How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts (2024)

How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts (2)

How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts (3)

How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts

How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts (4)

Alvarez/Getty Images

ByCatherine Rickman

When it comes to vegetables at your local supermarket, Brussels sprouts are a particularly great resource. They're hardy, hearty, won't wilt in your fridge, and are relatively affordable compared to veg like spinach or asparagus. But not everyone is on board the train to Brussels, largely because of their bitterness. Brussels sprouts are part of the Brassica oleracea family, known for its crunchy, often bitter offspring like cabbage, kale, broccoli, and collard greens.

But there are many ways to offset the bitterness of your Brussels sprouts without boiling them into mushy blobs. Start by selecting smaller Brussels sprouts, which will be less bitter than large mature sprouts. Remove the outer layer of leaves, which will tend to be more bitter. These buying and prep tips are a good start to making your Brussels sprouts taste just right, followed by preparing them correctly and balancing out their bitterness with other ingredients.

Blanch your Brussels

How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts (5)

Ahanov Michael/Shutterstock

One technique for mitigating bitterness in Brussels sprouts is to blanch them. (This technique also works for making collard greens less bitter, as well as other greens.) Blanching involves adding your veg to boiling water for a brief period, then plunging it into an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Many recipes will suggest blanching your veg for several minutes, but keep in mind longer blanching times can make your vegetables mushy. Leafy greens should be blanched for no more than 30 seconds, and Brussels sprouts should only go in the hot water for a minute or two. Cut them in halves or quarters before blanching so that the interiors and exteriors of the sprouts cook evenly.

Once blanched and dried, you can roast or sauté your Brussels sprouts in oil, or even pop them in an air fryer. The result will be sprouts that are nice and crispy on the outside while tender and cooked through on the inside.

It's all in the seasoning

How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts (6)

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Bitter isn't always bad. It's one player in a symphony of flavors that make up a balanced dish. So when making Brussels sprouts, think about what other elements you can add as a counterbalance. There's a reason why maple syrup has become such a popular ingredient in Brussels sprouts dishes.The sweetness works with the bitterness, and the sugar helps to caramelize the sprouts and bring out their own sweetness. A bit of brown sugar will also work.

Acid can be useful as well. A splash of lemon juice, or even apple cider vinegar, works wonders on bitter sprouts. Another key ingredient is fat, which helps Brussels sprouts to crisp up. This is why it's so popular to render bacon fat and cook Brussels sprouts in it, then add the bacon bits back in at the end. For a vegetarian option, stick with something with a high smoke point, like avocado oil. You'll be left with sprouts that are sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.


How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts (2024)


How To Fix The Bitter Taste In Brussels Sprouts? ›

A bit of brown sugar will also work. Acid can be useful as well. A splash of lemon juice, or even apple cider vinegar, works wonders on bitter sprouts. Another key ingredient is fat, which helps Brussels sprouts to crisp up.

How do you get the bitterness out of Brussels sprouts? ›

The flavor components that contribute to a bitter flavor are concentrated in the center of the brussels sprout. If you slice the the veggie in half, it helps to release some of those compounds during the cooking process. Smaller is better when it comes to tenderness and flavor.

Why do some people find brussel sprouts bitter? ›

Sprouts contain a chemical, similar to phenylthiocarbamide, which only tastes bitter to people who have a variation of a certain gene. Around 50 per cent of the world's population have a mutation on this gene.

When did Brussels sprouts stop being bitter? ›

It's not that you've grown up with more sophisticated tastes; it's the Brussels sprouts that have changed. Scientists in the Netherlands tinkered with them, making the sprouts bitter no longer. National Public Radio reports that the sprouts began to change in the 1990s.

Why do my Brussels sprouts taste weird? ›

If brussels sprouts taste bitter to you, you may have a gene that senses bitter compounds in brassicas. It is similar to the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap to the people who have it, and like a yummy herb to people who don't.

What happens if you overcook Brussels sprouts? ›

For best results, cook sprouts until just tender, never mushy. Overcooking produces the offensive odor associated with Brussels sprouts. It's caused by the release of sulfur-containing compounds. Overcooking also causes them to turn a drab olive green.

Why soak Brussels sprouts in salt water? ›

Brining is the process of soaking food in a saltwater solution to enhance its flavor and texture. Brining brussel sprouts helps to infuse them with flavor and ensure they stay tender when cooked.

Who made brussel sprouts less bitter? ›

Genius. In the 1990s, a Dutch scientist named Hans Van Doorn identified the chemicals that make Brussels sprouts bitter: sinigrin and progoitrin. After discovering this, the scientist worked to identify Brussels sprouts seeds and varieties with lower levels of these bitter chemicals.

Have brussel sprouts been bred to be less bitter? ›

He selected seed varieties with lower levels of the bitter chemicals and bred new high-yielding varieties that tasted less bitter. And better-tasting brussels sprouts are good, not only for our appetites but also because most of us aren't eating enough vegetables.

How long do you boil Brussels sprouts? ›

Boiling Brussels sprouts is a quick and easy way to cook them. Simply, bring a pot of salted water to a boil, toss in the sprouts and let them cook for 6 minutes or until tender.

Why are my cooked Brussels sprouts bitter? ›

Brussels sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and broccoli are bitter mainly from a specific type of compound: glucosinolates. They are released when cell walls are damaged from cutting or chewing.

When should you not eat brussel sprouts? ›

If any of the leaves have brown spots or are yellowing, it's a sign of early spoilage. If you remove the blemished leaves and the interior looks OK, you can still use the sprout. However, if the interior leaves are also showing blemishes or yellowing, it's best to toss it (or compost it, if you can).

Do brussel sprouts taste bitter to some people? ›

Because PTC is prevalent in Brussels sprouts, these so-called "Supertasters" perceive them as intensely bitter. This is all connected to a taste-related gene called TAS2R38, which has a variant called AVI and one called PAV.

Why do Brussels sprouts taste like horseradish? ›

Brussels sprouts are a member of the brassica family, which includes mustard and turnips, so it's hardly surprising that there's pungent possibility lurking within those tiny leaves. You want to cook them in ways that encourage the sweet possibilities.

What is the black stuff on my brussel sprouts? ›

Fungal and bacterial infections cause black spots on Brussels sprouts. Prevent with spacing, air circulation, and tool sterilization.

Do brussel sprouts taste bitter to everyone? ›

Surprisingly, it could be your genes that determine your feelings about these controversial little vegetables. A 2011 study by Cornwall College found that sprouts contain a chemical, similar to phenylthiocarbamide, which only tastes bitter to people who have a variation of a certain gene.

Should brussel sprouts be washed before cooking? ›

Wash sprouts under cold running water and remove any leaves or yellow spots you may see. Place sprouts in a pot and cook for about 10-15 minutes. Sprouts are done when a knife will easily cut through them. Season with butter, salt, and pepper to taste.

Should you cut brussel sprouts in half before cooking? ›

Cut in Half to Roast.

To maximize the flat areas, which get the most crispy surface area, cut your Brussels sprouts in half. If your Brussels sprouts are very small, you can leave them whole (and if they are very large, quarter them).

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