Daily Missouri Republican from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

mu THE MISSOURI 11EPTJ IJL.IC AJU ST. LOTJIS, JTJJsTE 25. 1805. mam WANTS. a srixxmi) cvatsos.

La rN -m ATEST TV fcii idopfed na for nM Cr. WcdeexpraMM unrh pleased trilj tion A ICTI0N SALES. BY MURDOCH a DIC330H A-- 13 Sxth Mon afrecL l.ft9S.ti Kff rfffST OF WdOM IP AY I'dM'US. On VON0AT pf.y fOsViw-k we wtliwll. th-; av nne.

M.r sccfiMini ol Uui it taa txsetn. sw ku conu leroikcauk I W9 BAr.S ChRN fop Iff waoa IT MAY i ta MONPAT onr c. Jnii ta wfll a fl on lie tebes. iufip.sa.li.. liJif.nv i nk 1 SiejB.sft ua h.acanu 1 in.s cbk Sorenado I.

Blair. BOX OKS TO TBC SR A rr. to orc 11 Moore, for Wilmington. Th Ciy of Landou UsA old in gold. Interesting Colton Case.

IfrKT June 24. The United States va. The Claimants firsarcnty tales ef r.Uton. Thecarewas 1h anl in the United 6 ativ PUirH Court, lefore Jntlp Th cotton mas picked up 'Wiimiugl North Cexo'im. hr 111 bteamcr Vlcksbnr.

The Unifl States Uldled it ss a prize, and the Vicksbnrg cteimcsl i ah property 2Tcitet. Tl? iroa is ao7 given that the ptty Is a prize tulie Uni ed States. It. ha heretofore been the pru -tee in New Wrk to allow the finder to kcop tn and gote pLed up, al'liough tiie poiut has prcvi.iir. to this adjuliitid.

Tnis derision estaMishta a v.ry vihirdile prettlcDt In the same Court a motion was mslo by tbe U. S. Attorney tor tte sale of tbe Georgia, the wtil-knowD Couf derate rrait, and was resistol In behalf of luard Bates, of Liverpool, the claimant. Tbe motion as vel by the Court, and the sale of the vessel ordered on ground that longer delay would cause such a depreciation in the value of the vessel as to affjet the iutureaM of all par Los eonceroea. Ottralr BtSufEM-Smtn Fik-dIvtv Nair Escape About 5VI Friday evening, as the steamer J.

If. I.jct, on iftmn titntoilb city, wos pasting a tacbmentof raldterscf tlie 50th WlseonJo Infantry halted frrun the si te of the river oppite Bo vl, and tte-lr U-ins either unobserved or un-answervd Ly the C'apin, ttey at om-e di.harg I a I of mckrt rfarfs tbe atxuner. Some of tte htite uk effret in li.ten'nt ports of the boat, two or of the )aswnfftT liavtng narrow fMipv. IA ut. Trad ta vn.

Iiwlgete staff, was sitting on an 4 at t1e time, kepinf cool snd ennr He licaaftea ot nature on the MTswurl shore, utnA musket-tall struck tp of tbe ir-te'X, arl, tm. ng. tliroah a pi.ne nf the frain -wi-rk th front part ta the Uwl. One of tbe rtets L- Lh a few lim of whor* a Mr. Duvall, ta ou stanling at the time.

It isolated that tb ntmiterta was between twenty and thirty. After h- firing the Captain stopped the boat and took the a rs on boa rl. Second AxxrALORPHAXSPxcxic. We are Informed that extensive ami satis fwtory are nearly eompteted to moke the Orphans pteni-? on July 4th the largest and nsiaiMafal charitable festival ever inaugurate in SL mis. If fa expect 91 that at lcaet twenty thousand per a will vteit th-im (teiTe on that day, an 1 there fa no reao why double this number msj nA attonL Every facility for reaching the ground with etS' onl eooiibrt, an ve anting from the same at eonveitenee, has -cn pnvMtl.

Mow than fiffy ears till pat on tbe fa Itru street nilreil. nrd ave every threo mlniits; thn'C rf our hr- st sfeunbuts will make -wly trlfs during lie day ta wise Lib lin each having the exrwity to carry 2,4 pr.mn. Ia odditltai tbe Iron Mountain Railruart will leave Plum street every hour. So that it may be Kvfelj mi that ample tnnsfeirtatioa, to and fro. for fortvthoasanl persons has been provided.

The ears will continue to run and the steamers to ply betwwa the point until 19 oclock at night. Tables, stalls, seats, sheds, decorations, ami other appliances tx the convenience ami corafirt of gmrds, ore getting ready rapfcUy under the snpervision of well-known architects and bulkier, and ioien) stores of refreshments of all kinds are teilng provi-teJ through tbe actirity ta the mans 'ts and the liberality ef our citizens. Imkpmdcntof the anticipated enjoyments tbe day wll afford, another and a nobler, in tbe niirn Is of the philanthropic, will be that the proc eds of the occasion ill be appropriated for the benefit of our orphan children. New York Frsisre Market. New York, Jaa2.

frf top Levs active; pikes Very firm; 4IU fie lire. 0- qnVt sin steady am! closed dull it I. ti tr ev.ra GO- i extra rund Ohio, and Sr4 Pi for trad? b. r.t 1. hisd ey Qnb-t nnd frm; Western 03 2 nU v.

I iX I 1 Jr fosr- er: pi ante Mk-higan $1 40. Bye tjt'Jrt; f. p. riH ir. nnsoun 1 SSrOJefo st n.

feksne ciwl l3c better; 761. 771 for w'- IrtuVun: Tim-I and f.rr i aa I .3. u.v, V.u 1 Mill. juid lower; fTf "1 fj nw cln.iinc 31 Vti rash; Si IT. lasii l.y -i M.Vfif prime; I'O 0 fir pri.u.

ui I i till -watT'rvi msnrfe-CA Ihtf lirna Firm, $3T? 37 50. ut tlfwta Steady, llello sbouMcrs, anl 15 ft tee for ham. Iccoi Lord I ull, r1jc. ffairags Prod wee IVlarket SC ial Lisj atcb to tbe Rcpubbcon. Chicaoi, Jane 21.

Flour Opened dull at a relortka I Jr. hales at for roil to chir- spring extras, aod :0 for wLite tiiitv extras, to teal Pat)'r quiit; $1 14 for No. I sprine. Wf ol fir 2. orn Was dull, ami lower.

We qutetbe rum at 7. jc for No. Vc ftr No. 2, ami t7c for rejected, clewing quiet at toe inaeie priee. Oats Openel at but ht In tte day prie ft off and the mx-xet rfosed quiet at 4u 6or, bir.m (he iuHle figure.

Seed Were dull an pi Cvs were entirely nominal. There arcs hot it flight movement in ornrisi nj aad prirvs were rV fteu'fa not qnotaSiy lower. Sweet irki-d 11 at tec. Tl'cre were ie rales In mens pwi and only one sole In firime ra at Ifc. lteef attic Were In foirsapplv and trale was active at th elcolrtg rate of ht ernin.

SaUs iu-etiide 1.0(9 bee I at $6 507 50 frgooi choice steers; 25 lor meTium to fair bucrra ita and $3 fir iuC rior to common civics, lines Were in active lmtnd and firm at 35 forcboice lots, and 7 50aj7 HO fir medium grade, llit upply was inadequate to the demand. Cincinnati Jlorhetn. June 21 p. v. Floor Very dull Sup.tfine said at $..

35, Hi is of 2pc. Wheat Dell pncea prime red add at $1 27, end cbos-c at $1 Ai; nominaUy 5c bWiT. Crn Steady; rale of prime ateUri at 73c yellow. adM kr while; ear (CVoe.V. (tif xaicc and him at 57 'Kc.

Rvt e. WKdt In better demand sales of bhls at 2. Me Pork Dull, and prices lower; 203 bbls city sold at fc5r, but at ibe clone there were no scllors at this rate. There was a fair demand for bulk eats from army contractors at 12r, and 13 jc for sboulcers aid sraes, but they are held hitrber. Lard Is bold firmly at 17 18c, with sales at the Inride rate.

Hama Firmer in bulk; smoked; 19a20c for plam. and for sugar cuied, canvased and packed. Butter Steady, at 232 aJ3c. limy Dud st $125 13 for soft, and for hard pressed a arrival. Goid 141.

RHur; ll.ir.5 ttel nn! fc drgir an I It 4-d fawn our wmor lt-nrtnt an 1 al time we did tit Faroixd Rebels 'ol. Uror Wecivebffew aliat ot amr yard -I rebel of Col. rem-nt. kVi arnvri from Sfarereptat oju! took before Cql FiclsinDon: lUBfr Flltotto Fuloslrf re.nr:y; Rte rt i lay conniy eliio Eateo, holf nmy; iw I do dt; JnoT fa Util, ron Win irun county; Richard I-riro, I.mi.'- r. unty; JitoAK AuJrw.

Jloworticonntr; md 1 nuxrf. do no: Wmil Kwr ltwlo'fiii rojn-ly; Jimi rMill, tiorledon county; Eo, iii d'nlo; Geo prn, do tlo: oli wfe II fa.iHs 1'? Im; II Filat, do do; Itenry fa'innklin, Marten Forrenl, dodofiij I nnWliu, dodi; Su: lJ.fi i fa' dodo; Wtu A KUnnLnn, S-din tr; lienj A Texx fountf no FletdinKd fa'T Futnom countv; A fa'artim. Pike cstuvity; 5ill a faork'i, Doom nvnlTj A IVm-f, aiJamuy4f.unU; faroncte Fiahcr. Howard county; Go. It.

fa'inlD r. do do; Wm fafaWter, Ramlolph county; Jai faiddter, doio: Wra 4 fa'iniv ll. lo lo; IImmiJ OeiMiiia; laac Ju Guun, lo Ft lo; Irto A Gunn. todo; Wn Gray, JtcliH)ii munty Giteton, inen rotin ly; Archy fa' GdMn do; Anu fa Knox county; Grant fa Ctenrr, imte c.mid; Gar- rotie, Texas liarbt l. St Lmj county; Wm Gteim, raw.tmni; Jv dl- Monleufflfry enaoty; Otain Grvri.lod kicii Gt.nuy, Boone coauiy; Calvin ih.

nn. 1 dot-Nom- fan Griffin, do do; Jno Gaitlin, Sxliim county; I KS2reentdo do; Jan 8 Glover. IViiuw roantv; Iih li linen, Howard county; Jno GarTin, Wm Gm do do; Ailrt A. Gentry Ailnin Gratc. Chariton county; do do; Tte Gribblc, do do: Wm il dti; Jn LGiubl a.

lod; RulA Gtenn, dodo; A dodo; St. Ixus county; Jaa.M Lwper.iio ilo; Thomas ft. Pattfi.n, county; Tobiai tann, Jihimi county; lietinr it lfomrlifiSy do JtKMrannB Ms ra a county: Iteig fa' Kemp, Malison Wm Ifoydston, Plat county: te Howard county: Un bard Nichorisdodo; -rcnya Daria, Girartaa county; Edward and Rimf, City county; Iry fa'cx. Bay rouniv; Jan Dxfio, St. Uitrl county; Wm Jofikaon.

Macon county; Wm Jcims, llowarrf county; Jobnaon. Calfaway county; Kobt Jont. Hnone county; Geo irvinz, Kontlfiilpb cc*nty; David Jones, Randolph cnunty: David Jan tea, lo Jama, dodo; Jno fa Jones, rarroll county Oliver R. Joco, Char-i oocouny Wm Jmrel. dodo; G.o Jr.ie4.

fi; Jno Gannett, do lo; Chou King, do do; Jno Km-kiMlc, Boone ennry; Wiley Kirk Lind, Clark county; Alien Ivinswortky. Crawfrd county; Geo li Klnr, lulaski county Wm fa Kfeper, eitunty Kelp, do do; jno Kel Jdey. St Chxrtea county; Kehhky dodo; Koamey St fsduUo; John A Krouoe, Howard county (iBoro Kirby, uo; Wm Ktiby, do; Jolin Kiaer, do; Noah Kelly, do; James A Lananian. teutlii'Mi, do; tiioft Lynn, do; James Leaky, A IJnn, I latte county; ColunilMin Lewis C.imll ounty 1 few ift'do; Georct Littrell, Amirew county. Wool Lieon, IUnMnli ounty; Jtun Lea, do; Joarj Littrell, do; Lewis Lister, Marion e.Minty Joseph Lelthworth, Mura an county; Eli tola: Boone county: Jasper Lindsay, do da: Joa-eph Lumlrum, Muntoraery county; Jos Lirneonnty: faelix Lewelten, St.

Clair county; Wm Laid, Lirk county; IhvM Lilly, wpi county; Wm A IJUy. dod; JnoT Lowe, Minty Wm Lynn, dodo; David Litnfoay, douo; Jas II Lee, dodo; fa Minor, dodo; las MrCnU rh, io lo: Tfaos Met sit, uu do; Thn MeCollao, do tlo; Jrl nW McAnhan, do do; Thao MctH tud, ddo; 8iebn McCoiium, do do Wm McCart, dodo; Gar-IninJ Mcore, do do; Julins do; John do do; Jofcn Moley, Moniteau county; I avid Marlin, Jofcnsn county: John Mercer, Osac count Jas Mta'rory, Franklin county; Jaa Mobley, Phelps county; Mkbael Miller, CaToU rt-unty; smd'I Minor, like county: John McArthur, oeer county; Wm Mac, Lewis county; Ri-bt Magruder, Shelby eo; Ttem MeCusorh, I.t Louis countv; li Marshall, Mecou county; FfainessK Bride, Boone county; Charles Mc- srty, dodo; JboS Mtdox do; Jas Martin, do do; Jno Mason, Howard county; () Muir, do do; Wm McKinley, do do; Lutbr do do; Jae Muir, dodo; Jno Miles, Kand'riph county; Wm McCrary, do do; Jasper McCrary, do do; alkr Mathis, do do; 8 Mansfieki, do do; snsfiflda, Randciph county; Nicholas Matlock, dodo; Dan Matlock, do do: Jxv Mate lotk, dodo; Wm Matlock, do; WiHis dodo; Jno McGuinea, do do; Wm II Sumner, do do; Wm Summers, dodo; Henry ScrnTS dodo; Jas PatUff, do do; Jas kotertwa, do do; Jas 1 do do; Jno Smi'h, Boone ountv, Jas Smith dodo; Jno Sapp, do do; fa'feklin famiih, dodo: Ja-tS Riebanis do do; Wm hob line, do; Tbost Rovhid, dodo; Stephen Richard, dodo; Jas Payne, do do; laoD Snrth, Howard county; Ja Swrin2er, do do: Joseph Sil-yey, do; Newton Sweailntr. dodo; Jno Speoc do do: do do; Sidney Smith, do do; Tiiomv Snell, node; fred Silvey, do do; ()bel Swearinger, do do; Geo Ramsey. do do; Charles Rymy, do Rose, tlodn; Geo Robb, do Thomas Smith, Cbsolton county Alter Stratton, dodo: Wm Strait, dodo: Geo Smalley, dodo; Then Sanders, do do; Wm Shoemaker, i Sanders, do do; Robert Spencer, do do; LD Stout, doeo; Jos Reed, do ao; Jessie Riley, do do; Ricbard Redding, do do; In Riley, do do: Thomas Roger, de do; TbosM Rom, do ao; Jno Rosa, do dolenry Polling, do do. Fetter or St.

Lons Rebel. Among the recent arrivals of ponded rebels there are large number who originally belonged to this city, tbe malority of whom went South at tii commencement of the war, A few of them took their departure a year or two later when the times got wan here, and the fear of being drafted into the Federal army Impelled them to take reftige In tbe Confederacy, and to fight tor the cause they loyed beet. We give list of St. Louis rebels who bue reported the Provost VafKi General durfnr the past week: Charles XL Kielw hmar, John IL Milkr, Julias McNulty, D. Thompson, Richard E.

Woodson, John J. Bowles, Spotswood Garland. Clarence Kearney, Thomas M. Cusack, WflUam B. Smith, Charte Hitchco*ck, Ham met Stephenson, Wm.

B. Andersen, Albert Bocy, Edward W. Bland, Ben-C-Barkley, Wm.Bu11, Wm. L. Childs, Wm.

Dings, John C. Doaglom, Edward Coff, Dennis Woods, Sam. W. Hawkins, James B. Hill, Lafayette W.

Jackson, Louis Lybecker, Gabriel L. Long, Arthur C. McCoy, Thou. J. Payne, Tboe.

B. Sheridan. John F. Starling, Alex. Scbeb, John W.

miser, Wright C. Schaamharg, Frank J. Turnbull, Chas. N. Wetehour.

Among thoee who teU comznifwkms in the rebel army, and who were formerly well known In thh city, are CoL Barry, of the 10th Missouri Cavalry, formerly cterk In the store of Dickson, Orr A Co. Mi. Henry W. Williams, formerly Recorder of SL Louis county; CapC Wm. Dingo, company 8th Missouri Infantry, and Lieut.

CoL Carney, formerly a merchant ef this city. of pefurmal (nond of Yaj. -m. F. P.

Bhi mttde to gi-ntlrmanlT citiz tnl gzltaat ofl to filler frst Ti tqtlnlkl Conrt Bind of Irt. Hott-Ic, ennpowd of tirrntj rs, uas sol -ctwl lor ocrasion, snd fit arl'otin-h(i, on Chosont for tVo lU orrir ait innnit-l br rrord of dairta. nui-brd to Ut Mi Vwt of Gon. Blair on Wrat.infftm ZTOfiur near Tm ll' ji By the time tlo Land had rescind hia rrdJencs, tiae Tense bad Itccr-oae oeie diner ir-i eiO m'n, etteodin cross it ud east and wert n'arlt to the S-jaront tree Is. hetrnl atr o'.

it sirs wore jitr-w-d by tbs band, uf ter tba ir armal in front of General's residence, after tli.1 Ibe rr.nd railed enJtosiastltaUy far "Eb.tr." Ia resfoa-oe to ibis call, the General cams to the ilor are sas mttolactd to the (Teat crowd tonderinc (he nq-Iut oft a serenade by Cajt. Bart. Aide, rhvnid be was aboat to Introduce to them a c.lizr wre. 1- me and ia a ar. had boon hi leader, a lerdi't of wboBtbebtdbreayiroQd, the first sol dier o( the State wlo 1 eo ne tats the army to sos the Goer in Blent, wblcb he bad piorioailT sns tataed ia a unh ffem Tlckrtwi" to Atlanta, from A tout.

lo li oceao. and thence to Vartuastis, and who new bad eranc bark, aad he and the bum be. tore him were all glad be bad come bark, becsssehe 1 IKTEBUSTINQ COTTON wimld leud Missouri to fan, quirt and scrarity. TLis cllizca be would Introduce to them by a name known to litem all, and bomerd by them all. That as Frank It is baldly toreet tore to say that Frank Blair" Hwarancc wan received with most vodferoaacherra.

la respence to this warm and hearty raeeptioa, the Genciai livcred a speech ct acme hall'-hoarh duration, In which be aery Leartily retained ala tbaaka fin the greet ccmniimcnt which bis old iellow-citiarna bad ecu It lo bnJia lura. lie arms the more Uatx tbenmidiment came from a people towtoan be rwed ao mark already, and who had cvcrlccbeu biaaiistolia if which, doabUeaa, br Balt men; ria ply became be bad never nir.i the anistnhe of foit against bis corntry. Having frOowed the bauetship of snch men as the hrarrIoa and Sherman and Grant, no mas. he bs-lievcd, ocaid mmit any eerir-ns mistake. He said that he knew that Sbetman'r ccaduct had been crit-fcjseu by sat axa.

knt it bad been by men who had tahea are to be oat of the way oka battles badkeafi aght. Th.se mea had neither knows nor wnderatood what Slnomans army had done, nor wbat motives actcstrd that prat General, who should at Vast bave bad a hearing beCire he was esademned by men who bad never heard a gum go off. This ajicb be and the handled thousand sunburnt men who had followed him deserved. He believed, however, all this criticism of Gea. Sherman cane frtan mea oka were politicians aad not statesmen, eal wlio feared that they aught not otherwise he able t) remain in power.

Bat th people dil not sympahiae with these trait, c. TbeG neral giro a humorous description of the hardships Shermans army had to undergo in they marrh down through Georgia, when they could find nothing better to drink than old wine, imparted nvwv buck in lt26, and nothing to eat but chickens and turkeys, kstrri of regularly drawing their rat iocs of wbat the soldiers called hard tack aad sow -belly." His hearers would bolieoe VI that was a 0177 great hardship to have to live upoa these tLmjo, which Hie people down there bad pat to one aide and would not use themselves. Nevertheless, they might rest assured Sherman's brave soldiers would have been willing to endure these hardships a great deal longer, bad it been accessary br them to do so. la order to serve thiir country. Ia the cause of his speech Gea.

Blair turned his attention to the new Constitution. He said he understood he had been reported dead a good many times by the Dtmarrat, aad yet, singularly enough, whenever he was brought to St Goals the people always came to hear him. Perhaps dla was bacanae fry concluded be bad got "a He aaid he had heard that a certain doctor, he believed name was Brown. (Here a about went up of "Grata Brows, Grata Browm.) The General assured Hie audience, however, that he meant Brown, who wrote about the humaa eocstttutiou, and who maintained that every ama rhinps- his system once ia every uevea years- He supposed the mea whs anlcrtook to change the Osartitathm uf Missturi whom they did etedsutbir principle as necessity. Hehadaever read tbh new Const! tntioa thetrv Jle did not know whether a aaaa had to read it before bo vote or not, hot he intended to it order to find out whether he vote under it or not.

He bad haea told he could wot. But he would say this, that ta a time of great excitement was as time for making new CoaKtitatioua, which were inteii led to be a defence of the weak agalnsttfae strong. The majorities were always strong snd needed aoCoastitatiaa to protect themselves. Bat when party rage high, to moke am organic law was to aaake aa organic law which became a tyranny, aad o( pressed the minority. Believing this, when he should begin to nad Mr.

Drake's Constitntlo, he would begin to read it with a pemodiee against It. He believed there eras mach in sur aid which needed amending, bat we should have waited for a time when we eoold haws examine! it with the feeliaga which a great and magnanimous people. Of sot bavin real this Constitution. and having only heard of it from people who were prrtja tlcel Sf-' he eoold not Judge of It with wo- caracy. Hut be did not like the men whs made ft.

He knew what they were before the war began. They were ret s. a ia defenceof the warand the C.imanl note a ef them had had acaieaoktogeiartjthe war. They aught to have waited until the mea wi a had gone Into the war had a tack befjre they bad avd.r a on to force a Gauiimeat agon them. Ike CuoetitaUaa that west an of St.

Louis with sir ttssssad of a mo)ort-ty safc st it, was wv Ceitltwtiea for a loyal paopla. wen the atyjority her peple. He believsdit wa nsCoastliatina It had not bees adopted In way that a Coaatitntfam abeuld have been adopted tohacaam ttie fundamental law ef a grant people. he General declared with sear emphasis his betlef ti at. If adopted ia the way its advocates rlaimed assvlf soea he reriaef.

T. a Geweralcioead his warmly apple wdedmwark by an aring hie friends that whOe be had keen a long wh ir aim at from St- Lsuie. Us heart had beea here ameng his rtopk, at hems with Missouri's soldiers and urn hearted citizens. As he Ud his bearen hearty good night and withdrew, the aadi-eneeeentnp STigoroae three times three for the gallant "Freak Blair." Af.er the ckwe ef toe GeneraTe remarks, a large amber efhis friends gathered la Ur parlor and there nt are time la an agreeable entertainment and eueivereatem. Among tooee prevent wive Ad-mlral Lee.

of the MiesmHipi sqnadran, Gen. doha B. Gray, Colonels Yates, Powell, Kirby, Simmons, O. B. MaJtxa Dayton and How, and Captains Ware, Callahan, John King sad Gee, A- Magwire.

Of the particular personal friends of the General, whom we noticed, were Bart. Able, RtmnH Simmons, Mnj. Hatch sf toe liwMl, Peter L. Foy, J. E.

D. Cotuina, J. F. Thsmton, Dr. Araaad, J.

P. Bavold, H. Hewer, Alex. Paterson, Jamee Archer, J. J.

Witxig, Laois Espriwbeid, Jte, be. From Cel. Gmtfl they next proceeded to the resi-dencesf Hon. James O. Braodheed, srhe was roused fern Us slmnliers by the excellent male discoursed by ekflfhll moeiciene.

At the call of those pneent, Mr. Braadhead came eat upou the balcony nad aawde aa escellewct little speech ia response, which was heartily appianded. especially when he referred to Frank Blair, for whom he toe accepted the compliment ef toe enenede to himeelfi Being in toe happiest of moods, aad recogn-xing la Oj Bart. Ablrae a geaaine friend uf Blair's, toe crowd moved oil for toe retadence of this gentleman, whom they called eat through toe moving powers toe band's sweet marie, and the more sonorous, ytvgt. rnrhantinr.

ymnrlr -r lr call ing akod for Able, Able." Soon after the I Xivsppesiwaee and rurpiised himoelf and captivated the friends of Frank Blair by a wary Uieitloaa little speech, complimentary of that gal-laiift soldier, and forvetflil of himself, lie did aae forget there eu toe pavement, however, as the popping uf aandrycarksaad toe sparkling of many gtaasoa facade too mamma testified to all Golden. After withdrawing from Gen. Blair's residence, toe band and a large number ef citizens proceeded to toe residence of ex-Mxyor How, whom they how-used with a serenade, and called from his bed to them a speech, which he did, thanking them for the honor which they did him, more because hr was a friend uf Frank P. Blair, than for any merit of Us own. Ihe band then serenaded the resricnce of A T.

T. Gantt, but tt turned eat that that gentleman was and, of course, could make no response. Next in course, the party started for the residence ef tlmt sterling, honest eon of jeaealapias Dr. M.L. Where toe band played a number of aha ia of their aad the party's approciatiaa of the Doctor bimaelC penmaHy, and aa a friend of General Flair.

Thj Doctor not appearing, although the gm was lighted up in bis residence, loud calls were made for him, when, modi to the regret uf those present, it was announced he was ia the country attending a sick patient. The party, notolng put oat by this mishap, gave trree rousing cheers for Ir. and firing off era end splendid Whether any fruther detaouetrattonv the way of net msi'ingof-er parties was liad.ur a it, this Jr xment uxith net. At the time the party k-fr Dr. Lintons, hnww.z.

he has a very clear aiprchcnsioa toe hoar was for beyond midnight. TTr Scutli Carolina tlon Affaln. From mh'csr Orica Departure of Weitzel and Latest from I.VTERESTF.YG Gold In York FR031 Rovlkrre Trarfl rtliirarlFaiar eke Prtjecl tm Rffaraivli the Gftffraw't Kftilmd irr fMtKiairiitiwfc SpeciiU Difpatdi to ttn HenMican. WashikgtoJuw 7 be Iwicbmoud Whig of ystxnlajr following: The Southern travel Northward Is quite heavily. The steamers sail quite a sssenger msny carrying their families to Nortliern laces for hcsltb snd recreation, look after their business matters in cities.

The hill introduced into the House atr f.rr riding for the refurnishing Lalt and chambers and the nsion, has fallen through for want majority. Both the ar.d the Mansion would have been in Confederate times Jiad the ftr-amer which was bringing over the not fallen into the hands of the U. fieet. So the Capitol and the cow withe nt a new dress. The rkhmond Sentinel says that and Fredericksburg R.

R. Co. have completed its connection with on Monday next. A fine line of has leen placed on the Potcmac river, old favorite line will thus soon be public. Aflairs ia Texan Restoration arry-Asplkasti far Partis Akave Captaias Nat 31 aw Tke Sastk Caraliaa Belegatiaa Tkeir Waal af laflaeaee Prwiirrt Flarftda ta ttpeak rrca Nat Pardaaed A Schcaie Cleas, Ikenaa aad Tleada Mater Bradley aad Caaaiaaiy A aka 91 Batts ia far Waad New York, The HermkTt tadsy'S eorrejpoodeace, BrasoeSsntugo done 10th, says: tsea.

that pises, sad Gea. Brows still ia Brosasvilie. There remained some rebel tbe vadntty ef that plaee, swsitmg psrole. It was aid that soe of tbe batteries which mover with iato Mexico, alter Kirby surrender, would be delivered up to States satboritka. Gea.

Weitsel bad aot a Texas, but was daily looked far. Tbe Mexican Imperialists of Mstamorss muck exercised la mind regarding tbe the Immediate vicinity of so many United troops. Tbe BerohTg Washington special says: tbe new applications to the President for tbe following rebel officers: Bng. Gens. J.

M. Barton, J. A. Smith, W. L.

Cabell, M. D. Corse, G. pja Hunter, J. B.

Jones, J. S. and D. M. Dubose; J.

B. Tucker, of rebel navy. Also tbe foQoa lag civilians: Hunter aad Bichard Hawes, of Kentucky; Frank, A. Converse Andrew Johnson, McCormick and Blair Burnell, of Virginia; Hunt, of Louisiana; A. T.

Tbompsm Block, of Arkansas; Wm. W. Voorfaies, E. and U. B.

Parmer, of Tennessee; Thao. W. and G. W. Clark, of Georgia; J.

W. Harris, tad B. F. Pinckney and D. J.

Chandler, No prisoners of war above the rank of bring released st present. The numerous tor pardon from prisoners and civilians sway for future action, and none but cases immediately granted. The South Carolina delegation are to have interview with the President to morrow when they will urge tbe views of tbe eeceeh that State In regard to reconstruction. They are not likely to have much influence tbe course of things in that State. record bearing so ultra a character as any claim to confidence, or regard either sinoerity or honesty of purpose.

After the departure of tke South Carolina torn toe coast will be clear here for any Florida who have beea unusually prominent late rebellion to put ta aa appearance to toe President tbeir advice in regard to ofaflairatathat, tbe last of the rebellious seek for restoration under the President's Duff Green has not yet been pardoned. scheme is tbe organization of capital at toe be applied to toe improvement of tbe South. It ia understood that Gen. Sherman is Democrat candidate for Governor of Ohio. Gen.

Meade left for Philadelphia ths is expected to return by the middle of and break up his present headquarters. Col. George Bradley, Quartermaster of at City Point, and. Brevet Mgl- Commissary of Subsistence ot that depot, dosed their affairs at that point and gone leave of absence CoL Bradley Is appointed Quartermaster, for tbs Department of and Maj. WOey will probably go to These officers managed toe heaviest established In tbe world, and, ta a manner John Minor Botts has succeeded In order for tbe payment of $10,90 for wood to Lave been InniMlied, taken or destroyed war began.

Antroftkr PMonM DtiMii In efss Ks Army Appemtmeelu Usstk fsrslaBS Cssverta Is Free Bng. Gea Mwais Appsiated Gea Bsdgen Breveted Army Wabhbigtoii, The 7Wbarct special says: Tbs tbs Army sf the Potomac, which are Virginia ride sf the river and near tos are to be broken up ta a day or two. Those to tbeir discharge are being rapidly out, and bat toe skeleton of the once noble army now remains. Notwithstanding tbe announcements we have tbs best evidence for saying that appointments to commands bave beea prominent regular army officers. An subject may be luoked lor daily.

The members of tbe South Carolina visited Gea. Howard this manta; lutTg and pleasant Interview. They tbe General that they had labored long and tx tbe perpiinataon of slavery, bat, now has effectually abolished it, they were willing tbeir former slaves at a for compensation, would henceforth cbeerfhlly act in conjunction his Bureau in promoting the interests of the in tbeir State. Brevet Brig. Gen.

Swain, late Colonel Ohio YuL, who lost a legal the battle of S. has been temporarily appointed Assistant mfcricaer of tbe State of Alabama, in place W. Otborn, of the 1st New York Artillery. Tbe former appointee is delayed at breaking of his arm by a railroad accident Lis way to Gen. Howard.

Gem Quartet inesters Driaitment, has been Brexet Brigadier General the regular Beamsis a JInrderer BcrrxioO, Carrington, tbe murderer that broke Jail riht an accomplice namod Given, this morning about fifteen miles from other prisoners that escaped the saute time, at large. the arranc -tnent, and gives assurances tbatmfur-thertioubie will be (Kti owsl by Um- Cbictiri. Cairo Port Lit Special lo tlie RapuMican. Cairo, June 24. Tiie pvt list for th (til Iwnty-f ur uis: ivik St.

1C A. M. i. Nvw CrVaiiii to St. Louis, 12 M.

Ft- Lcufr. Lnub-villc, ft. M. V. in.

Bulk r. St. Louis to Naville, 11 A. V. Crinmonwealth, St.

Louis to Oilcan-t, 11 A. at- J. S. Pi ingle. White Liver.

5r. M. Ada l.yrni, I'admah and return, 4 r. K. Fnth, New Orkwin lo Sti Louis, 8 r.

M. The Ikdle Mrnjpliri brought a tine trip, and aided a tew lot of corn, and h-fl with a fine passenger trip. The Ada Lyon brought II hales cotton for Cairo, and 5 tohaco f.r nttmia Br; 1 do S. Grant. The Miadssiprt had 1,034 bales cotton for Cairo; 326 do fv St L'His.

She had a full trip of pamon gera. ft Ncv Orb are Jnno boats in port Ruth, Ida Handy and Mcpham. Met Niagara at Tunica Bend; Kilpmrat Fort Adams; Magenta atPatnma; Cont'nental at Vicksburg; on 2UI obstrvd a large Pitt hut, fall ef troops and horses, name unkirtwn. Mink at ho.vi of lucl tbe Longworth at Lake Prri In liana at Skip wiibV; earning at Choctaw B.od 3Tdlk- Aide at it The J. S.

Pringle had three Imrps in tow. She lays cp btie to npah ber boiler. Tte Bee had Uvhe empty barge In tow. Tbe Commonwtnlth brought tons; wHl add all she wants here. The Butler Lad CO tons private freight and a good TftflHeugtr list.

T1e lien. Andersen has been Impressed and ordered to Jchnsonv.Tle to load fiv N-w Orleans. Bivur rose six inches. Weather ve7 warm. dull.

TIm Great Rnth brought 2T0 cabinpnssengmi and 8G0 (k-ciers, including 200 men of Shelbys command, ou the vay to tbeir homes in Misscuri. She had 124 bale cotton for Cairo, a large lot of assorted freight for skippers on tbe Ohio, 53 tales cotton for Smith Dnuning, 10 do for W. B. Green 9 do for H. ItelL Xwl do lti-vy Teters.

The follow liq; tbe Ruth's memora te: IaI! New OitoHtts June 19th, at 30 r. ri. Id port, Kcpl im, Hacdv, Luminary, and Tan won. A number of boats were impressed for tripe to Bed river. Met Kttgour at Manchac; Magenta at Concert Joint; Ccmtinental at BruTnsbnrg; Indiana, National, Clara Denning and lreaj with troop at Vicksburg; Atlantic at Walnut Point; Clara Dol-sen at fled, with troop, at Napoleon.

Passed Albert Praree at 66; met MoUle Able and Von Ihul at Commerce. Made almost landing from Convent to Mcrnttois. Frsn Orlras Dryartare sf ticaa Weitsel and Granger 4av Well is be Trsefi by t'wnrt 91 nrtinl tte Re ce.pto Ac Cairo June 24. Steamer Missiaslppi from New Orleans 17th has arrived. Gens.

Granger and Weitsel, left New Orleans on tbe I7th for Texas. The former to Galveston and latter to Brazos. Gen. Graag. Las command of all tbe troo In Texas, with his headquarters at Galveston.

It Is rumored in New Orleans that Gov. Wells I aboat to be tried by Court Martial on charges preferred by Gen. Banka. It Is thought 10,009 bale will eovar the amount of cotton In the Red river CMatrjr. The steamer Cardinal was recently sunk a short distance bekw Little Rock.

Loss estimated at $70,000. The cotton and tobacco crops along tbe Mississippi river are reported promising. Memphis Cetlea TIarket Ordinary 24S5c good low middling 31 32c; good middling 33 middling fair 35c. A cotton gin and 75 bale of cotton was recently burned by Jayhawkers near Natchitoches, La. Latest from Earepe Interesting News Mammary New York, June 2L Tbe steamer City af Boston, from Liverpool 14 Queenstown 15th, arrived this evening.

Tbe frigate Niagara arrived on the 12th, exchanging salutes with a British frigate. She would probably dock and reft. Tbe Sacramento arrived the following day. Tbe English armor-plated fleet, on invitation ofXa-polccn. Is to make a tour around the French coast Tbe French armor-plated fleet to do tbe aame around the English coast.

The combined fleets wfl be at Plymouth tbe middle sf July. Lord Brougham ta a speech, at a banquet 'to the Prin of Wales, at Fishmongers Hall, earnestly called oa the United Statce Government to use their victory hi mercy as well as la justice, and not stain the scaffold with the blood of prisoners whom they recently treated ae warriors. In the House of Lords Eari Derby called attention to Russell's letter withdrawing belligerent rights from the Confederates before tbe Federal Government ised to exercise those rights, and to Johnson's prudrmation denouncing the penalties of piracy against vessels visiting the interdicted ports. He protested against such proceedings, and asserted that such vised could only be treated as smugera. He hoped that prisenera ta Federal hands would be treated aa vanquished, not disgraced, enemies.

Russell explained his withdrawal of belligerent righto. He said Sir J. Bruce had sought explanation of Johnson's extraordinary threat of treating vea-ak as pirates, bnt could get none. His opinion a that tbe threat eras merely one of invention. In the House of Commons, Layard said several representations had been made to the Federal Government to obtain compensation for the shooting of Mr.

Gray by Lieut. Donovan, United States Navy, off the Cape of Good Hope, but they positively declined to make any compensations. Pari lament would be dissolved the 10th of July The Jfomsap Post says: Negotiations between Eng, land aad Canada are about to be satisfactorily con-doded. Canada Is expected to undertake tbe whole uf tbe western defence. Tbs canals will be deepened; efficient militia wQI be main-neu.

The Imperial Government will furnish tbe entire necessary armament and guarantee a loan to construct tbe Inter-colonial railroad. Tbe laris Uomitcvrot the 13th publishes a circular of tbe Minister of tbe Marine, dated June 5, closing French ports to Coo federate vessels. Tbe brae Gtaliaieur won the grand prise. Paris bourse fist. Mrs.

Lincoln ti nt a reply to the Empress Eugenie's letter of condolence. Rlt is stated the Emperor agreed to reinstate Maximilian In all bis rights In the event of his return from Mexico. Spain ceased to extend belligerent righto to the Confederate by a decree, June 4th. A consiiiracy against tbe Government at Valentis was discovered and thwarted. An ajentof Juares had arrived at Turin to attempt to enlist Garibaldian officers and men for Juarez, Rxo, May 24.

Coffee, good first 67S68c. Liverpool, June 14. The cotton market ha recovered from the slight depression caused by the Cubes news, and la firm at last weeks quotations. Sales Monday and Tuesday 22,000 bales Including 8.000 bales, speculation and export. This morning the market Is strong and active, probable business 20.000 bales.

Manchester. There was steady demand yesterday at full rates of last week, but tbe actual advance was not great. Wakefield. Nash A Co and Bicbardaon, Spence A Gl, repot wheat very quiet aad easier; flour very doll; corn steady at list week's rate. Blgland, A.

A and Gordon, B. A Oo report beef very dull and almost nominal; pork flat and drooping; bacon ta moderate demand at previous rates; lard very quiet at fet-latfe; sugar quiet; coffee and rice Inactive; petrolevm firm at 2 Id 2s 3d fur refined. Loxnox. Brtadstnffe quiet, but priesa firm. American flour held for higher rates.

Sugar quiet but steady; coffee unchanged tea Is ta fair demand at late rates; rice dull; tallow In moderate request. From Pmnnmw Wreck of Oieai New York, June 24. Tbe steamer Ocean Queen brings Panama to tbe ICth. The Star and Herald announces the wreck of the steamer GoUta Rule, of tbe line from New York to Nicaragua, un tbe 30th of May, off the Roncador ree mikn from Island of Old Providence. She was bound from New York to Ureytown, and had 20 passengers for Sun Francisco, besides a AiU crew, all of Ua were saved and landed oa the Island, with sufficient provisions to support them until taken off! It appears that the Golden Bale first exploded on of ber flute, after which she collided with a ferry-boat, damagtng one of ber paddle-wheels and detaining ber rom gutng to sea until the 22d.

At 3 :40 r. on the 3Dth, in a heavy rain, she struck a rock and stuck fast. On the 8th Inst, the United States steamers Huntsville and State of Georgia sailed from Asplnwall for the wreck, to faring away the passengers. Tbe passengers were find brought to Aspic wall, and forwarded to San Francisco by the steamer America. Male af Govern mewl Vessels Washington, June 2L At the Government sale to-day of Government vessels lately belonging to tbe Potomac flotilla, the following steamers mere dicsed ta: Side-wheel iJiViuM- Baltimore, length 200 feet $16,000, purchased by Thomas Clyde, cf Philadelphia; propeller Watch, length 62 feet, purchaser Robert Lear, of Baltimore tbe single euginejiroielfer Titer, length tO feet, 200, puiuhascrT.

J. SuLh ird, of Richmond, the single engine propeller Zjbra, length 53 feet, $150, purchaser Gilbert Vamfenrcrkcn, of Geoigetown, D. C. Explosion Philadelphia, Jane 2L Engine 3G, of tbe Philadelphia and Baltimore raH-read, exploded this morning on tbe trestfo-work In front of the engine bouse. No one was.kilfod.

The 4 ugineer, Mr. Clifford, had both his legs broken. Re leaned Rebels Nest Mouth Nrw r.K, June 24. Finer tbe 4th inch 3,813 rebel prisoners have been sent South from here. Reception by 4ea.

Kraal. Philadelphia, June 24. Gen. Grant gave a reception to the members of the Union League and tbeir fomilh at the Union League Hall to-day. Tbe building is decorated with hunting and flags for every State.

Ob. Hsrlbat le sounds a Coart JIursinL Washington, Jut; 21. A special dispatch to tbe N. Y. Commercial says: Gtn.

Hurlbut, for a year past commanding the Gulf Department, has demanded a Court-Martial to investigate charge made by the Commissioners sent to in-fttigate affaire of that department. Tbe investia-th iti necessarily involve the whole history of the te of the Gulf under previims commanders. Bailing af Mteaaswbip. Naw York, June 2L Tte foU.miug steamship tailed to-day: City of Lotuhei, tor UvrpioI Gttrmania, tor Hamburg; Alhambra, lor Clmi hmUm Ellen S. Perry, fie New-bern; George Cromwell, for New Orleans; the vada for Savannah; lno, fee fUghahdi 5 tel.

r.c P-n. AFFAIRS IN TEXAS IJ('ATS FOR PARDON Irsra' sa Grander Europe Choc- CASE 141 mf Capittl ni aid 34. Las the setting in dully with merchants wsterins while they Northern of Del the Capi-to1. Gubernatorial of a con-siitutional Capitol halls recarpeted blockade-running fine Bras-S1f S. blockading Mansion are the Richmond expects to Washington steamers and the opened to the af a Bat Rebel Officers Released Agaia witk tke 3ezl Daf af QaarSei Wiley far Juu 24.

dstod at Stedewutt command st saidicn la the rebels Smiths the United yet arrived were appearance in States Among pardon are Fraser, T. B. W. Gordon, Harma-dake, Commodore J. G.

Solomon Edward Eustioe and David G. Warm Fleming of Mississippi, of Maryland. Captain are applications are piled exceptional another (Saturday, loyalist ta shaping Their rebel to destroy for tbeir doings dtosena of ia toe end tender toe conduct States, to plan of reconstruction. His latest North to to be the morning, but next week Transportation Wiley, Chief bave both North on Chief Pennsylvania, Richmond. depots over to win getting an represented since the nllkrl.

Bsie Lsbsv is Office katkcBegslsr June 23. headquarters sf now oa the Long bridge, entitled mastered and magnificent already made ns permanent made of order oa tbe dslegaim aad bal a stated to eamesUy tout tbe war to employ and with freed men of the 43d Rivera Ridge, om ofCoL T. home by the whOe on of tbe appointed army. June 2L Thais lay were retaken here. Two are yet 9 Treaty wf Pence with tke Cbwetaw Indians.

Four Smith, Arlu, June 21 Ex -Gov. Wnr'e, of the Choctaw Nation, has just arrived bore from Doaksrille, to cooler wi to Brig. Burney, MBunasdug the District of too Frontier, which includes the ladiaw Territory, for tbe return to tbeir homes aad tbe protect km of all the Choctaw Indians who have ifn engaged In tbe Confederate army. A temporary ovmtv of peace was effected with the Choctaws at ZfoaksriUe, on the I8rh insL, by Lieut. CoL Mathew, the 94h Illinois Iufxntry, who was sent as a Commiariuaer on tbe part of too United States.

The Indians agree to erase at once all hostilities against tbe United States and return to tbeir homes and resume tbeir former onrupatious. Gov. Wade also brings toe resolution adopted by a Grand Council of22 tribes, who met at Armstrongs Academy on toe ICth of June, which declare chat they will Immediately oease all acta of huetiiity to tbe United States, and that they will send a tion of five from each tribe, to Washington, to a go. tiate a permanent peace. Tbe Indians appear very friendly to the States and hostile to the Confederacy, and anxi to nvume frier dly relations wi to the United Statin.

A Grand Connell is to meet again. Sept. 1st. Gem. Bussey has tamed orders Inviting toe Indians to return to tbeir homes, and Las assured them that they would not be moksed by tbe United States authorithw, so long as they foithfullv keep tbe temporary treaty entered into.

Ho has mho provided fir the payment, ta cash, for all tbe beef cattle pre-gurgd from toe Indian Natyft tyr Vtatt.Statva 'AyTET A mxwl ri-l to doth oonoral vv wrt a i lv Jt So. tel. utb strut lvrt LurM an: Hivr strerlv. AlANTEI A st'iiij woman to conk, wa-h er1 irn Nra inir.tlv tew s.M.e In th nwimrr. A WoUf S.

Ni. WIU jd a I.rtwt a Fourth ns Ftilli. a Huol.i iloCI' j. iw tl bdts ot nt 1) ltrk. II ANTKIfa A situation nurse riH, to a ft trav.ll, k.

tiofidi lrt ts-fs ttiv n. at IhBtn, Iwt-tu ash tul t'arr. sir I the rear. YYANTED Byuy-un" 11 auituldt ni- ctthle i 'in- mam oh tsto future kol hin-. -t or rite ref rcm.es ran Le irivcm Atl'lrvs bx Nk ZSaS, Poshhcr.

TVANTFD A sitnation to snrv4 or to If husework. bv rrl covnivrtrnt to oeirhr: no trvrlma wiiii iHtmlv hsvisr chtMre lo ttribi in. Apply to MKKKV. fl'V liitor irua (oulr wt rrner Di tvinif. ANTED A srirl to cook, wh and iron.

Aipy at N. Cte-soat urert. ANTED A nnrse irl and a bou-e jirL 'p MnN iirrtjyjf.ii. A(ply the soutueost com. I tbr lUlft Obi L.

tft'RJf. A Gorman rirl. Waw literal. Nu- -'tth rt' i rv YASTH3A vid aod iioa; gwd i Locos Market. A3iTED-A IGirltodog-nerii eaft.

i eot inH oeply unl rroicn rti i. a N. I cook; klt ui tut ce 4rK to 1. 1. JONL.S.

toiswtmc MUATIOSr? WASTED A 'ropecUble i as wisher ul ire tid rr trv a sn. ma liirm aal tfidh (Vt f-r firlnn. lx tbr dvrs at L- Iiifn-ll. is.e No. 13 Ohr.islA.-t, be ta- Nmiu knd imUi sererte.

WANTS MALES. "Vr A If Imniliat)-lTt 1ft bfsK Teamsters. I tM tiraa OerX. KUrk-eWbiths, ntry i.f-rXs, ehipin t'bTXs. Iter and inn rr 11 rla, Wu.

hm Hwk-Ki P'rters art L'arrvie Drivers. Apiy at 43 OUVe, bet. Itunl aa-l fwUi ia baa meat. LAD WANTED in a produce house one wriir? a tn haiMl zo I at fiurea. A-l frees bax S.S1 lac iHir, iBiuwwntiur apoletni.

WANTED Twi MurlitnCnttorn. t). lit.nl will AiBr brtobux Alton. I.i. TV'ANTFH A with cah rnoitol of to.nue to a.

inu mantu tciuie of a ar.Hle larr-te f. nutet-mr tl In i Kar.n anl te bit alt'r hsr. 8 un'tira w.li shown arxl si: -a niiuihij) rivta A-tareas "jiM tax tl'tii. A CTIVE PARTNER WANTEI With a 1 a. eaptial of from SLe to SlCS, ko take half iatereal in a tl at will pay a Urf oroAt act how for i'm Call at J.

W. JllLLEK CX, 32 Nonb ML WASTED A man to to the conntrv. to pm honss and work about toe house raiac for I ntHMi fercncee as to ah l.tr and ter. Apflj kiwi tala xaal i sVIo-k r. at Western etkiliaut Srvealb.

fatveea Gratiot anti Caotaeau av. ANTED Two good Wasters, who thor-Vf outfMy aatiersUod inkrne a abaft la text miatos. Arrly bnrm'lately at No. to North Thud streeL odteo ucott Ldofia Vr ANTEDBy a yan gintleman of experi- euee, aMnotioi as 4'ltfc. But of for a g.r a r-i'iirL Nto -scept flrt class px sous nod spplr.

ititUfu Weber, 9L I ream TUAKTED-A good, arrive and iodtutriixu vf Cutter, who evo com- well ncsanedfiS. aulia- iuenee trmjr. For farther psnlt'ttlani, apply at Ouk corner ta Fourth street and Waafemton avcuun. K. RULER A COt ANTED An experienced teacher desire tor the pnnrlpaLsbip of a cool vbool in tbe city bv ssioc a mil srt ta Cam.

lure mod Sxtar -s. wt? on first rale scbool. vhkkJuSig the past hotirrar, anilj purr be a matiir uiatenl ovirouc hundred aad fifty ar five thnusand talned by addressing at the same place. WANTED iSlMEDIATELY 200" Ox Tram drivers crus tbe Plaas from Nebraska City. 8slt Lake, Boise, Bvnnock C'iv.

I labia, aa all part of tbe tioM Rexona. Our trains eomist ta from 39 3 i(ii each, inrmsbed with Improved arms. We pay fiW per mouth ol bard fam tbe tlnre of teavmc hrmaka City uotit they arrive at tbeir Jestin.iuon. lurther particulars apply to C. V.

SNELL A 43 Olive street, la bear mv nt, between Third aad Fourth treeta. A MONTH Ainto Wanted oisFererywhfire to introduce the impmvod Shorn V.ri fiffmv Sating Machmt, tbe only low price rover A Bal ami Bachelor. each are tonngammts. and the teller and aser are ixtble aseudiflyetssmnruf. Slry and expeuseu.

orlorgu commissioB, aJlowL llhisrrated circulars sent free. Address 8 HAW A CLAKK, Bafocionl, Me. 70 MONTH! I Wont Aent every- I where, ml litskonth, ex pens paid. il Um Arfrcfes. the beet sell; as ever offered.

Fail pare ticulamVue. Address OTIS f. (JAKKT. Bstdeford. Maine.

ANTED At the Quincy Woollen Factory, one Canter and pmn. r. a weaver. THtK NEAL Breprtetof. WANTS HO'USESEOOMS.

11 ANTED by fcuir, few scholar, fur Piano and tinging. Terms modersiu. AddreesMrs. ham Teacher. WANTED- fomilv.

ta rood aelyhborbOML 19 er fa aquar from the Ceurt-tiouee. and near some if the street carsw Bih paid ta advance If KQUirel. Foasesaooo wanted about the 1st of dole. Apply No. Zi NortE Third streeL at P.

BOPMlNGfe.fi A COt EYEE STORE WANTED-A store-room AJou Levee. Lower Levue preferred. Addrcue A. Foat-UOce box fitSU. WANT3 BOA2DHTG.

WASTED BY A GENTLEMAN AND kis wife, ta a private family, on unriuniabd room with board. With present family flftva mootba, who are bow about leaving the city. Mefetence uva. Address F. W.

at this office or toal-OiIlce. ANTE By la ty, turniahed vv room end hoard, ta a reopertihi private tsuiiv. Best ta merenct ctvea. Address box Md9, Boat OUica WANTS-SnSCELLAmOXTS. ANTED By New York urtiute, few pupils to team is color photoyrapba ia tbe lot at and brat s'yle ta coloring.

Booms at No. 7 F.ftb area A irood phototfrashe operator wanteL Apply at No. 3 Fifth meet near Lacnati A good photograph galtery lor sale. ANTED MONEY wanted im- mefilist'ly, tor which a fair rate ta tote rest will he paid tor three years, secured by good real ratal- ta the city. Apply to lAk kcCAVANI, Locate streeL ANTED TO SELL 6O0 lonr barrels vV at Ito kirtrt KrttL TUASTED To sell, a half interest in an old vv am tirnevry store, do.ac aspten bd baate-m Apply at the aortlreaat ror ta Koanb sad Green.

wbce ta Dr. MOhlGOMLitl, between tba boom ta 4 and 4 s'chcL r. a. TT ANTED A yoonj man of basin' ev parity, with 11,01 in cash, wfaheu a partar with same amount ta capitef. encage ta a profiable aa I re-aprciabte tualarea ta ihw city.

All comxnuftetatloaa sinctly confidential Acdrem C. J. iu, tfict, ANTED Yon nc Men. Attention! For vv Mreum aad atamp. 1 will sent toanysddrere.thr recipe for tbe cetehrated uBureka Whlaker looic, wblcb wffi lorre wblskrvs to crow on young men's faces in from four to five weeks without falL Address DR.

C. J. AJLBLMt.H, boxjfid Cblcsgo, IU. ANTED A Partner In fi country Launess rstablistied siuco ltafi. with fikta cash tpiiil a Germaa pref.

rre-tL Beat ta reference reuatred aod oivcm Apply by letter to box 4943. ANTED TO SELL Tbe Stick arid Fix- tareeta a Coufeciouerv, and Ire Crmm doJ ioa. now fifotn a rood huamesa, an-1 hK-ated ta one ta tuc knt re ifffihorboofila ta tbe euy. Batofactory reaaoua foracl-libfi oou An a-iitic person of limit -d imana, will find it to hi wTuntare to steal to thHalvertist nt. A tally at RGB Broadway, between Frankim ave.

and Morxaa. ANTED Misttoori cmloaud land for TV cash. Apply tour teldrtau Messrs. LOWRY A SOS, FL Louis. AV ANTED A second hand four or six horse power Portable Etmcau Apply at 2o.

IwZ Noitb Second streeL 'WASTED A party having eonsiderohle Cash Capital and a cowl buata -ae exprleace desires to purr hare a wriKtublaiiea mt-reauulo or monre tamnne btmnrm ta this city, or an tmereat ta one. Ad-dreaa tbrouab the Boer-Office, atatina noite, wbr aa in-tervi can be bad, aad kind ta buaitH're, intil June fetiL -BCSLSUIS," care ta feELTZ A CU. BOARDING. JOARDFRS Four pleasant famished A A rooms, with board. Aba reverd day bo-trl can be eccooiuiofatreL Boarl (refer awre'iiirei) at Sa Locust, between Eleventh and TweJila strecie, ta.

Loulu. TjOR BENT A larfro furnished front room, A also a small famished room can to bad with board, at Nk ltfi tLve suecL twu door from Ninth streeL ANTED To rent with board, trout room, suitable for a an an-1 1 two tincte zrattemrm Applv with refereocae at Nte RGB Olive TOABD A pinout farniahed room, with A I board, floe aentlcman aad hae wifa, Nau 11 North NiUthatxecL CPLODID ROOMS Two unfurnished steeping rooms, aad sai furolabed, witb or wttboot board, wtore Utere are so ether bosrdrr. loUireat ID OUve acreat, between Eleventh usd Iweinb streets, YcuuusbEow, APLEASANT-FURNISHED ROOM to rent with board. Api-ly at No. fid daut street, between Fifth and Sixth.

Aire a day boarder cab be A FEW BOARDERS cun bo uccominoJur ml So. I out. Ml ftar. TIOARDIN Two anfurtiuheJ family il foomecB secouu fiofir: oae fuimard ou third fi-ior aw amt te gi'ntl a. with board.

Al a few day butte rra cu to aTomtiMkhiold No. 1 14 Bine totwrea vrnib saa Ltvhtii. YOARDING A furnished room to rent Li wiUi bfiianl. 9UiLu tor twe uUcmfo Apply to i'lusBMl street, fit th door from Tenth. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, WITHOUT chiklreu preferred, can be accommodated with board dur.n- ihe suiumt-r month'', i a very pleas tat place removed from tne i.

at and dad ta the city, where they ka I ave the ben-fit of large pr-mada. sarteu, aad rt tiveuteat to a street railroad. Akir re r. box S6d9. LOU KENT with bran), in a private fomi-A le.io a nil.maa anl wife or tw smile penitemea, a larve anfumifrUot.

vii story fnHit rotu, or a lure nidi. ho room on some fltaK house pfe ia-fin ly ftse-ffl of foals fe'ulh itmi, Na I A telwcct and Ccrre. 1OARDING A lar-e, furuM front 1 pwtn, wila aiHiih. Also, a ainqle re nt tor r- nL with bo.ut, the Cnamhera Uamam, no. NiXib afrveL corn rta fediu.

fenviteipt ot bath. ATILITART BONDS For ectle at low rate ill tepayiax.u, J. A. (i AT LORD, MYtUfi sdcL octr wn.va vz tv or, PHYSICIAN AND OCCUUrfT. Umci-H KB Washington aeeaoa ARTIMf'LtL im fiapurlc Fnaeu Artifiital Lena sat Valuable Residence Property FOR SALE.

TVE OFFER FOR SALE FOR A SHORT choice reefctroce tot, avnBnu fii feet uu Um south rhoHtcau Avenue, early uppoaite th veshteuc ta Bml fidcfeitev. Aire 1 feet front ou tbe east sale ta Twelfth street, froaa-ht ou Washington Square. We hare ala a targe amount ta nttfnrreed property, which we wiU Sell or lee rwitmofyun tU)l'Tl--ll A EDWARDS. Coo. jt to jl.

HARVEY, Matpietie Phyicizu hnaM tit* ms--a, OX Waahmctoa sv-me. sear fewNbie i AJ treatment ''i-Hlfli and lMKBr pnnriptete Asthma, torettadr conaiitored tarurabta, th p. reel succeea in every msuacw. 4 AA.vti.-AU cauour ewe vro.ni ta fri-B tt to p.m iteat iranuDrB or pant, bv a proceae taiet Ioqiiiuu riuuuB uvito. k'lIcltalilUa BR.

lVJl.Tl EUllS, OCCULZST. 73 Olire rtreet, be- nod Fihh Kiwta ta aU colors, shape aofi UY HARiTC? do VTZIZDDX, 49 Mon street, near Ptne. STAPIE A FA Sfi IP 7 PF4PT- PK tl.OTHIXG, HHAWLHS, LHrelfe-SH1KTS, AC. fm VON felAT uHrniini. Jon 2L at 9 oclock, ww wiU It at our uh nm.

wttnoui rarv. An fif lry fftwaating of Ini, Dow iml iite I'l mn-In, Prrara, Cu-t rk. teruD tbecks. Alpacas, Press loc.Ls, dlnnau feibifr. lt fr ic.

Linen ittbic Cloth, Lmaeyfe Caw-Oier. toti-a, aLAi Ui. ALSO, An tarofee ta Cochins. Fi ne assortment jnat rw ceed uom he EosL AL0, A liu ta i'oojDm ai Cottoa Shirts and Dr were, Aw BY W. S.

TED Iff AN CO, A VeTlOSE BAS. 8. Itt Sort. Mem ttreH. Ckemmt ttreet.

AND NTT IRY n.DTITTUft. ti ats, siitAW uojL)s BOUTS AM.HfLs AT ALtTlON. 5 xT.T -N'S. room. IG North x.u'r u.

re Jpah it re-a, brows arsl utt-l-- 1.t masks, fpaad flwth, jaconet rta ta. Hwaa chJmbray prnebime, ditM gwoda, wmeta, table oil doth. Ac. 250 DOZEN LINEN HDKFS. Super Mack homMsm- a Mack alpaca, evlft utetaMM Ma i Jbi ho calm-r ml aatiitefa.

prenta. hnw arel bl ached aoimt tart flafa ali-woul delatara crtert iaaa. canvaa, Ac. 309 DOZEN ASSORTED COTTON HOSIERY. Clark (tree rank, Utllea and cent umlenraruteno iwp-iMirD.

table po ket euil ry. biiww. Au Lodi. iil unareV tr n. and antnninted ulL tit aad kv.n anw and It Mats, shaker buoia, Ac.

30 IreZEN PALM LEAF HATS. toota, Coon glteta, gfatu and boys eolf hwtf, brtiviM, 4. lerma, cash. BY MORGAN, STSVBNS So CO Jto. 17 Foorth street (aadrr Gait Uoaseb GREL1T SALE AT THE Xew Auction House.

AIONDAY. JUNE 2C.th, ut half-nut 9 4 9cku cot dreaa tpvla, atlv, rntreltna, 1 -lam-a, napkle. lace mauti-M. rxuoiit. tin biwixereai -m, flre n.

a a. Ac. fe'-r the fir ol teal. will afou bn aCred all the above hoods, by tie ptee or paekaire. At fe oelnrk L-tnce sate ta NKW A Nil FCkMiLkfc.

AU LOT iff IkUML BY P. A. KTNNON, tarby flmAap. So. 44 Ffth street.

Sear Comm ffi GBFAT ArCTIOS SALt OF THE ENTIRE TCK OF BOOl.H AM MIM ANII KiA.Hiir.ff OF iBK WELL KNW LffTABI.lMiMLNT wuEAffltL. HAI.KA COX. ML Li Not: itt 41 OlTOSlifi ItiL FLAM kite HOI n. ti on DAY morntau. JuoeSfith, atH Vfok, wj Hi Mtte titoitlvr kotoi ot Shoe eotuhiiehm, nt ta tolf A Co, the stre aoek.

cvnaiatme ot Gentium -u'a Looia ind j'boea, Ladk s. UaaV taJ CiiiMr-w' larva. (Je trralM var-ny. AI ne N.ncrm ffewise tire-chine ta peret onhr. one Fa'r'mnka ffentea, WU tba fbitil.

Ii ts amt K.xtiir. IXbee Imo Rajliua, Clock, Kurnituie. Carff, ami the entire Itimnr, Tbe min wtii he contmofi 1 ire ay ta day antil ail auU, in tots to suit purchaam, Every bav lavdd. MORGAN, A rrroy amp rojf v.v.vo.v mkrchctts. jrn.

IWJ tomrth st. Ten brii.nj an AA V.oe swv-Kexuiar ffale Dava Tarwiaf. 1 horatav and ffaioxdaff. ELEGANT EOSBWOD FIANOt On TTESDAT oorninc. Jane 27th.

at Cfocfoek. wttl ba aabl at aaleareotn, 1U7 North F.uru atreta, on rooc wood Fiano. seven octave, round conrei; nearly new, and perfect aider. HOCSEHOLD FrEXITTEK, CAEPETS. ETC- OF A.

FAMILY LEAVING THE CITY. Ou 1TE9DAT morutac. Juno 27th, at 9H aVIocft, be aofo at aaltnm, lv7 North Fourth streeL a I area asortment ta botweboki ftunuara, bauag theeutua tfeea ta a lanuiy leaving the city. BY GEO. O.

IXYI. AUCTrO.TBKK, 22 NORTH TOCRTH STBBR Reirolw s.1. bmra. jtoud.ro wd rndaru. (losing Sale ef the Season.

I WILL SELL AT MY SALE-ROOM 1 AT North Fourth Mnrulim floon ilmve iV whin too avenue, oa tiominy. JanUihih, 10, ar 4 o'clock A. regular assortment ai amtiuMr Ctothina; at tba a time. )aat received, htiffpontah Linen Duster. Block Cloth Coataaad Panm, htoileu Ac.

bate ae iti ve and peremptory, ta torn to salt tbe trade aly. LLU. ik LEVI, It tii bit BY FLANJOAN HATCH, ffu 14 A or A fifth JUrert. nt. L1RGE GOTEiminT SUE.

Franklin Corral TO HE SOLD. THE SnEPS. STABLING. SHOPS, OF- -L te a and quarte conat.tutiRe the fovnu- nt Core rel nt that plat will re atod at pobtic auction oa TM LY Gtb, lsk The huiloinrs will be void first by section, and aftere wards the whole Corral will be offered for sale, the Ore ernnM-nc re er rent the riiffat la areept the mota favoraala ale. win ther hy urctiona or aa a wbe.

By order Ot CapL INCHAN co*kTF.LL, A. Q. V. ALONZO UION. C.pL ml A.

il I FLANAGAN HATCH; uoeSi je24 AnctioueunL StLooiJunej Government Sale or Horses, Sheds, Stabling, Feed, Troughs, ftc Ae. TVE WILL SELL, AT MATTOON, TT.T.T. Noth, an Tuesday, June 27th, at 10 oclock, fiixtv bead ta raedemaed Gaeeramrat Bourn sod oB the tiuildiiica, Stoeda, frel, Jivufa cam oectrd with the itovcrtuu at Corral ai tiiatUaco. By order ta CapL A. EATON, A.U.9.

FLANAGAN A HATCH Government Auctioneers BY HEDLBY in CO. Jfa 1A Amth romrm street. SL loam. 5FW AND SECOND-HAND HOCSEHOLD FT1 Tl BE, CAKFEaS, DAY UOOtiA, BOOTA fiilG Ac Ac. ON Tt ESDAT uonhc, Juno 37th, ta 9H a'cfocl altuaMD, we aril a lunre aad varita aaaartmen new and second-hand tombokl runuture, catpwia, gootia, houteiy, rma.

caao. FOR RENT. TjOR RENT A second-stor? front touib, A famished, without hoard, in a private family. Thu location very pirate nt ami realm). Inquire at No.

13 Fouth Sixth streeL third door above WalnuL 7 "C'OR RENT Dwelling Hooffe for rent, flii A situated ixa IGth wreta. North ta Clark avenue cuDtaiuinit 11 rooms and bath mom, water and sat UfroUtthotU. Apply to JOHN JlAoritiK, Jr 14 Jt No. 43 Walnut aC fTHREE ROOMS FOR RENT Alfafira A rooms for real cheap to food tenau to. Apply uk Ut hnmdwap.

A MOST DESIRABLE sleeping roam for- rent, plam for two younu men: rent moderate; No. 14 Carr streeL between faxth and Severn atreela, south atda. piJRNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Ap- A it Kiz I. How, 1.

IU rth EigUm amrl, bMwrou irarZct uJ Cura jt yOB RENT A Urge three-story brick bou, centrally toe a ted, eaataiaim ten vooma, buck buiLiiox, tae, water. il all other oee-aaary cody ufeocro. Alsu, UMney to Ioiul Apply te 9. ib IK NT, h. 13 I'Hoaiit siren, feviwe UtBca Bp stain.

Xj'OR RENT A three otorv How, ewre ALL lai nans rticbc rooma, with beta room, w- tor, fias. ken wtuatrU No, fi Taryr streeL near kvtff ttorl A ply at Otiy Mutual Iuthdco Office, fon-ret ta ara Oilve Kiwis, rer Drug Stom, CHAff.lL FkCK. RENT The two floor above the mw tor. Nft. IffiS.

Fmb screeL between Market and Wife suL Loutainmg 4 airy rooms, hall and 1 garret mnmi afl ta beta coditMu; will he rented aa omceu to food re-spooside peruee; would be a fin foevttou for a Item Lag at ilair Dreeataf eetahhahmeiu. Apply at No. Gw kre ket streeL brtwwB fevoul and Third. heiereaca rtund LH)H RENT Front office mod varermm, A second story, ubou Levee, between TTmhluriwa tt-aaeaadVtae. Apply 4 New A3 North Loueew pOR RENT That very deanble three Ml story cweiltaf.

situated oa the northeast eoe-nr Foartcemh and acaota. containing 19 raom I alia, gto, ic. ill be rented low to prompt teaanL Apply to kuHKbOJi A LtMlAN, House Aoema, Now bt Fate strevL gi? LH)R RENT A ftvy denirable 3 storv 'i roonw. oa Karta eriret, b. i wt I'vtrte-tUt al Tuto nth atret; to-im in tkn iwtit repair.

Apply to NOOTH A BAKADA, XiS Chesaatatreeti TjOR RENT In Mitchell Baildin, Third atn-rL ak.taine Font Office. 1 larye office oa first fioor over I. H. TVtraph offic, will) fire proof van! ate 4 hiraecfticcs oa stool Door over th Second National Bank sod Tfftvnbi) office. Inquire ta MokKI.Hofi A LU4.AN.or k.

A W. MlTCULtdro 144 S. Fourth LH)R RENT 4 hrst rh new rcsi.ienoea witb all tofiwiem topow-wwa cenfrelly focn eatrd ia a xood oeialibortMtod; will be rented on tavorte Me tern itotx! Applv to J. H. ilABBLE, Nto 1 BcCreety Buildin, comer of aad Chcanat am.

IjOR RENT A mom suitable f. on Office. ta the third story ta ktinpY Bu.Um, euner off CheMsutrnd Ihirrt streets. Arpiy bcrwecnSaod 9 oclock. A.

il, to H. 1. PlUVI.NG, at ta.s olhcc. f1 TOR RENT A bwrfire front Office, uecotij Pj story. With private office and sale ta wall, ta Net IU liar KiycL LOST KO UND.

IOST Certificate of Di'poait N(h 117, dat'd A ito ka. I'ti, waid by the Aceoiamodatioe Bonk oi M. Lsua, for lirv huwtrel and twenvy-'our mI 7elA rtfi'li-ira. payai le to Uk order ta Bryan. II A to, awl by tb ihcitei! to Craiacad A May.

All eteoan aro caution, aaainta nAuatinu for sotuo, pajto at bau tetfl stopped and dupticate usurd. HMTAN. BELL A CIA ST, LOST. LOST-Was lo-K from th, Xj steamer Kate Kiant v. ateHtt Wh ApnL box tote mark4 John H.

htii r. I iMj sreas fce rewaeti-fit by pvftti CvajDcreiiJ ftp eL lLKSONAL. FS. ONEAL Who liml in Bunker Hill, 1 ij.t last rummer, witb Nr. Vao Dora, w.H confer a K-aviK ber address at Not.

Ifia North Jtalnac REMOVALS. TI CRT, ELLMERS fe" VOORH IS HAVR li moved to Ns. 41 Main street, corner ta OUvl Smiths Chemical Dye Works NO. 71 OUTE STRYET. BETWEEN EOCKTU AND FIFTH STREET.

(BKANVH ATT ro TKKET. TYYE. CLEANSK AND REFINISH ALL XF dewriptMin ta Ladies anl Iten ire apparel, taa tvle fuu-tl to an Northern or Eastern liouae. fete JAtwlyUy TOR S.Sd- bagging. ROPE.

twins; L. LITKR1NO A fd, 1 UcMlUMti ttU Quartermasters vouchers ut OtoctU rah fcrat rotra. laii tt fi. A. AILOBD.

AS a. TKrJ attwfe News from Puma, Month America wad Asftirslaa. New Touk. June 21. The steamer Ocean Queen brinzs Panama advieet.

state that tbe alamort'olorK seventy-two days frciu New York, arrival at Panama on tbe 12th, aod sailed on the ICth tor Sau I raiici The revolution in Peru slid continues, niak h-tic progress. Chili is threatened by Fioia if 4e do. no 'n to terms. From Australia we tarn that the Shenandoah had gone west from Alclphi, probably to tbe MsaritiuA late dates from Central America bring nws of tbe complete defeat of the Barrios revoluti jnary party ia Fan Salvador. MJ.

Gen. Sickles left tbe Isthmus on the ICth for New York. CoL G. M. Potter is a pOMO ngerou the Core Que4t, having been unuo et-viuJ in ihe nouUrJ'HKft the New Panama foil rood conuart.

rOSTSCMPT. SPSCIJL DISPATtULS TO THE ESTEPS ASSOCIATED PRESS yiowry and blocks in Now Work New York, Juno 24. allrood speculation has been nnusuady quiet today. Operations very light and rath dolL Nearly ell storks remained at about yesterdays quotations. Governments firm, with more demand for 0-20a.

State bonds, bank shares and railroad bonds, firm but quiet. Very little activity In gold. Cash gold Is scarce, and worth cent, over Sunday. Money unchanged. Petroleum stocks more active and generally better.

Pit Hole Company steadily advancing; Heidrick and Oil Creek also rieing; also Bachanan Farm; Cherry Run, 33; Excelsior, 320; Phillips, 220; Fulton, 10; Pit Hole Creek, Webster, 250; Dock Creek, 25; cm mania, 45; McKinley, 325; United States, 24; Ryrd Farm, 162. Petroleum market closes quiet; snail sale of crude at STc; refined In bond, 54a)53c. Tbe Pott has the following review of the wholesale market: The general character of tbe wholesale market during tbe past week bat been more active, and bvtter business for export. Flour has arrived more freely, and under lean favorable news from Europe prices declined 30 to Oh; the tendency ts stiD downward. At the close there was more inquiry for export at the concession.

The market closes at $5t 10 tor extra State; $6 50 90 for shipping Ohio, and $811 50 for SL Louis extra. Wheat Is freely offered and prices declined 5 to 6c, and at a concession business was better forex-port. Oats are active and advanced rapidly, dosing firm at 77feT7c for western, and for Canada. Con is active and price steadily Improved the market closes at 92c for sound mixed, and 80b'96c for unsound. Pork Is active aad pushed ou tbe market at a decline of GO, closing at $24 25 lor Dew mess.

Beef Is pressed oa tbe market and very Irregular, closing hcvyt at repacked aad $12 fe.15 fi extra. Cut Bieato rapidly advanced and are quiet scares, closing firm at for dry shoulders and IPc for pickled hams. Lard has fluctuated with exchange, and closes quiet at for ordinary to prime. Whfekey unsettled and very quiet. Evening Stock Exchange Stocks are dull but firm.

Gold Active and irregular on caD. Gold 141; Erie 76J; Hudson WJ; 63j 124 6t; 1101. New 24. The rnteafirubiigtoB special says: It reported that frauds to an alarming extent are being practiced upon tbe Government by an ingenious method of obliterating marks upon Internal revenue and postage stamps, which can be done so completely that stamp may be used any number of time. A plan has beea submitted to tbe Postmaster General, and Secretary of tbe Treasury, In which marks of cancellation become indcllible, or which cannot be removed without destroying the stamps, thus affoiding security against further fraud.

In accordance with Ins tractions Paymasters will not disburse money to men who left the volunteer service for the regular, but, when discharges from the latter ore presented, they will be Invalidated by the Pay-Masters and the men returned to service. Tbe AugustaGa.) Chronicle and Sentinel, ot tbe 7th, just received, gives a full account of the Conference held at Fort Monroe In January last. Tbe article ba full itetffiat of negotiations, and understood to have been prepared at the Instance of Mr. Stephens. Tba Chronicle and 8entinel says: Davb did not communicate to tbe public with regard to the Conference, Stevens says Dam first sent for him to say to Mr.

Blair, that be desired a conference between the authorities of the United States and tbs South upoa the subject of peace, and saked Stephens advice. He replied, if Mr. Biair spoke by authority of President Lincoln, be most earnestly advised a Conference, aad recommended that the strictest secrecy be used, and iut the parties to the Conference be Presidents Lincoln and Davis, aad Gena. Grant and Lee; and be th only persons to know of the mooting. Davie db-regarued It.

Mr. Stephens was informed two days lator that himself, safer aad Campbell were to go. Stephens did not wish to go, but did go to avoid unfriendly remarks. These Southern gentle-a met Mr. T-Hwdn and Seward, and alter some remarks the sutyoct of peace was opened.

Mr. Stephens urged the claims of his section with the Skill and address for which Northern papers have given Lim credit, Lincoln holding the vantage ground of conscious power. He was perfectly frank, and submitted his views almost In form of argument. Tbe CcmmhsUm made a report, saying that Lincoln referred them to his message, he to the last reftising in any ay to recognize the Confederate Government or acknowledge Davb power to make peace. Lincoln amured them they might rely oa a liberal excerclse of tbe pardoning power.

He suggested it would be far better for therebellfous States to return at once jtiyn to risk the fimiw of continued war and Increasing, bitterness of feeling In Congress. Mr. Stephens reported to Davb (hot nothing had beea done, that nothing was determined, and if he relied upon the sincerity of Mr. Blair, tbe Conference was a fipfaHra of desire for peace on the part of the United States and the way open for settlement. Davis looked upon the proposal as innulting, 1 to have the concurrence of Hauler In that view.

He wished a statement to go before tbe public that only insulting term) were: tendered, but Congress declined ts make it ou tbe ground It was not true; with some di lieu tty they secured reception of a brief and perfectly truthful but not very pfe report that was published, and Davb put a coloring to it, and endeavored to secure his object of crushing the Southern peace party by inflammatory dispatches aQ over the country, followed by the actual report with preface, which was publish ed at the time. The Harold has the translation of the debate in the Flench Legislature, June 9th, ou the Mexican question. Juke Fftvre, leader of the Republican party taxi an expedition was undertaken to recover recognized of about one million dollars, with eventual claims which might vary from five to twelve millions, nod they had already incurred expenses of $400,000,000. It had been promised that French troops would protect tbe Mexicans In full ezcrciae of their opinions, but tfrfe need not have been done, Waziuhotok, June 24. Forties bo were promineut in the rebellion, and who desire to take the oath of allegiance for tbe puipose of making application for pardon, wili In future.

It understood, be required to take tbe oath in districts where they reside, instead ofeobdeg to this city, as Stans have been doing her toforv toMilwcribc to the oath. large numbers of men are availing themselves of the benefits of tie order directing the discharge of all men cf the Veteran Reserve Corps, who are entitled to a discharge by reason of regiments from which tlu were tnnblened being mustered out. Fermisfeion has been granted to the signal officer of tLe army to muster out all the man In Lb command whose term ta service expiree prior to October 1st. Two hundred and thirty will be die-chaxged under the order, leaving remaining. A military order was rumulatei to-day, annoau-cirg the dismantling of the field works which comprise tbe defences of Washington, north and south of tbe IVtamac.

A delegation from South Carolina, coaskting of tbe following-named iicraons, hod an interview with the Frt.sMent: Judge Frost, Isaac E. Holm U. W. Williams, W. H.

Giilett, J. H. St aiming Uriah li brads, Wm. P. Hall, J.

II. Taylor, R. U. Gill and Jn. li.

Yates. Tbe I'xtwklcut aid it was hi intention to talk plainly, so there might be no BiteuiKferxtanding. Tberefoe it were better tliey should look each other full In face, ar not Imitate ancient statesmen who, when they met one auothcr, could smite at their stKcew in deceiving people. Ho said If this Union was to be preserved. It must be on the principle of fraternity, both North and South, the States maintaining a certain relation to the Government.

A State cannot go out of the Union, and therefore none of tinm bave yet gone out. We must deal with the queetion of restoration, and not reconstme-ti-n. He suspected that bo was a better States rights man than some of those who owned the land and have the capital to employ help; and, therefore, some of our Northern friends are deceired when they, living afar off, think they can exercise a greater cont.no1 over die tree linen Uion the Southerners wtu luv kin raised where the institution ta slavery Iuj preva Ivd. (Ibe bahciceof tte Presi ut's speech aa reply wili be sent to-morrow mg oh New York Money as4 filsrk Msrbria. New York, June 24.

Mwy Eovy, 4 6 per cent. Stci ling Dull, luH' 110. Gtad6tesdy; opening I42 declining 111), Ine Total exports of specie to-day 213,000. btovW Easy Belleville Picxir ox July 4th. Full particulars will be found In our advertising column of the grand festival and picnic to be given on the 4th of July to obi in rebuilding the Catholic church in IVDevilte.

The names of the eminent speaker an other particular will be found in future advertisem*nts. Iteal l'Islatt'. Central Beni Etante ni Auction. We notice that on Tuesday of this week the great sole of central Improved business property, advertised fn oar columns by Tboe. Campbell, trustee, will take place upoa the respective premises in the order of the advertisem*nL The sale, we are informed.

Is Imperative; tbe estate mast be finally ctefed up to make set foment among the heirs, and not in partition as has been supposed. LOCAL ITESIS. Jhtsinesg Worship I Label is worship the robin fa singing. Labor fs worship tbe wild bee Is ringing. Mrs.

Otgoodm Visitor toSL Louis should not fan to c3 at that famous hive of industry, KeevilsHat Hall, 271 Bread-way; they will there have an opportunity of examining those stjtteh and efa*gpntly finished Hats, each as have long since become famous In our city and throughout the country which fa commercially tributary to us. Mr. KeevO, tor Hatter, will do even-handed justice toalL Flxd Keevil! wear KeovQs Hats. dfiw Wr notice many returning from the warhead among them physicians, teachers and others well educated snd intelligenL heretofore occupying positions at various points, which ta their absence have been permanently filled by others, and they aow compelled to seek other employment; to sock we would say, call en the SL Louie Mutual Life Insurance Con pony whose card will be found in this paper, and who we understand, are ready to employ many sorb ictivs and Intelligent gntfomen as ants and staMtors throughout the Wester State, where the Company is now sacesssftrily established, and to such they ate ready and willing to pay liberal compensation. We adrioe all wishing to dispose of new or secondhand frirniture.

to send it to Morgan. Stevens A Co new Auction and Commission Hons, No. 179 North Fourth. Galt House Block, be tweeu Morgan street and Franklin avenue, as they have the moot spacious sates rooms ta tbe city, get good prices and make prompt returns. Consignor.

SfitchetTr St. Limit Commercial College. At thie school boys of seven years and poxng men, and men of all ogre are received for instruction In the common and higher branches during the summer mouths, os mmol, from 9 A. V. to 9 p.

B. Location, 51 and 53 Olive street between Third and Fourth. lt Ladies and Gentlemen In want of dry goods, iml-ture, at wholesale or retail, do not fail to attend the auction sole at Morgan, Stevens A Ca, Momlay morning at A. M. City Commom-Continmed Safe.

Mr. E. G. Otemr, Auctioneer, will sen the lota remaining unsold la the Dcmnd Tract," at the Court-House, on Monday, at 12 oclock M. See advertise menL Ou Monday morning every-body Is expected to attend tbe great a action sale of boots and shoe, at the store of Messrs.

Hale A Cox, opposite tba Planters House, on Fourth streeL Sale commences at 9 oclcck, by F. A- Kaanou, Auctioneer. The sale eon from day to day until an Is sold. Thou wishing to review tor admission to the High School wfll find a toarher at that building Monday wwing a At a meeting of tbe delegates of the virions Beneva-font Societies ef this city, held on the 221 tosL, oa motion cf Mr. E.

Quinlivon, H. J. Spounhoret wan appointed Chairman and Daniel McAuhffe Secretory. The Chairman explained the object of tbe meeting, which woe to take measures to attend the laying of the cornerstone of the new Church of SL Joseph, Eleventh and Biddle street, en Sunday, 25th tnsL, at 4 oclock r. Tbe following societies were represented: German Roman Catholic, Hibernian, Shamrock, EUincn Catholic T.

A. and United Sons of Erin Benevolent Socftfos. Oq motion of Mr. M. J.

Dolan, the above societies (tterman excepted) will meet at their respective halls on Sunday, 25th InsL, at 2 oclock p. and march to Third and Elm streets, where they will he met by the German societies. Returning, tbs societies win march np Fourth street to Franklin avenue, down Franklin avenue to Broadway, along Broadway to OFalloa streeL np OFallon to Eleventh streeL The Benevolent Societies of SL Charles and Carondetet will also bt in attendance. Henrt J. Sfannhorst, ChaiFn.

Danl McAculfte, Secy. 2t We aremld say to those in want ot reliable medical attention, that Mrs. Spare, the celebrated female physician aad magnetic doctress, at 44 South Fifth street, 3d door south of Elm streeL SL L-mia, Is performing miracle In curing tad standing dmeoeea that have been pronounced tneurmble by the best of physicians. Mrs. Spare bos been endowed from her birth with the healing art and othr bnpgrtant gifts.

She examinee ctairvoynotly and nki no questions, or requires Invalids to explain symptom. If there fanny earthly remedy to mectyoar case and patient may rely on what Is told them. Permanent cure guaranteed. Satisfactory references given cheerfully 15t Special Vorire. Oa and after this data, June 21, my hug store, southeast corner Sixth street and Washington avetme, (opposite LtodeQ Hotel), will be kept open nights as well ae day.

L. O. WO JD-RUFF, Druggist and Pharma ceatiaU 2t Thrilling Escape from an Iceberg. The s'eamship Scotia, which sotted for New York oa May 17th, mrt with a narrow esmpe, which is (ha drmribe i in tbe Bwton Satttrdaj Gazette: Un tbe Sualay otter leaving pori, at 19 oclock A. saw a longe foebenc on our tee bow.

about half a Bile dfatant, but quite near enough to eatirfy the many who had expressed great desire to see one of the W(iler ta Use Arctic reginas, the terror ta the sea to ail M-ilors bat how btite did they think wbat Imminent danger woe appreachiitg a from this ta theircurioty Soon alter llocfatek a. the fg so thick so to cut od ail iht beyond the ships length, the saiter ou 44 lookout gave srnhlcn alarm of a Ur Icrberr dt-xd ahtod sh1 almost sn lcr the bows of the ship. The signal whieite of danger was sounded instantly, white lie In4 officer, who was oa deck, cited in a voire of ihumter, 44 hard-a-prt! hard o-port your helm but another officer, in the nfa-sten ta the bmnutbI, who prohatay took aoterr vtew of fer danger, snug out staibuard! bard loslar-bnJ leouwtiite the Captain wm the ei-gicrer to stop her, ba-k, ani ttier iiupx tarn urd which wine skilfully aud rapidly ffiy.i, teiirv even tbr seeugcrs were aware ta tL so om 4rUly check cur sfeed that tbe striking ta the ship scoiost tbe mountain ta soikl ice scarcely scarred Uk block paint on the ships port bow, ana urjia; uni ahmsiite tbe ponterus and giinuc moa. it ame quite near enough to the tosathfy vrry bchokter, fi ii could be imchwl with a boats nor. As we opened the dfatam, ami tbe canc pma-d Un-re wa never seen before such a ikii-kad of thankful, grateiUI uls nw rendered up I heir prsfao to Him hod ijohsikd them their gnat uthve snre.

When tbe tebr was first du-rvv Dil we were oa ilni and quite near the forward and, os we were 1 okiu award, saw the dattger quite soon as thesailorsoa tbe loot-oit. 1 hfi- ukt wa- a as to till mr tearte with tear, and ibe burrif with slo we instantly realized our awful rituatitm cannot be imagined or decribed. Our oUiptete (tetiucoos scented inevitalde. So near re we to the icter that It appeared tbo ship souk I strike it and sink bebwe the emoeners eouki run aft, which they all commenced to do. beintisiiai fount as far lnm" Ihe euactuvtem a ptsMihle.

A one oa board who saw the danger but tally eoacliated we were list Sotth wv between Paraguay and the Argentine Repablic bkls fair to be tbo teo-tiire of South American news for some time to come. Tbe latest turticulars ae to the military movements of the belligerents, are furnished by the Basnue Ayres pers. Iret'Sk nt Mitre, on receiving the news of the wanton invasion of the Argentine Republic, faea.d a prorlninaiion to his fellow country men, summon-inr thm to tbeir poets as citisen-esklieia. The land forces of Poreereav are esrlmate! by the at 00,000, these ta the elites Brazil, the Argentine Republic and Uruguay ore expected to reach suoo But the greater number ta this force is already the field. It is though th refore, that It may take a few mxuhs before the elites can siwume the aggressive.

Tbe combined population of the three alii il coan-tna so far oat a ambers that of Paraguay, that tbo suecesa of the latter would seem to be Ihe Paraguayans hope, however, that thy will find many alltes ia the Norrhera provinces ef the Anf -tine RepaMie, and in Uruuav. la the Btitilian province ta Rio Graisle, which will now be the first to be overrun by tbeforeuo of Paraguay, thi sla7-a Itnu a vast majority of inhabitantM. ami by giving them liberty. Pres tent Itpu would filetach litis valuable province irom Brazil. VNrnovoitrD Mdrdee.

While A. J. Nrma who lives eight nifafrwn Franklin, in Willi '4 4" county. Tennrssn, near H'lfahJCis hin.r his field, oa Tuesday, he wa aic mebe I pv nv armed men, in Federal ani form. provocatfen, and killed.

Tte- ulauto ore tabnTzkem tururd r. b-1 Mrc ao tbeir nctim nerouja no! if mcv (be Wfc LOCAL NEWS. Tiunicu ahd McsiciL iTEus. The dTart-are of tbe Keana, after their brief bat greet engagement, wblcb was concluded oa Friday nigbt, left tbe Company at tbe St Lonia Theatre to tbe doty of giving tbe cnatomary cloning benefit. Saturday niht, theretire, was deroted to tbe benefit ofXr.

Herring, who Is the drees circle door-keeper ot the establishment. Bnt one night more remains of tbe aeaooa, and that la properly appropriated to tbe benflt of tbe fcmfiy of Mr. Venders lice, the pit door-keeper, who unfortunately lost bis life by drowning aboat a week ago. Tbe orcaeion therefore appeal witb peculiar force to tbe liberality of piay-goera, and tt is hoped that the house will be filled on Mondayercning. Tbe aeaooa will then end and the house peas Into the hanla of the carpenters, who are to rebuild, wo are informed, nearly the whole of Its Interior portion.

Tbe repair and changes win be of radical and thorough kind, and win be completed in time to resume the next regular season, late in August. Tbe Varieties Manager baa presented a rertral of tbe Knights of the Lurlieburg," a superb scenic spectacle, which was brought out originally last year, and baa been performed at irregular interrais many timee since. Miss Kate Vance aa Maxcppa" will be the attraction for this week. Mania Wilson's Minstrels are to perform but one mote week before entering upon tbeir summer vacation and they will wind up witb acme of tbeir most amusing and entertaining performances. During their abseure tbeir pleasant tattle theatre will bo handsomely repainted and frescoed.

Manager Gnu is at present making a hasty visit to this city, to inform himself as to the prospects of a new opera boose, and to arrange. If practicable, for aa opera araaoa to bo given hero In December nezt. Ob inat Lc wm kare New Turk for Europe, to ragage singers fora thorough new campaign ia the United Slates. The araMm at tbe Chicago Opera Htnue closed oa tbe 19tb inst, alter highly oaccoso fU progress. About thirty opera nights and eight matneea won girea in that city, and tbe gram re-ceijits for the same amounted to eighty thousand dollars.

Tbe Prince of Wales is said to be a great theatregoer. He appear at some theatre or concert-room almost every night, and remains until the performance is over. Pan Bryant, the minstrel, is baring great success in Dublin in Irish characters. MissHoamer, a handsome actress, formerly of a stock company in Chicago, is starring in New York and meeting with some favor at tbe hands of audiences and erittrs. Tbe Marchisio sisters sing in Mercadante's at tbe Pergola, ia Florence, open In honor of the Iante fetes and of the change of capital, at a aeaaoa when Italian opera-house of the first clam are generally dosed.

Salri baa engaged for the coming opera season in Vienna, lor the new opera bouse, Meadamee Galettl, Lottj della Santa, VolpinI, Artot, Barattl, and Fab-tini; Signora Mongini, tirasiani, Guidotti, and Ass-la, tenors; Eriwardi, Pandolfini, Boieolinl, Angeili-aini, aad Miiesi, baritoaea and busao and Floraranti. buffo. Two new operas are to be produced La Foraa" and Tutu in archer." The project foe building aa opera house in Pittsburgh is finding mucb fovor. The success of tbe German opera troupe it the city has recently given a marked impetus to the movement. Rnednl's mam contains two ftigaea, said to film specimens of that difficult style of madcal writing.

Jules Benedict ia aboat composing aa opera fir a Paris theatre. The story is basrwwed from Scott Fair Maid of Perth." Joachim," the violinist, baa made a at riking sue eras in Paris A theatrical biography, Just published, rela tbe following as having actually occurred scute thirty years ago in Scotland: Lord Cleman, about 1135, married tbo young and beau. i till Lady tlie daughter' of baronet. She was of a li-ht, w.daiile dispothm, vain an coquettish. A circ*mstance whiidt pained ber husband very mucb happened about a twelvemonth after their union.

A young military dicer, who bad been upon familiar terms with Lady Cleman, came to visit her at Cleman Hoose. His gay and thoughtless btmor made him greet favorite. His attentions to luwly 0i-man acre observed, and displeased his LonUhip. Mi. Biake would take no hint from any one, and it waa thought that her lad va hip secrete! encouraged his attentions from a desire to torment ber jealous husband.

His Lordship, meanwhile, said nothing to eitlier, bnt one evening, walking through the garden that fronted the mansion, be observed the Major standing on the terrace in front of the bouse, talking to bis Laly. He hurried to the spot, but ere he got there the Major bad bade her attic. Some week elapsed, when tbe arrival of fresh visitors appeared to divert Ids Lordship from the terrible thoogbte that preyed on hismind. To vary tbo diversion of the party, it was prop-wed that amateur performance of theatricals should be got up at the mansion, le nt rweieman readily consented. A fare lull ts the mansion was fitted up in fine stvle.

Tbs play selected wm Othello," which was rehearsed. Toe cast was curiously enough arranged; his Lordship was the Moor, her Ladvahip was akm-ma, and the Major waa cast for Caasio. The piece well off witb grat eftif until the lost scene, aba 4. to, overs helmed with jealous rago. ana alien his young aaifoaa she lira in bed.

This part Lori tt-le-man, arrooght to desperation by hia fit of jealousy, performed so admirably and so naturally a toezclw the wuader and admiration of all his guest But imagine the horror and consternation whoa it was discovered that It as no piece of art inf that his Lordship bad gone through, but a reality. The Lady Cleman had in fact been murdered! A Coroner's inquest ass held upoa the body, and a verdict of aochiental death" was remierea. which saved hia Lordship's life end reputation. From tlmt dm hs became an altered man. The mansion waa shut up and his Lordship wont to the Continent to reside, where he died, said his remains had just been brought home.

Abbet Tbottcio cduksb Gmuto Extua Dat. Yesterday, tbe last day of the summer WJOU at the I bey, was fully as brilliant aa Its predecessors The weather opened fine, but, before the races were well under way, the rain came down in torrents, and the trot waa made in a drenching rain. In the pool selling Quaker Boy was the fltvorite. Johnny Come Up and Dora wen withdrawn. In drawing lor the positlsu Quaker Boy got the polo, Laly Leonard the centre, snd Ripton on the outside.

Leonard slightly got the start, but it was of no avail, lor Rip-ton went post her like a rocket, and. by the time tbe quarter was ri -ached, he had left quite gap between them. It was evident that Ripton was going for the purpose of shutting out both horses, but he only succeeded in doing it ia tbe case of Quaker Boy. Time, 2:42. beroad Heat.

Ripton had the pole with good lead, and a good start. The quarter pole was reached in "conus snd the half-mile pole in 1 :13. After passing the half-mile pole Leonard went up, Ripton collaring him as they om into Ho home stretch, snd Cuming umh the string about a length snd a half ia advance ofRipton. Time 2 -3. Luring ibis heat Ripton broke frequently.

In the poet selling Lady Inward bad ibe tall. In one pool of 52. COO, Lrtnanl sold tor Ripton for 1100. 7 kmf that. Tbe weather had now become as clear and as before the rain, and expectation was ronsHknibiy excited as a raiding heat ua but wo weru doomed to disappointment, looa-ard bad the pole, the horses going off evenly together.

but gtlng round the firs circle Leonard commenced drawing sway from Ripton, and by the time the half-pole was made bad opened considerable day-liglit lietwem her and Ripton, hot after passing the quarter the Lady made the worst break of the we- and ter driver had almost to b. ing her to 1 Hand still, when Ripton shot abrad of her snd kept that position all around tbe course. Leonard made a noble effort to regain her supremacy, but the break had loot the heat for ber, and, striven she might, she could only ecu's iu about four lengths behind Biptoo. Time, 230. tiMTtk Heat.

Fool selling was pretty lively, and Leonard had the preference. It was pretty sure that if the mare could be kept square to her work she could out-foot Ripton, but that waa a question which only a practical test could determine, and some of her backers hot fiiith In ber, and we noticed considerable hedging going on- Tipton had the pole in the start, and they got off well bgether. By the time the quartet pole waa reached, Leonard had drawn well ahead of the bone, and maintained that position all around tbo course. Lady Leonard behaving besa-tifiUly, and going anund without a single break, and coming la about thirty yard ahead. Time, 2 38.

Fifif Heat. Lady Leonard tbo fovorite.by all odd. Tbe burses 1. lea splendid start. Betuetheone-bslf was Leonard was way ahead and kept 0 around the course, winning the beat and rase.

mo 233. SCWUABT. Duly Leonard KDtoa Johnny DOT. one Tbo trrMfcmoutO U0 CORMO th Meeting or the Fihtakz Last Etkhixo. Tbe meeting of tbe Fenian Brotherhood at tbe Court-Hcuse, last evening, was very large and enthusiastic.

Beside the members of the society a multitude ef Irish dti sene and ladies, estimated at aboat four thousand, were in attendance. James State Centre for MissoarMntrodoced the disitngufeh-cd speaker, A. L. Morrison, of Chicago He spoke for about two hours and a half on the tamo snd ol the Fenian Brotherhood. He dwelt at length on the prut pects of Ireland being Bberotedat an early day fan the yoke of Hit speech wee marked by omtiwiMe powoz and an abandonee of genuine Irish eloquence, the speaker being frequently interrupted by load and pro-knged cheering.

His Idea Is that Enand is the enemy ef Irish liberty, and that aU good eed trim Irishmen should consider themselves the foee of England. At tke done of his speech the whole multitude x-pnseed Uiemselvesas eager to join the Fenian Broth-ertord and aid In the adoption ofmeosaree feAtig re he establishment of a new and Independent government ua Irish sufl. LarkS numbers of them Ifinrard and offered tbeir names ae candidates tx admimlon to the society- Tbe meeting was significant of a deep determination on the part ef Irish citizens to do something toward freeingjlroland from British rule. Ait Aggravated Cass. A named John Williams, a resident of Glencoe, In this county, was tried before Justice Jocko yesterday and fined $59 for committing an limit and battery on John Nicholson, proprietor of a saw and grist mill at Glencoe.

It appears from the testimony that Williams went to Nicholson's house on the day of Us wifes death, but a day or two after be had buried a child, and, calling him oat of djora, demanded a settlement for some work which had been done by Williams for Nlebolsoo. Upon Ntehoboa's replying that a settlement could not be had just at that time, WD-tixms sssenlted him and gave hue a severe teHnf Base Balif-Match axe. Tbe Empire Base Boll Club ta this city bos challenged tbe Empire Chib of Freeport, 1IL, to a match game which will take place In the latter city on the oming 4th! of July. We have aofiloubt tbe St. Louis boys will fully maintain their reputation and came home with a good account ef themselves.

We understood there will be quite a number of the friends of the gome who will take advantage of the opportunity and win accompany the club on their excursion. Round trip tickets at reduced prices may be bad of Sir. S. M. Colburn, at St.

Louis, Alton, 9T.EEB. office, under Planters House. Success to the SL Louis boys. StTEBEEDEE OP BUSHWHACEEEA. A dispatch waa received by Gen.

Dodge yesterday from CapL D. P. J. Dozier, commanding at stating that the following bushwhackers had surrendered at that place: Otbo Offutt, Johnson county. W.

U. Carter, Cass county. C. A. Henderson, Jasper cc*nty.

W. H. Carter, Buchanan county. W. D.

Reynolds, Johnson county, Kansas; W. J. Hays, Cass county. Septimus Falconer, Sebastian county, Arkansas; U. C.

Falconer, do; J. N. Wear, Texas. The GraxdCerexoxiai. this ore requested to remind our readers that the solemn ceremony of latng the corner-stone of the new Church of SL Josephs on Eleventh street end Biddle, takes place this evening at 4 oclock.

AU the societies in the city, and others from a distance, win to In attendance, besides which Archbishop Kenrick, who is to preach, will be attended by a large number of Lis clergy. The New Curmcn or Sr. cornerstone of tbe new Church of SL Joseph, corner of Eleventh and Biddle streets, will te laid to'clork. Tbe benevolent societies of Carumlelet and St. barb and the German anon Catholic, Hibernian, Shamrock, and United Sms of Erin, of this city, U1 take part in tbe cercmvntes of the ocexkm shirk ere expected to be of unusual IntoresL The sermon wi 1 be delivered by Archbishop Kenrick.

Bather Rice. The tab dav, a member of the bar, addressing a Jury, took orr 4 a to ollmle to fltons description of tbe toad squatting at the ear of Eve, which, os being toot hed by the spear of Ithoriel, was suddenly changed Into the lineaments of the arch fiend. A brother lawyer of Vtng standing at the tune Bar was rattier struck by the allusion, an 1 asked the other If Milton was a Scotch poeL The 40th Missouri Ixtaetet. A private letter has bee received from a private in tbe 40th Missouri Infantry, dated at Memphis, stating that, otter the regiment hod reached that place the way home, they hod received orders to retain st once to Mobile to remain until the expiration of their term of service, which will be on the 1st of September. Father Byak bos kindly consented to deliver a lecture this evening st SL Bridgets Church, Pratte and fa'ranklin Avenue, the proceed to be devoted to the purchase of a new organ for the above Church.

The mere mention of tbe orator's name is sufficient to oUinet a large attendance. A ck xow ldg EXR9T The Sisters of Mercy return their grab ful ocVnowtedgmcnta to their kind and tntfaiioir benefactor who left at tbe Convent, on Sunday last, the genercus donation of $09 far the relief of the sick poor. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. Corrected daily by Jacob BIuATtxer, Optician. St.

Louis, Jam 23, 1863. Rinos. Tbe benevolent financial st-frm mhirfc has few some time bew in in the vicinitvof ourl rv Council, taowu si tw basso beweitttod Ho mmhrs, is b-in; roo.i bv other parti. IV interna) rvnud ohciiisof this dry recall toLavetoddenly 1 ta its peculiar -kloHpby and great adutrer of its desace awl beneficial results. Itkrro(reltatthey have recently tcd its practical oiimtiiMw by lry-izig a fine of toa tbousaal dollars fir the failure one of oorrii2ess to jk return, and pocketed the nonrv theauortve.

A very gvnd comnrnceujnt for toe first appis-atioo nf tbe odrnoe we should Judge. Secretary McCulloch sboutd investigate this matter at once and compel tbee odicials to nay tbe money over to the Government without delav. Tie Secretary ofthe Trewiury Is eonstantly ta of the money, and ebouki see tost tbe funds collected by the mvenue scents are ail paid into the treasury. These rug combinations should be nipped in tbs bud sal boc allowed to get toe foothold which the Corp jra-ring has eucared in this city. A'.

F. Herehi. Oct Own." That interesting cass of writers, kaown cpecal corTtspoodento," an bersleA ns follow ta tbe Tritmne to-day: Oi all toe mischievoes. impertinent untruths at unv time current, we reckon that three-fourths purport to emanate from special cerreondents at Washirgton. We know of no better authority on this aubjert than tbe which, a lev days fopk, regretted tba: brt from Washington came so late at nigbt that tiiev eosi.i not receive odit-rial super-vuios a mrM ta a bvh nwt of its readers st kenroly sympatliizj.

A. T. tcrdol. CosmTHTi Gen. Morse of Conn, btf jav naie a report oa toe aumlwr sf men fur Bribed by that State for the war.

Tbe total quotas ircre 47.UL2. and the State has furuwhed M.46H mea. iBriuding tone months vniritmenu and n-enlrst-Biuti. Reducing toe whole to th- standard sf throe 7at UiS kr Mfr fttniiah a a..

Daily Missouri Republican from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


Is Missouri a nice place to live? ›

Missouri offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural attractions, and friendly communities, making it a great place to call home. The state's abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities, including hiking, camping, and fishing, make it a paradise for nature lovers to explore.

What state is St. Louis in? ›

What is the safest town to live in in Missouri? ›

The Top 10 Safest Communities in Missouri
  • Battlefield.
  • Ballwin.
  • Glendale.
  • Town and Country.
  • Cottleville.
  • Pleasant Hill.
  • Ladue.
  • Ellisville.
May 7, 2024

Where is the best place to live in Missouri for seniors? ›

Springfield: Located in southwest Missouri, Springfield is a friendly and affordable city that offers retirees a high quality of life. With excellent healthcare, a low cost of living, and a variety of cultural and recreational activities, Springfield is a great choice for retirees who want to stay active and engaged.

What food is St. Louis known for? ›

Food associated with St. Louis
  • Frozen custard concrete.
  • Gerber sandwich.
  • Gooey butter cake.
  • Mayfair salad dressing.
  • Provel cheese.
  • St. Louis-style barbecue.
  • St. Louis-style pizza.
  • St. Paul sandwich.

What is the nickname for St. Louis? ›

The many major earthworks within St. Louis boundaries earned the the city the nickname "Mound City".

What is the crime rate in St. Louis MO? ›

With a crime rate of 87 per one thousand residents, St. Louis has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 11.

Is Missouri red or blue? ›

Missouri was historically viewed as a bellwether state, but the consecutive votes against the winning candidate in 2008 and 2012 introduced doubts about its continued status as a bellwether, and an 18.5-point Republican victory in 2016 indicated that it had become a safe red state. Winners of the state are in bold.

What salary do you need to live comfortably in Missouri? ›

Posted March 18, 2024

For a single adult in Kansas City, Missouri, the required salary to live comfortably is $90,272, or $43.40 an hour. The required amount goes up for families. A household of two adults with two children would need an income of $213,325 to support sustainable comfort.

Is it expensive to live in Missouri? ›

Missouri is home to over 6.1 million people. The state has the lowest cost of living in the US. According to data gathered in 2022 from MERIC, the Mississippi Economic Research and Information Center, the state ranks 6th in a list of states with the lowest to the highest cost of living.

Why are so many people moving to Missouri? ›

Lower Cost of Living

Another benefit when living in Missouri is its afffordable living. It even earned the 10th spot in the U.S. for affordable living and, as a result, is well below the national average for cost.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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