. From this viewpoint the revival of interest in Judaism (which the rabbis expound in many senses) is looked upon as an unwitting preparation for a future awareness of Christian fulfillment of Old Testament religion.

Be this as it may, the Israel Supreme Court recently held that a Jew who embraces another religion thereby ceases to be a Jew in the national sense. It ruled against a Roman Catholic monk of Jewish parentage who sought Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return which states that “every Jew has a right to come to this country as an immigrant.” The Jerusalem Post captioned its report: “High Court: Law of Return Doesn’t Cover Apostates.” The majority opinion denied that under the 1950 law the meaning of the term Jew includes “a converted Jew who has been baptized as a Christian, but who regards and feels himself as a Jew despite his apostasy.” Since even Jewish atheists are welcome under the Law of Return, the term “apostate” was specifically directed at Christians. With only one dissenting vote the majority held that the Catholic was asking in effect that “the name Jew” be detached from “all the spiritual values for which we have been martyred.” The dissenting judge could “not agree that … interpretation … requires or permits us to deny to the applicant the rights of a Jew.”

The legal case stirred widespread discussion of the question, “Who is a Jew?” In this connection the New Testament once again makes striking reading. The confidence of the Jews in their physical descent from Abraham is undermined in passage after passage (cf. Matt. 3:9; Luke 16:19–31; John 8:33–47; Gal. 3:7). The freedom of the Jews, as the New Testament expounds it, is not simply a matter of national freedom; it is a matter also of moral and spiritual freedom to fellowship with God. It points inevitably to the question of salvation by faith as against salvation by works, and to the identity of Messiah and the nature of his work and deliverance.


Lady Visitor To These Shores And A Mystic Message

A word of welcome now to a lovely lady, Mona Lisa, from editors in the Nation’s Capital destined soon to be cast irresistibly under the spell she carries with her. As she receives the nation’s leaders and throngs of admirers, what message may be read in that celebrated enigmatic smile? Will it be a restrained rebuke to a proud scientific culture for its inability to produce her like even centuries later? It will not do to remind her of our scientific achievements, for Leonardo was a giant in this field, too. If then she has a lesson in humility for us, let us be grateful.

And what will the smile say to the Christian community? One may not be dogmatic, for this masterpiece of luminous intensity is part portrait and part poetry. But could this sister painting to The Last Supper carry a soft challenge to create great art even in our century for God’s glory?


Welcome then, Mona Lisa, glory of the Louvre.

The President’S Bedroom Doesn’T Belong To The Public?

“The First Family,” that fastest selling record of all time which spoofs President Kennedy and his family, both meets and violates the requirements of true humor.

The person unable to laugh at himself, his church, his country, and his president is in need of a spiritual overhaul, for he is also incapable of passing moral judgment upon himself, his church, country, or president. Unable to assume that vantage point from which alone laughter and moral criticism are possible, he becomes a thing rather than a person, raw material on which political and ecclesiastical tyrannies thrive. The experience of humor involves an act of self-transcendence; comic laughter is a downward movement.

The comic—in contrast to the tragic—arises from a contradiction which involves no suffering. Its humor is therefore gay and amusing; it neither feels nor inflicts hurt.

The skits which present the frailties and foibles of the nation’s first family for the nation’s amusem*nt are wholesome and healthy. The occupants of the White House are open season for such humor. The skit about the President’s “family,” however, violates the canons of acceptable humor. Widely regarded as the funniest of the 17 skits, it transgresses the boundaries of common decency. The millions of people who visit the White House each year do not protest the privacy of the living quarters of the President and his family; they realize that living in a national monument is bad enough. Yet the boudoir skit whose humor skirts on the sex life of the President and Mrs. Kennedy invades the inner sanctum of their private life and holds it up in America, and wherever else English is understood, for money and for laughs. The recording companies which refused to cut the record deserve our cheers; they lost money, but they maintained decency.

To be sure, neither the President nor Mrs. Kennedy will write us to say they agree. They can scarcely afford to make public their private reactions to this commercialized take-off in bad taste on what should be at least the one area of their private lives exempt from public intrusion.

Dr. Margaret Mead, well-known anthropologist, defends the record, urging that making fun of people in authority is “the difference between democracy and tyranny.” This last is true. It is also in this context superficial, for it ignores the fact there is an indecent type of fun-making which is itself so tyrannical that even a President of the United States cannot ward it off—lest by public protest he invite more.


Were The Colonists Heathen? And When Is A Wall A Wall?

Among the interesting and provocative assessments of the American religious scene is that by church historian Franklin H. Littell of Chicago Theological Seminary. While his observations about the present seem to us more definitive than his appraisal of the past, and while neither is wholly beyond criticism, both facets of Dr. Littell’s view merit consideration.

Europe may be in a post-Christian situation, says Dr. Littell, and America in an official sense may be post-Protestant. He thinks, however, that the religious situation of many Americans is better described as pre-Christian. Moreover, Dr. Littell contends—and we are inclined to agree—American Protestants have yet to choose between the voluntary tradition which relies on evangelistic and missionary dynamisms and a tradition of Protestant hegemony which perpetuates a place of special advantage in terms of culture religion. It was mass evangelism that formed American Protestantism; American Protestantism’s historic genius of voluntarism, however, has now largely passed to the modern fruits of the evangelistic tradition—to the younger churches of Asia, Africa, and the islands of the sea.

These insights into the present situation have genuine merit. At the same time, Dr. Littell puts the blame for loss of the voluntary tradition largely on supporters of the “nativist thrust”—the promoters of a “political Protestantism” (anti-Catholic or anti-Semitic as well as anti-Communist). Their “Christian crusades,” he claims, consist mainly of attacks on public school textbooks, on the subversion of the radical left, and on the ecumenical movement. This nativist thrust for pure Americanism, moreover, issues from “the American South, the last great block of Protestant culture religion left in the world.”

We concede readily that some so-called Christian movements of the day have virtually abandoned the distinction between the biblical hope and a political one, and have forsaken the evangelism of repentance that makes possible the ideal of a new society. But we are not ready to charge only the radical right with this deviation which came as a reaction against the radical liberalism whose social gospel inspired a Protestant tribal religion of sorts. The ecumenical movement, the radical left, textbooks—in fact, all things that belong to a fallen order (ourselves included)—are subject to criticism. Much of the Protestant right, however, retains a sound instinct for fixed principles and scriptural norms which the liberal preoccupation with pragmatic adjustment has eroded.

Dr. Littell sees the American scene as a pluralistic society where all contemporary religious traditions must be viewed as equal, and where American Protestants, therefore, should relinquish all claims of a Protestant hegemony in order to make religious participation a wholly voluntary matter. Speaking to the National Conference of Christians and Jews, Dr. Littell indicated two misunderstandings of the American past that threaten such a development. As Professor Littell sees it, they are the “scholastic” notion of a rigid wall of separation between church and state, and the “romantic” view that America was founded as a Christian nation. Both concepts, Dr. Littell contends, are non-historical and support ideological politics rather than intra-religious understanding. Dr. Littell does not contend that the founding fathers were heathen, but that their generation was. This contention he supports on the ground that the masses were unchurched; they were considered, in fact, as needing the efforts of European missionary societies of that time. The American revivalists who largely shaped Protestantism in the United States are themselves partly responsible, Dr. Littell contends, for perpetuating the “myth” of a Christian (Protestant) America whose citizenry in the good old days of the republic was comprised of Christians.

Assertions of this kind require more than passing notice. Those who contend that America was a Christian nation in its beginnings certainly do not mean that all colonists were devout believers. They mean, rather, that religious pluralism as we think of it is a recent development. The overall ideological framework assumed by the colonists was dominantly Christian, one or another Protestant outlook officially regulating most of the colonies. Doubtless a strong missionary desire to evangelize the colonies prevailed in Europe. Even today—and among ourselves—this desire continues (despite the fact that more people are in the churches and support Christian causes than ever). Revivalists often depict the United States as spiritually bankrupt and on the verge of doom; there are always the uncommitted, the indifferent among the committed, and each new generation of youth to deal with. However objectionable it may be, the fact of colonial religious intolerance stemmed neither from religious indifferentism nor atheism, but rather from confessional commitments. If Roger Williams and the Baptists thought the concept of a “Christian nation” was inappropriate, they hardly held twentieth-century Niebuhrian reservations. One of their main arguments for religious freedom was that in the New Testament church God had dissolved the Old Testament connection of temple and state, and that spiritual decision is a voluntary rather than political matter. In this emphasis on personal discretion and decision in religious commitment, Roger Williams and the Virginia revivalists helped influence the First Amendment, which guaranteed religious freedom for all and, in so doing, preserved also the fullest hearing for pure religion and hence the very real possibility of a Christian citizenry. The promoters of religious liberty in the formative years of the nation were neither political theorists nor secularists, but sharers of a religious vision of voluntary and uncoerced commitment. (Even in our time there is no need to interpret every legal move to gain religious liberty as a secular move. While legislation may spearhead social reforms, spiritual considerations may nonetheless supply a vital part in the dynamics of reform.)

If Dr. Littell does less than justice to the Christian orientation of the American colonists, he also underestimates the breadth of the wall the founding fathers erected between church and state. However serpentine, is not the wall of separation which establishes the principle whereby compromises are either to be allowed or disallowed, still a reassuring wall? While the wall of separation is not absolute, and while one cannot speak as forthrightly of being Christian as some nations do, may not attacks on the so-called scholastic and romantic alternatives too quickly surrender what really belongs to our heritage? Did the Constitution envision a situation in which each religious community may pragmatically compromise its tensions in the public order, or does the Constitution assert fixed principles which will serve us today no less effectively than in generations past?


Secular Colleges Not Free Of Prejudice About Religion

Conditions in college education no doubt vary from place to place. The secular colleges boast of academic freedom, but not all practice it. For example, a temporary appointment was to be made. One of the applicants was a young Ph.D. from Harvard, who happened to be teaching at an evangelical college. He was refused the appointment, in favor of another who did not yet have his Ph.D., solely because he seemed to be a fundamentalist.

In this same institution a student in class cursed “white Protestants,” asserting they should be suppressed. He was neither black nor Catholic.

Such events make one wonder about academic freedom, freedom of religion, and about what a Christian professor ought to do. Perhaps the hypocrisy of academic freedom can be borne; but what policies should be adopted and what actions taken to counteract the prejudice against Christians in the universities?


Karl Barth has made an epochal contribution to theology. The more philosophical aspect of this contribution—his uncompromising rejection of all natural theology, his denial of an anthropological or other secular basis for dogmatics, his disavowal of independent apologetics—is not particularly new. Expressed with great clarity and vigor, it is nonetheless but an extension of the views of Augustine and Calvin.

It is the more definitely religious and ecclesiastical aspect of his contribution on which Barth’s greatest merit rests. By his detailed argument he has forced multitudes of liberals to realize that modernism—the pantheistic immanentism and the idealistic philosophy of the Schleiermacher-Ritschl-Herrmann line—leads logically to realistic atheism. Liberal thought creates God in man’s image, and the modernist preacher preaches about himself.

By stressing the transcendent glory of God and sinful man’s utter dependence on grace, it would seem that Barth has given new vitality to the Reformation formula of soli Deo gloria.

But historical evangelicalism held not only to soli Deo; it held also to sola Scriptura. One asks therefore, Is Barth’s evangelical theology evangelical here also?

At first it may seem so. In his Church Dogmatics, besides the rejection of anthropology, natural theology, and scientific apologetics, Barth binds theology to the Scriptures. The Church and its proclamation are bound to “the canon as to an imperative, categorical yet utterly historical … identical with the Bible” (I/1, p. 114). Or, again, “If … the witnesses of revelation … spoke by the Spirit what they knew by the Spirit, and if we really have to hear them and therefore their words—then self-evidently we have to hear all their words with the same measure of respect. It would be arbitrary to relate their inspiration only to such parts of their witness as perhaps appear important to us, or not to their words as such but only to the views and thought which evoke them” (I/2, pp. 517–18).

Now in his new An Introduction to Evangelical Theology (p. 31) Barth picturesquely adds, “The post-Biblical theologian may, no doubt, possess a better astronomy, geography … and so on than these biblical witnesses possessed; but as for the Word of God, he is not [to act] … as though he knew more about the Word than they. He is neither president of a seminary, nor the Chairman of the Board … which might claim some authority over the prophets and the apostles.… Still less is he a highschool teacher authorized to look over their shoulders … to correct their notebooks or to give them good, average, or bad marks.”

Unfortunately, in opposition to the Reformation principle of sola Scriptura, Barth does precisely what he has just said should not be done: he looks over the prophets’ shoulders and gives them bad marks. “The prophets and apostles as such, even in their office … were real historical men as we are, and … actually guilty of error in their spoken and written word” (I/2, pp. 528–29).

Barth here faces a dilemma. Can he maintain the categorical authority of the Bible as an external canon and also declare the prophets and apostles guilty of error?

The question may be spelled out a little further. On the one hand, Barth professes a biblical theology. Philosophy, science, and apologetics are rigidly excluded. But on the other hand, unacknowledged, Barth imposes secular norms and theories on the Bible itself.

Dr. Klaas Runia’s recent book Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture demonstrates beyond all doubt that Barth’s views on the function of a witness, the concept of saga, and the nature of revelation are derived from non-biblical presuppositions.

Dr. Gordon H. Clark in Karl Barth’s Theological Method argues that Barth has overlaid the biblical message with a non-theistic theory of linguistics and communication. And both of these authors insist that Barth does not attend to the Bible’s own view of itself.

Now, the great dilemma is this: if independent apologetics and natural theology are to be consistently abandoned, Barth must accept the Reformation view of verbal and plenary inspiration; but if the prophets and apostles are guilty of error, Barth must use some historical, scientific, or other secular criterion and sit in judgment over the Word of God.



Karl Barth asserts that “we distinguish the Bible as such from revelation. A witness is not absolutely identical with that to which it witnesses” and that “it is really not laid upon us to take everything in the Bible as true in globo.” After pointing this out and showing that Barth makes Mark contradict Paul in Colossians, Gordon H. Clark, in his Karl Barth’s Theological Method, comments as follows:

“Here the question is, How does one decide what to believe and what not to believe? Whether we are faced with mutually contradictory verses or with credible and incredible narratives, a principle of distinction is necessary.

“The type of principle required is perfectly clear. The only way in which a decision can be reached in these choices lies in the use of some non-scriptural principle. Biblical norms are impossible. Since both verses or both narratives are equally in the Bible, obviously it is not by their being in the Bible that they can be judged. Nor can an appeal be made to some other verse in the Bible, for it too may have its contradictory and will itself need to be judged on the basis of some independent principles.

“Therefore a theologian must choose one of three positions. He may mystically take the irrational position of accepting contradictions.… Now, … no critic can believe that Barth intends to be irrational. There may be vestigial remains of Paradox and the Totally Other, and these may be evaluated as flaws, even serious flaws, in his thought; but he also laid great stress on rational communication.

“The second position is that of the Protestant Reformers. Verbal inspiration may face problems in exegeting Mark and Colossians, … but the entanglements and confusions of contemporary theology … hold no terrors, hold no perplexities for the orthodox system.

“If, now, one rejects the infallible authority of the Scriptures, the third position alone remains. This position is the acceptance, as a norm or standard, of something external to the Bible. Mark and Colossians must be measured against an independent principle. Since this external norm cannot be a wordless revelation, for a wordless revelation cannot give the necessary information, it must be secular science, history, or anthropology. Of course, this is what Barth had vehemently objected to in his attack on modernism. A norm or canon other than Scripture is something Barth does not want at all. But the construction of his system has not enabled him to escape it. The result is that Barth’s theology is self-contradictory. He operates on the basis of incompatible axioms, and against his hopes and aims arrives at an untenable or irrational position.…

“The school to which Barth belongs, or at least the movement that Barth initiated, has a heritage of irrationalism. Barth himself is probably the least irrational of them all. Yet even Barth, in his great enthusiasm to proclaim the good news that the Word became flesh, tends to forget that what became flesh and spoke in human language was the Word, the Logos, the infallible Reason of God.” (Quoted by permission from Karl Barth’s Theological Method, by Gordon H. Clark, to be published in 1963 by the Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.)

L. Nelson Bell

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Wherever it is found, self-sufficiency is man’s supreme folly. When Christians attempt to go in their own wisdom and strength this is, in fact, a denial of their faith.

The world is full of people who are groping, longing, hungry, and anxious for something which they have never found but the need for which is a gnawing reality.

Basic to this is the completeness of man’s need. In no vital area is man sufficient in himself. He needs strength, wisdom, guidance, help, and victory which he can never supply from his own resources. “For without me ye can do nothing,” is always valid.

It is because of this that men and nations find themselves adrift today—with weakness instead of strength, foolishness instead of wisdom, groping instead of guidance, helplessness where help is desperately needed, and defeat instead of victory.

In God’s wisdom the dilemma of man is met only as he realizes the completeness of his need. Where pride intervenes, the door is closed. Where there is ignorance, this ignorance must be dispelled by the truth of the Gospel. Where there is unbelief, this must be supplanted by faith.

The more a Christian matures, the more he understands the completeness of his own need. This is revealed by the Holy Spirit, creating a dependence which God honors in the fulfilling of his promises.

This has been experienced by many Christians to the end that peace came to their hearts in a new way while at the same time God revealed the completeness of his faithfulness.

There are times when we are overwhelmed by the multiplicity of issues which defy solution. Personal problems become baffling in their complications; loved ones are confronted with adverse developments; friends become prey to the devices of Satan; the world in which we live becomes so confused that there seems no solution to its problems.

At times like this the Christian often lives like a beggar in the midst of plenty, like an orphan in the presence and power of his Heavenly Father, like an ignorant fool in the wisdom which comes from above.

When he becomes excited and goes out in his own wisdom to solve his problems or those of others, he but complicates the situation for all concerned.

There are times when God wants his children to stand still and see the wonder of his solutions. Such was true when the children of Israel found themselves pursued by the Egyptians. To them Moses said: “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be still” (Exod. 14:13, 14).

The Psalmist knew man’s propensity to become despondent when confronted with what seem to be unsurmountable odds. In Psalm 37 David writes of the apparent triumph of evil men and counsels God’s children not to fret because of that which they see, nor to be envious of sin’s temporary ascendancy.

At such a time the Christian is to put his trust in the Lord, knowing that in so doing he is trusting the One who has not only the answer but also the final word.

We are further admonished to “take delight in the Lord,” for it is in times of man’s extremity that He stretches forth his mighty arm to save.

Then the Psalmist gives us this telling advice: “Commit your way to the Lord.” How faithful are we in doing this? Do we not too often try to work out the solutions to our problems without reference to the only One who can really solve them for us?

To “be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him” is an exercise of faith too few of us exhibit. It is so hard to be still in the presence of God, so much easier to be up and doing. Even in our prayers we are so busy talking to God that sometimes he has no chance to speak to us. Indeed we often try to cover up our own failures by an increasing amount of talk—thinking that we can divert God from our true state!

“Wait for the Lord, and keep his way,” is David’s further advice. For many of us waiting is not easy. We want to have the answer, see the solution, right now—and if God does not give it in our way and when we demand it, we soon notice our frustration mounting.

In our failure to admit the completeness of our need in everything and the completeness of God’s provision for every need, we sin against him and bring misery to our own souls.

We need to practice introspection, to examine our own hearts and lives, to pray that the Holy Spirit will show us ourselves as God sees us, in order that we may realize how barren and empty we really are—how great the void which can be filled only by the living Christ. When this occurs the first great battle has been won. Just as illness drives the sufferer to the physician, so the sinfulness and barrenness of man’s soul when it is stripped naked of ignorance or pretense, drive him to the Great Physician who has the cure for sin and the love to apply it.

Yes, the completeness of man’s need is matched only by the completeness of God’s provision.

On the one hand this is the offer of God’s redeeming, keeping, and providing love in Jesus Christ. On the other it is a case of man’s appropriating to himself that which God is offering. Instead of striving to achieve, man comes to rest in that which Christ has achieved for him.

The writer would like to bear personal testimony to the fact that many times in his life he has experienced an overwhelming sense of frustration, need, and weakness only to see God undertake, fulfilling his promises in ways which could only strengthen faith and make his presence and power a reality more precious than anything this world can offer.

We think of an occasion when there was such a multiplicity of problems in which so many people and enterprises were involved that we felt completely helpless—and we were. At that particular time there came over us an overwhelming sense of relief as we realized that all of these could be turned over to our Lord without going into any of them in detail. We simply turned them over to him in faith and knew he would solve each of them in his own way, in his own time, and for his own glory.

The objective result was a blessing for all concerned. The subjective effect was one of unspeakable relief—of peace where there had been strife, hope where there had been uncertainty, surrender where there had been striving, and praise where there had been confusion.

The lesson for us all is this: our need is complete, but his provision is equally complete.

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A most crucial question of contemporary theology probes the ground for orthodox trinitarian doctrine. According to historic Christianity, trinitarianism characterizes not only God’s manifestations of himself to man, but God as he is in himself.

For much anti-metaphysical modern thought, however, nothing can be known in itself, let alone the infinite God! Men can know God’s mighty acts, but not God per se. Propositional revelation of God’s very nature is banished from its venerable theological throne; revelation in act or event has usurped exclusive rights to the kingdom of contemporary theology.

Assuming that revelation is in act not assertion, can theologians avoid the ancient heresy of modalism? Modalists (Sabellians) in the early Church alleged the three Persons were merely ways in which God revealed himself to men, not distinctions within God’s own essence. It is questionable if those whose principle of authority is non-propositional can claim more. Henry P. VanDusen observes, “The crucial question in all speculative thought about the Trinity is precisely this: whether it is legitimate, indeed necessary, to recognize as true of the inmost reality of the Divine Being distinctions which are indisputably real within our experience of the Divine Being” (Theology Today [October, 1958], p. 378).

Two heroic attempts have been made to establish an ontological trinitarianism from a basis of revelation as act. Upon that ground Leonard Hodgson, the distinguished Anglican theologian, reasons inductively or synthetically to the doctrine of the Trinity, and upon that ground Karl Barth reasons analytically to trinitarianism. Can either synthetic or analytic reasoning from temporal events (albeit revelatory) lead us to truth about the very nature of the eternal God?

Leonard Hodgson’s Induction

“I have rejected as unprofitable,” Leonard Hodgson writes in The Doctrine of the Trinity (Nisbet, 1943), a view of the Bible “as giving revelation in the form of propositions concerning the inner mysteries of the Godhead” (p. 229). The starting point of Hodgson’s trinitarianism is the given data of Christ’s “birth, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension” (p. 25) as well as Pentecost and the presently observable “new life of communion with God into which Christians have been taken” (p. 138). Hodgson then seeks a “postulate,” or “adequate account,” for the facts of Christ, Pentecost, and Christian experience. The doctrine of the Trinity turns out to be the best “philosophical-theological attempt to grasp what must be the nature of the God who makes Himself known in this way” (p. 139).

While many agree that God cannot be totally other than he condescends to reveal himself to man to be, Dr. Hodgson has given no reasons in support of this conclusion. From a purely experiential point of view a modalistic hypothesis accounts for all the data as consistently as Hodgson’s postulate. Sabellius, for example, maintained that God in relation to creation is Father; God in relation to Jesus Christ is Son; and God in relation to the Church is Holy Spirit. According to Sabellius the three persons are not modes of the eternal Being, but merely modes of divine revelation in time. Does not the merely functional trinity of Sabellius account for the data to which Hodgson appeals? On what ground, then, does Hodgson prefer the ontological to the modalistic hypothesis? His experiential evidence does not require it, and he has ruled out propositional revelation concerning the nature of God. Since no other basis is provided, his conclusion concerning “what must be the nature of the God who makes Himself known in this way” seems to be without foundation.

We here question the necessity of Hodgson’s argument, not its possibility. If in fact we did not have scriptural assertion concerning the God who acts in human history, Hodgson’s case would be usefully employed, although tentative indeed. Granting the decisiveness of the apostolic interpretations of Christ and Christian experience, which Hodgson seems to do, then why question the trustworthiness of their written assertions? So far as he hesitates to grant authority to propositional revelation of the nature of the God who acts in Christ and Christian experience, he weakens his case for trinitarianism, and fails to provide adequate ground for escaping modalism.

While Karl Barth in his Church Dogmatics also rejects propositional revelation, he seeks to avoid the problems of inductive reasoning by alleging that “analysis” of revelatory acts yields trinitarian dogma (Church Dogmatics I, pp. 351, 358). The doctrine, according to a follower of Barth, Claude Welch (In This Name, Scribner’s, 1952), “is not an inductive conclusion from scientia, but an arche, a pre-supposition of thought which is given to men in the new logos in Christ” (p. 245). Consideration of revelatory acts involves the immediate implication of the unity and threefoldness of the revealing God. For example, when Peter confesses “Jesus Christ is Lord,” the Lord God is revealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit. In revelation Barth discovers the “Revealer, Revelation, and Revealedness” (I, 1, p. 361), or “veiling, unveiling, and impartation” (I, 1, p. 431). This threefoldness, Welch insists, is not merely modalistic, but “is in the structure or pattern of the one of God in Christ and therefore the structure of all divine activity and of the Being of God” (op. cit., p. 223). Whereas Hodgson rejects all statements about relations among the persons of the Trinity as unfounded, Welch condemns such an injustice to the Fathers who accepted the Bible as revelation and were not “altogether misled in this matter of the doctrine of relations” (p. 205).

Karl Barth’s Analysis

Does Barth’s analysis achieve the astounding feat of beginning with an event in history and necessarily concluding with a triune doctrine of God in Himself? Maurice Wiles’s expression of “Some Reflections on the Origins of the Doctrine of the Trinity” in The Journal of Theological Studies, sharpens the issue:

We are not starting with the assumption of a revealed trinitarian doctrine of God and then looking at the manner of God’s self-revealing activity in the world to see if it can appropriately be understood in a way which corresponds to the already known trinitarian nature of God. We are, on the contrary, seeking to look at the activity of God to see if it is of such unquestionably threefold character that we are forced, in order to explain it rationally, to postulate a threefold character in God himself (VIII [April 1957], p. 93).

Wiles, who rejects the Bible as propositional revelation because “it appears to conflict with the whole idea of the nature of revelation to which Biblical criticism has led us” (p. 104), also rejects the formulations of Barth and Welch. In his judgment:

For all the advocacy of Karl Barth, it seems impossible seriously to maintain that the statement about revelation is something that requires a trinitarian explanation. The whole argument sounds suspiciously like a later rationalization to support a doctrine really based on … [propositional revelation] and now in search of a new foundation” (p. 105).

Why, for example, does not Welch supply some reasons for the following assumption: “We must reaffirm the judgment that God in himself cannot be other than God in his revelation” (op. cit., p. 219)? This is precisely the point to be substantiated in answering modalism. Sabellius regarded not only human words but also temporal acts insufficient media for revealing the nature of God. For the ancient modalist the acts of Christ and experiences of the Holy Spirit were accommodations of the Eternal to time; the hidden God remained unknown. Barth, on the other hand, is certain that the acts of God in human experience must reveal God per se, but agrees with Sabellius that the scriptural words cannot convey truth concerning the divine essence. On what basis can Barth maintain that human propositions alter divine truth while incarnate acts do not? Are we to believe that God cannot reveal propositions true of his own nature, but Barth can analyze events in a way that must be true of the divine nature? Without propositional revelation what reason have we for following Barth rather than Sabellius? It is not enough for Welch to “reaffirm” the ungrounded assertion that “God in Himself cannot be other than God in His revelation.” The assertion may be true enough; it is its basis that we here challenge.

Furthermore, why does Barth stop with a threefold analysis of the event of revelation? Wiles is willing to follow the analytic approach where it leads, and it leads to a startling conclusion. “Our Trinity of revelation is an arbitrary analysis of the activity of God, which though of value in Christian thought and devotion is not of essential significance” (op. cit., p. 104). Wiles admits that this view is revolutionary, but “no more so than the break-away from the idea of propositional revelation of which it appears to be the logical conclusion” (p. 106). As the thought continues, the completed orthodox doctrine of the Trinity can logically be known only on the basis of propositional revelation about the inner mysteries of the Godhead. Remove that foundation and the necessity (not the desirability or value) of trinitarian thought is removed. With D. M. Edwards, Wiles is led on to this conclusion: “The modern mind … cannot see any necessity of thought for fixing on the number three, neither less nor more.… No convincing reason can be given why, in view of the rich manifoldness of divine functions and activities, the number of hypostases may not be increased indefinitely” (p. 106).

The observed weaknesses in the kingdom of non-propositional revelation lead to a reconsideration of richer view of authority including both act and proposition.

Lowry’s Fallible Propositions

Dr. Charles W. Lowry, former professor at Virginia Theological Seminary, in The Trinity and Christian Devotion (Harper, 1946) judges that the most serious difficulty facing theories of revelation exclusively as act, is the biblical data itself. Examining such assertions as: “God is love,” “God is Spirit,” “I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter,” “Upon this rock I will build my church,” and “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us,” Lowry says, “It is not easy to see how the formula of revelation given simply in act or event covers the ground. I believe accordingly, that there is no alternative to positing, in the full light of modern criticism, a special inspiration of Holy Scripture” (pp. 64 f.). Lowry goes so far as to say, “The Bible remains, when all is said and done, the greatest miracle of all time. It is in actuality the Word of God, since it is only through its witness, record and interpretation that we confront and are confronted by the deeds and speech of the living God” (p. 78).

Nevertheless, Dr. Lowry adds, “The Bible is human and fallible as well as Divine and authoritative” (p. 66). But if that be the case, trinitarianism is not supported with any degree of necessity. The very propositions which imply the doctrine may be in error. A Bible with propositional revelations which may be untrue is incapable of conclusively sustaining ontological trinitarianism.

Lowry admits the undue tension of his position that the Bible is both fallible and divinely authoritative:

The working out of the dialectical problem set us by this dual character of the Holy Scriptures is not easy. It is not easy for the common man. It is probably still harder for theologians and scholars. But it is a task that has to be accepted and worked at with energy (ibid.).

Until Dr. Lowry can resolve the problem of biblical criticism in some measure, and recognize propositions certified by verbal inspiration, he will not have secure ground upon which to defend his belief that the Trinity is necessary to Christian faith and devotion.

Orthodoxy’s Infallible Propositions

In view of the inconclusiveness of the inductive, analytic, and fallible propositional bases for trinitarianism, either the orthodox doctrine of the Trinity must be regarded as unnecessary to Christianity or the doctrine must be founded upon propositional revelation and verbal inspiration. On any basis short of this it seems impossible to make assured assertions concerning the inner nature of God. Upon the ground of certified cognitive truths Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Luther, who did not ignore the incarnate acts of God, have structured their doctrine of the Trinity. They may not have used the explicit terms propositional and verbal, but they employed the concepts those words express. For example, Augustine’s first goal in his classic De Trinitate is to “demonstrate, according to the authority of the Holy Scriptures, whether the [trinitarian] faith be so” (I, 2, 4). On that authority, orthodox theologians maintained, God in himself is triune. They did not claim fully to comprehend the Trinity, but the incomprehensibility of God did not imply irrationality. Admittedly their limited knowledge of God’s nature was indirect (1 Cor. 13:12) in being mediated through linguistic and visible signs, but it was not therefore untrue.

Can we, today, in view of biblical criticism continue the allegedly uncritical position of orthodoxy’s stalwarts? Men enlightened in modern critical procedures and results do defend a trustworthy propositional revelation in conjunction with revelation in mighty acts, or as one of the greatest of these acts. Since we cannot here present anything like a full statement of the case, we mention Bernard Ramm, Special Revelation and the Word of God (Eerdmans, 1961); Paul Jewett, Emil Brunner’s Concept of Revelation (James Clark, 1954); and Carl F. H. Henry (ed.), Revelation and the Bible (Baker, 1958).

Furthermore, in the full light of modern criticism Frederick C. Grant concludes that the historic view of Scripture is the biblical view of itself. In the New Testament, Grant observes, “it is every where taken for granted that Scripture is trustworthy, infallible and inerrant.… No New Testament writer would ever dream of questioning a statement contained in the Old Testament” (Introduction to New Testament Thought, Abingdon-co*kesbury, 1950, p. 75). Biblically, God reveals himself not only in events, but in words and assertions (1 Sam. 3:21; Dan. 2:28; Matt. 16:17; 11:25; Rom. 16:25; Gal. 1:12). Our Lord himself accepted the Old Testament as true in its assertions of fact and reality (Matt. 5:17, 18; John 5:46, 47; 10:35). The Apostles shared the view of their Master (2 Tim. 3:15, 16; 2 Pet. 1:19–21; 3:16; 2 John 9). As Professor Ned Stonehouse said, “Apart from clarity and unity in understanding the Lordship of Christ as coming to expression in the Holy Scriptures, there can be no theological wholeness and no lasting assurance of advancement in theological education” (CHRISTIANITY TODAY [Feb. 16, 1959], p. 36). The truth of that dictum is vividly illustrated in relation to the basis of trinitarian doctrine. Apart from its culmination in propositional communiques the whole revelation process remains ambiguous concerning the triune nature of God.

It is not only biblical criticism which shatters confidence in inspired assertions; phenomenalistic philosophy also challenges scriptural authority. It is evident to twentieth-century eyes that the biblical authors expressed their own interpretations of events from their personal perspectives. Can we then claim any measure of objectivity even for biblically based knowledge? Are we not limited to a complete relativism and phenomenalism? In his Language and Religion (Philosophical Library, 1957) Ben F. Kimpel shows that “a distinction must be made between knowledge which consists of interpretations and knowledge which is exclusively of interpretations” (p. 39). The latter is phenomenalism. On that position no metaphysical truth of the Trinity could be attained, even with the assistance of Scripture. However, on the former alternative, realities other than one’s own experiences are knowable. Kimpel argues, “Neither Kant, nor anyone else, has made it ‘fully clear’ that knowledge is only of phenomena” (pp. 39, 40). Rather, “In knowing the meaning of an informed affirmation about a reality, one would then be informed of two realities—a subject’s interpretation; and a reality about which his interpretations inform him” (p. 40). On the ground of inspiration we need not deny interpretive aspects of scriptural assertions concerning redemptive acts and the God who performed them. We simply suggest that the superintendence of the Holy Spirit kept the biblical interpreters of revelatory events from error of thought, fact, or judgment. Their assertions concerning the triune nature of God are not merely interpretations; they are true interpretations of what is the case. According to Scripture an eternal Being exists independently of projections of human thought. Futhermore, Scripture makes clear that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct within the Godhead.

Where do the Scriptures teach ontological trinitarianism? The trinitarian distinctions are regarded eternal (a) from those passages which speak of the existence of the Word from eternity with the Father (John 1:1, 2; Phil. 2:6); (b) from passages asserting or implying Christ’s preexistence (John 8:58; 1:18; Col. 1:15–17; Rev. 22:13, 14); (c) from passages implying fellowship between the Father and the Son before the foundation of the world (John 17:5, 24); (d) from passages asserting the creation of the world by Christ (John 1:13; Heb. 1:2, 10); (e) from passages asserting or implying the eternity of the Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2; Psa. 33:6; Heb. 9:14). (See A. H. Strong, Systematic Theology [Judson Press, 1907, p. 326]. Additional biblical documentation may be found in E. H. Bickersteth, The Trinity [Kregel, 1959], and G. A. F. Knight, A Biblical Approach to the Doctrine of the Trinity [Oliver and Boyd, 1953].)


Possessor of the name

We usually see fit

To link with yet

Another word: acquit.

Peter: deny.

Judas, but a way

To more than amply

Call to mind: betray.

Barabbas: he chosen

In place of Christ;

His freedom rather

Highly priced.

And Jesus? To Barabbas

Here was no whim Of doctrine. Here was fact:

Christ in place of him.


Does it seem obscurantist to accept such ontological assertions? Acceptance of them is not limited to those who neglect evidence. No less a scholar than William Adams Brown would remind us of the metaphysical implications of the Scriptures:

In the quiet of the study or the classroom it is easy to speak of banishing metaphysical terms from theology, but in practice it is impossible. To do this would involve not simply the rewriting of our theological systems, but of our hymns, our liturgies, even of the Bible itself. The doctrine of the Trinity in its completeness may be a product of the fourth century, but its beginnings go back to the very threshold of Christianity and the men who laid its foundations are not Origen and Athanasius, but the apostle Paul and the fourth evangelist. The Christ of the New Testament is not simply the man of Nazareth, but the pre-incarnate Logos, the Word that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Either we must be prepared to break with historic Christianity altogether and banish large parts of the New Testament from their place in our public worship, or else we must be able to give some rational account of the metaphysical element in early Christian theology and its present significance for the church (Christian Theology in Outline, Scribner’s, 1916, pp. 158–59).

If to be true to the New Testament we can and must speak metaphysically, that is, of God as he is in himself, then we either believe what the Bible implies concerning the triune nature of God or we deny its ontological trustworthiness. It is here maintained that because of the Holy Spirit’s guidance we may trust without qualification not only the biblical writers’ descriptions of events but also their assertions concerning the triune nature of the God who redeems and renews sinners. It is furthermore argued that such inspired assertion is the only basis on which conclusively to answer modalistic trinitarianism.


Associate Professor of Theology

Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary

Denver, Colorado


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If I may claim your courtesy,

I ask that you would print for me

In January, Sixty-Three

For all my Eutykin to see

These New Year’s resolutions.

(The uses of publicity

May underwrite a guarantee

Correcting the fragility

Of resolutions framed by me.

Resolves should gain longevity

When printed for posterity.)

I should resolve to give up co*kes

And buying books and telling jokes;

I should resolve to answer mail

The day I get it, without fail;

To count my calories and weigh

The consequences every day;

To take a break without a snack

And learn to drink my Sanka black.

Domestic duty calls for action:

Some traces of dissatisfaction

Appear in notes in which the author

Describes her plans for kitchen tile, or

(What strengthens my resolve the most) her

Concern that I should fix the toaster.

The faucets leak, the stove is stuck,

The kitchen drain is clogged with muck;

It is apparent that, in fact,

The only way to keep intact

Monogamous alliance is

Repairing home appliances.

Resolving, it is plain to see,

Will be my job for Sixty-Three,

For other areas arise:

Before I lay in my supplies

To mend my fences near and far,

I must put Esso in my car—

And then resolve to moderate

That itching to accelerate;

To view with Christian charity

The driver just in front of me,

And tolerate the lead she gains

By Dodging action in two lanes.

On second thought, or third, I see

No profit from your courtesy.

The list is long and will not finish

For numbering will not diminish

The unending mending required.

Resolution is no solution

For a Happy New Year!

Racket And Ricochet

I have read with interest the feature article … by the Rev. Glendon E. Harris (Nov. 23 issue) entitled: “The Quietest Racket in America”.…

Everyone knows that transient men and families apply to the churches for help and crooks of all kinds thrive on this kind of “charity,” but the fact is that so many young ministers forget when they enter a community that they are not only the pastor of a church but a member of the community itself and should learn what its total resources are to meet human need. Certainly the minister knows where the doctors and lawyers are and can seek their aid when necessary. Why, then, is he not aware of the service available from the regularly constituted social agencies? Unless it be a very small community, there will be a Community Chest or its equivalent, and the agencies coordinated in it are skilled and able to handle human physical and social problems.

The Family Service, the Salvation Army, and many others are ready and willing to interview the applicant for aid and sift out the true from the false, thus saving the minister not only time but money.…

Dallas, Tex.

Located at the junction of U. S. Highways 66 and 166, our little town (population 4400) has more than its share of professional transients.…

Several experiences convinced us that an infinitesimal percentage were truly in need. However, we too … had “rather be swindled a dozen times than turn away one deserving case”.…

However, a joint project was inaugurated with the Salvation Army and the local Police Department (who welcomed the solution).

It works like this: Each minister in town has instructions to sent all transients to the City Hall (Police Station). There, the Officer on duty has the authority to provide a meal, groceries, gasoline, or lodging (no cash!). He does this by making arrangements on the phone, charging the amount to either the Ministerial Alliance or The Salvation Army. (We furnish about two-thirds of the budget.) A limit is set on the amount the officer can charge without getting permission from the President or Vice-President of the Alliance.

The officer fills out a card on the applicant while he is at the station. This discourages the “pro” from returning.

The plan has several advantages: (1) The ministers are freed from personal “touches.” (2) The transient can only “work” one minister since we all send him to the same place. (3) It screens out people in trouble with the law. (4) It provides a “clearing house” which is open day and night. (5) It gives the minister an opportunity to deal with the individual, but the final decision on material help rests in the judgment of a police officer, a person who isn’t easily “taken.” (6) The churches do the bulk of the financing.

In order to replenish the transient fund, all cooperating churches observe “Ministerial Alliance Day” once a year. A special offering is received in each church on that Sunday.…

First Baptist Church

Baxter Springs, Kansas.

True, there is a racket of this type, and I have been taken in several times. To magnify this thought seems to say that we should shut out mercy to those in need.

Very often social agencies have residence requirements before persons passing through can be helped. Others who could help are suspicious. What is a person in need to do when even church people and church denominations warn against helping?

Even if those in need are to be considered enemies, St. Paul tells us, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them.”

First United Presbyterian Church

Paulding, Ohio

We first tried a committee of laymen to cope with the problem. This worked fine for local needs, but was unsatisfactory for those traveling. We still have the committee for purposes of helping local people.

The best solution I have known of is cooperation with the local police. Out ministerial alliance and the police cooperate in this matter here. The police hold and administer a fund furnished by local churches and civic clubs to help those traveling who have a legitimate need.…

Pittsburg Baptist

Pittsburg, Calif.

The Wisdom Of Joseph

I was shocked when I read in the article, “Israel’s Favorite Game” (Nov. 23 issue), that “Aseneth was the daughter of Potiphar, wife of Joseph.…

According to every copy of the Bible that I have, and after consulting my commentaries, I find every one states that Joseph’s wife was the daughter of Potiphera (Gen. 41:45). Joseph had his troubles with Potiphar’s wife (Gen. 39:1 ff.). He surely did not marry her daughter.

First English Lutheran Church

Pittsburgh, Pa.

• Reader Wentz is correct. In the same sentence the spelling of the name of Joseph’s wife should have been “Asenath.”—ED.

To find such keen interest on the part of the general public in any part of the world in a Bible contest is really a sensation! I have read about these … contests in the secular papers but nowhere did I detect the fact that this contest aroused popular interest comparable to interest in the World Series.…

Rochester, N. Y.


The Review of Current Religious Thought for November 9 by Addison H. Leitch … on “distinctions” … expresses my sentiments exactly. However, I predict a cold reception for this article on the part of many. Some time ago I preached on the subject “Protestant Biblical Distinctives and the Second Vatican Council.” Awaiting me at the door was a lady who said, “May God forgive you for all those horrid things you said. That was the most narrow, bigoted, pharisaical thing I have ever heard.… Both (Rome and the Protestants) of us will have to give up a little (for effective ecumenism), but we should be willing to do it!”

As for Dr. Leitch, should my prediction come true, I know he will take heart. As for me, I do not care to give up Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide for the Papacy and the Mary cult.…

Sugar Hill, N.H.

Baiting the Pope can be almost as “great fun” as burning heretics.

Does it occur to Dr. Leitch that one who “thinks on the Man of Galilee” might consider it unworthy to comment on the separation of Christians in a flippant tone? Dr. Leitch talks about being aroused to “cynicism and a certain sadness.” His comments, however, reveal more cynicism than sadness, and an attitude for which—to the extent that we all share it—we should pray for forgiveness.


Humanities Division

Wabash College

Crawfordsville, Ind.

I am in agreement with Dr. Leitch that truth must be broadcast and error exposed; however, I think it can be done in a conciliatory, informative, comparative and gracious way. I had a Catholic friend read this article who is very concerned about prayer, God’s will, etc., and he felt very hurt by the non-serious fun-poking as he considered it to be.

I am at present studying in a Roman Catholic university and would like to present various articles to various faculty members from time to time, with a view to their ultimate enlightenment and conversion.…

Chicago, Ill.

Only On Sunday

Recently I noticed a moving picture title, “Never On Sunday.” I knew nothing about this picture except its title. During October (Oct. 26 issue) an article by this name appeared in CHRISTIANITY TODAY … to stress the importance of the Lord’s Day. Now I believe in the Lord’s Day and keeping it; but as I read this article, I thought of how often Christians do things only on Sunday, that God would have them do every day.…

Our life has been so secularized that the only time the majority of Christians seem to have time for religious education is … Sunday.…

It is rather unusual today to hear Psalms or hymns on week days. Much of our worship is only on Sunday.… Wouldn’t the average deacon’s or elder’s wife be startled if she heard her husband singing “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, early in the morning our songs shall rise to Thee,” as he shaved or prepared to leave for work in the morning.…

At church, on Sunday, prayer is offered for ruler, nations, missionaries and many other needs. Sometimes a small percentage of the Sunday group gathers to pray in the middle of the week, but for the most part … only on Sunday.…

To get right down to brass tacks, perhaps our title should be “Only In Church.” The language of the church, the hymns of praise, the open Bible and prayers are beginning to seem out of place except in the church, and even there only on Sunday.…

The Calvary Bible Baptist Church

Monroeville, Pa.

Marx And Marxism

Many students of Communism would take exception to Lester DeKoster’s “The New Face of Marxism” (Oct. 26 issue). Two of [his] ideas need careful scrutiny.

The first is the notion that Soviet-Sino style Communism has lost its appeal to “uncommitted” peoples. This theory is misleading.… Communism has never appealed to a majority in any nation. Rather, Communism has been imposed from the top down.…

Mr. DeKoster’s picture of Marx also needs correcting. Among phrases quoted and coined in discussing Marx are … “basically humanist” and “passion for righteousness.” It is true that Mr. DeKoster has dealt with the false Marxist claims to humanism, but it is unfortunate that he has left uncorrected the above … concept of the man Marx. Leopold Schwarzschild’s Karl Marx: The Red Prussian … draws heavily on Marx’s correspondence with Engels in supporting his description of the bigoted and bitter hater of mankind that was the person Karl Marx.…

Manchester by the Sea, Mass.

Church leaders should: (1) quit grouping together all the anti-Communists from the opportunists and die-hard segregationists to the real patriots; and (2) enter into an all-out effort to show that the love of God is a better reforming agency than the doctrines of class hatred and liquidation of Marx and Lenin.

First Presbyterian

Elsinore, Calif.

Disciples Convention

Thank you very much for the excellent article (“Disciples Battle Integration Problems,” News, Oct. 26 issue) interpreting the whole convention.… It certainly was a fair report of exactly what happened at the meeting.

I read your magazine with great interest … and have enjoyed many of the articles in the recent months of crisis.


International Convention of Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ)

Indianapolis, Ind.

    • More fromEutychus

John Warwick Montgomery

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To write of the Holy Spirit is to write of God, as the ecumenical creeds affirm; to write of his works is to write of the action of God through all of human history (he “convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment”) and throughout the history of the Church (he is the Paraclete in every Christian heart). Thus the compilation of a bibliography of books on the Holy Spirit is a task requiring great delimitation.

The present bibliography is limited in these respects:

1. It includes only works written in English or available in English translation. Thus such important books as Werner Krusche’s Das Wirken des Heiligen Geistes nach Calvin (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1957) are omitted.

2. It includes only separately published books on the person or mission of the Holy Spirit. Works of general dogmatics (e.g., Calvin’s Institutes, Barth’s Church Dogmatics), though containing sections on the Holy Spirit, are therefore excluded; and so are books which are devoted to other subjects but which touch on pneumatology (e.g., William Anderson’s Regeneration [London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1875]; and Robert Preus’s Inspiration of Scripture: A Study of the Theology of the Seventeenth Century Lutheran Dogmaticians [Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1957], which has a valuable chapter (pp. 50–75) on the relation between the work of the Holy Spirit and the doctrine of biblical inspiration).

3. It includes only works not previously listed in my bibliography of “100 Select Devotional Books” (CHRISTIANITY TODAY, V [September 25, 1961], 1070–72). Readers must consult that issue for such works as William Arthur’s Tongue of Fire, A. J. Gordon’s Ministry of the Spirit, Ruth Paxson’s Life on the Highest Plane, and Charles Williams’ Descent of the Dove.

4. It excludes for doctrinal reasons works orientated toward what Professor E. A. Burtt of Cornell has called “Constructive [i.e., subjective] Religious Empiricism” (e.g., H. Wheeler Robinson’s Christian Experience of the Holy Spirit); works of unreconstructed liberalism (e.g., T. Rees’s The Holy Spirit in Thought and Experience; E. F. Scott’s two books on the Holy Spirit; The Spirit, B. H. Streeter, ed.; H. P. Van Dusen’s Spirit, Son and Father); and anti-Reformation, non-evangelical treatments such as L. Dewar’s The Holy Spirit and Modern Thought.

Astute readers will note that, in contrast to my book list of devotional works for CHRISTIANITY TODAY, almost 50 per cent of the present bibliography consists of out-of-print titles (specifically, 27 of the 60 items are in this class). Every effort was made to concentrate on in-print titles, but it is an unhappy fact of mid-twentieth century life that many currently available books on the Holy Spirit are not worth bibliographical listing, and many of the truly classic books on pneumatology have been neglected since their original publication. It is hoped that a publisher with a flair for photolithographic reprinting will bring out a “Library of Classical and Devotional Pneumatology” to fill the gap.

Readers interested in purchasing in-print titles (identified by an asterisk) will find the addresses of United States publishers in Books in Print or in the Cumulative Book Index, and the addresses of British publishers in the Reference Catalogue of Current Literature. American prices have usually been given below; in some instances British prices are considerably lower, and the Christian bibliophile can benefit economically from an international orientation.

ATHANASIUS, Letters concerning the Holy Spirit, tr. by C. R. B. Shapland (London: Epworth, 1951). By the great fourth-century defender of the divinity of the Holy Spirit against Arianism. His letters deserve to be read today as a historical counteractant to the essentially Arian views of Unitarianism, religious liberalism, and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

1In Print.BARCLAY, WILLIAM, The Promise of the Spirit (Westminster, 1960, $2.50; London: Epworth, 5s.). Barclay, author of A New Testament Wordbook and More New Testament Words and editor of the Daily Study Bible commentary series, as usual combines expert Greek scholarship with penetrating devotional insight.

2In Print.BARRETT, C. K., The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition (Seabury, 1947, $3.50; and S.P.C.K.). Deals primarily with the Synoptic Gospels. Author holds inadequate doctrine of biblical authority, but his book is still of great value. Cf. his “The Holy Spirit in the Fourth Gospel,” Journal of Theological Studies, 1950, pp. 1–15, and R. Hoeferkamp’s article under the same title in Concordia Theological Monthly, September, 1962.

BARTH, KARL, The Holy Ghost and the Christian Life, tr. by R. B. Hoyle (London: F. Muller, 1938). Study of the Holy Spirit as Creator, Reconciler, and Redeemer. Cf. Barth’s sermon collection, Come Holy Spirit (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1934); and G. W. Bromiley, “The Spirit of Christ,” Essays in Christology for Karl Barth, ed. by T. H. L. Parker (London: Lutterworth, 1956).

3In Print.BICKERSTETH, EDWARD H., The Holy Spirit, His Person and Work (Kregel, 1959, $2.95). This nineteenth-century Anglican divine evidenced his spiritual depth in writing such hymns as “Stand, Soldier of the Cross.”

BIEDERWOLF, WILLIAM EDWARD, A Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit, 4th ed. (Revell, 1904). In the Introduction Dr. William G. Moorehead rightly praises this work for its “complete subjection to the authority of Scripture” and for its excellent bibliography.

4In Print.BOER, HARRY R., Pentecost and Missions (Eerdmans, 1961, $5). A doctoral study “concerned with the significance of Pentecost for missions.” Author is a theologian-missionary of the Christian Reformed Church to Nigeria.

BURTON, EDWARD, Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers to the Doctrine of the Trinity and of the Divinity of the Holy Ghost (Oxford, 1831). Still the standard work.

CANDLISH, J. S., The Work of the Holy Spirit (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, n.d.). A brief, lucid work, published originally in the series “Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students,” ed. by Marcus Dods and Alexander Whyte. Candlish was professor of systematic theology, Free Church College, Glasgow.

5In Print.CHAFER, LEWIS SPERRY, He That Is Spiritual (Findlay, Ohio: Dunham, 1918, $2.75). By the former president and professor of systematic theology at Dallas Seminary. Practical yet profound analysis of Holy Spirit-created spirituality.

6In Print.COME, ARNOLD B., Human Spirit and Holy Spirit (Westminster, 1959, $4). Strongly Kierkegaardian in outlook. Its anthropocentric starting-point and its lack of a clear revelational criterion of authority are great weaknesses, but it offers stimulating insights via depth psychology and process philosophy.

CUMMING, JAMES ELDER, “Through the Eternal Spirit”: A Bible Study on the Holy Ghost (Stirling, England: Drummond, 1891). Correctly regarded by Wilbur Smith as a “standard work”; scholarly, comprehensive, beautifully organized, thoroughly scriptural and devotional.

7In Print.DAVIES, J. G., The Spirit, the Church and the Sacraments (London: Faith, 15s.). An exceedingly attractive presentation from the standpoint of contemporary evangelical Anglicanism; shows acquaintance with the best literature, ancient and modern, English and non-English, on the subject.

8In Print.DILLISTONE, F. W., The Holy Spirit in the Life of Today (Westminster, 1947, $2). Short, well-written book “for the average man.” Author is chancellor of Liverpool Cathedral, England; previously he served as professor of systematic theology at Wycliffe College, Toronto, and at the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

DIXON, A. C., ed., The Holy Spirit in Life and Service (Revell, 1895). Consists of 19 addresses delivered before the Conference on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit held in New York in 1894; authors include, inter alia, W. J. Erdman, A. J. Gordon, and A. T. Pierson. The papers relate the work of the Holy Spirit to a wide range of church activities.

9In Print.DOWNER, ARTHUR CLEVELAND, The Mission and Ministration of the Holy Spirit (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1909, 13s.). “A book that deserves the widest circle of readers”—Wilbur Smith. Comprehensive, well organized. Comparable to Kuyper, though shorter, and orientated more to biblical than to dogmatic theology. Author was Anglican.

FABER, GEORGE STANLEY, A Practical Treatise on the Ordinary Operations of the Holy Spirit, last edition, with a biographical notice (New York: Protestant Episcopal Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge, 1857). By the nineteenth-century bishop, apologist, and student of biblical prophecy.

10In Print.HAMILTON, NEILL Q., The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul (Naperville, Ill.: Allenson, 1957, paper $2.25; London: Oliver & Boyd, 8s. 6d.). In the series Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers (No. 6). Contains useful bibliography.

HARE, JULIUS CHARLES, The Mission of the Comforter, ed. by E. H. Plumptre (London: Macmillan, 1886). Sermons preached at Cambridge University in 1840. Archdeacon Hare added numerous valuable scholarly notes.

11In Print.HENDRY, GEORGE S., The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology (Westminster, 1956, $2.50). Regarded by T. N. Tice of Princeton as “at this point the one indispensable treatise on the subject by an English-speaking theologian.” Excellent on the problem of the Holy Spirit in current theological thought, but marred by a neoorthodox view of Scripture.

12In Print.HENRY, ANTONIN M., The Holy Spirit, tr. by Lundberg and Bell (Hawthorn, 1960, $3.50). In the “Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Catholicism” series. An exceedingly valuable work demonstrating once again that Protestants cannot afford to ignore contemporary Roman Catholic theological writing.

13In Print.KÖBERLE, ADOLF, The Quest for Holiness; a Biblical, Historical and Systematic Investigation, tr. by J. C. Mattes (Augsburg, 1930, paper $1.25). Contemporary Lutheranism’s greatest contribution to the study of sanctification; the book combines scholarly thoroughness with devotional depth.

14In Print.KUYPER, ABRAHAM, The Work of the Holy Spirit, tr. by Henri De Vries, Introduction by B. B. Warfield (Eerdmans, 1900, $5). An unsurpassed classic. Undoubtedly the most comprehensive work in print on the subject. In the tradition of Reformation-Calvinist systematic theology.

MACGREGOR, G. H. C., ed., “The Things of the Spirit”: The Teaching of the Word of God about the Spirit of God (London: Marshall, 1898). A valuable classification of the biblical passages on the Holy Spirit by a close friend of G. Campbell Morgan. Cf. Wilbur Smith’s classification in his A Treasury of Books for Bible Study15In Print. (Wilde, $3.95).

MCINTYRE, DAVID M., The Spirit in the Word (London: Morgan & Scott, 1908). An excellent treatment of the work of the Holy Spirit in the inspiration of the Bible. Cf. L. Gaussen’s Theopneustia.

16In Print.MORGAN, G. CAMPBELL, The Spirit of God (Revell, 1900, $2.75). One of the finest books written by this great preacher and Bible expositor.

MOULE, H. C. G., Veni Creator: Thoughts on the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit of Promise (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1890). A superlative book by the prolific doctrinal and devotional writer well known for his contributions to the Cambridge Bible for School and Colleges, for his Christian poetry, and for his biography of Charles Simeon.

17In Print.MURRAY, ANDREW, The Spirit of Christ (Zondervan, $3.50). Meditations of extraordinary depth by the nineteenth-century Dutch Reformed pastor.

18In Print.NUTTALL, GEOFFREY F., The Holy Spirit in Puritan Faith and Experience, 2nd ed. (Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1947, 18s.). A valuable historical study, particularly with regard to Quakerism, though marred by its author’s enthusiastic proclivities. The book originated as an Oxford University D.D. thesis.

19In Print.OCKENGA, HAROLD JOHN, The Spirit of the Living God (Revell, 1947, $2). High-quality sermons by the pastor of Park Street Church, Boston, and president of Fuller Theological Seminary. Cf. his Power through Pentecost* (Eerdmans, 1959, $2).

20In Print.OWEN, JOHN, The Holy Spirit, His Gifts and Powers (Kregel, 1954, $3.95). Regarded by Kuyper in 1888 as “still unsurpassed”; the same must be said today. Owen, a Presbyterian Nonconformist of the seventeenth century, was one of the most learned and prolific theological writers of all time.

21In Print.PACHE, RENÉ, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, tr. by J. D. Emerson (Moody, 1954, $3.50). A carefully outlined, lucid exposition of biblical teaching on the Holy Spirit by the president of Emmaus Institute, Lausanne, Switzerland. Particularly helpful for sermon construction and in Bible study preparation.

PARKER, JOSEPH, The Paraclete: An Essay on the Personality and Ministry of the Holy Ghost, with Some Reference to Current Discussions (Scribner, 1886). The first edition of this fine work appeared anonymously.

PHELPS, AUSTIN, The Work of the Holy Spirit; or, The New Birth (Boston: D. Lothrop, 1882). By the brilliant Congregationalist homiletician who served as professor of sacred rhetoric (1848–79) and president (1869–79) of Andover Seminary.

PIERSON, ARTHUR T., The Acts of the Holy Spirit, Being an Examination of the Active Mission and Ministry of the Spirit of God, the Divine Paraclete, As Set Forth in the Acts of the Apostles (Revell, 1895). By the nineteenth-century authority on missions and voluminous Christian writer who edited the Missionary Review of the World.

22In Print.PRENTER, REGIN, Spiritus Creator, tr. by J. M. Jensen (Muhlenberg, 1953, paper $1.50). The first comprehensive study in the twentieth century of Luther’s concept of the Holy Spirit.

23In Print.RAMM, BERNARD, The Witness of the Spirit; an Essay on the Contemporary Relevance of the Internal Witness of the Holy Spirit (Eerdmans, 1959, $3). A trenchant systematic-historical analysis, with a final chapter criticizing Romanism, liberalism, and fundamentalism; by the neo-evangelical apologist and professor of systematic theology at California Baptist Seminary.

REDFORD, R. A., Vox Dei: The Doctrine of the Spirit As It Is Set Forth in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (London: J. Nisbet, 1889). By the nineteenth-century biblical apologist and contributor to The Pulpit Commentary.

24In Print.SANDERS, J. OSWALD, The Holy Spirit of Promise; the Mission and Ministry of the Comforter (Fort Washington, Pa.: Christian Literature Crusade, 1959, $2.50). For the general reader; a short but penetrating overview of the central problems of pneumatology by the director of the China Inland Mission.

25In Print.SHOEMAKER, SAMUEL M., With the Holy Spirit and with Fire (Harper, 1960, $2.50). Typically warm and practical book from the prolific pen of this much-loved Episcopalian rector.

26In Print.SIMPSON, A. B., The Holy Spirit, or, Power from On High, 2 vols. (Harrisburg, Pa.: Christian Publications, 1924, $5.80). Subtitle: “An unfolding of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.” Originally presented as sermons in the Gospel Tabernacle, New York City, by the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

27In Print.SMEATON, GEORGE, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Christian Literature Crusade, $3.50). A classic, worthy to be placed with Downer, Kuyper, and W. H. Griffith Thomas. Includes a historical survey of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from New Testament times through the nineteenth century.

SNAITH, NORMAN H., et al., The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (London: Epworth, 1937). Contents: “The Spirit of God in Jewish Thought,” by Snaith; “The Spirit in the New Testament,” by Vincent Taylor; “The Holy Spirit in the Church,” by Howard Watkin-Jones; and “The Holy Spirit and the Trinity,” by Harold Roberts. Exceedingly valuable, though not always manifesting a high view of biblical inspiration.

28In Print.STARKEY, LYCURGUS M., JR., The Work of the Holy Spirit: A Study in Wesleyan Theology (Abingdon, 1962, $3). A historical study of Wesley’s concept of the Holy Spirit.

SWETE, HENRY BARCLAY, The Holy Spirit in the New Testament (London: Macmillan, 1909). To be used in conjunction with Swete’s other three standard works on the early history of doctrine: The Holy Spirit in the Ancient Church (London: Macmillan, 1912), covering the patristic age; On the Early History of the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit with Especial Reference to the Controversies of the Fourth Century (Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, 1873); and On the History of the Doctrine of the Procession of the Holy Spirit, from the Apostolic Age to the Death of Charlemagne (Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, 1876).

29In Print.THOMAS, W. H. GRIFFITH, The Holy Spirit of God, 3rd ed. (Eerdmans, 1955, $3). A masterly work by the conservative Anglican theologian who served as professor of Old Testament literature and exegesis in Wycliffe College, Toronto. The book, which first appeared in 1913, studies the doctrine biblically, historically, systematically, and practically; its comprehensiveness ranks it with Downer, Kuyper, and Smeaton.

TOPHEL, GUSTAVE, The Work of the Holy Spirit in Man, tr. by T. J. Després (Edinburgh: T & T. Clark, 1882). Five discourses of great devotional power.

30In Print.TORREY, R. A., The Holy Spirit: Who He Is and What He Does (Revell, 1927, $3). In the perceptive and lucid style characteristic of this great pastor, evangelist, and onetime (1889–1908) superintendent of the Moody Bible Institute.

31In Print.UNGER, MERRILL F., The Baptizing Work of the Holy Spirit (Wheaton, Ill.: Scripture Press, 1953, $2.75). Provocative study of a difficult aspect of pneumatology by the eminent Old Testament scholar and professor at Dallas Seminary.

WALKER, JAMES BARR, The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, or Philosophy of the Divine Operation in the Redemption of Man, 6th ed. (Cincinnati: Jennings and Pye, 1901). A continuation of the author’s Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation, which deservedly attained great popularity in the nineteenth century.

32In Print.WALVOORD, JOHN F., The Holy Spirit, 3rd ed. (Findlay, Ohio: Dunham, 1958, $3.95). By the president and professor of systematic theology at Dallas Seminary. Contains a valuable appendix on “The Holy Spirit in Contemporary Theology.”

WATKIN-JONES, HOWARD, The Holy Spirit in the Medieval Church (London: Epworth, 1922). A continuation of the work of Swete. It deals with the history of the doctrine from the post-patristic age to the Counter-Reformation, and is itself continued by Watkin-Jones’ Holy Spirit from Arminius to Wesley (London: Epworth, 1929), which covers the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

WEIDNER, REVERE FRANKLIN, Pneumatology, or, The Doctrine of the Work of the Holy Spirit (Wartburg, 1915). Systematic treatment from the standpoint of conservative Lutheranism. Author was professor of dogmatics and president of Chicago Lutheran Seminary (1891–1915).

33In Print.WINSLOW, OCTAVIUS, An Experimental and Practical View of the Work of the Holy Spirit (London: Banner of Truth Trust, 3s.). First published in 1843. Powerfully evangelical and deeply devotional, as were all of this prolific writer’s works, some 100 of which are listed by the British Museum’s Department of Printed Books.

WINSTANLEY, EDWARD WILLIAM, Spirit in the New Testament (Cambridge: University, 1908). Subtitle: “An enquiry into the use of the word pneuma in all passages, and a survey of the evidence concerning the Holy Spirit.”

34In Print.WISLӦFF, FREDRIK, I Believe in the Holy Spirit, tr. by Ingvald Daehlin (Augsburg, 1949, $3). By a European Lutheran pastor who represents a contemporary blend of classical orthodoxy with the evangelical pietism characteristic of the Norwegian Inner Mission movement. His book cannot be too highly recommended for its faithfulness to Scripture and its genuine experiential impact.


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