A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :'. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :'. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~


ne a o ( R OF bond ,h' fnr lOt llt'fl "t;l:;rd b,' ,I .\1 r". · ! ... C'."l':1jlc mr, :cd B n. Illot· "'1' flf : he edi. 111(' · ,I iwr Ilflllll; ;:lll('It'alipn d Ili thr "1'.-1' ,<I harp pro- :'t:!l:in£! 10 pro- . : for fe- rcadlrn their ,r If ',:;: prili· ::,rir ;!HI what mean· . <'('ciom" hal in " Thi.1 1m ':nc 10 me tlie .1 hil of read· ,)pporllll1ll), to :'amhoo cur· "d mg of fw· : 1 I ha< appar· , -imilar mean· Tl Communi:!' They IIcrc '1 thr Working \1'0' 'II' erirhration , Ill' for 1 "l'('o!ade lor krr, 1101' Ihe I he Ii-I of the ',Iomen of the ,. no 1lmher of 110- heir 011'11 car! d10r.sa l ·ing de' There were ;o\\,('\,cr, moni· thlt I' with hollt, '\ orl h Korean 'cl "mainstays the Flyin! . mo\'cment. than "men engaged ocluction an 35 per cenl HIlIstrlnl la bol r womcn arl I' d w report 5,1 f ('hairtncn 0 · of II'.I 1l1l It reS t '\,C' • "pera I .' \I'oOlCn c,11l '11e ed the tl I Republic" 0 . .. fot Hero)l1C , oostinl( In! Aoal s, HOW 'f00 t t of OU Isccn tnJ There see dc that an 0 choose, C I bOu home har d'- woJ1leO, I"" ." Y e.'" war t' natural y. Today !kt ng they fl dies. We a al s suet! ,n bake.oUs .. d brl dll l\IIl prettY, rl J1ll n WO (if a chance 'I' rOUgh trt;1 t us,.bllgor' rol'in clal [II la s ciVil It . for IllY" oDe. ' "THE BEST-ONLY THE BEST" NEW CARS, USED CARS IN PARTS and ACCESSORIES NOVA MOTORS (1962) l TO. ., ... A r - ',_, .... . ...... ', ..................... . .... THE DAILY rl at r s r ll ' ; .' " Communist Countries Face Food Shortage VIE:'>l:\A rAP) - Eastern European countries face a grim fact of Communist life: There is not enoul(h food, Though not on the of as in Red China, m,my people in the once food. rich Balkan WOI'se off lh,lO they wc're hcfOl'e Communism took Ol'el' A suncy shows two , rcsponsihlc: Farm .collectidz«· · tion in )leneral and this weather conditions, With the exception or Poland -which has no collcctil'ization n:\GTO:\: Kellnedy [vIay 15 ordered a combat force of 1,800 ,,' l\e; \(l l'c la!ldcd Ht Bangkok. Thailand May Hi as a "defense ad" tll help , cd illal from threat o[ <:'m1lllunisl military units in Laos. The . Ikpl. l;lllllcciialely announced that an eventual force of 5,000 ArlllY, · - Communist j( 0 ,. ern ments I throughout Europe and 5 0 i the trnion hal'e been ! co!npdlrr! to admit : f;ulm es. A counlry - hy- - 1'111" down gil'cs this picture: Find Dead U.S. Marines Encamp Flyers Miles From laos Borde'r and ';\il' Force troops will be eslablished in Thailand. Defense Seety. shown (right) testifying May 15 before Senate'Appropria- , ,ub-l'ommit tee announced creation of a new "United States Military Command. Thailand." Left is Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Gen. LCl11I1itzrr.-tUPI Photo). -----_ .. _----_ .. _---- ..._------- ommonwealth Talks End MEXICO CITY (AP) - Nine United States Air Forct flyers have been found dead in the By ANTHONY CURTIS wl'eckage of their plane, wllieh d 1 crashed while searching for a BANGKOK (Reuters) - A comec:t - ready force of 1,800 Unite missing Texas pilot. States marines Thursday night pitched its tents less than 50 miles ! The wreckage oC the twin· j I engined eraft was spotted Wed· from the border of Communist-threlitened Laos. nesdav by a Mexican commer- Th' I d d' B k k t d db' htf II cial airline pilot. Mexican sol. e marines were an e In ang 0 a awn an y ntg a . dre"s by arc e I Fnribuult,ltl'ial change. development dicr.l, who reached the scene were encamped at the village of Ntmg Han on a plateau within 50 :'\TRLll. ,n" - Prince I ,General Trust. of as . blaet':n r , all aboard had. miles of the Mekong River which divides Thailand and Laos and op- ,mll'!it'd a pl:>qlle at the: C.11Inda, on F rcnch speakmg nUI,E GOES f1SIII:-IG .- " iii; ('ol11mon·' Cnnad.1 and closed wilh pl'i\'ate PI'ioce Philip left on a private The T·29 last was heard from,! posite. the Laotian government capital of Vientiane. ::' il::dr I'onlrrf'nc(' held a; group discussions. fishing trip somewhere in Que· olonliay as it scarched for Mar.! . , ' ! Alhnnin - Henl'y ne· · layctl plantin;! In : .1re.1s. tractors could not be iused fOl' plowinJ! and the !!Ol·. I I,ernmenl appenled to farmers to ; l1se oxen. , Bulpria - gOI'cl'I1ment ,announcc,l a -cam· i pai,:zn to inCff!:lSe pro· : dlletion to H!ITIC<ly an acute ,me;l! shllrWl!l·. Witllin three i years .'iome j;)().ooa acre.:; of · Innd are 10 bc nwde arable to pl'oduI'c fmldcl' gr::ins. The re- '!imr :l(hnilk'd th,ll this years produdioll of meal. milk and · 11'111 be to feed Ihc population. "",nl; Ih,'!'r 11l'IOI'e IH'rak·, LIlter in the dllY the 300 dele- hee and will not re·appear to I ellS Hooks ,0C Donna, Tex, IIis' In Saigon. South Viet :-;am. allies 111 the. S,Olltheai,l. ASia 1 for the ." ::'11 :11 ;{'p:t1'atr grollP" l!alcs left :'Ilolllreal in groups. public until jlonday. when he I single. engmed ,plane was found Gen, Paul Harkins. ol'er . all Treaty Orgal1lzallon lIuhcated IllII:. [llgh,t to. lIan.. ('zechoslol'"kia Pre:;iflent 1 ',:r\ I :-;,. In InriollS fOI' "study tOllrs" of industrial I is scheduled to attend the troop- .lIndamaged early Wednesday at commander o( U,S, forces ill they are wl\lmg to scnd tokeu: \\ lule till' 0111'1111 \\';IS gOing .\lIlolli11 :; 0 \. "tll.1' nnnounccd p' ,','-If'ln 1':In:"I;, ('ummllnilirs in Xewfoundlm1l1.1 ing oC the color hy the Royal I Sota 13 j\arina. hetween Tam· Thailand and SOllth Viet :-lam., forces to Thailalld 10 support. on, Ihe ['.S, altarl; Iral1Sp0l1 Ihat l;u'gc quanlilir, o[ foo<l :,,:><,,,, "nd hOllnrs :-iora Scotia. Qllchec and 011· ClIlIa!iian Regiment in London •• pieo anll Brownsville, Tex, 'told a pre,;, conference the. the Arneric,lO military hllildllP, X"",\lTO nnrl Ille dock h;I"c to he iln:Jo"ed from t'I:'" WIIO rlirl alomic rr·. Inl·io. . ani. i The ho!lies Of the ,\mel'iean marinps will hr\'e a "dcfensil·e. Britain. Au,lrnlia alld c\l'\\" ship Poinl riOCi;l'd al ;",ron,1 the "I'll11lry'" ".C· " ,: Ihr I'nllrl'<il;' of Thr conl«'l'('nce R • 'Iav: lie· will rejoin Ihe conference flyers wcre taken to San Luis I'ole in c,lse Thailand is altal'J.;·· 7.eal'lI1d ali showe,l Ihey arc the pori of mHI 11'01)1'> l'i(,lI\IIII'lIl rc,onr'.T'· lw' e 110' !,.",r 1,,11 In 1:11fo. (TOSs, COlillil'\" affair when it as.<emhlrs in Toronto' Potosi 10 h. tlll'ned OI'CI' to U,S, i ed." i re,l(ly 10 hack up Ihe U.S. 'iIIr1 lahlll'cr, nearly "",,,pirie fer:', coiled;I·· conferencr ,r"ion in .llIlIe Ii ill "micnll\'cr. is can· fOI' its next plenm'y alllhOl'itirs, Mrilnll'hilr, of the r.s. rnol'C, if Ihe crisis III neighhl"" bulldlll.Prs ;t II ,I o!I\('1' hr.1I'Y ,11\\0111,'" \[0; I 'puril nort:rrl l\ilh an ad· crrnrd wilh the of jl"y 2';, ----- ....... --- .. -------.. -.------ .--.- ........ -- .-- ,inl: Laos to cquipment. \\';1, foIIO'"c" h, ;111 IInlll'Ccr- -. --- .. -.---.-----.. - -- .... _.. D I- efenba ke r V I-S' l-tS j 1 ;1111 horil it':; P G v -- S . here ['ollfil'lllr.d :h;'1 till' 1.0on· t n ; to SEATO. me;l! _ .. In parts ea rson oes lSI S 10· WILL ASK HELT' . mall 2ilh l:.S, IIlf;lIllry hallie "f Ihr unilll"" SIll'iji*z llsually reliable source, in group-Till' - .. "'ho :'lId e:old lI'r"tl;('r .d':la·.cd wllcC't P E I R -d- London said the Thai wel'e alre;,dy In Ilorlhca,t Ih"I' instreeting N S I P · ment decided Wednesday nighl: I?nd 011 manorul'rcs With Ihe, I n n rls ·on· "1 Ings to make sucb a reqllest, but!'1 arm)" has mored 50 i ,:",'0" .';m(,; I •• .... i thDt it had not yet reached: south of their bafc ,It K;![b .. I·ce·.";; h :I!:;c'G"'::1 " ;,',::: I here KlIl·at. ; hetwcen 1",,·tV· (al'!:on, th2 PEKING <Reuters) - An By DAVE MciNTOSH oC stairs to the. mayor's omce I Pl"ime Minister Macmillan The. U.S. troops here <Ire to: and timinz 0" h!'nl ALAS In Bridgetown. two solemn American mother Mrs. Mary CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) t? Mr. ?!efenbaker. then I t 0 I d Pnrlinment in London he rcmforce!l hy morc 1; i which X,S. tCPI-Lib· four· year· old boys holding a Downey Thursday visited her Prime lIIinister Die(enbaker did slgnmg Ylsltors' book, for Thursday that Britain would, 000 Mmy mCIl frol11 Hawau 111. the Dei - per' ce:lt 'T"'!': 'd,t Pearson went main· banner reading "I like Mike" 32 year-old SlIn, John, who is some low .. key campaigning the pensIOn mcrease of $10 to send military aid-probably an! fcl\' days to rnal;e III' ,thc, 111"l'ch. focld:·r. "'ilS Th1lrsu"y along "the were asked hy 1111'S. Pearson serving a life sentence in Thursday in 11 sunny Prince $65 a , RAF jet fighter group-if arc.: ,:000 m;m order:!1 mto: hlamed. for 1I1SlIffl('lcnt. meat main strcet in the what tile sign said, a Peking prison for espionage. Edward Island. . Mr. Dlefenbaker said later an quest was received from Thai-: 1hmland by Prcsldpnt I\Clmecl,I·lnrodnctlon. Pncrs for · . . "I like milk." replied one of Mrs. Downey, of New Britain, He bllrely alluded to ,he older person could get a stroke land ,. ! under U.S, defence obligations 1 hie:; and fruit lI'el'(, 1:;-20·per· · nght hand worked harder: the boys. Conn., and ntlOther son, WiI· election .in b r i e f talks at climbing the stairs, • In' Canberra. AUstralia. Ex. to Thailand. I ccnt higher thlm 1,5 ' . .. hi, IUl'al ' d' I of the linm who hoth a.rrived here Summerslde and At the George R. Penrkes.! ternat Affairs :'.linister Barwick ... ------ ... - .. -------.- ... -.- ..... --. --- ... - .. i Ite lime he reached Ihis' ,:\(oreOH!r. u.l'Iog hal f;on; Clinton by nil' ycsterday. Il WaS of the (II st fme I V,c., of, the Royal Cana- I said there hns bcen no request' on j'O\n sonth- tl'lP the about two honrs \vith days of sprmg.a.nd many /nrm-Idlan LegIOn In Summerside,jfor hel yet but "I elm 'Ihle to . \lr Pcal'-Iln held ,hal;en hare .no Iden.tlfymg signs. \\ It : ' John j ers were out tllltng the red soil I:lk and Mrs. Die fen baker' tl . 'f tl .. '.' ' " .' " h' '. out Its poltee car escort It· ' . [th I It.. I I . , sny 1.1 I Ie occasion alloC, . "." ,lIlfls along hiS t3,,- . 1'1 b dd' I' illrs DOII'nc\' said aftcr to· a e a >Un! an pro\ mce, lUt I s lOok hands . \\,Ith abotll 250 I that a<5ist'lnc n will lie 1111'11I'shnl! .' r'I' I illig It In,'e een 11 we mg pro· . . - . m f d t' t d ,.. . - . < 0,1 e "O"n tie Fnnrly, .' p t ff' ."1' 'd . day's I'isil: "He's finc. n little. any oun 0 see persons. i bv means of fC"ulnr :\uslrati,m · : cessIOn. ar y 0 ICI •• S sal llS ! tl' , b t th'" , I . ht" . shal;e hands With the pnme Th C ... t' . I Id I' -.. f. . WllS hecause defence dep·lrt· llnner u 0 el \lIse 11 rig . , '. t e onsel I a I' es Ie a I . fnrces, r,l\;,II';l{lp of 25 ,. , . Downey has been heltl sincc mullS er I fOil Prince Ed I I I I: A . nf I I rllnoi,,= "bollt one hou;' ment rules prohibit election ac· 1<)·. _ fl . \;.. . t . i 1 Mr. Dicfcnhakcr nel'er re., II I"t S t a n \ II { an Inc I eren . popu <ice · IInl'll:i:r, nwdr SlOps in' lil'ity at military estahlishments ti n_. Ca el . .tap /Y ferJ'ed to Liberat Leader Pear. I s f _ t\ Iamel; 00 'ed ,on" the mannc, \\wc. '. 10,10< .on 'and Bnd onc of the stops was at the t1:: . he son bul Bruce Yeo 01 t ml;ern 7 d fl i dme!l. m t arlllY I;-ucks 10 lin',' II for a nm,),s COl'nwallis training . ''I' • m f'y' ee of the U'S :ltontague, a Liberal. did in I 1 "Y 111 0 d po 'bl C J tah u all P?' I a'roi lit lRI 1111 ehs fl'ol m. \ . . P'uther along howe\'er 1.11' a el\1 Lan e po, . 't I' th . . . tin en, ou rna e POSSI e e, e capita. lel'(, tley oan rd "... . c a! " t f: d . t ' : defence department. to ro! pnme mInIS er .. "ictories of In57 and 1958," 12 giant (-.S C-120 Hercules' i Mhrr, i Peanon rans eIre 111 0 II cm· __ ._____ He !ald Pearson was ..... ___ -..:._ .. ____ ._ ... __ .. _._ Lii'rrol I;'aorr ran Into: of cars wcll. decoraled Faced with dwindling traffic a "vcry nice friendly Cellow". '. ':1;111 difiicliities withiwlth hiS name and picture. in the age of the family cal' He had had-a talk, too with T. Carpenter Gets Ready h"'OI'lie throuch and jet aircraft, the publicly· C. Douglas, New Democratic lito tntHilnenl'ic, inl'oil'l'd. owned linc launched an experi. Party leader. Mr. DieCcnbaker · . .lnnapnlis Kines lind Enc'ouraglOng menlal fare schedule May 1 chuckled. .. Yarmouth . ·C1ah·e. that cut ticket prices as much T'RE:mER LATE b e; 1I'0n holh in the as 50 per cent on the mainline The prime minister was met F 0 -t I Fie ht · e:ectioll. R It hetween :liontreal and Halifax at Summerside Airport on his or r I a In Paraili;e a "m'-- working" esu S and on all otbcr lines in the arrival Crom Halifax by about' ' . '::I · ill: In the centre of thc l\Ial'itimes. 75 persons and a 35-ear motor· ca::sed a sudden stop HALIFAX (CP) - Early re- The first two weeks saw pa· cade. Premier Walter Shaw was on )111\1-:7 ' suits from the Canadian tronage jump as milch as 115 a few minutes late, emanded Qlle. 'CP'-Gillis Lau. . with cnpital In connection 'I'ith the 01 ?3·yeal'·old Bernadette " ,hai heen remanded to I lOll a)' pending further I I of the cnuse of tional Railway's Cnrc . cutting per cent, and extra eqnipment He and Mr. Diefenbaker can· program to get Marltimers was hustled into use to handlc gratulated each other on how back aboard passenger trains the traffic. Trains aren't yet well the other looked. hnve bcen encouraging, railway bulging but on some days its At Summerside city hall, two officials said Thursday. hnrd. to find a seat. old ladies climbed a long flight CAP E CANAVERAL, Fla. in an unscheduled spot. l\!an- (AP)- Preparations for astro· ning these rescue control cen- naut Malcolm Scott Carpenter's tres are planes, para • rescue orbital flight - marred by a mcn and frogmen, ready for ,in· tragic plane crash in Afriea- stant deployment in an erneI" progressed Thursday toward agency. i Saturday launching as the Carpenter. 37 year· old navy I weather remained a major lieutenant • commander was re· I question mark. ported fit and ready become A U.8. Air Force transport the second Amcrican to orbit plane flying a supply run to a the earth. following lhe pnth Project 'Mercury "contingency blazed last Feb. 20 by John }I, site" at Nairobi. Kenya. crashed Glenn Jr. and burned n ear that city Thursday. apparently killing all PLA:>; TIIHEE OHRlTS' . 14 persons aboard, I Car p en t e r's flight. 1i!;e I lIom:lIl's iJaltered body ";;nd III the an unoccupied lIull ,ll;,y I. The National Aeronautics and. Glenn·s. is planned at thrce 01" BAN H Space Administration maintains I bils. Carpenter will attempt I .J.. OUEl. Laos: Remnants of gO\'ernment forces 16 s tl e h contingency arcas I many scientific experiments and: fcom Ban Houei Sai, l'vlay 10 c\'acuated the tOlVn and around the world in case the I ohser\'ations as he whit'ls mllre the Mekong River borderin" Laos and Thai- astronaut's capsule shonld land than 100 miles aho\'e lhe em'lh 11 d t tl I J t f d M , . '1 ' allome),. arc e I told Ihe courl Thurs' lias a possihility that , died of a Mhc" II ' Ih "', e IS seeking to Tn ed,boll)' for fur· J ' Ital inl'cstigalion ean \' . . :,Iane ROussel, a at medical expert, testi- women's inquest lias caused by as. and shOCk. Sunny I altern ' C olldlng Over in S,W. 15. T cmperntllres Min Toronto Dav I''' .. ·.. 60 92 ...... 60' 83 lIaJifax .... ". 34 70 SYdney ........ 43 !IS St. 36 48 ...... 34 46 WASHI-NGTOl\,' Pres. Kennedy' chats with the First Lady as they pose wit.h some of gU!!sts at a reception they gave at the White House May 15 for top-ranking members of the 1 . , . . . \ _________________ ' ______ an 0 escape 1e ons aug 1 rom a vancmg supenot' . Trial Prosecution; Defence ,In Heated ·Exchange·. PARIS <Reuters) - Prosecu- tion and deCence lawyers hurled insults and taunts, at ·each rther Thursday. as ex·Gen. Raoul Sa· lan, on. trial for his life, sat silently in the prisoner's dock. (orced presiding Judge Charles Bornet to call them' to order. declaring the trial Was "turning into a fairground." Chief defence counsel Jean· Louis Tixier·Vignaneourt 'called chief prosecutor Andre Gavalda Salan, head of the terrorist a "zazou"-a. French' word for Secret Army Organization in a teen-age hoodlum .,... and Gal· appeared on the verge vada accused. his opponent oC of interL'upting prospecution wit- "playing politics" and another nesscs several times during Ihe defence lawyer of being "child· third day of his trial. but main· ish." tained the vow he made Wed· Behind' the legal battle and nesday that "I shall not speak:" name ' calling, the evidence The healed esehange between against Salan. who read a 24· the lawyel's as they examined page statement In his own de· and cross examined fence Wednesday-continued to and argued legal poin,ts finally p,ile up. enemy forces. Here, civilian refugees are pictured on riverbank with their belongings prior to crossing the river into Thailand. According to reliable sour· ces the evacuees are now being airlifted back into ; Laos.-( UPI Photo) . ----------_ .. _. __ ... --.... _-_ .. - --- Nominations Tuesday By FHASEH OTTAWA (CP) -. Twenty·one electoral conslituencies cover. ing more than IlO per cent of Canada's land area but only six to seven per cent of her popu· lation . and eligible voters hold official nominations Tuesday, May 22, for the June 18 federal election. THE COUXTRY PARSON Nominations in the other 242 " of the 263 constituencies, two of Maybe We could get more which relurn two members folks to do right if we could apiece. close June 4. make it seem just a little bit two weeks before the election. naug'hty." .. " I I. I ,I I I 'I ,j i \ .j l " " I,. . .' i • ,I ,_ i .I I

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A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (3)

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Communist Countries

Face Food Shortage

VIE:'>l:\A rAP) - Eastern European countries face a grim fact of Communist life: There is not enoul(h food,

Though not on the ver~e of ~larl'ation as in Red China, m,my people in the once food. rich Balkan c~untries ~cem WOI'se off toda~' lh,lO they wc're hcfOl'e Communism took Ol'el'

A suncy shows two factor~· , rcsponsihlc: Farm .collectidz«· · tion in )leneral and this ~'cnl"s weather conditions,

With the exception or Poland -which has no collcctil'ization

n:\GTO:\: I're~. Kellnedy [vIay 15 ordered a combat force of 1,800 ,,' l\e; \(l l'c la!ldcd Ht Bangkok. Thailand May Hi as a "defense ad" tll help , cd illal ('Illilltr~' from threat o[ <:'m1lllunisl military units in Laos. The . Ikpl. l;lllllcciialely announced that an eventual force of 5,000 ArlllY,

· - Communist j( 0 ,. ern ments I throughout en~tern Europe and

5 0 i the Sn\'i~t trnion hal'e been ! co!npdlrr! to admit ~griClllturRl : f;ulm es.

A counlry - hy- - ~nllnhor 1'111" down gil'cs this picture:

Find Dead U.S. Marines Encamp Flyers Miles From laos Borde'r and ';\il' Force troops will be eslablished in Thailand. Defense Seety.

~k:\iI:lwra, shown (right) testifying May 15 before Senate'Appropria­, ,ub-l'ommit tee announced creation of a new "United States Military

Command. Thailand." Left is Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Gen.

LCl11I1itzrr.-tUPI Photo). -----_ .. _----_ .. _----..._-------

ommonwealth Talks End

MEXICO CITY (AP) - Nine United States Air Forct flyers have been found dead in the By ANTHONY CURTIS wl'eckage of their plane, wllieh d

1 crashed while searching for a BANGKOK (Reuters) - A comec:t - ready force of 1,800 Unite missing Texas pilot. States marines Thursday night pitched its tents less than 50 miles

! The wreckage oC the twin· j

I engined eraft was spotted Wed· from the border of Communist-threlitened Laos. nesdav by a Mexican commer- Th' I d d' B k k t d db' htf II cial airline pilot. Mexican sol. e marines were an e In ang 0 a awn an y ntg a

,.\!.EX.\~tll:n F.~llIn:u. . dre"s by ~I arc e I Fnribuult,ltl'ial change. a~d, development dicr.l, who reached the scene were encamped at the village of Ntmg Han on a plateau within 50 :'\TRLll. ,n" - Prince I pre~ident ~f ,General Trust. of ol1,l~eople as 1l1(~I\'I(hmls, . blaet':nr, krl'ICI~!dll.'ted all aboard had. miles of the Mekong River which divides Thailand and Laos and op-

,mll'!it'd a pl:>qlle at the: C.11Inda, on F rcnch • speakmg nUI,E GOES f1SIII:-IG .-" iii; ~"rllild ('ol11mon·' Cnnad.1 and closed wilh pl'i\'ate PI'ioce Philip left on a private The T·29 last was heard from,! posite. the Laotian government capital of Vientiane.

::' il::dr I'onlrrf'nc(' held a; group discussions. fishing trip somewhere in Que· olonliay as it scarched for Mar.! . , '

! Alhnnin - Henl'y rain~ ne· · layctl ,~prin~ plantin;! In som~ : .1re.1s. tractors could not be iused fOl' plowinJ! and the !!Ol·. I I,ernmenl appenled to farmers to ; l1se oxen.

, Bulpria - Th~ gOI'cl'I1ment ,announcc,l a 1ar~e·,cale -cam· i pai,:zn to inCff!:lSe Ii\'e~;ock pro· : dlletion to H!ITIC<ly an acute ,me;l! shllrWl!l·. Witllin three i years .'iome j;)().ooa acre.:; of · Innd are 10 bc nwde arable to pl'oduI'c fmldcl' gr::ins. The re­'!imr :l(hnilk'd th,ll this years produdioll of meal. milk and

· r~~5 11'111 be insllrfici~111 to feed Ihc population.

"",nl; Ih,'!'r 11l'IOI'e IH'rak·, LIlter in the dllY the 300 dele- hee and will not re·appear to I ellS Hooks ,0C Donna, Tex, IIis' In Saigon. South Viet :-;am. allies 111 the. S,Olltheai,l. ASia 1 II'~n,pol:I plilnc~. for the ~;;o· ." ::'11 :11 ;{'p:t1'atr grollP" l!alcs left :'Ilolllreal in ~o groups. public until jlonday. when he I single. engmed ,plane was found Gen, Paul Harkins. ol'er . all Treaty Orgal1lzallon lIuhcated IllII:. [llgh,t to. C\'~ng lIan.. ('zechoslol'"kia Pre:;iflent 1 ',:r\ ~,,:,: I :-;,. In InriollS fOI' "study tOllrs" of industrial I is scheduled to attend the troop- .lIndamaged early Wednesday at commander o( U,S, forces ill they are wl\lmg to scnd tokeu: \\ lule till' 0111'1111 \\';IS gOing .\lIlolli11 :; 0 \. "tll.1' nnnounccd

p' ,','-If'ln 1':In:"I;, ('ummllnilirs in Xewfoundlm1l1.1 ing oC the color hy the Royal I Sota 13 j\arina. hetween Tam· Thailand and SOllth Viet :-lam., forces to Thailalld 10 support. on, Ihe ['.S, altarl; Iral1Sp0l1 Ihat l;u'gc quanlilir, o[ foo<l :,,:><,,,, ~~rr.r. "nd hOllnrs :-iora Scotia. Qllchec and 011· ClIlIa!iian Regiment in London •• pieo anll Brownsville, Tex, 'told a pre,;, conference the. the Arneric,lO military hllildllP, X"",\lTO nnrl Ille dock Ian!lill~ h;I"c to he iln:Jo"ed from

t'I:'" WIIO rlirl alomic rr·. Inl·io. . ani. i The ho!lies Of the ,\mel'iean marinps will hr\'e a "dcfensil·e. Britain. Au,lrnlia alld c\l'\\" ship Poinl ])l'liallc~ riOCi;l'd al ;",ron,1 \\'ilil~ the "I'll11lry'" ".C·

" ,: Ihr I'nllrl'<il;' of Thr conl«'l'('nce R 2~ • 'Iav: lie· will rejoin Ihe conference flyers wcre taken to San Luis I'ole in c,lse Thailand is altal'J.;·· 7.eal'lI1d ali showe,l Ihey arc the pori of Ball~l;ok mHI 11'01)1'> l'i(,lI\IIII'lIl rc,onr'.T'· lw' e 110' !,.",r 1,,11 In 1:11fo. (TOSs, COlillil'\" affair cnrlin~; when it as.<emhlrs in Toronto' Potosi 10 h. tlll'ned OI'CI' to U,S, i ed." i re,l(ly 10 hack up Ihe U.S. 'iIIr1 lahlll'cr, "r~;J1I 1I11'lIarlill~ nearly "",,,pirie fer:', coiled;I·· conferencr ,r"ion in .llIlIe Ii ill "micnll\'cr. is can· fOI' its next plenm'y ~cssion, alllhOl'itirs, Mrilnll'hilr, thl'c~ of the r.s. rnol'C, if Ihe crisis III neighhl"" bulldlll.Prs ;t II ,I o!I\('1' hr.1I'Y 11~tflJll. ,11\\0111,'" \[0; I 'puril

nort:rrl l\ilh an ad· crrnrd wilh the ~rrcrt of indll~.1 jl"y 2';, ----- ....... --- .. -------.. -.------ .--.- ........ - - .-- ,inl: Laos thr~i1lens to rl1d:lll~er. cquipment. \\';1, foIIO'"c" h, ;111 IInlll'Ccr--. ---.. -.---.-----.. - --.... _.. D I-efenba ke r V I-S' l-tS j ;~a~~f~~·,}~~q~I:~;r h~~ai·:·\~~;ilill'~,'; ~fenll\\hilr. 1 .~. ;1111 horil it':; ~~'10;;r:1'"'~:,ur\~:~;li,,:,;JeI\'::~'tl~~I:~~

P G v-- S . here ['ollfil'lllr.d :h;'1 till' 1.0on· t n ; to SEATO. me;l! _ .. hnrl~l:::!p. In :=rlln~ parts ea rson oes lSI S 10· WILL ASK HELT' . mall 2ilh l:.S, IIlf;lIllry hallie "f Ihr unilll"" SIll'iji*z flo~~, llsually reliable source, in group-Till' \\'nlflloIIlHi~ - .. "'ho :'lId e:old lI'r"tl;('r .d':la·.cd wllcC't

P E I R-d- London said the Thai ~(JI'crn-: wel'e alre;,dy In Ilorlhca,t Ih"I' 'O\\'ill~.

instreeting N S I P· ment decided Wednesday nighl: I?nd 011 manorul'rcs With Ihe, I n n rls·on· "1 Ings to make sucb a reqllest, but!'1 ~"l arm)" has hee~ mored 50 i HUI'~a'7" ,:",'0" .';m(,; I •• .... i thDt it had not yet reached: 1~llcs south of their bafc ,It K;![b .. I·ce·.";; h :I!:;c'G"'::1 " ;,',:::

I here KlIl·at. ; hetwcen 1",,·tV· (al'!:on, o"~r th2 PEKING <Reuters) - An By DAVE MciNTOSH oC stairs to the. mayor's omce I Pl"ime Minister Macmillan The. U.S. troops here <Ire to: m~tliocls and timinz 0" h!'nl

ALAS DO~~ELLY In Bridgetown. two solemn American mother Mrs. Mary CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) t? t~ank Mr. ?!efenbaker. then I t 0 I d Pnrlinment in London he rcmforce!l hy morc l1m~, 1; i collcdi"i~ntion. which r~~" :!~'I X,S. tCPI-Lib· four· year· old boys holding a Downey Thursday visited her Prime lIIinister Die(enbaker did slgnmg ~he Ylsltors' book, for Thursday that Britain would, 000 Mmy mCIl frol11 Hawau 111. the Dei - per' ce:lt 'T"'!': 'd,t

Pearson went main· banner reading "I like Mike" 32 • year-old SlIn, John, who is some low .. key campaigning the pensIOn mcrease of $10 to send military aid-probably an! ~ fcl\' days to rnal;e III' ,thc, 111"l'ch. focld:·r. s::~,t~,~ "'ilS

Th1lrsu"y along "the were asked hy 1111'S. Pearson serving a life sentence in Thursday in 11 sunny Prince $65 a ~onth. , RAF jet fighter group-if arc.: ,:000 • m;m for('~ order:!1 mto: hlamed. for 1I1SlIffl('lcnt. meat main strcet in the what tile sign said, a Peking prison for espionage. Edward Island. . Mr. Dlefenbaker said later an quest was received from Thai-: 1hmland by Prcsldpnt I\Clmecl,I·lnrodnctlon. Pncrs for '·c.~etn·

· . . "I like milk." replied one of Mrs. Downey, of New Britain, He bllrely alluded to ,he older person could get a stroke land ,. ! under U.S, defence obligations 1 hie:; and fruit lI'el'(, 1:;-20·per· · nght hand worked harder: the boys. Conn., and ntlOther son, WiI· election .in b r i e f talks at climbing the stairs, • In' Canberra. AUstralia. Ex. to Thailand. I ccnt higher thlm 1,5' ~'(,"" . .. hi, IUl'al cliord~, ' d' I of the linm who hoth a.rrived here Summerslde and Monta'l~e.. At the George R. Penrkes.! ternat Affairs :'.linister Barwick ... ------ ... - .. -------.-... -.-..... --. --- ... -.. i Ite lime he reached Ihis' ,:\(oreOH!r. u.l'Iog hal f;on; Clinton by nil' ycsterday. Il WaS o~e of the (II st fme I V,c., bran~h of, the Royal Cana- I said there hns bcen no request'

on j'O\n S~"tia', sonth- tl'lP the .cars.l~ the.cavhlc,~lhle,spent about two honrs \vith days of sprmg.a.nd many /nrm-Idlan LegIOn In Summerside,jfor hel yet but "I elm 'Ihle to . \lr Pcal'-Iln held ,hal;en hare .no Iden.tlfymg signs. \\ It : ' John j ers were out tllltng the red soil I:lk and Mrs. Die fen baker' tl ~l . 'f tl .. '.' ' " .' " h' '. out Its poltee car escort It· ' . [th I It.. I I . , sny 1.1 I Ie occasion alloC, . "." ,lIlfls along hiS t3,,- . 1'1 b dd' I' illrs DOII'nc\' said aftcr to· a e a >Un! an pro\ mce, lUt I s lOok hands . \\,Ith abotll 250 I that a<5ist'lncn will lie 1111'11I'shnl! .' r'I' I illig It In,'e een 11 we mg pro· . . - . m f d t' t d • ,.. . - . < 0,1 e "O"n tie Fnnrly, .' p t ff' ."1' 'd U· . day's I'isil: "He's finc. n little. any oun ll1~e 0 see ~n persons. i bv means of fC"ulnr :\uslrati,m

· : cessIOn. ar y 0 ICI •• S sal llS ! tl' , b t th'" , I . ht" . shal;e hands With the pnme Th C ... t' . I Id I' -.. ~ f. . WllS hecause defence dep·lrt· llnner u 0 el \lIse 11 rig . , '. t e onsel I a I' es Ie a I . fnrces, ""illmlll~ r,l\;,II';l{lp of 25 ,. , . • Downey has been heltl sincc mullS er I fOil Prince Ed I I I I: A . nf I I rllnoi,,= "bollt one hou;' ment rules prohibit election ac· 1<)·. _ fl . \;.. . t . i 1 Mr. Dicfcnhakcr nel'er re., ~. II I"t I~ar~r S ta n \ II { an Inc I eren . popu <ice

· IInl'll:i:r, nwdr SlOps in' lil'ity at military estahlishments ti n_. C a el . ~tn~1 .tap 1I1~ /Y ferJ'ed to Liberat Leader Pear. I ~~a s ~~ f l~ _ ~s t\ Iamel; a~, 00 'ed ,on" the mannc, \\wc. '. 10,10< .on ;illa"~, 'and Bnd onc of the stops was at the t1:: ](~~~~m~~, . ~~~~;~ he u~:.~~ son bul ~Iayor Bruce Yeo 01 t ~o~· ml;ern ~a 7 9~ d fl I~C,.- i dme!l. mt fI~11 arlllY I;-ucks 10 'c~

lin',' II for a hlll~:tnntin~ nm,),s COl'nwallis training "a~e. . ''I' • m f'y' ee of the U'S :ltontague, a Liberal. did ~o in I 1 • "Y 111 0 d po 'bl C ~hll' J tahu all P?' I a'roi lit lRI 1111 ehs fl'ol m. \ . . P'uther along howe\'er 1.11' a el\1 Lan e po, . 't I' th . . . tin en, ou rna e POSSI e e, e capita. lel'(, tley oan rd "... .

c pa;'a~e throu~h a! " t f: d . t ' : defence department. to ro! IIc~ng ~ pnme mInIS er .. "ictories of In57 and 1958," 12 giant (-.S C-120 Hercules' i 1~leo Mhrr, i Peanon rans eIre 111 0 II cm· __ ._____ He !ald "~hke" Pearson was ..... ___ -..:._ .. ~ ____ ._ ... __ .. _._ •

Lii'rrol I;'aorr ran Into: al~ade. of cars wcll. decoraled Faced with dwindling traffic a "vcry nice friendly Cellow". ~,,~ '. ':1;111 difiicliities withiwlth hiS name and picture. in the age of the family cal' He had had-a talk, too with T. Carpenter Gets Ready

dllnn~ h"'OI'lie throuch and jet aircraft, the publicly· C. Douglas, New Democratic lito tntHilnenl'ic, inl'oil'l'd. owned linc launched an experi. Party leader. Mr. DieCcnbaker · . .lnnapnlis • Kines lind Enc'ouraglOng menlal fare schedule May 1 chuckled.

.. Yarmouth . ·C1ah·e. that cut ticket prices as much T'RE:mER LATE b e; 1I'0n holh in the as 50 per cent on the mainline The prime minister was met F 0 -t I Fie ht

· e:ectioll. R It hetween :liontreal and Halifax at Summerside Airport on his or r I a In Paraili;e a "m'-- working" esu S and on all otbcr lines in the arrival Crom Halifax by about' ' . '::I

· ill: In the centre of thc l\Ial'itimes. 75 persons and a 35-ear motor· ca::sed a sudden stop HALIFAX (CP) - Early re- The first two weeks saw pa· cade. Premier Walter Shaw was

on )111\1-:7 ' suits from the Canadian ~a- tronage jump as milch as 115 a few minutes late,

emanded Qlle. 'CP'-Gillis Lau. . chal'~ed with cnpital In connection 'I'ith the

01 ?3·yeal'·old Bernadette " ,hai heen remanded to I lOll a)' pending further

I I of the cnuse of

tional Railway's Cnrc . cutting per cent, and extra eqnipment He and Mr. Diefenbaker can· program to get Marltimers was hustled into use to handlc gratulated each other on how back aboard passenger trains the traffic. Trains aren't yet well the other looked. hnve bcen encouraging, railway bulging but on some days its At Summerside city hall, two officials said Thursday. hnrd. to find a seat. old ladies climbed a long flight

CAP E CANAVERAL, Fla. in an unscheduled spot. l\!an­(AP)- Preparations for astro· ning these rescue control cen­naut Malcolm Scott Carpenter's tres are planes, para • rescue orbital flight - marred by a mcn and frogmen, ready for ,in· tragic plane crash in Afriea- stant deployment in an erneI" progressed Thursday toward agency. i Saturday launching as the Carpenter. 37 • year· old navy I weather remained a major lieutenant • commander was re· I

question mark. ported fit and ready t~ become A U.8. Air Force transport the second Amcrican to orbit

plane flying a supply run to a the earth. following lhe pnth Project 'Mercury "contingency blazed last Feb. 20 by John }I, site" at Nairobi. Kenya. crashed Glenn Jr. and burned n ear that city Thursday. apparently killing all PLA:>; TIIHEE OHRlTS' . 14 persons aboard, I Car p en t e r's flight. 1i!;e

• I lIom:lIl's iJaltered body ";;nd parl1~' n~kccl III the

an unoccupied lIull ,ll;,y I.

The National Aeronautics and. Glenn·s. is planned at thrce 01" BAN H Space Administration maintains I bils. Carpenter will attempt I .J.. OUEl. Laos: Remnants of gO\'ernment forces 16 s tl e h contingency arcas I many scientific experiments and: fcom Ban Houei Sai, l'vlay 10 c\'acuated the tOlVn and around the world in case the I ohser\'ations as he whit'ls mllre ~crossed the Mekong River borderin" Laos and Thai­astronaut's capsule shonld land than 100 miles aho\'e lhe em'lh 11 d t tl I J t f dM , • .

'1 ' allome),. ~l arc e I

told Ihe courl Thurs' lias a possihility that , ~pinslcr died of a

Mhc" II ' Ih "', e IS seeking to Tn ed,boll)' c~hul11ed for fur· J' Ital inl'cstigalion ean \' . . :,Iane ROussel, a

at medical expert, testi­deat~he, women's inquest

lias caused by as. and shOCk.

Sunny I altern ' C olldlng Over in Hi~ ~~y ~~nd S,W. 15.

T cmperntllres

Min ~!al Toronto NI~ht Dav ~Iontre I''' .. ·.. 60 92 ~lonClo~ ...... 60' 83 lIaJifax .... ". 34 70 SYdney ........ 43 !IS St. John'~""" 36 48

...... 34 46 WASHI-NGTOl\,' Pres. Kennedy' chats with the First Lady as they pose wit.h

some of t~e gU!!sts at a reception they gave at the White House May 15 for top-ranking members of the militar~;. 1 . , . . .


_________________ ' ______ an 0 escape 1e ons aug 1 rom a vancmg supenot'

Sa~an . Trial

Prosecution; Defence ,In Heated ·Exchange·.

PARIS <Reuters) - Prosecu­tion and deCence lawyers hurled insults and taunts, at ·each rther Thursday. as ex·Gen. Raoul Sa· lan, on. trial for his life, sat silently in the prisoner's dock.

(orced presiding Judge Charles Bornet to call them' to order. declaring the trial Was "turning into a fairground."

Chief defence counsel Jean· Louis Tixier·Vignaneourt 'called chief prosecutor Andre Gavalda

Salan, head of the terrorist a "zazou"-a. French' word for Secret Army Organization in a teen-age hoodlum .,... and Gal· Alg.e~ia, appeared on the verge vada accused. his opponent oC of interL'upting prospecution wit- "playing politics" and another nesscs several times during Ihe defence lawyer of being "child· third day of his trial. but main· ish." tained the vow he made Wed· Behind' the legal battle and nesday that "I shall not speak:" name ' calling, the evidence

The healed esehange between against Salan. who read a 24· the lawyel's as they examined page statement In his own de· and cross • examined wilness~s fence Wednesday-continued to and argued legal poin,ts finally p,ile up.

enemy forces. Here, civilian refugees are pictured on riverbank with their belongings prior to crossing the river into Thailand. According to reliable sour·

~ ces the evacuees are now being airlifted back into ; Laos.-( UPI Photo) . ----------_ .. _. __ ... --.... _-_ .. - ---

Nominations Tuesday


OTTAWA (CP) -. Twenty·one electoral conslituencies cover. ing more than IlO per cent of Canada's land area but only six to seven per cent of her popu· lation . and eligible voters hold official nominations Tuesday, May 22, for the June 18 federal election.


Nominations in the other 242 " of the 263 constituencies, two of Maybe We could get more which relurn two members folks to do right if we could apiece. close ~ionday. June 4. make it seem just a little bit two weeks before the election. naug'hty."

.. "



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Suzie Wong and Foreign Intrigue styles in t~ylene and cotton. Single breasted ••• full rayon lining ... twin slash pockets •. adjustable sleeves reverse to elbow or full length, Sizes 8 to 14x,


Sort, lightweight flannelette with plasticized soles. Gay prints In assorted colours. Sizes 1 to 4,

Reg. 1.98'

Special 9 8 cpr.




Reversible and Foreign Intrigue styles In tcrylene and cotton. Single brea~t~d ••• twin· slash pockets ..• full rayon hnmg •.• self belt ..• wool check cotton reverses to solid poplin or terylcne. Assorted colours. Sizes 7 to 14.


Cotton and terylene with plasUc lined pants. Assorted styles checked. two tone and solid shades with contrast trim. Sizes 12 to 18 months for boys and girls,

Reg. 2.98

Special 1.98


:~'\'IIj .... ' "r'f'

Easily converts to stroller .•• scuff resistant plasitc ••• storm ocver.. chrome fenders... heavy torsion springs.

Reg. 39.95

Sale 29.95 BABY STROILLERS Good quality denim upholstery ••• completely collapsible . . • adjustable back rest and foot rest • • • 6" wheels with jointless tires and nylon bearings

, .

Reg. 12.95

. Sale 9.95

Misses' Oxfords Good quality suede or leather. Black or brown. Sizes 11 to 3.

Re~. 6.95 Sale 4.5.0 pro

Boys' Leather Slippers . Hiawatha style with molded sales. Natural

colour. Sizes 2 to 5.

Reg. 5.50 Sale 3.98 . pro

Ladies' ,Desert Boots Soft leather with foam rubber soles. Green.

I SIzes IHo 8.

. Reg. 5.50 . Sale 3.98 pro

• .. .. .. .. .. ~I.U.&:,:':': :: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ",.,.,.~~ .. : ::

' .. " '


, . . , 'l. 'j",~~ .. ,:, , . . ", ,-',' .' " .

Fish, Mor

'gsb Gross earnm . fisi;ermell ted to 31

an incrca Ol'er the 5484,

APril of last Y resulted fro

:.n"el:nenL in the of 19,60( the Apri

some 6 milli 01 increase

l;~ codfishery, • a big contribui

cod (81-2 mil to the fish

were practic in importar

and value .,."., .• v" .... c·atch of thi

ion pounds) per cent; the

, 5143,000. Plaice and grey

'(31, million pOI~n .. 78 per ccnt Ir

per cent in \'a GOO. . · i Herring landmg

'frcd a notewor 64.000 pou

to 1,4oo,OQO ). Value 01


MEN'S WINDBREAKERS ;~;I~~~:::nfei~h good start. Cat

Famous Brand Name 1.? ..... e'e double the· Combed and corded. cotto~, full silk lining and zipPered The 10bstcI

Protect and beautify your home with easy to apply, long lasting oil base house paint.

front. Shades of beIge. WIllow, brass and blue. Siles 31 of April (the to 44. h)

Reg. 7.65 Sale 5.10 gat.

PAINT BRUSHES Pure bristle set in metal with rubber, thick. flagged ends. FuiI 3" wide, Ideal for inside or outside use

Reg. 2.15 Special 1.39

LOCK SETS Top quality English make . . , ideal for entrance or. inside use ... strong 3" martise lock,

Reg.3.75 Sale 2.49



BOY'S FLANNELS Water repellent flannel • . . crease and spot re­sistant ... retains shape. Grey. Sizes 6 to 18 years.

Reg.5.95 Special 3·97 " " , • ~"r •• ".· .. :: •• ,I~"";'· •. ~, .~c\..".', .... "" ~ , .• _,.} .••. 'J '" •• t', ,. '.' ,'" .. ~ .. 11"'·"'<:'f~·~.'l<Lr.1'f!"!.>j.



L. "'" ~, • , / ' ~$'" ~, .) .,. >'. ." ~ I ' ..... " , .. .. •• _'", ,.::7,.

on the 20t 1[~143,OIUU pounds. .

at $39 seal catch,

estimate 1I.,.'~L.l ... of S7:l,4oo,

Distribution of children in lh,

will begin A clinic has b

Anglican Ch .JJl1J\ueu between

mo.Jths ar IJ.:c,~ill be given the

polio vaccine. Hours of the c a.m. to 12.30 :

Itl'"'I"O" p,m, to 5 p.1 The last dal' 0

Mount Pearl when it will

to 12.30 r

:; Whitf · R 1 ~!: 1

, '.' The following HANDBAGS LADIES Reg.2.98 Sale

Leather like plastic handbags in a wide selection or styles and shades. Black. brown and red. from the Liberal 'i Policies deve~


Famous Canadian make floor cov­ering. Strong quality for lasting wear, 1llock and floral designs in various colours. 2 yards wide.

Reg. 2.00




Fine quality mercerized broadcloth • . . requires

little or no ironing • • . colourfast . . . W.-!nkle

resistant • • 39" wide. Shades of white, rose,

blue and red .

Reg,98c. Sale 63c yd.

Stove and ~r able Top Mat Heat resistant mats permit hot pans to be plared on stove or table top. Assorted colours. Sizes 151,1 x 17.

Special 59c. SALE 39c. ea. Car Sponges

New Prcstone wash and wax car sponges •.• filIed with wax and cleaner to give a beautiful

. new shine .


Ladies' Leather Pumps BUDGIES Soft calf leather ••• illusion heels. Broken

styles and sizes •••

Reg.10.95 Sale 6.98 pro

Men's Oxfords Suede with foam rubber soles. Broken style • • •• Sizes 6 to 10.

. Reg. 7.95 Sale 5.50 pro

Men's Oxfords Leather oxfords ••. moccasin and blu styles. Black and brown Sizes 6 to 11.

Reg~ 10.95 Sale. 8.00 pro

Beautiful colours • • . all young birds • • • makes ideal pet.


· ~ibcral Party wo . ~undland "in I

· position, for tht her life, of get

, ,aystem she need Sets consists of ironing board, play iron, d ,SI. John's East 4

tub, clothes line and clothes pins. .'\'.'hite.

Little Miss Ironing Boar~ Sets

Reg. 2.98 Sale 1.98 Setia;~!r~\,~~~~~~ ~~~ · • rally of rater! .llarbour, that

icy in Liner: platform I

Boysl Baseball Sets 4 pee. sets consisting of baseball, glove. hat, hi. • and plastic carrying case

Reg. 1.98 Sale 1.29 Set

Egg Beaters Nylon gears for noiseless long lasting adio~ It signed for thorough mixing without spattenng.

Special 2.29 SALE 1.49

Child's Cutlery Set 3 pee. stainless ste~l set consisting of ~nire, f¢ and spoon. Blue and pink.

Special 49c. SALE 29c. Set


to the pay 90 per c completing Highway. as

uf the co


· ..CIIIJ St .. John's ,1962 ·.·a' . " ., L'a 1.001{: 193'Z.~1 0 , . -'

" ..

I .

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A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (5)



lippcrcd Sizes 34


Ie l.

\" iron, wasb

8 Set Sets IOI'C, hat. bat

9 Set

I~'):'I "action 01' ~pattering.

E 1.49


~9c. Set


-Fishermen More -In

Earn April

r.rnil1~' bl' Newfounc!· slight decline. GI~1' ...•. II C 1 I !t;i:rrmc'l In " PI umu at ve landings of all

to approximatcly species for the pel'iod January· an incrcase of 44 per April total 64,600,000 pounds

'olcr the M8t500 rct'OI'd~d 'worth to the fishermen slightly .\pril of last year. T!le ,.n· in excess of $2 million. In

· rr;ultcd from a big I.m· volume and value the 1962 '-O~I;mr:11I in the fishery, with fishcry is better by 16 per cent

of 19.600.000 pounds and 23 per cent respectively the April InOI catch than the 1961 fishery In the

'amc 6 million pounds (a corresponding period. . increasc of 46 per Haddock alone accounted for I. .' nearly half the entire catch, ~l·

Till codfi,hm·. 111 partlcl~lar, though the volume of tillS . 3 bi~ rOl1trib~ltor. Landings I species landed Is less by. 11 per cod (8'2 mllhon pounds, i· cent than the Jan .. April catch

to thc fishermen $262,· in 1961. were pral·tically doublc.! Next in importance was cotl. in imllortancr. in both! with landings aggregating 21

· ·Ulllf and \·"llIe was haddock. 1 million pounds.

Sidney Dies In

H. Morris Montreal

MUN nl8corated 'By Army

HALIFAX, N.S.-The award o e·g ree Conferring On French

oI the Canadian Forccs Decora' tion to anum ber of officers and I men both the R~ular and Cd·· H· t · Militia forces has heen an·1 ana Ian I~ aria:"",; nouneed by headquarters, East., . ;a ~ I 1 ern Command: . ! To mark the three hundredth I Quebec. (1897·1899). and at the!

Tbe decoration IS awarded to I anniversarv o[ the foundin~ of Grand Scm' . f 'I t I 11 fI ' d f th I " b mal YO., on rea .

a 0 !eers an men 0 . e I the first successIuI French col· I He was ordained a priest in Canadian Armed For~cs who only in Newfoundland, the I 1009, and taught letters and have, compl.eted a period of 12 :llemorial University'is to con. I rhetoric at Valleyfield College, ycar~ serVice, undertake~ th~ I fer a. degree at its sprin con.! Quebec, from 1903 to 1906. He rdeQlllreddPhases Oft' tf~adlmbnM ane; i vocatIOn upon thc outstanding 'I then proceeried to ~[inerva Uni·

lIty an are cer I Ie y re'l authority on the his top' of versl'ty 'n R b . 'bl tl 't' ff' • lome, ccommg a s?onsl e ~u 10rl les ~s c I'. Fren~h America, the Rev. Can· . doctor of philosophy in 1907 ~Ient fanthd Ind everly. wa~ deserv·1 on Lionel Groulx, of Outremon!. I and of theology in 1908 Dur. mil 0 e ecora IOn. Quehec I'n" 19081909 I" t d' d' I • 0 • le S U Ie angu i

The medal, gilt in color. is in It was in the year 1662 that ages at the Uni\'crsity o[ Fri· the form of a decagon the 10 a permanent French settlement burg, Switzerland. sides representing the pr!Jvin' was established at Plaisance continucd on page fil·c. ces of Canada. The front uf the (Placentia). which was to r~. -- .----

Council Of

Geo. Perlin Wins Medal

GEORGE PERLIN ~0\C catch IIf thi, spe!'ics 1 j: Landings of plaice and grey· m:llinn PIIIIIJ(j,1 drot1pcd by: ~olc (6 million pounds) were ',) rer crnt; the landed t alue I douhle"' the 1961 catch in the ~i; .l\43.[1{)0. . ' corre~pondin:: 4·month period,

I'[,IIC anll ~rr~ >olr lanlhngs I and t hc herring catch was up 13., million pOllnd;) werc up 1 from 1.400,000 pounds. to 3,.

medal bears the effigy of tbe main until 1713 the. French cap­sovereign circlcd with the Can· ital in Newfountllanrl. The first adian royal title. Below it ap, settlers included about sixty pears thc name "Canada." The families. a priest. and thirty soi. revcrse side contains a crown, 1 diers, with ei!(htecn piec~s of BI;nd Meets t;rol';;e c. Pcrlin. YOllnger son maplc leaves and an eagle. I ordnance, undcr a commander I _ ' of ~[r. and )[rs. A. B. Perlin,

t· n th I 1 has been awarded thc Politics

· i8 pcr crnt in \'olume mull 700,000 pounds.

represcn In" e navy, army namc( c1u Perron. The colon. , and air force. The name oC the ists at once set ahout makino i :'11'5. ~[ary Patterson. Nation· . )[cdal !Ol' 1~.61.62 by Queen's rccipient is engravcd around dry fish, while the troops con~ I ~ Pr:sldcnt of the Canada' Vni\'crslty. KlIlgston. Ontano.

· fer crnl ill I'altlc. to $105,· ------- the edge of the medal an.d hold· I verted the earthen entrench· I CounCil of .the Blind, will be ~ :-he .medal IS prcsented t.o the \Irrrin~ I"ndin.~~ al.,o rcgi~t· Teachers ers of the award 8re entltlcd to I ments, built by Frcnch efforts; among speCIal guests who arc· candidate fo~. the H~noul! De·

fI~d I n(tll'worth)' incrra~e the initial "CD" aIter their som~ .even years earlier. into a ' attendlllg the annual meeting of gree III Pohtlcal SCIence '~ho (from HOOfi !lllunc!s in April names. fort strong enounh to Criohte the Newfoundland Di\'i~ion of' has made the hlghe~t standing 1%1 to UIlO.OIIO pounds last Wo.rkshop S. 11. 1I10RRIS A clasp to the medal is away Dutch raid:'rs. b n CNIB which opens in Corner ~ on the wh?le of hiS Honours

.. Vallie of this fishcry awarded for each successive 10 Brook to· day. work, prOVided that that stand· the fi~hrrmcn was 520.000. The death occurred at the With Read, Son and Watson. He years. Canon Groulx Is the founder The two·day meeting will also ing is First Class.

The lobster fi,hery got off to Ross Pavilian, Royal Victoria left the firm to become office oI the Historical Institute of he attended by R. L. Storey. Mr. Perlin will be granted the lcod start. Catrh and value . ~n admi~istrntion and 5~per. Hospital, Montreal Wednesday manager of the Avalon Telc· Those honoured in the name French Amcrica (1947), and the I Superintendent Newfoundland Bachelor of Arts de'ree (First

douhle thp April '61 reo l'ISlon workshop fo~ prlncl~als night of Sidney HlIgh Morris. phone Company and the United oI the Queen are: director of its quarterly Revue, Division Canadian National In· Class Honours) at the annual 11 loh'trr ratrh to the of central and regIOnal high He was 63. Towns Electric Company in TIlE CANADIAN FORCES' the leading French·language stitute for the Blind. lIIr. ~ convocation of Queen's in King·

· . of .~;ril (the ,cason open.,· schools concludes here today. Born in 1899, son of C~arles 1926. He became a director DECORATION historical journal in Canada. Storey left for the West Coast ston to·day. It had been earlier Qn thc 20th) amounted to, The workshop, arranged. by A, and Annie M. Morris of Lon· and secretary·treasurer in 1942 SSM (W02) P. G. Ivany, RC Often referred to simply as "the city Thursday. announced that he had been

H3000 p0unrts. valucd to the I ~he ~epartment of Ed.ucaho~, don, England, Mr. Morris was and later assumed the presid· E, SI. John's; QMS (W02) H. historian of French Canada," he There will also be delegates awarded a Woodrow Wilson Na· f.;r·crmrn at S39.i50. IS b711lg held at Memorlan Unl' educated at St. Joseph's School, ency of both companies and as· was the first person to be ap· from Grand Falls, SI. John's l tional Foundation Fellowship · I·CI"lt\· EEl d . t d t'l't W. Legrow, RCA, SI. ,Tohn's; po'nt d t "t h" d C . d The ,r~1 (·alch. ~8.tiOO. (pre, I :'. . f" . , 'ssex, ng an . socia e u I I Y concerns. S Sgt R L M RCE\lE I e a a unlverSI y c air In I an orner Brook. The meeting' and a Cana a Council Fellaw !i~;narr c.<limalel lI'ith a !(ross :h~ PlllfPofse ON I~fls tfI gl;,e He served with the 5th Bat· . " k' erce~ C 'M " Cana?ian History, having heen, will close to·morrow. 1 for graduate study in Political I

ubI ~f ,j3AO(). represented a I prl~clpa SOCII oum an.( s tali on, London Regiment, 1917. Mr. Morri~ married Blanche gorn~~ B~~~; S~:- T' h '. '. at ?PPolnted Professor of that suh· i I Science. He will conti nne his· . __ ....... _____ ! regIOnal and ccn.tral hl~h and the 7th Battalion NorIolk I':llurphy of Prince Edward Is· S °t\y' G c' k R NI~d n~, St' Ject at the Montreal branch of: SHIPPIXG : fitudic5 in the United States in

i schools n aopportul1lty to diS' Regiment, 1919. !Iand. Left 10 mourn arc his g.,.' . ro e. ... : La\'al University in 1915. Hc: . . Septembcr.

Sabl"n Vaccl'ne . russ ."the man,~ probl?m~ con· IIIr. Morris came to New· : widow and three ,ons and one John s, L. Cpt. S. R. Hodder,t was the founder of the influ- The Harhor Pilot rcporlcd, ,frOllllng them .. And. It IS felt foundland in 1920 as a clerk' daughter. RCE~fE, SI. .Tohn'~. entia I Institufe of History at' Ihat the ~lainer ~nrl Russian i :llr. Pel'lin's marriage tn ;'liss i the workshop Will gUIde thc Dc· I _. __ ._.. TilE 1st CLASP TO TilE the Uni\'crsitv of Montreal and Tankcr entcred [lort last nigilt. .Jean Cooper of fort \\'Illiam.

A Mt P I I partment in consolidating pres· , . i CANl~D1AN FORCES' nEC~Il. has had a proIol1n'd effecl ;IPon : ,,"0 ships were reported to hare Ontario. will take place to·mor· t ear i ent potiel' and in formulating ·Wh f F She C ' Maj. C. R. Balfour, CD. RCA, a whole generation of French· I sailed. row in Kingston.

~:;triblilion :f Sabin \'accine ,I future policy, a spokesman saicl. a r 0 rip 0 v e . Corner Brook. Canadian intellectuals. ! Born at Vaudreuil, Qucbec, in i Average price for books in Still Search childrcn in the .\lount Pearl' C B Ch hiT M 1878 ,the son of a farmer, he: 1960 was $5.24. as compared

arca will bcgin loda~·. I L . ure IT ( t $'191 616 25 wo· otor was educated at the Seminary i to S5.12 in 1956 and S4.13 in A clink has been srt up in •••. _ 0 OS of Sainte·Theresa de BI"inville, 1953.

Angll~:~w;c~lr~~e H:~~sal~~ Para· de ,. Mishaps-----·-· ------- I For Man's Body mO,lths anti nine years . . OTTAWA - A $191,616.25 Peninsula at the end of Can· 'Oti· It- I

: bp ~I\'en .the cherr~··f1a\'or· . conlract has been awarded by t' B It hit' U I ne Inera ry I The Royal Canadian J[oullted palio l'aCCIIIC I A C. 1. n. Church Parade .to II I D [ P bl' cep Ion ay. as a. popu a Ion Two two·car collisions were' I Police here Thursday said drag·

Hours of the c'linie today arc 1 St. Thomas' Church will ta~e ,,:e k epa;tl~le~ 0 L' \ I; of about 299 and IS some 55 reported to city police yester· ;:illg and dil'ing: opcration, arc I.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from place at 2.15 p.m., SlInday, May r O~t s ]0 h; 'Nfl~ssei Iml e miles from st. John's. day. I heing continucd in Bay Bu1l5

pm to· pm 20th 0 • 0 n s, ., or recon· Plans and specification! were I' ]n a collision on King's: Of MV Ch -t S I Harbour for tile bod,· of ;'lich· · .. J.. . . ., '. '. struction of a wharf at Ship prepared in the st. John's, Brid"e Road at 5.35 p.m. hoth rls mas ea Thr lalt dar of th~ dllne In The line of route .. 11'111 down Cove (Port de Gral'e) Nfld. I't Nfld D'" h oel Deagon, bclie\'e' drowned

)Iollnt Prod arra I~ satur'llIar\,r\, Road and ~1I\Jtary Road I, d b t'h H' ., Istnet Englllccr's office. cars received considerable dam· therc. d "h ·t '11 h f t h' 'I I d t '11 I was announce t· e on. of the Department of' Public I a~e J R E' P . I t f . !\ II ~n I WI ~ open rom I n tee lure 1. an re IIrn WI Dal'id ,T. Walker. 'Minister or ' . • . .. ~ . . . ames . ,lI'lng, resl( en 0 'lions of ~lainland of Xotre

1D 1m. to 1230 p.m. be the Fame "'"Y. P b]' W k \\ o;.ks. G. E. Kmght, DI~t;lct! A cnlllHlon bdw~en A rill': the Newfoundland Tuberwlosis • Dame Bay. During the latter Dca;:nn. ~ 35·ycar·old Ullmar· ___________ . __ ._____ u Ie or S. ~n~~neer. (Harhours and Rl1e;! : and .1 truck on. G.G.n. Parsons: NsoclatlOn Thursday announ. part of Octoher Captain TroaKc rird resident of Bay BIIl1~. di~-

White Praises New The firm submitted the low· ~nl:lI1eerlng) ~f SI. John!,! parkIn,;: !ol. Elizabeth A"cnu*t, : ced plans for the operation of. will he rcturning the 'Chri~tl11as . appcal'€<i ~!ay 5th. H~ w~s las!

est bid o[ 11 in rcsponSe to ad· 1\lll be responsible for super· I result~d m slight damage to the the :II.V. 'Christmas Seal' this· Seal' to Placentia Bay where a >cen wall;in~ along the road at vertising for public tenders I'ision of the work. . I car. ,summer. The 'Christmas Seal' ~ surrey will he carried out of the community.

Road Policy which closed on April IB, 1962. . : under the command of Captain: all places between Rock Hal" The highest bid was $259,593 •• 1 N I R · 'J 16 I Peter Troake is expected to I bour and Fox Harbour. The Is· His cap. found floating on the 44. The. wo~k is schcduled for! ava eunl.on une ! start operatio~s at Garnish on lands of Placentia Bay will also harhour waters. led policc to completion In 12 months. . I May 23, and will be visiting be surveyed during this visit. believe he might ha\'e fallen

Work under the contract can· all places on the Burin Penin· Throu"hout the tour of the' ovcr the public wharf- there. sists of the construction of • W.III sula as far as Mooring Cove. It M.V. 'Ch~istmas Seal' this year i Local divers, RC~!P personnel

The follolVing i! a release : certain trunk roads. creosoted timber crib and !~an Be l Event 1 is. antici~a~ed th~t t.his survey free chest X·rays, BCG and' and .. ci!izens of Bay Bulls arc , 110m t~e Liberal Part)': I In Newfoundland, Mr. White, wl.larf, ~90 lect long by 30. feet arge· . Will be finished 111 hme,to be· Health Education programmes contmulng to search the harbor. , PoliCies dr\'l'!oped by the : e~plained, this would mean a. Wide, With an approach ~rlb 15 . gill the No:-thern operatio~s will be carried out. In addition

Liberal Part~· would place Nell" 'sa\'ing of 545 million, with the I fcct long by 10 lect Wide. A . I around the middle of July. ThiS Diabetic tests, Sabin vaccin· " . . ··in the wonderful; prol'ince itself hal'ing to pur native timbcr crib work mar· The Navul Reunion and din· Englan~. He 15 Neal Chambers, i Northern survey will include I ation against Polio will also be

pomlOn. for thc first time in! only S5 million toward the COlli. ginal wall about 77 fect long ncr to he held in St. John's who Will. be unab~e to attend all places between Rigolet and I administered. h~r life. of geltin~ thc road! pletion of the main Highway. and 10 feet wide is also to be June 16th .. will ~e !he largest the. function, but Wished to buy Nain In Labrador. Mr. Ewing said the same co·

she necM' according to I The money thus saved, he add. c?nst~llcted ~nd the area be· veterans ulllon thiS Side .o~ Mon· a IIcket for a less fortunate operation and support which

Removing Old House~

Ea~t candidate Brion I cd. would mean roads getting hll1d It backfilled. treal, Herb Wells,. publICIty of·. naval veteran. About the first week in I the people of Newfoundland has I I. Ihllilt by thc hundreds 01 mi1c~ The new work is required to Iecer, told the Dally News yes· Fred Williams is chairman of August the l\LV. 'Christmas I always given this programme is' The Trustee Board of Weslcy

:11r White ~",d in St .. John's ias II'cll as road~ lieing paved b~: provide landing and handling day... . . the r~union and dinner. Already II Seal' will visit all places in St.1 confidentally anticipated again: Church here are calling for tcn· Iht ~venm~. hof/lre tl!lIvin)l [or Ithc hundl'cds of miles. "It faellities for fishing craft and Many IIItercstmg personahhes 150 tickets have been sold and. Barhe Strait from Cook's Hr. I this year. • deI'S for the rcmol'al of seven I I!liy of loterl in Cllnceptllln :wonlrl he truly a new day for their catchcs, moorin!: facilitics will gathcr at the Coral Rooms "the supply is limited", Mr. I to River of Ponds. : It is also hoped that aRe·: houses on Patrick Str€ct. H'rQ~ur. Ih.t ther~ is oor: l'\cwIoundland," he df!duled. for small boats and deep water of the Bellavista Cluh· for this, Wells nid. ! During September ~nd Oct· I habilitation Officer from the' The houses and land \I'm!

:ryll.ry In Lihcral Icader Pear.: shipping fac\litie! for the. the second Annual naval reunion The Church LAds Brigadr. ober the ~I.V. 'Christmas Seal', Department of Health will he purchased last year by the 'I :~ns platform Ihat is of Ihe; The SI. ,John's East candidate !'Iorlh Eastern Fish Industries i held in the province. Band will play appropriate. will he visiting New World lion board for a portion of this· Church and the land will he I

yr~tcst po,sihle importance" said he felt that his riding! Plant which is now under con· i More than 350 naval veterans music for the dinner. ! and Fogo Islands and some sec· year's voyage. ~ used for a parking lot. ;;.;~cwfounrtlall<l. lie was re. 'would certainly benefii \1rclt1y' struction. It is expeetcd that. arc expe~ted to attend. Amon~ o' Ir.~ to the P('arson pledge :from the Pearson policy on I e\'entually consumer goods. i them Will be 85.ycar.o!d Ell ;f pal 90 prr ('ent of the cost I trunk roads, as well as [rom the coal, oil, food stuffs, etc .. will . Hayward, who !e~~'ed III the ! complctm~ the Trans.cana'ladded funds al'ailable provinci· also pass through the port. i Royal Navy prevIous . to the ,a Ihghwn). as well as 90 per ail), for local road improve Ship COl'" is a fishinu ('om. , Bo~r War ..

Permits To '~~l' co~t uf blliltliug nlt'lIls. . lIIullit)' 011 the POI'! de" Grave ScventY·llInc.ye.ar.old S I . m

-"-'" ... _. __ ._". ____ ...... ___ .. .._ . __ .. _____ . _ .... _ WUl'ren· of llunal1sta, now resJ(t· iug in st. John's with his son, has all'eady purchascd his tic· I;rt. H,~ .uil,!d with the Royal Navy· fol' 22 years previous to und during the jo'irst World


St, J ~I?EF. CADDIGAN is shown making a presentation on behalf of the 1962 0 tn s Fire Dept. to 'retired Fire Sgt. John Bennett who retired March LoOki; a s~ial.and dance held in his honor at.the Coral Room, Eelle.Vista. 1931, i 01) IS .~IS .!a~er Mil=~ael Ben n'ett wh() reti1:ed,fron) the Fil:e Dept.:

. . " ..' .

War. And there is one naval vet·

eran who will be fly'ing in from Nell' York, especially for the re· union. He is George Penny, a Newfoundlandcr.

Boli Sparkes, one of I few Newfoundlanders who sCr\'cd in the submarine branch of the Royal Navy, will be there. Mr. Sparkes served Ior six years.

The reunion committee reo eently reccived fi\'e do!lars from a Newfoundlander now serving with the Royal Navy in

Und~r the provisions of Sec· tiun 5 (0) u[ 'l'he 1"ol'e~t FireS Act, 1952. Chapter 179 of the Hevised Statutes of Ncwfound· land, 1952, notice was issued noon yesterday, May 17th, that alI permits to burn issued un· der the above mentioned act were cancelled until further notice.

The gcneral public is warn· ed that with the approach of slimmer fire hazard conditions, extreme caution should be tak· en with all outdoor fires and an appeal is made to all travel· lers through forest' lands to reo frain from smoking IVhile in transit.

Citizenship Day To·day is Citizenship Day. Since 1950, this day has been

set apart to celebrate the legal right of the people of Canada to call themsetves Canadians and to be reco~nized as such in other parts of the world. The Canadian Citizenship Act, which came into effect on January 1st 1947, links ·together all the peo· pie of the country as citizens and, at lhe same time, distin· guishes them from the people of other countries.

All across Canada Citizenship Day is observed in order that we may become deeply con· ~rious of nur OlVn Citizenfihip ;nrl'alt that it implies. It is an occasion ... for All Canadiall!, whether nation·born or recent

immigrants, of British, French or other origins, to reflect to· gether on the rights and duties, the institutions ana privileges which they share through memo bership in the Canadian famlly.

Citizenship Day is a day 011 which serious thought should be given to such important as· peets of Citizenship as harmony. between all groups in the pop· ulation, the citizenship respon· slbllities of the individual in a democracy and of "old" Cana· dians to the immigrants. . It is a day on which all the people of a community can join In )liv· ing public reco!:nition to the .sil:niric~nee of their common citizenship. . .


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TIlE DAILY NEWS Newfo:Jn;lland's Only 'Morning Paper


Canada ." ........... . S12.00 pcr annum

UllIted Kingdum and all forCign countries S14.00 per annum

, Authomed as second class mail, Post OfCice Department, Ottawa,

The DAILY NEWS Is D morning paper established an 1I104. and published at the News Buildanc ~55·359 Duckworth Street. St. John's, Newfoundland, b;V Rollinson & Company, I.imlted.



The Canadian Press IS' exclusivelY entitled to the U3C for republication of all news despatches an tills paper credit. ed 10 It or to the Associated Press or Ileuters and Itlso the local news publish­ed therein,

All Press Services and feature articles In this paper arc eupyrishtcd and thell reprmhlction Is prohibitcd,

• Member Audit Bureall

of Clrculatlnn

------------------_.----- --------------THUHSDAY. MAY 17, 1962

---------------------------------The PreSSllre On T'he Schools

AI1 m'cr Ncwfoundland,' par. the strain, I icttlarl,v in thc growing urban In NcwIoui1dland. for cxample. :trca~ \\'here cchtralized c1cment.· all underdeveloped province which I'Iry SL'hools <Ind rcgional hi~n must set up attractive inceniil'cs schools havc becn cstabIishccl. the to outside investors, it is not 110:>­pl'cS~Ul'C on school boards tJ p;'o- sible to becomc a high taxation drip. lldc1itional classroom space is province without incurring the l'i~k in('1'('m;jn~ 10 the sla~e of becor. .. in<f of discouraging outside capital <lll 'almos't il1tolel'ilbl~ burdcn, "from seeking to dC\'clop OUI re-

Gm'ernment makes a f<lid,. sub- sources. ~1;lI1tial rnlllribution to nc\\, ':;chool What is the answer? Feelcrill ain ('onslruction. But a larger ))1'0- for elementary education is ncc('s­portion must be found bv the sary. There is no other valid so­school boarrls who must look'to thc lution. It may be contenrled that ability ane! \\'iIIingness of the pco- the federal government, im'oh'ed pIe in their communities to make in heavy deficit financing and good the required amount. And the under pressure to reduce taxes, is Il\'erage citizen, required it) Iul- in no better case to provide funds fill his obligations to the main ten· than any other governmcnt, But ance of a great many deset'\'ing this becomes a maUer of prioritks. causes, is himself under growing Federal spending is not alwavs ad­pressure to meet fairly all the elc- justed to urgent need, Morel;'ler. a mands that are made on him. per capita grant to the prO\·j!1c-2S

This raises the question of for elementary and secondary edll­I"helller the provision of adequate cation would not necessarily cost educational facilities fol' our chil- a great deal of money by the stand­<ircn can be left to privatc philan- ards of national spending. throp,\·. It also raises the question Five dollars pCI' head of the of whether it can be left to the population would cost OUawJ \'al'~'ing means o[ individual muni- about $90 million, It is !lot a huge cipal or provincial governmellts, slice out of a seven billion dollar

This newspaper has been scep- budget. And undcr a system of Ihis tical of the results that would be kind, Newfoundland schools would achie\'cd by local taxation for gct about $2 ~2 million for expan-~chool purposes. But it may have . 51011, to comc to the point whether pro-\'incial taxation to underwrite ef. But a better method may bc the

introduction of a system of low-i'icient educational services will nnt 1 ~a \·e to be considered. There again, however, a grave difficulty exists. To begin 'with there is a limit 0[1

the amount of money that can be taken from any province for any sources are restricted. At least, the~' were very much circum­scribed until the new tax arrange­ment was set up at the beginnmg of April. Now a province can im­po:ie income and corporation taxes to its heart's desire, always pro­vided the local economy can ta1\:e

interest, long-term loans to school boards that can justify the borrow­ing they may wish to do.

The establishment of a minimum standard of educational oppor­tunity and facilities is a national obligation which can be fulfilled without infringement of prov\ncial rights over the B.NA Act. The Rowel-Sirois Report said as much more than twenty years ago, It is a greater truth today than ~t has ever been in the past.

Another Month To Polling Day (' With only another month to go actually enter a polling booth,

to polling day, the party organizers The simple issue is, of cour~e, and the candidates in the federal which party may be expected to general election must now be gath- give the nation the most effective el'ing their second wind for. the last and efficient leadership in the next frantic dash towards the finishing four or five years, post. The composition of the govern-

Canada is such a vast country in ment, the capacity of its members geographical terms that it is diffi- individually and collectively to cult for one part of the country, measure up to the problems and particularly if it happens to be on the challenges of a crucial period the farthermost eastern fringe, to in national history, is the all­appraise what is happening long important question. distanccs away, But up to now a Large issues must be resolved. ~tudy of the mainland newspapers They include the means by ~hich docs not tend to suggest that the full e r employment may be campaign is disturbing the even achieved, the position of Canada in tcnor of the average citizen's ways,. rclation to the great world trading , It is probable that at con- areas, the direction that defence i;tiluency level in many areas the policy should takc, the rationaliz­~ampaign ovcrtones are hardly le3~ alion o[ the national .tax structure, noticeable than thcy arc in St. ,thc balancing of the budget, the re­John's. But it is the personalitics ol'ganizat:on of thc Dominion's ~f the chief protagonists at any transportatiun ~ystem in tune with level that gives colour and interest changing coucl*tions, the planning to an election. However, the vast of regional development, and the tnajority of the electorate is can- controversial matter of federal aid tcnt to be a silent and perhaps for education. ~ftCI1 bemused spectator of the po- These are some 'of the chief iit.ical scene who limits personal pl'llbicms with which the next C:m­iJal'licipation to the all important adian Govel'l1m~nt will be required act of marking a ballot. to deal and they constitute a most , The' uncommitted voter remains formidable agenda. It is to the con­~he key to the outcome of this sideration of. these things that the election, What he is thinking ot party leaders should devote most what persuades him to a final de- of their campaign efforts and it is dsion is difficult to estimate. But to seeking enlightenment on these ~hile parties can never afford to . same things that the voters should let up, on their, efforts to influe~1ce address themselves. The most ef­the voters, it may well be wOlldered ficient direction of policy. at the 1~0\V much party propaganda is national level should give to the effective in the last few weeks of people in the constituencies the arty campaign. There cannot be too assurance they need that their ~any voters who are. unable to legitimate nee~s 'Wlll be· !ide'qu­make up . their minds until they ately . studi~d and provided.


THE DAIL: NEWS, ST. JOl'IN'S, NFLD" .l<'HlDAY, J\rlAY, 1~, l~bl

There IS a Doctor in the House C~ming Up: Three-Way •

Hald-The-Line Conferences y By PETER EDSON

~SHINGTON (NEA )-Next devclopments; PreSident Kennedy's hold-the-Iine policy for ' ~ and wages will be a couple of public, labor and . agement leaders' conferences in Washington, 111.1.

First wiII be the regular May 1-2 meetinp of the Presia-eni's Advisory Committee o~ Labor-Management Policy.

This 'Yill be its third try to reach agreement broad statement of how to obtain free and rnSD ~b~1

lIt' b" d' . -onsl~ ('~ cc Ive argammg an mdustnal peace. Two '.'IOUS draft~ have been rejected. During the p:~ month a t~ll'd draft worked out by a subcommi;t ~ under DaVid L. Cole has been circulated for ~ stcleration, If it can be approved. it will be p'l'eo cor" t h · -, oent"

() t e PreSIdent as a pollcy paper.

In more than a year's effort. the full 21. member Advisory Committee has' produced only one final papcr for the President. on automation,


Others stilI in preparation are intended to MlJ'I1day, the 1 commend programs for dealing with economic !,h.llilYling the close I

and competitil'e in world markets. sound wan 01 employeeS of t pnce policies. Me. of Customs a

to "ether in the The second meeting to consider ali the;e J\~mphrey Gill

problems wiII bc a much larger White Hou," Duckworth Stn C f .- 'ftlJlr'nOSC of bidding

on crence on National Economic [;;sue, of thcir co·wor· nolV scheduled for May 21·22. The idea f~; of )Ir, Fran, this gatherin~ came from the President's 'who was being r Ac1visor~' Committee. a period of 01'1'1'

Auld Lang Syne - years, : Invitations are going out to nearly ~no ' In the absencc 01

bbor and management leaders sUdgesteci bl' .'II'm,., •• Nifecr, collrclor f, Committee members. President Kennedv 'is erst. .lohn's, ~Ir. P. 1I1ay W, lil57:

Weuthc;': Clcur, hrcollling o\'ercast with rain this after· noon, .


CUllIpleting a mercy mis· sion to Forteau Bay on Lab· rador's Straits of Bellc Isle, a Unitcd States Coastguard plane landed at Gandcr at 10.00 p.m. last night with a burned girl on board in serious con· dition. She was taken to the Sir Fretlprkk llanting ~Iemorial Hospital. Tlw 225 mile IIi~ht f!'Om Fortean Hal' whcrc the girl was tal,pn ,;l1oard, after slw was t;lkcn out of thl' !luc· hI'!' lIintt'I'!;ll1d hy Fr{'neh·Can· ,lilian IUlllbel'jars!; who shot the rapids of Ihe F.,ldlllo Ri\'~r,

\\'as the cnd of ,I harn day for the ('l't'W of the plane.


Amerkan aUlhorities at Fort Pepperrcll stated that 24 more workmcn will leave Torbay this

morning fill' Grc!'nland. The Newfoundlanders will leal'c in an Army 'fmnsport Command Giant C·54 planc. Intrmllediatc stops will be made at Lalll·a· dol'.

* ,;. ,~

ilEA \,Y TRAFFIC Traffic ol'rr the Top,ail

Hoad was IllltlSuall)' hcal'Y o"er the week·end. A motorist re· ports seeing appro:;imately 120 automobiles passing a hal!' mile area in about thirll' minutes. ~Iany of tilt' out.of.\t;\\,n resorb were patl'o:1izpd and aillTough thr tiny was ('001 larg(~ [,rowd, \1'('1'1' in el·idcn('!'. Bowring Park hatl its shan' of l'isitors al­though it is not) el oll!'lwd ! or Ihe ;;eason.

T"'O S{'!IOL,\HSHlI'S Shurtll' allel' on,· 0(' "If' 01'·

gilnizati(;n's founder;;, the' laic ;III'. James V. Ka\'anagh. dierl NOI'cmbcr last, th~ L.S.P.l'. held a special meeting a( whkh it was decided, as a fittin~ trio

bute 10 thr lahor efforts or the drceaserl, s~holarships in his name hI' established. The lInion now announces that appli. cation forms are now available (0 students who are eligible to compete for these scholarships.

WAGE HATES In the local press of late

SOllie correspondents ha\'e raised thc query whether the curren I inflationarv method of the high cost of 'living might bl' attrihutahlr to excessil'e I<lhor and tl'llei;ing costs. In an l'frort to gain some insight into this mattrI', a rcprcsentatil'e of Ihis ]la]ll'r .Ip]lroached :'Ill'. Lt'o Earle of the LS.P.l'. Asked if lit' \\'ould he pl'eparpd to gi\'p an opinion regarding the I'alr's ]laid to local lon~­shorl'mPIl and those paid to waterfront worl;ers in the l'.S. and Canada, ~Ir. Earle said that rates arc lower than II!Jse paid in other parts along the At· lantic seaboard.

Hi to address the ol)enin session, ' surVcyor. presldrrl. r address paid a glol'

011 k '11 b h . Mr. Preston for I 1e1' spea -ers IVl e t e following sec· duty and the efl

retaries: Treasury, Dillon; Labor, GOldberg: . in which he Commerce. Hodges. If he is in the coul1tr~' duties durin: at the time, Secretary of State Dean Rusk \'ear5, will review trade polic.y. Chairman of the for him ·the est workers an President's Council of Economic Acl\'i,er5 spect of the gener Dr. WaIter W. Heller will review the bus· In appreciation 0

iness outlook,fuUcrl'ice, ~lr. Col

S I b of ~Ir. Sim, I

peec 1es :or government leaders will be, of Kational R( spersed with round table discussions in which an"', and Excise D the participants may get up and speak their m;nd oil'. Preston lI'ith the of

This session is not expected to produte lure of the )linistc an.\· ]'e~olutions or decide any I)olicie:'. It .1 Rercnur, the II

• r Nowlan. As a tol will be strictI.y a communication meeting fa:' friendly relations free exchange of views by pUblic, labor and tween Jtr, Preston management leaders. Governmcnt spoke;. low, Il'orkers, ~ll', mcn will explain their programs and attempt rer)' happy to prr. t I I a very appropriate o co a se ling job on the President's policici hill of his forme

to restrain price and wage incre<:lses. curb and to extend to h inflation and stabilize the economy. Preston their best

the hope that boti

- Strength For The Day These will be the first general meeitl1~s of manv )'cars to cnj :md managcment leaders with go\'ernment nrped retirement.


Ne\'cr feel that you have had enough education, The person Who is trill." r:'w':!~lg in mind and spirit continues to grow to the last moment of his life, He is learning something new in that season of life which we haw come to call aged. \rhen olhers regard him as hal'ing heen laid on the shelf. the truly wise man is putting to· gether faels anrl judgements he has acquirl'rl in past years and eOllling to definite and helpful condusions,

It is a good thing for people

as they rome to what has wrongr'ully been termed "re· tiremenl" to take up special lypes of study, A man I know acquaints himself each )'ear with the bistoric,ll facts of some important era. Anothpr finds inspiration and comfort in his mid,scI'cnties as he can· templates the prodUctions of the great artists and learns more the meaning of their mes­sage. In this day when inspir· ing classical musle is alailahle

. un long playing records, peo· pIe Illay become well !'dllcated in the significance of musical compositions long after they

haY!' left the office ane! hal'e heen tumcd out to pasture.

Several of my friends past scvcnty read between 100 and 200 significant hooks each year Hhey have good eyes) and show themsclves more com· petent in a disclIssion of world problems than do sllppo~cdly

weli·informed men half their nge,

The body deteriorates rather rapidly afler sixt)', hut mall)'

people hal'l' had new and thrilling intl'llcctual e~:peri,

ences )'I'ars nftpl' the~' have started hobbling about on a tanc,

and representatives of the general publie since . In reply ~!r, PI stcel price increase was announced and lI'ithdrai':' his since . furbi This development. has left labor leaders sore .. : towards I aggressive, employers in something of a qUilndr:', the defensive.

The coming meetings may therefore pro· duce more heat than light. Labor leaders are back where the\' were '{VYLOI\

December. That was when President KelElCc!\' 1m direct appeal for voluntary restraint in . bargaining at the AFL-CIO convention in '1, 670 x 15 Beach, Delegates rejected the idea out of hand,'· ~o TRADE ing for higher wages and shorter hours. This is ¥EEDED organized labor position now, in spite of r€Sllr'-·IU

- Letters To The Editor-shown in the steel wage negotiations, under gol' ------ment pressure. A' E H' I . • IC~

Management represcntatives are defildel:' B~ACK~IARSII NARROWS rOWER l.lNE

Editor Daily News, DcaI' Sir,-"Lil'c . and. let.

liI'e" wrote a lettcr to your paper recently on the question of the wires, but not until after letters had been coming in for sometime, and not until after the Council had made their decision,

"Live· and . let· live" then tried to dismiss the defenders of the Narrows as pseudo· aesthetics, I fccl that those. most deeply interested put their names to their letters, and that if anyone who takes the trouble to write is pseudo, it is mostly likely the writers who use pseudonyms.

"Live . and· let . live" also presumed that the writers de· f('tndin~ the natural beauty of the narrows probably never went ncar the place, This could be so, hut it is a fact, that we go up Si~nal Hill many nil:hts before stlpper, and we see many othel's, who rio the same, Wc rlrive along the battery first to get a bel· tel' view anrl sometimes We go along the lower battcry,

It is true that ships coming in and out of the narrows Ret a closer view, but we some· times go out in the harbour in a boat, purely for the pur. pose of enjoying the ships, and the narrows in the even· ing sun.

We ourselves hal'l! experi· l'need severe power cuts, For that reason, we should endorse any plan that we feel would mnke a radical difference to us, and our neighbours. We were off the power for 5 days during the Big Freeze. We had n baby in the house, As our food unfroze we cooked it up on our old incinerator. We ran pretty low on canines, which SOOll lost their romance,

. and on the last day the baby's 'diapers fell In the frying pan,

We. did 110t blame the New· foundland Light and Power for this freak of nature, Their men did a super human job, and

worked night and da)'. Cnless the poles are underground this could hapPl'il again. We don't expect the Newfoundland Light and Power to put all their poles underground, be· cause of it, We had another cut during the bad blizzard when We had the avalanche on Signal Hill, but it was only a matter of hours, not days.

I'm sure we are not so soft and overcivilized that we can· not plan for such emergencies. Since the first crisis we ae· quired some coal, a Coleman stove, and a small heater.

In New York the engineers said they couldn't have a total power failure because the city was divided into grids. Onc day sections started blowing up one after the other and (he engineer in charge was obligNI to cu't the whole city off, and it took sel'eral hours to re· pair. If we hadn't acted, it might have laken days. Al· though it couldn'l happen by a 'series of chance co·rndden· ees, it did,

Illy point here h; thai nature being what it is. and our win· ters being what they are, ,nn human system cnn be entirely foolproof. Least of all ollrs with our pole5 above the ground, where any can can knock one down, A spectacular freeze might bring many down again, but we cannot alter nat· ure. I think from November until 1I1al'ch we shollid have a secondary source of heat for any emergcncy.

If purely utilitarian and com· mercial pr)nciples govern our city planning we might as .well give up now. Considering the harbour and Signal Hill as tourist attractions, would be a mockery, On the grou nds of utility and commercial profit, they can. be surrounded with wires and swamped with hill· hoal'~s,

, Even now as we drive up

Signal Hill we have poles half· way up the Federal Road and they only stop short a little

way below Cabot Tower, Where Hre they going to stop'!

The cable coming under the narrows is only half the pic. ture. \Vhat about Signal Hill? I believe that the wires should be carrier! over Signal Hill, at least to where the hOllses start, in concrete ducts. so that thc natural wild effect of Signal' Hill will not be spoilt.

If we admit that we can never be completely safe from climate or from freak. acci· dent, and if we arc not only considering the problem from tbe standpoint of what is cheapest and easiest, then I still hold to the sentiment that the narrows are beautiful as they are, and if we keep them that way they can be a joy· for· ever,

Yours truly, JANE HAYNES,

Portugal Cove Road,

CURFEW ABOLlSHEn Israel Digest

A further step in the wilh· drawal of I'estrictions on nor· mal life in Israel's borrler areas IVrtS taken on ~rarch 6, when night (!urfeIV was abolisherl by order of the Minisler of Dc· fence in the "Little Triangi'e" area in central Israel. It had been in force in the Little Tri· angle since the signing of the Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan in 1949, The step followed on a recent de· cision of the Cabinet liberaliz· ing military control in Arab areas,

END OF TilE LINE Fredericton Gleaner

Never, except for a brief period in the 1920s, when the CNR ran a Saint John·Quebec service through here thrice weekly, has Fredericton been directly served by a main line

on something of a spot-which has been en· larged by U,S. Steel Corporation's fa\'orable first quartcr financial report. without bene· Ii t of any price increase. It is significant. however, that one of the industry represen· tatives on the President's Advison' Commit· tee is Inland Steel Chairman David L. Block. who was really responsible for breaking a general steel price rise.

The steel price controversy is also sure to be lively topic of conversation at the Business I

spring meeting in Hot Springs. Va,. May 10, . the Business Advisory Council in the Department commerce, this group of big busin,ess heads was . adrift from government contracts early in the ]{e: nedy administration,

Contrary to some reports, President Ke~· nedy has not been invited to addre:;s thiS group and it is probable that no government rcpresentative will be present at ils closed Bcssions,


We glean spiritual harvests from terial losses.-Mary Bakel' Eddy,

" * • Little minds are tamed and subdued by

tune. but great minds rise above it,· -Wa Irving,

" . . Difficulties are the things that show 1,'i'hat

are.-Epictetus. • • •

The longer we dwelt on our misfortunes greater is their power to harm us,-Voltaire,

• • • Wise men ne'er sit and wail their losses

cheerily seek how to redress them._Shakespeare,

" • • • / Some troubles, like a protested note of a debtor, bear interest.-Honore de Balzac.

train. . . tl Frederielon was a. victim of chance Fredericton found It· two of these brBuchcJ ID

the errol' that permitted twu self at the end of branch lines main line thrOUgh th~ tran scontinental railway sys· or' both systems, Realistic think· But railway thinking thIn

tems to develop, By mis· ing then would have co'mbined as nebulous as it il tcdaf'


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pments in for prices . and tnan. )11.

leetillg tee on

ement on I.,... a , snonsible Two Pre.

! the Past )cOmtnittce cI for con. ~ present"·

ull 21. nduced elll, on

HIed to reo mic growth 1 wage and

I these , House I;.;suei'.

dca fol' ,ident's

:.!OO pUblic , )\. Ad\'isorv . i" schedui.

ng sec. )ldberg; COUllt!'\'

11 Rusk of the

Icl\'bers he bus.

ill be inter. .·hieh al1\' 01 1eil' mind.

produce ·ies. It ·ting for bor and spokes· attempt policies

~S. curb

n~s of labor ent officials ie sill~e the withdrawn.

rs sore ani quandry, on

ore pro·

~nnecl~' made i 11 eollectite

n in :\liami )f hand. call·

This is the of restraint

ncler go\·crr.·

lefinitel~' been en· 'a\'orable ,ut bene· 1nificanl. , ·epresen· Commit· L. Block, eaking a

sure to be I

less Council'J 10. Formerly

lepartment ~ cads was cas! in the J{en·

ent Ken· lress this

\'ernment its closed


. the isfortunes ltaire.

b~ • ir losse$ . kespeare .. 1a

'1 te branches P rOUgh the Itinklng theP

; it I. todaf·


• etlres From. 'vil Service

Ad And Sales ·Rules Arson ~n iClub :Officers Car Burning

. Hit By Car No less Ihan three small boys

were taken to hospital yester­day as' the resuit of motor ac· cidents.



\1 rlal'. Ihr ilh of ;lla)', I sured him and hIs · !>Illh~ rio'r of husiness. in the department,

I . o· of the Depart. preciation for their empo)r,.' "f

associates deep ap· generous

Nine members of the Adver· tising and SalcK Club of st. John's were elected as directors at a general meeting held ear· Her this week (May 14th( ac­cording to Donald E. Lawson, Chairman of the Steering Com­mittee.

The directors elected were Thomas Doyle, Leona,rd Levitz, Malcolm Newhook, Robert O'­Brien, Charles Pope, Hcrman Porter, Raymond Simmons, Hunter Winsor and Donald E. Lawson.

1I1r. Lawson further stated that the Board of Directors will meet Tuesday afternoon, May 22nd, to choose the executive officers consisting of President, 1st. Vicc-President, 2nd. Vice­Prcsident, Treasurer, Secretary and Federation Director. Plans wil lalso be made for the first dinner meeting and' speaker, and first social event of the newly formed club.

MUN Of (Uitom, and EXCise gl t. . .

· " r in til(' I(ln~ room. In referring to hiS years of continued from page three. 1O;~:"~rl'l' (;lIl1l'rt Build· srrl'ice he mentioned that ai- It was while he was Professor III kP I'll "tl'o('1 for the .though therc were other work-DIlC '\lnr . .... d of Literature at Valley.field Col· · of biddil\~ UU'I'II'ell 1001'S Itl the dcrnrtment W)IO ha. Ic~e from 10(}9 to 1915 that he

of thcir (·o·\I(\r~rr> in the a longer PCrtofd l~f servrc, .;t hegan to be widely known a~ a "f )11'. Franri, E. Pres· was With R co mg 0 PrJ. e teacher and author under the

· h~ wa' Ilrin~ I'clired after thai he could sa~' that prIOr name of Abbe Groulx, a title . niH Ilmt\··thr('c to 1949, when ~ewfoundlancl b h' h h . t'll ff t"

01 . I entered into Confederation, his y II' IC e IS s I a ec IOn· • 1 family had givcn to the New- atell kno.wn. He was Professor I~r )1",'01'(' of ltr. )1. .~. foundland Customs Department of the History of Can~da ~t the . llllir(lor fOI' t he Pili t a sen'icc of well o\'cr a cen. Frcnch.language. Umverslty In I 1 .. \1" l' .1 ('olford.··· . 111 III' I f'o n 191~ to 1948 · .0 In ... : .. ' . .• tmy. wl1lch he fclt could not 01 ea I I .' I,r. prr'''tI·d. :lI1d In hiS he duplicated in Ihe Federal I where he became famous for hiS

· paid a ':l:l\\"'I~ o:lhUIC I Ci\'il Serl'icc, ~Ir. Presion join· I a~i1ity to develop students fired rml"'~ 1111 Ill,. dr\ otlOn 'N! the customs sen'icc in 1929 With a 7.eal to masler and spread

.'11[1 tnc (,fIlClc'at manj i follo\Vin~ the retirement of his the culture of French·speaking \) ,·.I.lilh hP" performc~ : falher, the laic ,John Preston. Canada. His many publications

dut'Cl durin. the past i 'Yilh the advent of Confeder. 113ve had a deep influence upon .:hrrr )r.tf;. 1I"1111'h [arl ': ation in 1949 he was appointed the thinking of his fellow-coun-

hill! thr r,trem 0 liS, computing clerk and held this trymcn. They IncH/de such · workrr, and th~ r re· i position unlil 1054 when he was titles as "Our Constitutional : o[ Ihr ~enml PU) IC. : promoted to the position of S!ruggles" (191~-1916), ".C~n~:

~pprr("IJtlOIl of IllS faith· : federal sales laK supervisor and dian Confederation, Its Orlgms 'ir,;,·r. liT. Colford. on \~c. : worked in this capacitv until (1918), "The Birth of a Race" · of llr. Sillt. nepnt)' jlll1-: Ihe collection of federal sales (1919), "Our Master. the Past"

of :\;I:\lnal n~'\"l"Hlr. ens· ; tax was transferred to the port (3 volumes. 1924, 1936, 1944). anI. E:-ri;r D'I'ISlon. pre- of Halifax. During the past "The Discovery of Canadn­

)IT Pn'5wn.anhonorary Years 1I1r. Preston sen'ed In .Tacques Cartier" (1934). "His· ~ ',.,Ih tiw IIIfll"lal sl~na· iuan)' capacities including ~011l' tor)' of Canada from the Discov·

of the lll11l'«'r of ~allou- . ptiting l'1crk. cry" (4 \'olumos, 1950·1952), RlICnllO Ihr lI\ln. (,corge; In sR),inJ,( farewell to his and "Our Great Adventure­·I,n. ,\; a t(lk('I~ of tht' former co.wor\;crs it was llis 'l'he French Empire in North

. !"l·latloll, 1'.'lstrng he." wish that the),. one and all. America. 1935-1760" (1958). His )Ir. Pn·;toll :~nd IllS 11,1· . would enjoy good health in the next "Dlume, I.e Canada, fran·

,\orke~;. )1:-. lolll)l'(l was. \'C:lI'S that lie ahead and that cals misslonnnire ("The Mis­happy III prrsrnl 10 him ~arh in turn would he spared sion Expansion of French Can·

;cpropnatl' gift on hl" , mam' years of retirement. ada"), a work of nearly 600 · pf h:; [ormer as,OClntes i pages, will be published shortly.

to extend tn hUll. and ~trs. . CHEW RESCUED Canon Groulx is a member of , thm hr.;! \\'lshcs and I ATllEXS \Reuters) - Sixtcen tile .Academlc canadlenne.fran. hope Ihat hoth rna.)' Iil'e 1 crew me m her ~ were saved calse and of tile Royal Society

, )ears to l'n.10)' IllS well., \\'hc~ the G~cek cargo ship of Canada, Last year he was rctlrement. . ~gl~IOS Gel'aslmos sank after made an honorary member of

reply .~lr: Pmton first Il1It.tlllg the ~reckagc Of. another the Canadian Historical Associ. hiS smcrre thanks. to I ship. ac~ordlllg to a radlO report aU on. and this year, along with

. for. ht~ \'Cr)' kmd i from Tlrann. Albania, man!· Dr. E. J. Pratt (who has also 100m!!s hun anrl as· torer\ here Tuesday. received an honorary doctorate


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from MemorIal University) he was one of tbe original nine re­cipients of the Canada Council Medal, "an award of the highest possible distinction to Cana­dians who, over a period of years, ha,'e made contributions reprcsenting major achieve­m('nts in the cultural develop­ment o[ Ihe country ....

Because of his age, Canon GroluK has been forbidden by his doclor to make the trip to NeWfoundland, where a French colony was successfully planted exactly three hundred years ago. His degree wl11 therefore be conferred by the University In absentia.



The Supreme Court of New­foundland has made a finding of arson against a resident of Windsor in a civil case arising out of the burning of a Chrys· ler car on the Buehans High­way. In a judgment filed late Monday afternoon Mr, Justice H. A. Winter dismissed an ae· tion brought by Harold Good­year against the English and American Insurance Co., Ltd., arid in so doing ruled that the fire had been deliberately set by Goodyear himseU.

The civil action arose out of the burning of a' 1957 Chrysle'r sedan which was found gutted by fire on April 8, 1960 while parked off the Buchans high· way twenty miles west of Bad· gel'. The plaintiff sued the in· surance company for $2,000.00 representing the proceeds of a polley whereby his vehicle had been insured against loss by fire. The defendant insurance company refused to pay the claim, alleging in its defence thnt Goodyear had himself burn· cd or participated in the burn­ing of the vehicle. The defence raised, that of arson, was un­usual as neither the R.C.fII.P. investigation nor the magister· ial inquiry conducted after the fire had revealed the cause of the blaze.

The bulk of the evidence was heard while the' Supreme Court on Circuit sat at Grand Falls In September past. Further .evi­denee was taken in st. .Tohn's following which the case was argued by Counsel, IIII'. Isaac Mercer, Q.C., appearing for the plaintiff Goodycar and lIlr. A.F. Caule for the defendant insur· ance company.

McGrath In Harbour Main

Central Campaign Headquar­ters yesterday announced that .James A. McGrath, Conserva· tive Cn!ndiate seeking re·elec­tion in St. .John's East carries his campaign to the Harbour ~I;lin District. He swings into action todav with a public rally at Marysvale. Guest speakers will be 1111'. Albert Furey, lIl.H.A., 1111'. James .T. Greene Leader of the Opposition and Mr. Art Harnctt.


village school class of six boys and girls, aged 12 and 13, crept across the barbed'wire border from East Germany Monday night and sought asylum West German police reported. ' They said the six nil arrived rain. soaked. without coats or lug. gage.

GROlVING Available records for 1961 on

heights and weights of U.S. adults show that young men and women averaged two in. ches taller that year than· in 19(}1. Male average in 1961 Was 69\~ inches; female 64¥.. in. ches.



At 3.30 p.m. a three-year·old boy from Prospect Street was taken to the General Hospital after being hit by' a car near his home. The driver of the car left the scene of the accident.

. The boy received injuries to his head and back.

At 4.30 p.m. a five·year·old boy, resident of Livingstone street, received injuries whim someone released the brakes on a parked van in which the boy was sitting. The van, parked on Goodview Street, went dDwn the hill and struck a pDle. The boy was taken to the General Hospital. The extent of his in· juries were not given.

A . small boy from Summer Street was hit bv a car at the intersectiDn Df Freshwater Road and Anderson Avenue at 4.45 p.m. He was taken to the Gen· eral Hospital aontl treated for minor injuries.

MAGISTRATES COURT A Portuguese was in Court

for illegal possession of two bottles of port wine. He plead. cd guilty to the charge and was convicted. He received a finc of $50.00.

A residcnt of SI. .John·s was fined $35.00 or three wecks in jail for driving without a lic­ence.

Also in Magistratc'~ Court yesterday two men were charg­ed with being drunk and disor­derly in a public place. They were both' convicted of the charge and were fined $15.00 each or 20 days in jail.

One of two YDuths who were charged with breaking and en· tering a local firm and stealing $BOO from a safe there was con· victed and remanded for sen­'lencing.


Towards better citizenship, greater knowledge of the sea, and wide familiarity with Naval procedures, the Sea Cadets of Canada are continuing their great work, to the benefit of their members, the youth of Canada.

On Friday and Saturday, May 18th and 19th. one hundred and fifty·five Sea Cadets from two St. John's Corps. RCSC, "Terra Nova" and RCSC "Eagle" 'will be on city streets for the annual tag day.


Nfld. Ties With In the new building we also met F, W. Baines, former man·

Montreal agel' of the main branch in We 'have many reasons for SI. Jobn's and Bob Minard,

liking Montreal. TDday we wilL who was assistant here. Both discuss Newfoundland's re- are mainlanders with a very lationship to this great metro· deep love for Newfoundland politan city, destined to be- and very interested in what is come the financlal capital of going on down here. Canada. Meeting these old friends and

One night last week * com· business acquaintances made pany with anDther NelyIound- us realize how integrated is

The day is a big event for the lander who has made her per· the Canadian familv. In our 5eif Cadets. They depend upDn manent home in MDntreal, we caSe Df course we had other public support to be able 10 strolled thrDugh the McGill Montrealers (new citizens and continue their worthwhile en· I Campus heading up the slight old) to call on. We found at deavours. "Terra Nova" corps,· incline towards the hospital. least two in the journalistic the largest in Newfoundland Pausing at the massive' gates to field who were born here. and sponsored by the Tangiers McGill campus we found these We renewed acquaintance Group of St. JDhn's Rotary Club were erected to the memory with "Mac" MacArthur, form· has Dne' hundred and fifteen of a great Newfoundland sur- er Impcrial Oil Company man· Cadets. led by Lieut. Kirby, geon who spent his entire medi. ager' here, who retains very Commanding Officer, and Lieut. cal career in and around Man- happy memories of his sojourn Gordon Wells, Executive Offic· treal and alsD became M.P_ fDr in st. JDhn·s. He now has a cr. The Cadets Df "Terra Nova' the St. Antoine Division of higher positiDn with the com· parade every Friday, and MDntreal. pany in lIlontreal. There is also through their conscientious We are rcferring to Sir T. his puhlic relations officer, training obtain a wide know· G. Roddick who was born in Bernard Broulliet, a prince. ledge of the Navy. Harbour Grace in 1846. A Other Ncmfoundla<nd link.

graduate in medicine of IIlcGill found in Montreal-the Labra· Every year, the younger Ca· in 1868, he became house sur- dor mining companies-Iron

dets trilVel to HlI1CS "Acadia" gec.n at the Montreal General Ore Companv of Canada and in Nova Scotia for special sum· Hospital until 1873. He became Wabush IrDn. There are also mertime training, while the lecturer at McGill and later British NewfDundland Corpor. boys between the ages of 16 and professDr Df clinical surgery. alion and Labrador Develop-19, go tD variDus Canadian Na· From 1901 to 1908 he was dean ment Company. A journalist in­I'al bascs to take ouch training, of the facullv Df medicine tcrested in what is going 011 courses as the . boatswain', I' and memher of Parliament, necd not be idle while in Man· BRNT, and Naval atr. 1896 10 1900 and 1904. He was treal. i[ he has a few hDurs to

Th 1\ 'h tl' h th knighted in 1914 and died at kill hc can find lots to do. We e alY opes. lroug e Montreal February 21. 1923. would like to be able to visit

Cadel movef!le~t,. that many of The massive a'nr! imposing all the ancient and historic 0111' youth Will Jam th; Rc>!ular gates were erecled by his lo\'· sites in Montreal and of course force and make the l\avy their ing wife. IODk D\'Cr the museums, etc. career, . ~any do, and many Another day we had the We found in the Royal Vic. others JOin the RCN (R). pleasure of lunching with a toria Hospital six Newfound.

The Cadets of "Terra Nova" Bank of 1II0ntreal public re- land nurses in various stages of will be covering St. John's lations Dfficial. Later he was Iraining. There are several doc· Centre and West, so be sure to kind enough to conduct us on tors up there from here who watch for them ... buy a ta!:, a tour of his bank's buildi'ngs visit the various medical In. and support the Navy Cadet at the Place d'Armes·SL James stitutions in their turn. Many Corps; Street area. Opposite, of course Newfoundlanders have made

is the famous Church of Notre JIIontreal their home for various

Trcmllcy Dean, 60. a research I F d pioneer in.the cffects Of l Ra',Dne un fluoridated water on dental ,\: "

Dame which we also visited, economic reasons, and there are in reverence and awe. The reo many students at l\IcGiIl Loy·

IligioUs architecture is fabul· Dla, 1I10ntreal University or Sir

. ous. George Williams Universitv. health. died MDnday of a heart ailment. His research. bcgun in i Near ,O'bJ"ectl"ve 1931, \I'on him n u III cro u s awards including the Lasker Award o[ the American Public GRAND BANK-The Ravenel Health AssociatiDn. I Disaster Fund has now ex-

I eeeded $9,000 and with collec·


Col. Jose Luis Lemus. Guate· mala's interior minister. Wed Wednesday of a cerebral hem· orrhage he suffered Monday. Lemus was a member of the military cabinet President Mi· guel Ydigoras named April 26 after anti·government riots.


Hunter C. Moody. 90. who Dnce said he ran a reform school for trotting horses, died here Wed­nesday_ 1\1 0 0 d y conditioned many trotting greats, including the world's champion trotter Greyhound; Hmnbletoninn win' nel' 1II11ry Reynolds; and sCl'en

tions still to come in from Ihe 51. John's and Mount Pearl plus the amount raised by the SI. Pierre LiDns Club fund officials arc confident that the tcn tholl' sand dollar Dbjective wilI be reo alized.

Recent contributions arc head cd by $500.00 from Canadian Association of Lions Clubs $350. raised by The Mortier Bay Club in the 1I1arystown area, $3(}.00 N ell' Glasgow Lions Club, $25.00 Salisbury Lions Club, $25.00 Bennett Brewing CD., $10.00, R. E. Goodyear and Brandram Henderson Ltd. It is hoped that in early June a delegation will visit St. Pierre 10 make the presentation to SI. Pierre Lions Club fDr distribution to the bcrcavcd familics.

The Bank of Montreal is Can. Newfoundland has more ties ada's first bank and fDr this with Montreal tham most pea· historic reaSDn has much to pIe think! offer a visitor who is shown through the otd 1848 building and the modern 14-storey plus three in the tower and four underground, which adjoins. All the science and skill of architect and enginecr have heen woven i,nto the modern structure. However. we still like the high vaulted ceilings and magnificent marble col· umns and rich real mahogany and oak in the old.

In the board room is where we got another thrill. There we found a porlrait in oils of Newfoundland's Dwn Arthur C. Jensen, at present chairman of the Board of DirectDrs. He comes from Harbour Breton and has risen high in Canada's banking field. His portrait hangs in the cenlral position surrounded hy manv great fi· nanciers ~n Canadian history down through the years.

Three Calls Three calls were received by

city firemen yesterday. At Y.~O y~stcrday morning

firemen were called to Colonial Street where some garbage in a City Council garbage truck had caught fire. The blaze was put out with a booster.

Other calls for the day were a washer on fire in a home on Carson Avenue and a chimney fire on Holloway Street. ,

Rmm (APl-The advertising of tobacco in any form will be banned throughout Italy. under a law effective today_ Fines for violations will range from $32 to $160. Fines for repeated viDlations will range up to $3,200.

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A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (8)

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The Mature Parent



:She is 8' hospitRl's supcr\'isol' or . student nurses. a job Ivhich in·

cludes the ability to make pal· lItable to IInll'ained girls the hard and rigorous disciplines of' the nursing profcssion.

One day when I' admit'ed an en· ameled brOoch she was wear·

,ing, her husband toid me that her students had gil'cn it to her for a recent hirhday. Then pride shining in his face, he :said, "Go on, Helen, tel! her about that string 01 pearis you're wearing. "And turning back to me, said, "It was scnt ,to her from three a! hcr grud·

:. untcd childl'en in thrce' differ· . cnt states who got together ,to ·send it to hCl' for Christmas. Go on, tell hCl' what they said

: on the cal'd, Helcn . . . ."

After she had told me, I said, "What do you do when onc III

'~'ol1r students haiks at \l'1l:lt I )'ou tell her to do~"


She Inu~hr(1. 1 say. 'Collle on,! ami I'll do it with )'OU,' .. she saicl. "When I was in trainin;! tlmt's what my supel'visor stled to sm' to tiS. Nel'er W;JS shc unwilling to hcll) us dn what shc'd told Ufo to do. I gucss I

you mil!ht sa)' tiln! she talll!ht I me the secrct of disciplinc." I

So is the seCl'ct of p.ll·cntal dis· cipline thc willinl(nc55 to do what wc asl; childrcn to dll, al· though manl' parcnts \\,on't !Jc' lieve this. •


r·_ .. _ .. _n_,-,;u_._. -"_."-"-"-'-;-"-"-"-"-'-"-"-"-, . ., Soczal-Personal I I '1 I - Column II I I

• ¥ ~ I • * • FRO~I RENI<'ORTH 'RUmIAGl~ S,\LE

A. N, Peatman of HenlOl'th, I A 'rummage sale, sponsored N,B" is in st. John's on bu~i·· by the Sir Humphrey Gilbert. ness and is registered at the Chapter, lODE, will be held in \ Kenmount Motel. Hoiy Cross Auditorium, Patrick,

• • • Street, on ~1ay 215\.,' at 7.30 II

GRAI)UATES p,m, Miss Judith Monaghan, .,. • I

daughter of Dr, T, T. and ~1rs, I.O.I),E. JIlonaghan of Corner Brook, reo The regular monthly meet· i caived her bachelor of science ing of the Sir Humphrey Gil·' degree at SI. Xavier Univer· bert Chapter, LO,D.E., was sitr, Antigonish, N.S., on Wed· held at the home of the Regent, nesday. She reccives the can· l\1rs. D, H. Gosse, 6 Watcrford gratulations of her friends and Bridge Road, Tuesday May 15th relatives. at 3 p.m. Reports of secretaries

• • • and convenors of eommittces FRO~I TORONTO were received. The report on

Bruce Campbell of Toronto, the send·out turkey teas was is in st. John's on business and very gratifying. At this meet·

I is registered at the Kenmaunt ing, the members contributed

ll\1otel. . household articlcs which had

• • • been collecterl to be passed , : MAY TEA ol'er to fhe Humber family I

. Tile ~istcrs of Sefl'ice Auxi· \\:hose home was destroyed by Ilary 11'111 hold a May Tea on I fife last month. Final plans: Sunday, May 20th" from 3 to I were made for a Jumble Saie:

, 5,aO p.m. at·7 Garrison Hill. A' to be held !llonday, ~lay 21sl.1 cordial invitation is extended at 7 p.m. at the Holy Cross: ................. , .. , .... ".,; .. . to all members and friends. auditorium,: ............... . Tho~e who wish .to do so, may, • • • ! CONGRATULATIONS are extended to :Miss obtalll membership cards. TEA AND SALE. i Harnum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. ,J. A

• • • The Annual Sprmg Tea, Sale 19 C ' II C tId d . ART EXHIBITION and Pantry Stall will he held I. orm\ a rescen , W 10 gl'a ua t~ on ~Iay

An exhibition titled "POI" in St. Aidan's Church Hall· on : fl0m the Montreal General Hospital. S~hool traits of Greatness _ Photo. Saturday, May 19th beginning I Nursing. Pat will be coming to 5t. John's on graphs by Yousuf Karsh", is at at 3.00 p.m. All are welcome. for a month's holiday. present being held at Memorial • • • University Art Gallery. The OPEN JlOUSE Gallery is open to the public The Al'alon Flying Club will manners from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 10 hold "Open House" this week· A Thougllt

, p.m. each day. end o( May 19(h and 20th. By MILLETT

Lig] ide11

A spicy fragran as the sunshine inspired by the


" .. nrd\\,;nl! you WE summer will

flattering. And I

so be true of yom ie acccssory, Y(

Wllcn ,Julie rlnwclil's, cllmplains or othcrwise 1>:II1;s ilt nn order I te, set the slIppcr tHlllc, some parents find her disohcdicnce I so hlllllilialin~ that they either' luss back 01' precipitate a wi!! pO\\'el' sho\\'do\\11 with .J1Ilie. When Bill)' j~norcs a commDlld to rcmo\'c his fishing tackle f!'Om thc porch. thel' can't rc· mOl'e it thcmscll'cs iesl hc get the idea that he has defeated them. To such parents a child's obedience is always deference to their power over him, and when he denies it, they fccl 50 threatened they either have to force his sub. mission or boi! with resent· ment at his defiance.

• • • Visitors will be shown through I TO OTI'AWA and around all types of light: For Today flower garden of

D. A. Clarke, District Direc. aircraft, ground instructional: . will make you fe

"Rational authority," writes phychoanalyst Enrich Fromm "has its 50ur~e in competence, Its aeceptance depends on Its performance."

tor of Postal Services, left the I facilities and club buildings. Hu~bands are :lWk\\ard 1'",,1""" sailor, roller or IJ city by TCA. Wednesday for , ,. • ,., • deill with; eren kccpir.1 '.. you a roung Ie

r" Ottawa on business. RECM\ ED DEGREE in hoI water II ill not right scent is th A ;\~' " • • • ][oward Clyde- Kirby Weils I them tcndcr.-'I:Jr, Bu(i( wi!l create the r

.. .. .•... ... .. , •... Ac,W' . \ U'.. IN TOW:-i . 01 Stcphenville Crossing reo I ~ _In~g_. ---•.• . . .. ...... ... ... . ........ .... .•. ... .. ....... ;. .," " ... ..... . , '.. : reil'cd his hacheior 01 laws de· . ! \ FRUIT CO:-;SnIP1IOS ..... , ... <.,:. ,. .·i;.,. . .... ....• ,., .. <,' ..... ;.; . NL il;. a;~::.I~n~finD~~.t~~~~I~~ ~~~I~i:tthl~n~~~~~i~·yaliOn ;!li?:~' . "'U' I Dur~ng 1961. prr capi:a

b . d' . i " , I SlImptlon of all frulls· LONDul'-•• r;'U,'''11 ,',hICC", Illargillel, wearing a olle-strap cl'cning gown and carrying a bou~lIet • on lIs1~leSs an IS reglstere( : N.S" on ~lay 17. I![ ,·ou can't attend a shower vou US t' d It arrives nt London's Adelphi Theatcr. In her capacity as president of thc National Society for at the Kenmollnt )Iotel. • • . ' • . : can lillie at about . the Prcvenlion of Cruelly to Children, the Princess attended a benefit prcview performance of : • • • SAVE A LIFE , may send 8 girt, but it isn't I ~qu~a~en~ of ~oo pourci the musical play_ 'BlItz".-(UPI Photo) TO SPRINGDALE A 27,"'car old Toronto man res rUl\. .apPloxlmalely . , .. absolutely necessar)·. I half of which wa! That is cxactly what the popular for our competence in setting considcr others that nobody Mr. and Mrs, Harold Engiand probably owes Ius hfe to what according to the

supervisor of student nurses Ihc table, (or tile cheerful, un. is cntitled to require pro(!f of of Springdale, who motored to an l1·y~a~. ,old g.lrl. learned Book of the Year. was telling us. critical anel unhreatened, my competence. I'm above St. John's on business last about artIfiCial resplral10n from and the man was revived.

"Come on, I'll help you set having to prove anything. )!Iy weekend, lcft the city on Wed· a SI. John Ambulance "Sa\'e a·· • If we must always ha\'e a ch[]rls

ohediencc without lending him into it, Dr. Fromm's and the supervisor's opinions wiil in· furiate us, We will feel out· raged by my suggestion that Julie's disobedience calis for a relrcshment of her respect

it." Parents who must have nohie life is cnough justifiea. nesday to return home. Life" Week course. While two OUT OF JlOSPITAL . CALU~IETS obcdience disconnected from tion of my right to command." • • • friends struggled to rcvive the I i Ceremonial pipts of any effort of thcir own arc FRO~I HALIFAX man after rescuing him from The many friends of Mrs. I American Indians, kno'Po those who secretly feel: That such secret resentment of dangerous waters, the girl hap· Bonnell Hill, will he pleased to i calumets, were respect!!

"I work so hard, I sacrifice so much and am So gencral!~' hounded by the obligation to

lamily responsibility ac. Robert Francis of Halifax, pened onto the scene. She know that !he was discharged I boIs used only on special counts lor this proud altitude N.S., is in St. John'! on busI· directed the men in the proper from the hospital yesterday and I sions. Onp. end of the tll:i:l~;fll toward obcdience is something ness and is registered at the u~e of artificial respiration, I has returned to her home at lISuaJ1y was decor~ted 1Iilm;.:·~!1 that should occur to them. Kenmount Motel. ~ummoned police and firemen 96 Prowse Avenue, head of a bird.



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• \


, A Light, Is ideal

Spicy Scent For. Summer

r-. -.... ,.~ ... ~ .. ~ .• "~" . .,." ..... ', ... , ... ~,


. \ ,pic), rr~~rnncr Is as much n pa~1 of spring and slimmer al thr ~1111,"illr anti nOll'el's. This !lu'l has choscn a sccnt iMplrrtl h." Ihe IJCallty of French Incc.

.\I.I(,\.\ IL\RT A light. spicy fragrance is Ideal

r\/fq~ina YOII Ircal' fol' spring ~d ·'::Il:r .. ~ci' lI'il1 ill' fresh and

fi3I1l'rina. ,\11,1 this ~hould al· !O ~e trnc r: yOil1' most dynnm· ic itCCC55l l ry, Yf'tIl' fl'ngl'ancc.

for this time of year, It will influence othel'S to say nice things about YOIl.

One such fl'agl'ance, inspired hy the beaut)· of French lace, is a mellow mingling of moss and spice that is at once fresh ami completely feminine in nature.

A r:,.".w ~al'l!cn of fashion colors ~i'l 1fl:l:,c YO:I Il'l'l ga~', A ncll' 531:')1', rn!lcl' Ill' Ill'cton wiII give ),Ol a )'OI1ll~ look, But the rigJt scent is the thing that "ill create thc mood and feel· Choosing a lrngrnnce is a mut­

ter 01 instinct. It's designed to


, '. Also - "ep TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS"






Heirloom Crochet

You enn make this lovely filet crochet ~carf in three .lengths and a place mat, too .

This filet crochet will be an heirloom, always cherished. Pat· tern 74~3: charts: directions In No 30. 50. 70 cotton: mat in ~o. 70 cotton.

Send THIRTY·FIVE CENTV (in coins) for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted 1 to ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS. Household Arts Dept. 80 FRONT ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Print plainly N,\ME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER.

give pleasure. So when you find one you llke, wear it within reasonable limits of sultabUity.

Learn to get the most from it. Spray it on all the' pulse points, Try a little on the hem or your dress so thnt you'll walk in a trnil of scent. Spray the bow on your hiliI', the handker­chief you tuck In your brace· let. Saturate cotton with ,our favorite scent and tuck it in your bra. Use it in the last rinse wben you shampoo your hair.

You'll get more sheer enjoy· ment from your fragrance than IIny other accessory, So use It liberally;


SPEND A LOT ON SOAP 1 I HERE'S A TIP ••• ~ Cut soap bills to a fraction. Do as many other practical people do. Simply make your own •.• for about 1~ a bar. A single regular-size CWI of Gillett's Lye and leftover fats make up to 8 pounds of sudsy, hardwork­ing soap. Easy-to-follow direc. tions arc on every Gillett's can. . And for jUlit 25~, we'll send you a special "Scent 'n' Col­our" kit ••• to perfume and colour 8 pounds of soap. Cho08l from Jasmin, Rose Lilac or Lavender. Send 25~ with your name and address, together with the name of the scent ,.OU prefer to: Standard Branda Limited, 550 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal.

Gaile Dugas On Fashion Gay Play.Pals PRINTED PATTERN 4785 F ashio,n News In Knits And Cashmeres

For little sand·diggers-cosy, hooded beach coat plus a bare·' midriff sunsuit, AlI three a l' e easy to sew In terrY'cloth, crisp pique, poplin,

Printed Pattern 4785: Chilo dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6. n. Size 6 beach coat takes 2 yards 35· inch; sunsuit 1% yards.

Send FORTY CENTS (in coins) (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, Please print plain· Iy SIZE, NA:\1E, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER.

Send order to ANNE ADA::ITS. care of ST. JOlIN'S DAILY NEWS. Pllttern Dept. 60 FRONT ST. WEST, TORONTO. O~T.

','lie summer travelcr and the girl who stays at home will love these lightweight fashions. Courtelle is the mIracle fabric used for this three·plece suit Oelt). The sheath Is n knitted silk (center) splashed with flowers. It is cool but not clinging. The

BY GAILE DUGAS on the luxury and soft texture

NEW YORK-(NEA)-AII of the fashion news for latc spring and summer is good. It tells a story of lightweight knitted silks that shed wrinkles, of printed cashmeres, of ribbed, knitted silks gay with print and of a man·made miracle fiber that is light, chic and washable.

of fiilk have sometimes signed and given it up in favor of what they felt was a more practical fabric, But the new knitted silks combine the lux­ury of silk with the ability to she d wrinkles immediately. They are, in fact, the perlect summer tral'elers,

Printed cashmeres in truly beau-In the past, women who doted tilul colorings burst upon the

,'J" .. ' ,

first printed cashmere makes its bow (right) in this ensemble. Colourful cardigan Is worn oI"Cr simpte slce\'Cle,s sheath, An fashions here arc by DuHon of America. And al! are pcrfect companions on a "acation.

fashion w 0 1'1 d this spring, ers arc. The difference lie! Against a downy white back· in the lact that this newest ground, brilliant florets 01 rose, fabric has genuine chic. It has aqua or yeIlow bloom forth, been used for I:nitted suits that The printed cashmere cardigan arc truly handsome. worn with a simple. sleeveless' No matter what your summer sheath makes a costume of I vacation plans-this country or elegance, Europe-t h e s e arc fashions

CourteIle is the newest of the man· made libel'S. It is light, coo I and washable but, of course. most man·made fib'

worth your inl'esligation, They can make youI' travcl life ·easi· er. more comfortable and a whole lot prcttier during I'aca· tion days.

IJASTRO-GUIDEIJ By Ceean Simple Elegance For Summer For Friday, May I B

Present-For YOIt and Yours •.. &pccts rcvert 10 the favorable, and harmony reigns once more in the fnmily circle and on the job. Accept invita­tions for the coming weekend. .\11 unselfish net will mnke an impression on someone who can be of. great help to you in tbe future, so go .nll-out in being co­~pcrativc.

P"st. , . The Ameriean Dowling Futuro, •• Ambitious young-• " sters may have a new money-

Congress held Its first bowhng making field opened to them-tournament in Chiesgo in 1901. collecting firefliesl Elllnlct of Pn'zc !!I0ney for the contcst was firefly taUs will be used to de·

termine 01 i nut c amoUnts of 3 $2,500 and Frank Brein had thc chemical in, the medical study individual high store with a 648, of ~rain metabolism.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (Born Moreh 21 I. April 191 ltBRA (S.pl. 23 10 ~,. 221 , lJon't Jlium yourself by offending thox There's ,:some ~Inor U;,$~t In yoUr. tb,., who Influence )'Our carccr ae.tivities. but don t take It too serIously.

TAUf<US (April 20 10 May 20) SCORPtO 10et, 23 to Nov. 211 SUtCtlS de~dl en discretioa. Trt OCheu are not too dependable un, dct cur· harder to cum )'our tye. zrnt uys, eo be :l do.lt-rountl er. GEMINI (May 21 I. Jun. 211 ' SAGITTARtUS (Nov •. 22 10 Dec, 211 Tuklc those small tasks )'OU postpootd If confined by r~utine, try,to gel out for beuu,e they Ett on your nun... at least a few :T1I:1U1U durmg the d:lT.

CANCER (June 22 I. July 21) CAPRICORN (Oec. 2~ 10 Jan. 20) Under turunt radiatiomt there. mo You'll be.moreJYIP~lar Jf you ltD people 'pIlte like home. about tJU:l( good pat.nts. LEO IJulv 22 I. Aug. 21) AQUARIUS .(Jon, 21 I. Fob, 19) Don't' overestimate )'our stretlgth .llul ResMtt ,the rll:jb~.!I of ot~ers. even waugh tukte morc thlD. you can handle. you don t !tc thlcr,I theIr way. VIRGO lIi.g• 22 fo Sept. 221 PISCES (Fob, 20 I. March~) • Yoa could trtll:" a fC12cl"br brinKin!"JI lTear t~e whole: st~ry before J~~ptD&' to aomcthlnB' othns want to forXd. ~u:uons. ExCrtlSe Ilclf-contro ..

C 1962. Field Enlerpri,,", r ...

A simple elegance is the hallmark of these summer fashlon~. E~SY. s~leath (left) is in a florai'printed silk linen has bateau neckline and bodice out\mclim plplllg. Pearl gray ,two. pieee costume (right) h~s yellow belt and jacket lining. These are, Bcn Barrack deSIgns.


• ·us


BACKACHE Women ,...


Whips Fast­Stays Whipped!

With 30% butterfat. JCI'l can depend on A VQSET

to whip quickly and to St:Iy whipped

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real cream, then sterilized to keep sweet . for months.

Top your best tll'C~!'rt~ with safe. healthful,

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AVOSET . sterilized .



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A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (10)

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~::.: ~:..;~.: ___ .;.., _________ ~ __________________________ TT-~:\TLY~\vS, ~C;T. JOHN'S, N1"LD., FIUDAY, :\[A1', 18, .,

··Temperance '~-'! cnee is obvious and' apparent penitentiaries from being there

all around us. 'rhere Is scarcely through its influence. Its ·rec· need for detailed accounting. ord is an open page as a cor­Disease and death are in its ruptor of political life and soul wake. It is a menace to the and sound administration. health of any people. It is a "hi the United States (and purveyor of brutal' lusts and Canada lags not fur behind) ar­passions. a destroyer of peace rests for drunken drivers has in the home; and. it· honey· increased 175% irl t1w r~s!?O combs' Il'ny community with years. with youth well in the

:., " . .' Thoughts

c '. ;;;}n the series of contrasting ViewpointE of varioHs denomln· ations in their attitudes to al· cDholic beverages we have come

, to~ the position of the Pcnte· . :;' *til Assemblies. Not having , an afIleial statement from this

afowing dNlomlnatlon we ask­e~ Pastor Eugene Vaters. super· Intendent of the Pentceostal As· ie.inblies In Newfoundland, to prepare a statement for ·us. AI·

Pastor Vaters' state· is a personal one It can

r .. ~,~rr1l'll as the attitude to­this commodity prevalent

among members of the Pente. social and private immorality. lead. The trail is tcn IhuUo; •• ,lI costal Assemblies. No homc. be it ever so sacred dead annually on the highways

Pastor Vaters writes: "I re. or pure or hedged about with and a quarter oC a million gard the liqllor business as high the most protective inflUences, broken bodies. liP in position as one of the but is potential prey fOL' this "ln his diredive to state greatest evils among us. 11 has ruthless enemy.. employees at state parties Gov-a history of evil and destruc· "Legislation stands powerless em or Goodwin Kni~ht of C'-li· tlon.· it is SIVClJillg out in to protect the labouring men Cornia is to be emulated by great proportions today and from its dehauchery. and' his all in responsible JlOS.LI~ •• o: bids fair to spread out e·nor. family from the attendant mls- "Cake arid ice cream at state mously in the future. according er)", poverty and shame; and employees' parties are fine, but totts evil and destructive por· it stands powerless before it liquor is definitely out . • • tends of today. My attitude to· as a hotbed for lawlessness, there must be no drinking, no wards it. therefore, would bo anarchy and crime. It docs liquor. no parties or celebrations total and complete abstinence. not hinder an estimated three- of thnt characte~." lts baneful, destructive influ· I fourths of those in jails and Evangeline Booth. universally

held as leader in the sym- io him, and maketh him drunk JUDAS TREE I" t I 'lrs eyeg asses were pathetic and understanding also"-Collosians 2: 21; Ha- The name 'of "Judas tree" factured alrr-ost 700 . touch tOll'ard the seamy·side bakkuk 2: 15), has been given to a species of lea:, of life, bearing upon its rc- '.' . the redbud bccause it is ~[arine supplies m:;-demption. wrote: "Drink has 'i('dhesbc atrhllclc:r .afre dClomd' 'I thought that Judas hanged him· per cent of all the C Ih,c drained mure blood, hung more P,l eye "ell ~un an 1 self on such a tree. eaten in th~ tinitrrl" . crepe. soid more homes, plung- 1emperance FederatIOn to ___ ~ ____ ~,._~_~ ___ ._~ ____ - ____ . __ ~ ___ , . S';I~,. cd more people into ha'nk.· whom enquiries may be ad­ruptcy. armed morc villains, dressed). slain more children, snapped ------more wedding rIngs, defilerl MATING ODDITY more manhood. dishonored Males of the Gould's mana· more womanhOOd, broken more kin, a small warbler-like birrl hearts, blasted morc lives. of Panama. during mating esa­drifen more to suicide, and son, form a long stag line ex· dug more graves' than any t[,lIJding many yards through other poisonous scourge that the rain forest. a procedure ever swept its death waves which ornithologists believe across the world." attracts females from a greater

"My altitude must be. then distance than if each male I (eo·llsonant practically with courted his own. I evangelical Christianity as a whole): "Touch not; taste not; Powdered bark of aspen is hanllle not." "Woe unto him given to horses as a worm that giveth his neighbour. to medicine, according to the En­drink, that putteth thy bottle cyclopedia Britannica.


670 X 15 NO TRADE $12.95 NEEDED

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There 1'ou'll Find .Experieilced And Courteous' 'GET SET FOR FUN· 'N' SPORTS .

Sales Personel To Serve }TOU.

Photo shows interior of T~cklllall & Greene's Groccl'\' Store . , , Cookstown Hoad,



24th M.EN'SSTURDY SOCKS .............. , .............. ; .... , ...... , .. 39( .. to $1.10

MEN'S HEAVY FELT-INSOLES ........................................... , .... 35c.

MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS ............................. , ................. , .. $1.75 to $4.45 . . MEN'S COTTON CAPS .................................... 49c., 95c. to $1.45

LACE·TO-TOE ATHLETIC BOOTS UPP~l~ of durable dUl'k. Long \Vcarin)! ruhher ~olr, with \\'hlle r~inforc~d foxing rubher toe Dumpers. Colours Black With Whltc 1 rim. , LITTLE GENT'S Sizes .5-8 ............... $1.19

BOYS' Sizes 1-5 .................................. ~ 1.49

YOUTHS' Sizes 8-13 ............................ $1.29

MEN'S Sizes 6-12 ................................. $1.69

CHILDS' and MISSES' CASUALS In colourful corduroy uppers, with plain toes, foam cushion insoles. Rubber soles witb white foxing. Colours of Red. Green. Gold. CHILDS' Sizes 6-10 .......... 98c.

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WOMEN'S CASUALS III colourful cOl'duro)' uppers. with semi larer· . ~d plain lacs. Foam cushion imoles. rubher snles with while foxing. Coloul's of Grcen, Cold Red. White. Black. Lilac and ~[ull i.

Sizes 4 to 9 ·····$1·,39 and $2.98

fal11telL (. 'HIorvwe-.....

GRADE II A" SMALL EGGS ............ 45c. dox.


INSTANT COFFEE ................................ 29c.

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20c. pkg. SUNTAN PANTS , ..... ", ... , .. 11 •••••••••• 11 .......... : ..... " ••••• $3 .• 25 to $4.95

PANTS WINDBR.EAKERS · ................................................ $5.95' to' $11.95

PLAST!C.COATS ..... , ........................................ , ..... $1.98-to $3.75

HEAV~ ,RUBBER COATS BLACK , ........................................... $5.95 SPECIAL

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TEE,SHIRTS .............. II ••••••••• I •••••••••••••••• ItI ...... II ............ 79c. to $1 ~4S COMBIN~TIONS UNDERWEAR ................... , ..... : .. $1.98 to $4.50


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.PHONE 8-3257 PHONE 8-4342

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CHOICE TOMATOES 20 ox. Tin ........ 19c.

LYNN VALLEY SLICED PEACHES ~ 1 0 01. . I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15c.

BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE TEA .Best Quality ... I ••••• , •••••• ft •••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• 79c,

Jacklnan & -Greene GROCERS'



PH: 8·2353

___ .-________ '~·;·"nry ___________ •••••



No _ Many J

were 5:

was receivl of the de~

of iU~ess w artial paraly

~ of JOyce Gu b marriage er . s of Bngu . Brigus to Mr. ;

pomeroY an.d gl in thiS 10

died while shl clJild. TM fan: of George. Hele

and Bill, who. \ the fatner . die

up oy Inelr . ~ for so gent: OlarrJea a I

Roberts, Georg' £vie Gushue an' tradition Joyce

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Ilrigus, \00, ehal placc; Mrs

. oy IlCC,Jlnc tnl Harold Kmg; 5

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tJU5mcss. wlln later JOI


till' uappy ci "";I,l,,"in~ news. Joy

from the~ periods

hO;pllal she ~.vilop new ailmen

11lne5S is was had multiple

lor wnic lIw~belm found. The

week and at. I Ilhiiiv.\tlree this you

. to rest, ... ~ ''''.'0' and l1eler

went to rep ~lrs. Reub.

mother. has lin,Hwith the childre Ifai~~onle time and w E10!une present.

number of for wbo were not

attended the among then:

wife. ~[uri her husband, McDougall, M

Mr. and Mrs. 1 and many loca

lis.i~ch comfort to s time of sorro~

annual Canci I iIl"Rri~lIs resulted

collection. S2( Fred Bartle committee a

l:elJ)lectors were Mrs Edmunds of 1 Lou Spooner

Daphne Percl Clark, Mrs. June Walke

Hisco*ck 0

the grateful


and ?llrs. J relaliV~' and

eJJiO'lin. the flyinl LilvrPn,'. GOI'in, f

Hisco*ck. of . some years Iii

.,!"!!!'Dailld and foUl Zealand. :rhe

.; 'lsen N ewfoundl: !If ~!!!""]Q does not

viSiting bu' Claire, as s'

to take u I'isit endcd

a .-:"'~' old friend If only h

a':uiL_ and good of her g:

could be p as Canadian What a wei. be! She wil Weeks and weatherwi:

dampened are warl


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A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (11)





'c. b.


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I ' . /CoupleCelebrate L 1- Notes Notes C· .' t- . B

CA~BONEAR -lIlr. and Mrs. took place on Sunday afternoon! duties. We extend her a warm Jer~ml~h . Thoms c:lebrate~ at 3 o'clock, of Mrs. Mary Brin· ! welcome to the parish of Lama·

nrt' ot the dcaht~ laft.er theIr flfty·second weddmg anm'l ton, aged 91 years. Following I line. • o( iUne," II' W I In· I M th I versary on Saturday last, May the funeral service, in St.!

I tial paraly5lS and 'Offi · I 0 · A d Bl e on y 12th. They were married ill SI. Joseph's. she was laid to rest' Mrs. Catherine Walsh, form· ' parOl Jo)ce Gushue ~e. CIa; pep, lng . n essing Meet.ong James Church by Rev.' F. W. in the R.c. cemetery, Allan's: cr resident of Point )!ay, now

hrr mal'nagc h Jo~ce Colley. They have two sons, Island. Rev. Father Hanton,' residing at S1. Patrick's Mercy , o[ Brigus, S c was '. . ' three daughters and a number P .P, officiated. I Home, wishes to extend' her

, in Briglls to )tr, anl~ ~lrtS' Of S CI ' C al H h CARBONEAR, May 14-Thc I of grandchildren. Shc leaves to mourn onc sincere thanks to alI her kind I'on\cro), allit grc\1 ~ 0 • t t ' eg United Church Women held its I "!'e jO.in w!th. their many ad· daughter, Mrs. Micliael F. Col. friends who remembered her

in this \Own. cr • are sen r I. regu~ar mo?thly meeting. thIS mlrers ,Ill wlshmg Ihem m~ny lins, fourteen grandchildren I with gifts and greetings duri~g: , 'died while slWI was a _ evenmg, WIth the Presld~nt, more ~ears of wedded bltss, and fifteen great·grandchildren, I the Easter season. ?peclal

child, Till' tallH y con· Mrs, F. W. Bradbury presldtng. and by the way they look ~nd also one sister, lIIrs. Charlie I thanks to friends at Point May, a! George, Ill'wn, Joyce, S hI' Carbo near There was a large attendance. act, they are assured of Just Dodmin, St. Pierre. Several' Lamaline, Allan's Island, For· d !lill, whu was horn C 00 The West End Group, Mrs, that. ..' neices and nephews, at St.: tune and Grand Bank.

3~ /aillcr died, werc , ' G. E. Hedges, lea?er, had !IIr. Thoms, ~esplte hiS. ad· I Pierre and a wide circle of I . t ~I) u)' lI11'ir muther, a charge of the Devotional and vanced age IS remark~blY friends, Deepest sympathy is

t3;k [or ,0 gentle a per· •. ,,' , ,'" . " the Beach Group, IIIrs. Nicolas I smart, attends ~odge meetl~gs extended to the bereaved Jllen mill'l'IC(\ it IOc,lI \lOY", 1 Clarke, leader, presented a Skit I regularly, walkmg from Imh· family. cllobert;, l;~lIl'~e a locat ~ that dealth with women's rights town to the Orange Hall once D'redge Job

Evie liu;tlllC ilnd tollUW' to serve on Church Boards. and twice a week. in warm, cold I )lis5 ~(ahel Haley, who had I diliol1 Jll)'I'C mJmcd • jlcv. F. W. Bradbury.conducted al~d stormy weather. He can, been a patient at the St. Law., Lnng Pond

tr~u;nlll" a pI'U\I\lSlllg .' the Bible Study, winch centc.r· stlll dance as well as a teen.: rence :'Iemorial Hospital dur.; .., carpcnter, Tite),. nl(lvcU ed around the Church I~ ager though we. nrc not SlIre, ing the past ten days. returned I. . nlallllall~ alllt III llJne tne ,Terusalem and Corinth, speCl'j he can do the tWist but we feel, home on May 5th feeling much, OTTAWA - A $136,200 con· , H"IIU,'II (,lbllue and. two , __ , " ' ' ficall" its members and what he is agile enounh for even I • d' tract has bcen awarded by the

• 0," , Improve . I D t t f P bl" W k · Lorl1~ and ~liI\I Jomcll. they were like. As its for- that. __ I • epar mcn 0 u Ie or s to " falllll)' ~rlllll) lI'ere 1I10st mall'on he said it had as memo I B' thd t ,The J. P. Porter Company . , , II' ay gree ings are e:<· i . . '" III ,'llllll'Jl'lIng, lllO\,' bers J esm His eleven Discip· t ddt A' FI . g ,LImited of Montreal, Que., for , ., Ob ° en e 0 nllle enlln , 'd I" h b IlnJll.~ tu Harm', unt;ll'Iu. les a few Scribes and a few Ituary d It f 1I! d M i reI gmg III the ar our at

U wo'men an(l he pOl'nte'd out that SalllC Iter F?I : r. Aanll "rIs, I Long Pond Olanuels). Nfld., it lOlli' Itlll~ .I\'IS JUllIe v ves er emmg, an s s·, . d b IIOII\~ , II'('IC III JOllll anll the women had been with -- I' d h I b t., I f'f I was announce y James A.

. . ' 1IIRS 1 UCY RAKER an , w 0 ce e l'a eu IeI' I· ~[(' tl :\1 P f 5t J I ' tile I\Illnit IW\l\g onl)' Jesus right through his mlms· . • t th b' thd n Mav 14th • c ,ra I. • .. or . 0 III S 1 11 III ' II' and had been the very last CARBONEAR, May 12 - I een. Ir ay 0 ,. .' East, on behalf of the Hon. IIlUllln, "Ill aliI \C e eM Y d I Gmetmgs come from her famllu

to stand by Him, pointing out There passe ~way at ler i d' hi' David J. Walker, ~linister of ,c'il )Cm. I home South SIde East, on I an sc 001 pa s. Public Works rlrl,ll,. IIlll •• lIangcs were for once. and all, that wome~! A ril' 2Bth. last, LucY, widow, Greetings also to Gerald , . '.

Place; .Iirs, .lcnl\lc have a l'lght to all Church actl. I p lIB' . B k I Pittman who celebrated his '1 he fmn submItted the low· I . . of the ate]l r. enjamm a· I b'd f th' t

vI' lIce.IllI' llle Wile U vllles. I d . t .. five ,16th birthday on ~[ay 22nd. est 1 .. 0 ree In response 0 'ri'a·rul.n hlll~: ,Illee thcn" Among the chief character· cr. Decease was SIX) i adverhslll" for public tenders

.. f h b tI vears old and for more than! -- h' hi'" d A'I 11 1962 ,110 )(lIIIl~l'l' 110)' lI'ert: I Isllc 0 t e mem ers were Ie • . h db'. James Flemin" son of :llr . w IC c ose on Pfl • • alllt l,c\ll'~c ,wrted .1 j firm convictions that (1) Christ ~hlrt~ years a cen a seml' j and 1I1;s Vincent' Flemin" 'ar: • The highest bid was SI54,BOO,

, "11,(nl".'. II.tll IllS .roull·, CARBON. EAR - st. Clare's tlcmen arid the reverend gen· I cise their rights, and fulfil h d . . (2) AlI prophecies Invahd, ,. "" I Thc work i h d II d f m U h I b d k I Ilemen who represented the their obligations and at the a men, D t h . apa'ity <he rived herc from Carol Lake on I' s se e I e or co . urotner I.ter jllllllllg nllll, 'C~nlral Hlg~1 Sc 00 e ec e had been fulfilled in Jesus Ue 0 cr. mc ,c. • I , pletion in eight months. HIli II a, a .1IeecsslUl I With flags lIas the scene of .an various school boards and the I same time maintain a partncr. Christ. (3) They had received I took no part m ~nythmg but :lla~ 11th. The dred"in" will remol'e l:.1l'lIlI'CI'. hisloric event when ceremonlcs schools in this community. He ship that has enabled a hal" a nel~ covenant, and (4) The her home and~dfamllY, ftohr WhlhCh Archbisho;-P J Skinner ahout 120,00~0 ~ubic yards of

, ' tOI,·II .• p',.,' ('irc\c came at Carboncar marked the memo was happy 10 welcome his I moniolls growth in the edu.. f' f g' she often I more an s e· , " 'at '01 f . " " • d 'I 2 1n "2 brotller prl'esls on this J'oyous cational field in recent '·ears. JOy 0 SIOS or Iven. h Id h S '.' g r five C J:l1 accompanied by ~Ion. m ert rom an area varym ..

. . , Junc was III orable ay of .' ay , ",). , The President conducted the S ou ave, l~rvI~m Fa ~ d si'g~'o;' Summers Vicar Gel;eral from 300 to 500 feet long by f·tllt~I'I'I" tlll';1 oil willI 'I',h.c special.fcatures of thc .of. occasion, UnsUnled praise was I His Excellency mentioned b in s period and since It sons John. BcnJamm, re an " widths of 250 to 4BO fcet Some

f I d bl g given to the contractors, ,the large number of sC:lOols us e Sit· Wiiliam of this to! and Eli· of the Archdiocese, spent the h' h " d'. Il l 'riuds al home ICla opening an esslO d d H II f tl' tl t h btl' th was the last gene,ra mee mg ., ' '.., T t. f'lve weekend here with Rev. Father I Ig spots In an a jacent

'I 'I t· ,cClllc!l Iu began at 1I00n when thc Whole Saun ers an owe or IClr i \a ave een er~c e(.1ll e of the Fall and Wlllter S!!SSlOn, 'Jah, resldmg InTho on oS' . Hanton P P His Grace cele.1 dredged arca are to be remov.

In InO:\llll"lall'I'II'~nb. III her student body of. St.. Clarc's, fine 1V0rkmanship, to the sub· dIOcese over a penod f[ years th 't b't f bu . I daughters, Mrs, omas wam, ,. . I d All f th d do' 0 'll b ' I d d tl I I contl'aclors, Finn's Gara"e Lim· with the necessary burdens eretwabs qdUI eltha .. Ith 0 Sl' I Bell Islan(\. \\!rs, Geor~e King brated the Holy Sacrifice of the, ct . 20 fO t eb Ire .,lln~ WI. t e

I ,.'. 1\':1' dlscu\'crcd smal'l y ressc In lelr sc 100 ~ ness 0 e ea II I ~ I 0 ee e ow ow \1 a er hll ~r" I'UIPI; 'cherosls uniform of white blouse, blne ited, to whom' best wishes fur borne by the parishcs and . ': and IIIrs. William Butt and l\liss 1I1ass in S1. Joseph's Parish; level a ~Ill 1\'111 h ' no CUl.~ guimpe and beanie to match, future success was extended. ultimalely involving the sac·: Dr. Florence :'Iurray, a medi· : Eva, of this town, and ~Irs. Church on Sunday morning and i .

1~:~)'!OI::~d, TI1~ end clime rece~\'ed Holy Communion at :Ill'. Max Oates, the construe· ri.fic~s of the peopl~. In reo I cal Dr. on furlough from Seoul, : Pleman Clarke, of Victoria, parishio,ners from all parts of I The turning basin will pro. k d t til a"c 01 a dialogue mass offercd es· tion foreman was complimented l'leWlI1!! the expendIture on Korea, and Miss ~Iarion Thomp· : fifty·five gl'andchildren, sixteen the parIsh were In attendance. ,\'ide facilities for shipping in

wte' all,. aruu\l~ m~thcr peciaIly for them in St. Pat· on the manner in which he eduration made by the Small· son will be visiting the organi. 'great.grandchildrcn, a sister.: : the harbour. At present large " till>. " rick's Church by their revered maintained harlllonious rei at· wood Government he noted zution on Friday, .Tune 1st. and Mrs. Leonard Barrett, of this i Mrs. Christopher Pittman: ships hal'e dilliculty in turning llid t~n~c~t;,'lt'll. the onl~' pastor, Rig,ht Re\', J. \Y. ~'ed(lI.e, ions among aJI concerned. Last· that the present government de· members are asked to set aside town, and a brother, John: left here recently to reside with: and leal'ing the harbour, Long

. t I pre 'cnt the D.P. ~Ionslgnor was asslsed In Iy, though by no meant least, served a weII·mented v~te of. that evening and to attend the Clarke, at Sydney, N.S, to all: her daughter, Barbara. Her i Pond is a l'ommunity on the we~, on ~~b 'n ~ (iushue the .dist!'ibution of Holy Cum· as l\1ansignor pointed out, he thanks" He offered ~ ~tncere meeting. of whom we tender sincere con· I many friends wish her much' south side of Conception Bay,

. r.. el C , mumon by ReI'. Father Simi· considered it one of his most expreSSion. of apprc~latlOn to dolences. I happiness and contentment in aboul 18 miles from S1. John's. · motner, , haj been stay· low, Assistant Priest at the important dulies to express Mr., PremlCr and hIS govel'll' Mrs, G. B. PowelI, :llrs, G, E, The funeral took place on her new surroundin·gs, : Plans and specifications were

wtlh the children and ~ohn Palace, HI', Gr~ce. pleasure in hal'ing prcsent, ment for what thcy have d~ne Soper, lIlrs. Si Butt and the April 30th. to the Unitcd! __ : prepared in the SI. John's, lome tllne and II'lll continue At 3,30 p,m., His ExeeIleney, Reverend Mother Jamcs. ~l()t· for the welfare of the chIld· Rec. Secretary were appoi~ted • Church, South Side, where Rev. I ~rr. and Mrs. Bernard Hale), Newfoundland District En. the prc;cnl. . ~Iost ReI' .• J. ~I. O'Neill. D.D" her General of the Prescn· rell. to attend Pre"bytcry meetlllgs F. vi. Bradbury conducted the! spent the weekend at SI. Law· ,gincer's office of the Depart. number 01 tunncr ilrlgU5 Bishop of Harbour Grace·Grand talion Sisters. He refe\'l'cd to In addressing the students, at Winterton, T.B, on Monday, I funeral service. Hymns used: rence with their daughter, :III'S. ,ment of Puhlic Works, G. E,

' ~ho \\cre 1I0t too fal' to Falls accompanied by mcmbers the grand record of achieve· His Exeellcncy said: "the door I June 4th. I were: At the home, "Safe In. Bernard )!urray, : Knight. District Engineer rHar. atlended the 1.I~ncral" o~ of the clergy and acolytes ment of the Sisters in Car· 10 advancement has been open· I ! the Arms of Jesus"; at the i __ : hours and Rh'ers En~in~cl'in~) , among thc~1 le~ Kill!, carrying lighted candles, en· bonear in their preparation of cd, bl,t nothing that the I ~ Church, "We cannot think of: ~lls. Colemiln, hOllsekeeper at . of SI. ,Tohn's, will he rc,I'on.

his Wile, ~1\lflc1 1{Jc\U\~'ds tered the spacious auditorium, worthy citizens of the city of church, the government or the i P I" ° ,them as dead"; at the grave· the Prcsbytery. Allan's Island, I ,ihle for sllpcn'ision o[ the her hu,band. )Irs .. LllIt· proceeded to the stage and In llIan and worthy citizells also of teachcrs can do will be able i re Im.nary ! side, "Abide With Me". arrivcd here from SI. .John's on· work. llcDougalt. )Iona ~praek· the presence of a cllpacity atali· the Kingdom of God. He ex· to make up for your lack of IN" '" ____ .. _ . .,_ ~_, __ . ___ ,_". _._

~Ir. and ~Irs. lIancy :llct· ence, rend aloud the liturgical tended best wishcs to the Sis· industl'Y and npplieation. otlce· . I • and many lorai [mnds. Is blessing of the church invok. tel'S undcl' whose direction the Everything humanly ~ossihle I

~llth comtort to see old faccs ing God's benediction and schuol func,lions and ,invoked has been done to prOVide t.hej CARBON EAR. May 14 -The Carbonear peace on "this hOUSe meant for God's bl~sslllg on theu' work opportulllt~ for you to acqt!lre I United Church Women gives ° the education of youth," Hay·! for th~ IlIteJIeetllul. and moral a sound ~Igh school e?,ucahon·1 notice it will be holding Its I Newsy Br.efs

annual Cancer Campaign ing' completed the blessing of I form~tlOn of the gll'ls of Ihe The. rest IS up to )'ou" I nual Sale of Work and ·sup. I

Brigus resulted in a very the entire building and having Ir two parishes. ' Ihs Excellency referred to an Wednesday October i collection, 5203,45, laid aside his pontifical robes Havillg rciterated the rx· I the teHchers as a matter of the per on " 'I CARBONEAR-7\lr. and ~Irs, I

Fred 8anlctt was head His Excellencl' and attendants I prcssion of gratitude of the i highest importance, for he I 31sl. next and the public IS I Eleazar Pottle have returned i Ihe commillee and her loyal returned to the auditorium to I Right Rev. Chairman to the I said, a school regardless of its ~s~ed to please reserve tbe I home, after spending a week ~ ! were :tlrs, Bar!')" Miss the strains of the processional I asse\obled grcsts, His Excel· physical endowments is only a e. I with relatives in the Capital'

Edmunds lIf Honeh'S Line, march. Here, His ExceJIency IlellCY in scholarly fashion in· as good as the teachers who , City. i

, Lou Spooner of the Gul· was prescnted with a spiritual dicated the glorious opportun· starr it. However, he pointed I Minister of Education. After I -.-- , , Daphne Perc!')', ~Irs. Lii· bouquet from the pupils of St. itl' for our bo~'s and girls aC· out the proud record of the conveying the good wishes of I CongratulatIOns are extended

Clark, :tlrs. )Ioores, and Clare's High School, as a 'tok!.'n forded by the new and 1!OId Presentation Sisters is welI· I Dr. Frecker, hI! expressed his I to Carl Oates of "Carbonear" June WalkeI' and Mrs., of their appreciation and fi· concept of the Smallwood Gov· known to aJI the people of lown pleasure at being present, I Air Cadet Squadron No. 589,.


ACROSS CANADA? Ili;co*ck o( Bl'igus. To I delity to their Father in God, crnmen in the centralization of Carbone;)r and he wishes to I He cumplimcnted the girls on who was recently chosen ~o i

collectors, their chairman I In the meantime the senior I schools, His ExcclIency reeog· pay tribute to their unselfish I their beauty and blending of take a Leader's Course this: grate[ul thanks for and junior glee clubs had nized the importance of adequ. labours, often under trying their voices and went on to coming summer. He will be!

tflort. readied themselves for the ate training for jobs but circ*mstances in cold, iII· stress that education is the leaving for Summer Camp early I

musical perfurmance oC the stressed the Cact that eduea· ventilated and entirely in· business of the church, the in July and We wish him every! llr. and ~lrs . . 1. W. Hisco*ck evening. In a delightfully reno tlon should mean the develop· ade~uatc building~, especially state, the community, teachers, success.

relativcs and friends, are dered. weIJ·balanced, program· men and unfolding of the stu· durmg the depreSSIOn years of parents and pupils. In words Ihe flyinG visit of Mrs me, blending the solemnity of dent's spiritual and intellectual the 30's, With this fine new of wise advice he reminded Mr. Todd, a recent graduate I J Gorin, formcrly Miss the IJturgical with the haunting faculties, since the proper oh· school, His . Excellency looks the girls they are thc- guided I of Pine HilI Divinity CoIJege, I \

HiSco*ck. of Brigus, but melodies of Thomas Moore, ject oC the humnn intellect is ~orward 10 gwnt forward steps I missiles of tomotrC)1v's society I will be Ihe guest preacher at i , lomc ,ears living with her thev entertained an audience knowledge, there is 01' ought to lR the years to come. and that in their various fields the United Churches on Sun·

. and lour children in which by rapt attention and be a feeling of fulfilment and An ev.ent of major signific· they must strive to prove them· day next, occupying the North! Zealand .• The distance be. lavish praise evidenced cnjoy· personal satisfaction in the anc7, HIS Excellency rema~k. selves worthy of the guidance Side pulpit in the morning. Mr. : ~'

!'\cW!oundland and New ment and appreciation, acquisition of knowledge for ~d IS the advent of the ChrIst· they receive from the Sisters Todd is to be ordained to the ,1

Claire, as she is known, most distinguished guests with learning the pragmatic sanction H~gh School, Ha~bour Grace. After renewed thanks from land, He will be a member of ' :t',


does not admit of back At the c.onclusiDn of fue its Dlyn sake without forever Ian Brothers to care for t~e and of the trust that is placed United Church Ministry shortly I \~' visiting hut :III'S. Govin, choral selections some of the applymg to the process of boys of thIS area at st, FranCIS in them. after he returns to the main· I~l

to take up where her Right Rev. J. W. Peddle, D.P., of uti~{ty. Quotin~ ~rom the H~s Excellency paId a person~1 the Right Rev. Chairman the the :'Iaritime Conference. \ ' ~.~., l'isit ended and not only as chairman, took their places En7yehcal on Chr.lshan Ed~. tfl~ute to the zeal and dedI' ceremony ended with the Ode I -- i ,,\ ,

old friend,1 but. makes ,on the stage. In his introduct. cation by Pope PlIlS XI, Hts catIOn of the Brothers and to to Newfoundland and the Nat· I The Salvation Army Corps, ~ ~ ,;i{,j' . If only her enormous ory remarks the Rt. Rev. Chair. Exc~lIen~y concluded, tI~~t th,e success of their, pedagogic~1 ional Anthem. wiII be celebrating another, \t'~"\ ~ ~\. \. {.

and good will, to say. man, on behalf of the people ?Jan s prImary purpos~s In .lIfe ~ethods, and predicted a brl.l. Among the dignitaries and anniversary during the weekend: \~;;~!) ~ '", .~', \i-' , of her gift for organi. extended a welcome to all, IS to love God and hl.s neIgh· h~nt.future for St. FranCIS invited guests were the fol· of May 19th. and on Monday, I ':.,~~;~,; ~'H~ \: 1\

could be piped into Bri. However, a warm and special bOil I' and thus save hiS soul. Hlg~ School., . lowing: His Excellency, lI!ost the 21st. They will be sending! \. \).W.,· ~~. ~\. as Canadian power is into welcome was offered to the AlI else Is secondary. ~he FllIaIl.v, ,HIS Ex~cIlency In· Rev. J. II!. O'NeiJI, S.T.D., out Anniversary Teas. We pre· I f' \ ~1 :1\;' ~. what a welcome thing it the Premier of Newfoundland, purpose of true education ~ok~d ~od s blesslllg on ·these Bishop of Harbour Grace·Grand sume this wilt take the place i \ • \

be! She will be here only Dr, Smallwood, who, as leuder therefOl'e, should be the de. IUstit~tlOns as a pledge of Sll~' Falls, the ,Hon. J. R. Small· of the Banquet that highlights Weeks and I h'II' I of the Newfoundland Govern· velopment of thhe whole man cess III the years Ihat he wood, D.C.L" LL.D., Premier the celebrations in other years. IeI' c I ~ we· th t . , d h d" ahe d weathcrwise has in no ment scI his seal of approval. -:- e ralUlng an t e lSCIP· a .' , . of Ncwfoundland, Right Rev, Tickets for the tea are now on \

dampen d i . 't on the progressive policy for hng of the Intellect to rccog· The RIght Rev, Chairman, J, W.IPeddle, D,P" Carbonear, sale for the moderate sum of \ are e IeI'd shPlfl tS' this province a~d who through nize truth and of the Will to having thanked His Excel· I Hon. C. lII. Lane, lIIinister of one dollar.

warm an ear s . cmbrace the good A f I II d D S II H It I M d 'I J R ' and thaI's alI that ,financial assistance made it . hi' . 5 pro.o ('ncy ca e upon r. rna· ea I, 1 r. an HI'S. . . 'bccome a reality. Monsi/mor agamst tetra m.ng of the m· wood to address the gathering. Tucker, Right Rev. E, J. _ I expressed the deep satisfaction teUect alone, HIS Excellency The Hon. Premier having e:<· O;Brien, b.p., Northern Bay,

.\ Yer)' SUee I I S d he felt in the presence of referred to the highly ed", .prcssed his appreciation for Right Rev. J. M. O'Brien, D.P., 'ess u upper an . cat d f th ' . t th d t· , . I b V or Work was hcld in St His Excellency, Most Rev. J. e men. 0 e 70mmllnl~ e commen a Ion gIven him Pa ace, Har our Grace, cry

A I, . . III O'Neill our beloved Bishop world who are IlSlng thelr by the' Right Re\'. Chairman Rev. J. Hogan, P.P., North ng lean Hall Brlgus" , br'n I p t t . d tl B' h ' d 9th b ' whose keen interest during the al s 0 erpe ua e a rCl~n an Ie IS op, stressed the River, Rev, ,T. Howar, P.P., ~f Y the \~omen:s twenty.two years of his bene. of tyranny such as the world fact that education in New· Harbour lIIain, Rev. M. Kin.

Th St. George S ficient administration has led has never before ,seen and foundla!ld' is not the responsi· sella, P .P., Holyrood, Rev. E. , d en Slim of over two to the construction of the two where any idea' of fundamental bility of the government ex. ,T. Walsb, P.P., Avondale, Rev.

mcmb 0 ar~ was realized. high schools S Francis at human rights is unknown, and cepl in 50 far as 10 provide R. Walsh, P.P., Conception help:~S ~ISh to thank alI Harbour Gra~e f~r the boys and to the philosophy of despa~r the funds to the churches to Harbour, Rev. G, B, Pumphrey, Or donati~n ~ork, allen., SI. Clare's at Carbonear for the Of. Joh~ Pal!1 .Sartre and ~IS build, operate, equip, maintain P.P., Tilting; Rev.W. Shallow,

especiall 0 ma~e this girls, both receiving' students eXIstential dlsclple~ whose m· improve and ever to extend Harbour Grace, Rev. Brother of gene Y so since 8, from ,seven fe6der schools. f)uence!s responSIble for. so the schools. He congratulated Penny, Provincial of the th ral sickness pia. :Monsignor pointed out the im. much pOIsoned current hter· the youthful performers and Christian Brothers, Rev. Moth.

IIII'. John C. Penney returned home on Sunday, after attend· ing the funeral of his brother· in·law, the late IIlr. Edwin Sam· son, one of two drowned whilst on a fishing trip. The late 1I1r. Samson, a former resident of Flat Island ,Bonavista Bay, was I thirty.nine years of age and he is survived by his wife Dorothy and two chi.\dren, to whom, as wcIJ as to the Penney family, we extend deepest sympathy.

To assess the mood of the nation from coast to coast, and to give REPORT ON BUSINESS rcaders a concise running commentary on the progress of the c\ection, expert Globe & Mail rcportcrs arc covering every facct of the campaign. A top political reporter has been assigncd (0 cover the .campaign or each party leader. Other Globe & l\IniJ reporters are travel· ling the country to send in first·hand reports of aU the most lively and important dcvcJopmcnts. Keep up with election events by rca ding

e community for some mense advantages of eentraliz. atu~e and also to the prag· said he decmed.it an hOllour er James, Superior General of ation In providing a, varied matlsm of John Dewey, and its to be invited to open officiaJIy the' Presentation Sisters, Rev. programme for the senior stu· resultant effects on education. the school for although it is a Brothers Darcy, Murray, Nash. dents, especially of the one The \ask of Christian, edu· source of great pleasure to him Duffy, McHugh, Murphy, SUo and two·room type of school, c~tion" His Excellency stated, to assist at the opening of new periors and Sisters of the ns well as in giving the teach· is a social and ,not an individual schools anywhere In the prOVo llearby convents, Mr. and Mrs. ,ers of these schools an oppor·' activity.since man is born Into Incl), It is especially so for him Clarke" Mr: ilnd MrS. IF. R. '1unity for more effective con·' three societies, namely: the in this area since Mrs. Small· Kennedy, Mr. and MrS'. J. J. centratiDn on the work of the family, the civil society or the, wood is a' native of this tow'n, Conran. 'Mr: H: Guy, <Mr, R: J, lower elementary grades. Mon· state (both of Which Ilelong t,o Dr. Smallw~od l!.xpressed .thc Connolly, Magistrate and Mrs, signor' expressed his pleasure the natural, order) and the ,regret of his wife's he}ng un· Trickett, Captain and Mrs. 'hi having present the mayor, church. These three, societies able' to attend 'and delivered a Hicks, Rev. Mr, Bradbllry, Mr.

-has a new resident station master, . Mr. who lived in Brigus

years ago, has returned his lami!y and have. al. taken up residence In

provided by the

new received Mr. Saunders, the provincial though disthict from one an·, message. f~om her to St. Clare's a,ndMrs. W: Saunders, Mr. and lIIother S of the passing of member, Mr: Clarke, the fed: other are meant to be coordln~ as "n token "of' appreciation' of Mrs.' B, Powell, Mr. J. Finn. reSiding ~rs. Cobwln, aged eral member, Mr. Tucker. lIe 01 cd to achieve their respect· her former music teacher, lIIr. and Mrs. J, Moore, Mr. and . To h In Lush's Bight, ~Rpprcciated the fact that these lve ends: The happy: COOPer· Mother, Clare. Mr~. H. Davis, IIlr. and Mrs.

Spl ekr, and h.er sisler gentlemen found time to . at· aUon among all three" here in The final speaker for Ihe G. Newell, Members of the ae lin, sympathy. is tend. He cooslaered.it a pleas- Newfoundland, has made il evening was the Hon. )11'. Lane, R. C. School Boards of Har.

ant iluty to, welcome the, gen. possible for all three to .exer. Minister of Health, Acting bour Grace and Carbonear. " . . '." / ., ,' ....... #111' .... . • ~ • t" .

. I

, ,

Mr. and Mrs. F. J: Taylor are now on the Canadian mainland, where they will attend the Graduation Exercises and also the wedding of their son Keith.


dred thousand rainbow trout eggs will leave Saint John,. N,B., this weekend bound for an artificial lake in Sardinia. The! RCAF is flyig out the eggs to I populate Flumendosa L a k e, ncar the NATO air base of I Decimomannu, where Canadian airmen car r y Ollt weapons I training, as a goodwill gesture I in return fol' the hospitality I'

shown Canadians there.


= a Hi

iht Ilobtnn~ :mu.il Report ,on Business' EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY


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A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (12)

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10 •

' .. '.

Adams 'Named "~ . "

'Honoury President The SI. John's Amateur Bowl·

Ing Council announced today that Deputy Mayor William Adams 'had been appointed Honorary President of the Council,

In accepting the om~e Dc·' puty Mayor Adams stated that '. the newly formed Bowling'; Council wl11 dD much to foster I ! IllI?re and better bowling in the' cny' of St, John's, and across the' Province.

He felt that by sponsoring Junior Bowling alona the Coun· cil would mOre than justify it's clIistence, and will in effect be providing supervised indoor playgrounds for the youth of SI. John's.

Deputy lI1ayor Adams pledged his full support to the Council and felt that the SI. John's Municipal Council would' do. BILL ADAMS

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likewise. He hoped that all SPOI'lS minded people in the

i City would take an active in. , terest as well.

By TilE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League

Cleveland New York Minnesota Chicago. Baltimore Los Angeles Detroit Boston Kansas City Washington

W L Pc!. GBL 18 11 .621 -18 11 .621 -19 13 .594 ',1 18 15 .545 2 16 14 ,533 2\2 14 15 .4113 4 13 15 ,464 4',1 13 16 ,448 5 t4 19 ,424 6 7 21 .250 lOll

P'~BLIC NOTICE Tenders arc invited for the supply of the following:-1,000 tons StOlle Chip to the following specifications:- .

NOMINAL SIZE lh INCH TO No. " Amounts finer than each sieve % by weight

% inch ,,,,,.,, ................ ",,100 1/; inch ........................ 90-100 ~s inch ............ ' ... ; ...... ..40-70

No, 4 .. " "" ,. .. "" .. : ............... ,,0-15 No.8 .... "" ........ t ........... 0 .. 5

In addition to these gradation require~ ments the material must satisfy the pe­partment's requirements for Los Angeles Abrasion and Flakiness Index, Fifty (50) .pound sample must be delivered to .the Dept. of Highways, Soils Laboratory, Gov­ernment Building, LeMarchant Road and Bennett Avenue, Prices quoted to be 'delivered' Highways Depot, Davidson Avenue, Bell Island, C.B. Delivery must be completed before June 15th, 1962. ' 05% Social Security Assessment Tax must he shown separately. Tender marked "Tender for Stone Chip", should reach the undersigned not later than noon, Tuesday, May 29th, 1962. The lowest or any tender will not neces­sarily be accepted.

C. POWERS, Director of Supply,

Dept. of Municipal Affairs & Supply. my18,21


Cards Nip Yanks Tied With

1-0; Indians

Giants Johnny Ro Breaks Reco


AMERICAN LEAGUE Orioles 6' Angels 4

owel ig N~

PITTSBURGH lAP) - Mil· PHILADELPHIA (AP)' - Un· Walks 355 M~!es ' ~lVRRAf OLll 'waukee Braves clobbered Pitts· beaten Calvin Coolidge lIIcLish, Fla. (NE

,},::,:",:,:,:,,,,,~, burgh Pirates for seven runs in registered his' fourth straight like it's going the first inning Thursday night, pitching victory for Philadelphia MONTREAL (CP)- ~o~nny Df the red ned then breezed to a 7·2 victory Phillies Thursday beating Cin. Rowe. 33, of Toronto, flDished, John powell, behind tight pitching by Bob clnnatl Reds, 9'6. He hasn't lost a seve,n·day marathon walk I "ilTlore outfielder Shaw,' a game, from Toronto to Montreal It< into the act

Shaw gnve' up eight hits and However, the 36 - year . old Thursday breaking his own equipped il didn't walk any in winning his righthander failed to go tho elght·day record, Last year, . d as bIg an . fGurth game. He gave up one route for the fifth tlme this R()we walked the 355 miles in powell is g Pinto run in lhe seventh when season while taking Phillies out the opposite direction. ' UI Bil] 'Virdon hit his first home of a five·game losing slreak and Rowe walked up the steps of tigr~~ti~~ t::er~\\

Yankees 2 Red Sox 1 Only Games

NATIONAL LEAGUE Cards 1 Giants 0 Braves 1 Plrates2 Phillies 9 Reds 6

run of the seuson, cracking Reds' six·game victory Montreal's city hall shook "How'd yoc ge By THE CANADIAN PRESS Braves scored three runs off string, Jack Baldschun an·j hands with Mayor Jean Dr~p·, . Boog?" Courageous Marshall Bridges starter Bo~ Friend in the first Chris Short pitched the ninth eau, and delivered a message' do yOI

and veteran Bob Turley com·' on three Singles and a double. inning, from Mayor Nathan Phillips of the outfiel( bined for a superb three· hit Outfielder Bob Skinner then Phillies touched up four Cin· Toronto on the day and hour he parodied the pitching job Thursday as New dropped a fly bal] that allowed c,innat~ hur!ers for ninc safe· said he would when he left rna twan:: foreign York Yankees edged Boston one l~ne8rned run to. scor~. Tom ties, mcludmg home runs ~y yor Phillips a week ago. I'lorida dr R d· S 2 1 Slurrllvant came on In rehef and Johnny Callison, Sammy White e OX'.,, has bee 'D ' b' fl d b gave up an intentional walk, a and Don Demeter. Jimmy ''I've never felt better on n Alll!llU"" esplte emg oore y a at the Orio

line smnsh off his forehead, re· single and a triple by .Howie Be· O'To~le took the brunt of the long distance walk," Rowe said ,. ''au can hardl Iiever Bridges climbed back on dell for three more unearned slugging and took the rap' for as he eame out of city hall. He • f the mound and completed the runs, his fifth los5 in eight decisions, had averaged 50 miles a dUl'. a Illoost 0 a final two innings for his first 2 and 240 poun American Leaguc victory, It G ' d N -~I1.:;'~:,~nl the power

:£~'~::,i':",: (;:,"= ...•. ,...... uar s. ame AAU Of C . ::'.iB~:~"E:~;;~ pions broke a 1·1 deadlock m' S t C h R D ~t~~~i:h;:lrh~;;~~~~~yFo~~!~,~~~_.;~por s Oat eSName, ,ace at who lost the five hiUer. Mantle .~:...;;...."";..-; 6. . , The Amate~r, Athlellc Umon I In the cases of ~lin!" For powell that' stole second after one out, then !lilt . The Guards Athletic Associ· of Canada offiCially announced Juveniles, Birth When it was m continued to third when catcher 'i~', ation announced their coaches their summer sports activity must be produced as . : Gentile, the Jim Pagliaroni threw the ball ~ for the eomming summer sports yesterday, Fololwing are the age, t"",'IId)~lm baseman, that into centre field. Mantle scored ,~ ''--'':''J last night, following a meeting . list of events: I Track and Field "Cry much, D the winning run on Elston HoW· ._.- . of the executive. I Saturd~y, August 25, 10 mile The Tr~ck anrt Fie!.] "Doesn't ard's sacrifice fly to deep left, JULIAN JAVIER Brian Whipp a native of I run (Semor), pionships for 1952 wlil tl doesn't m, CARDS BLANK GIANTS Wales and Physical Education Wednesday, August 29, 3 mile at Gander on Satllrd,,, blond

In the only other afternoon three runs in the second inning, Instructor at Prince of Wales I 'I run (Midget). ,11th, and athlete; ;;',1 is timid, DOE game in the majors, St. Louis Doubles by Jerry Adair and College was appointed to , Wednesd~y, August 29, 5 mile concerned are notified t! ready for the scored an 1tneamed run off Billy Triandos scored another Oriole handle the Guards junior and run (JuveDlle). I and' official cntn' forlr.' two and a h O'Dell In the ninth to bent Snn run 'In the th' d \"h B I' sC'llior football teams. , Saturday, September 15, 10, sent Ollt to all ,\thletl':' ball? FrancI'sco 1.0 behl'nd the G·hl·t lr. f en e tn· Who h 'd' St " ' d .. I sky walked Powel] and was re. IPP, w 0 arrIVe JD , mile walk (SeDlor). ! tions in the bland I" was rca y, \( pitching of Bob Gibson. plac d b D Ch B d John's only last fall, has all· ,Wednesday, Scp.temher 19, 5 course, so that the',' '('to \'ears ago. I

It "'as GI'bson's fl'fth victory e yean ance.· ran t d k' I d h' - . " promptly dOUbled home two rea y one soc er tit e un er IS mile walk (Juvemle). filled out and rr\urne1 \) harc made i against two' losses, He struck more runs for a 6-1 lead. . belt as coach, Brian guided the .Saturday, Se~tember 22, 20 Secretary so that an :cel wOllld have I out 10 Giants and olten had Anrlpl d ff . Prince of Wales junior College mile Walk (SeDlor). be obtal'ncrl as to h", The big s~uthp them sWI'ndl'ng late at his fast or s score one rlln 0 wm·" ball, b ncr Art Quirk in the second and soccer 11 to win over St. Bon's .Saturday, S~Ptember 29, 26 will be competing in II!:- in as a first

In Ihe ninth Red Schoendienst ·three off Hoyt Wilhelm. and Bishops em their way' to the mile r~n (SeDlor). . I A delegation from the switched to singled to the left and Julian Intercollegiate title. Entnes for these races. Will will shortly make a trip~: Gentile mad

dd Brian, who is schedule to pleas,e note that they w, 111 be' der to meet 11'I'tll the "J( he bets with Javier running for Schoendienst F ° Gr I th 't h' 'f II " tt stole second and moved to t 11' It' d t' St J h ' . k t b ,. h' d re! Ie ,over eave eel y t lS commtng a , req,Ulre.d to have a medical eX'ltee there to fl'nall'ze base, mu el

as year arrive I . 0 n s In ammatlon from Dr. M, Edge· latl"'c to tile .' to as 0 e when Ed Bailey's low throw . f' d I went Into centre field. hme to per arm m three games comve on the night preceeding 'following thi, mectin~'" 0 t lat to

Javier scored on Charley Named A H L MVP with the Guards senior team the race and they wlll have to cial release will he - man on tI,le I James' single to deep shortstop, and boosted them out of the DAVE CHAPMAN go to his ,5u:gery in th,e Ken· JOHN V. RAIlBITTi has Imp

Stan Musial. nceding one nit celler to fourth place in the mount BUilding for thls pur, . count Just a to become the all.time National NEW YORK (AP) -Freddie league standing, Reg JOOles last year was one pose, after which they will be Mantle of League hits leader, did not piny. Glover, 4·year-old right wing Whipp has called his first open of the top pitchers with the issued .with a slip from' the doc· ·IF YOU 'ARE 18 time we !

BALTIMORE (API _ Balti. for. Cleveland Barons, was practice for Monday night May Guards junior team, while Cran· tor which must be presented to I ' "Whitey more Orioles chased Bo Belin. named winner of the Leslie 21 at 7,00 at the upper pitch of iford will be returning for his the Secretary of the A,A,U. be. TRY FOR A set up prett) sky of Los Angeles Angels un- Cunningham plaque Thursday the Ayre Athletic grounds, second year as coach for Camp· fore the race, otherwise there' AS AN ARMY the blazes ou der a barrage of extra base as the most valuable player in Also named last night were be!. will be no raee for them. No grlmaccl hits Thursday night and handed the American Hockey League, the men that will coach the athlete will be allowed to run Youn men with Junkr ' I threw hi their no.hit conquerer of May Glover, who holds all of the Guards junior and senior base· Dave Chapman will handle a race without medical clear- culalion or belttr can and he hit a ! 5 a 6-1 setbaCk, league records for all - time baU teams, Bill CampbeU, who the senior team as playing ancc. I first step to"'"l'd, a I t~~ll~t~:'ila~g, clean sing

The rookie southpaw, who en· scoring, poUed 23 of 40 possible last year guided the junior base· coach, returning for his second As in former years the ath· career as an offim i:~ ~lickey tered the game with n 5·0 rec· points in the balloting by sports ball team to first place in the year as the Guards regular first letes will meet at the East End; modcrn Arm\' hI' you got hi~ ord, failed to last the third In' writers, and radio and tele· regular season sta'lldings, will basemalll, and will be assisted Fire station to be transported: enrolment ill 'the' Officer next time

d I I " b d t . h I b b k t th h I I th' by Bob Campbell, who will act I ning and was charge w th al VISion roa cas ers In t e ea· e ac a e e ms nga n IS to the starting line fill' ea~h I date Pr02ramme. a'J~on~O~' 11f~~~~~ B It ' , g , . ht 't' 'th R J d as manager, Eric Crocker as .-of n lmore s runs, ue s elg CI les. summer WI eg ones an race. liul comptetion of '

A Ik t G T ' d d B C II f B ff I PIC 'f d h trainor and Wince Oakley as wa 0 us rmn os an arry u en 0 u a 0 was au raDi or as coac es, 111 months trailling., ,I'OJ b k t b k h b 'h . hid C b II I t pitching coach. ac - 0 - ne ome runs y runner·up Wit elg t po nts an amp e as man~ger as year f C L d commissioned .5 l sh~rt rookic John Boog Powell and player·coaeh Fernie Flaman of dropped the first two games be· K ft' ea S officer for a period oJ' . Jack Brandt gave Baltimore Providence was third with fore bringing the Guards In I U' , • years and enter .

seven, first with six straig11t wins. upon a chal1cn~ing acd

Caribou Darts to Hold

Presentation The Caribou Open Darts

League will hold Its first ann· ual dance and prescontation of prizes at the Park Lee Saturday night starting at 8 o'clock.

The award winners are as follows;

Open LeagUe Series lst-Carlbou Lounge 2nd-Hillview Tavern 3rd,-U, N. F,

Caribou Lounge won the Pep· si Cola Trophy for finishi(lg on top of the loop.

The St. John's Transportation team won the Knouckout series and for their efforts they will be awarded the Dow Brewery Trophy.

Indlvid1tal Winners Top Average - WaUy Tizzard Top Three Darts. Wally Tlzzard Top Single Leg - Barry O'Neill Top Three Legs - Barry O'Neill Most games finished - Sam Tulk

Bob Cole, "Mr. Sports An· llIouncer" in SI. John's will act as master of ceremonies.

"'---------------- Rough Riders Again while career which will

R M · 0 0 I your leadership abilili€!

oger ans ut n Sign T ucker ha~~~ak~~it~~t~ea~fa*g~i~~~~~! r~~~t}'o~/~e:;~~;i~~l~!l,. billiards tournament as the reo and adventure,

D T D B · OTTAWA (CP) - Ottawa suIt of a big 281.20~ by Tom :The successful sllOrt ay ,.. 0 ,.. ay aslS Rough Riders of the Eastern Brewer Jr. of the Kn~ghts ov~r I fieer can latc\' appll' Football Conference Thursday Ern Boone of the Firemen In status with it, man), announced the signing of Whit- the first game of a, double. career advant.1gcs,

BOSTON (AP)-Roger Maris, inning Wednesday night. He Is man Tucker, 21·year·old offen· hi eade!:" ahtt the Central FIre Hall for the Officer

baseball's home run king, was batting ,309. sive·defensive halfback from ast mg " gramme arc bein~ sidelined by a leg muscle pull l'I[aris was in uniform and the Univer~ity of Western On· Brewer went wild on the for the next course Thursday, adding to New York rapped out several stinging tario. breaks scoring twelve 26, 11, 11, in September, Yankees' headaches, drives in a batting practice, , 13, 11, 12, 18, 10, 17, 16, 13 and

The solemn.faced Maris, who Thursday. However, Houk said, The ~mdsor~ Ont" nallve, 10 for a total of 168, Boone had established the record of 61 almost grudging in his admis. who weIghs 17a pounds, was breaks of 10, 23, 18 and 14 for homers last year in the ex. sion, he couldn't use the slug. voted the m?st v,aluable player a 65 tota\. panded American League selle. ger as a pinch hitter. Maris of the uDivefSlty team last The second game saw Ed Butt dulc, was ,out of the lineup, missed two games of the 163 year: He was also chosen for of the Firemen take a 122·105 against Boston. Manager Ralph (one was a tie) that the defend- the mtercolJeglate all·star team decision over Frank O'Toole of Houk said the left.handed slug- Ing American League cham. the Knights, Butt had breaks of

12 and 12 while O'Toole had ger's condition wlll be deter- pions played in 1961. He had a lone break of 10. mined on a "day·to·day basis." benched himself for one against (onservatl"ve The tourr.'lment will IlIOt re.

"I got the groin pull last Baltimore after he hit 60 hom· sume until Tuesday owing to night stretching for that home ers because he was "pooped," the Federal Government long run ball that Carl Yastrezmski Houk, shuddering at the Darts MeetlOng weekend holiday. hit in the first Inning," Maris thought of a prolonged absence said. 'by Maris, feels the injury Is not

"Naturally I want to get back serious but is haunted by its ,in there: I'm hitting good right uncertainty. now and I don't want to' lose Already Yankees are tampo­the touch. All I can say is lIiat rarily plagued by the sub-par it sure hurts now." form of their pitching staff BATS .309 which had given up 36 runs in

Maris singled twice in three the four games prior to Thurs· trips before retiring In the firth day.

The Conservative Club Darts League will hold a meeting to· night at 8.00, The busines;. of the meeting will be the obtain· ing of trophies and a special presentation, All members who have played in the League are invited to attend.

Comets Practice Commets will hold an impor·

tant workout tonight at the Vic· toria Park diamond starting at 7 o'clock and all players are asked to be on time,

Get full detail; righ~ without obligation, by your nearest Army Station at the addre;; or by mailin,~ the .' coupon;

Canadian Armrd ForI!! Recruiting Centre,

Main Post Office Bldg" Water Street, 51. John'l, . Telephone: R .. ~9i.

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'lI\ct Field )()62 WIll bl Saturday.

hlrtc< a~<J llotifi~11 of

ltr), (orllIs ~in I Athlell··

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rcturnell to I:lal an idea ,1' 10 h"\\


'hampion . ~lecling an ,I ill he mad~

n:\ UBI TIS, Secrelary

: Centre. )[fIee Bldg .• t. St. J obn'!, 8 .. 294.

me. without ,tJils of the )rogramme.

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owell, Baltimore Recruit: Inter· Club H·owling .

ig Neck, Big Arms, Big Bat ~:~~:'~ ill ~ ~l 'in \\' Ol.DER~IAN, \ P. McLeod 199 159 171 :129

~\.i~I~,1 F'Ia, (i\EAt) bT~: STRIKING' PROSPECT VI O' 928 1083 1056 3067

, li~C it'> gomg 0 e c- . of Ihc red ncck. . A 1200~/; P. Mackey 169 255

John powell. the recruit 1#10 ·1..00/(tfj C. Moore 113 116 245 669 153 382 117 424 230 632 199 503 944 2610

outfil,Ider, threatens /..IKi J.lE'l..L A. Ivany 170 137 into the act. I~e's ad· IN7'IMIO.A;~ L. Holden 190 212 rqnl(!llcd lor tt, with ~/#gJE~ ,J. Spratt 148 156

. k~' big and red as any I, JOHN I 790 876 nrc 'r'owcll is gctting sick . ("' ........ G) I st. Joseph's-3: Bo~g . h • P"''''' 14 rcd of two qucstlons c S I !<" lI1aher 170 173 271 6 d, II~Cll1n~ CI·rrYlI'here:. I : G. Critch 188 187 185 560

, " "lIoll"d ,or gel the nark· ,L. Walsh 221 244 191 656 I .. I G C 'h ?19 148 240 609 , 800~~ . ' . 015 w

.. \\·hal do ,'ou thank of I A. Hunt 161 144 231 541 Ihr onillcld'!" I , 959 901 1129 2980

parodied llH'm lI'ith 'R 1 Laurier Club-O: IlIan~ [OJ'rlgn 10 his suft , J. Brown 171 191 I l'Iol'ida drawl. I I ,T. Brown 147 Hit

124 486 154 452 155 456 164 496 176 630 777 252D

ion has hN'1I drall'n to I E. Walsh 171 126 at Ihe 01'101 camp be· [ I R. Donovan 182 150

I lOll r,1Il hardly miss him, ; I R. Dillon 211 243 . .. mOO'l of a 20·),rar·old, I 882 861 , and 240 I'ound;, I!e rep· Guards-2:

Ihc pOllcr that s sup· Cullmore 173 192 163 528 10 hOI. I Ihe Oriolcs. I S. Fisher 175 184 254 613

1hr ;ll,IIe[< In Ihc qucstlons: McKinlay 262 280 222 764 : I "II, dad used to call me W. Oakley 222 183 254 674 I • Boo~er', II got shorted G, Fuller 253 250 297 801 600; , I' 1

"I don't mind p ~yang tIC

for pOlleli Ihat's a ~(lcecll. When i1 "as mentioned to

Genll\c, Ihr Irrepressible , ba,cman, Ihat Bong doesn't

lcn mudl. Diamond Jim . "Doe,n't know how." doesn't mcan the bi~

blond from Key 1.1 timid, Docs he bclicl'e

read,' lor the majors aftcr I 1110 and .1 h~lf ycars of

i I ball' "Ilia; rrady." hc said calmly.

Icars a~ll, I don't sa)' I 'h,'e m.lIle II Ihcn, hut I

1I0111d halc liked to try," bl~ ;l.uthpaw swingcr

m 3; a flrst baseman but l ,wlll'hed to the outfield , Genlilc madc good, "If he LeiS wIthin 15 feet of

, ba;c," mlltlcl'cci Jim, "I'm 1110110 a;k to be traded. They un'l do Ihat 10 Ihe highcst 11 j man on Ihr dub,"

Powell ha, imprcsscd others 'h~ counl just as much, Like lllek!\' ~Ianlle of the Yankees.

"Flililime wc sa\\' him." said )I:cke,'. "\\'hlte) f Ford) got him let up prell)' good and he hit the blazes ont of him."

1085 1089 1190 3365 Felldian No, 2-1: D. Squires 190 182 222 594 A. Miller 128 208 212 548 C. Feild 1132 203 241 606 J. William 232 322 185 739 J. Edgar 264 229 239 732

976 1144 1099 3219 Patricians No. 1-2: Gallagher 233 182 262 677 A. English 194 319 171 684 M. Spearns 187 205 257 649 A. Joy 162 249 155 566 E. Kcarsey 243 230 204 677

1019 1185 1049 3253 C.E.I.-l: D. Coombs 232 176 152 560 H. Squires 213 229 209 651 G. Spurrell 140 156 218 514 H. Vivian 215 185 313 713 E, Batstone 199 209 227 635

999 1955 1119 3073 Holy Cross-3:

and he blasts it into right. Two I him for his glove. All he's J. Wadden 266 156 241 663 pitches, two hits, The guy looks got to do is dupli.cate Itis fig· I W. O'ReIlly 138 244 176 558 like a giant up there. Big neck. urc~ at Rochester In the Intcr· I J. Carey 202 263 356 821 bi~ arms. big everything," natlooal. League last year· -·8 G, Wadden 203 198 236 637

The Unil'ersitv of Florida bad 321 baltmg average. 32 homers. Cranshaw 299 193 216 708 Powell signed t~ a leiter of in· 92 runs batted in. 1108 1054 1225 3387 tent to piny tackle in football. Then Boog .Powell could even Celts-O: The Orioles got him with a I refuse InterVIews. I R. Bursey 193 138 169 ~OO bonus. and they're not force· feeding him. Weight could be a problem for big Boog although he professes not to cat much. CITY INTER-CLUB

BOWLING SCORES Forn grimaced: "T~e first

p::ch I threw him was a fast falllnd he hIt a shot o\'er short for a clean ~inglc. After the inlint. ~heke)' sa)'s to me, '~ow you got him sct up'

He started the spring look· ing like butcher in leJ! field but has begun to show compe· teney. It's not completely new to him. He played the outfield as a high school kid.

MUNICIPAL WORKERS-2: tS. Knight 211 103 135 449 F. Cahill 179 229 287 695 745 542 614 1900

"So next time up I throw him I cllr\'e on the first pitch Anyhow, they're not paying

L. Power 175 160 142 477 M. Moore 190 240 326 756 India Reers-3: Ed. Hart 237 126 180 543 G. Tobin 147 222 288 637

233 577 199 612 253 728 973 2574

781 755 935 2491 G. Martin 184 160 Rovers-I: K, Murphy 228 185 .T. Norman 137 P McDonald 198 C. Barnes 223 W. Dunn 174

158 157 452 R, Laite 253 222 233 271 750 812 789 146 19,1 560 Avalon Telephone-O:

732 242 205 621 G. Kelly 180 175 227 582 779 824 2435 P .Dunphy 207 148 146 501

Amhers!-3: J. Connors 170 191 205 566 B. Woods 178 261 192 631

J. Ryan 206 215 246 OG7 A. Gosling 154 144 132 430

735 775 770 2280

C. Nixon 152 174 209 535 Ramblers-3: R. Nugent 386 338 182 906 R. Lane 336 204 251 791

898 87l 769 2538 G. Young 238 271 248 757 Feildlans-O: C. LeGrow 187 218 272 677

_ F. Hall 260 195 219 674 987 906 968 2861 C. Field 129 109 96 334 I10ly (::ross-O:

~==::==::~~~~==~=========~::L:.... ':F~ie~ld~-=1~45~1~3~5-':1~64~444 F. Crocker 272 L. Gosse 145

218 177

222 712 247 569

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, -----

Fitzgerald 243 Cy. Morris 218


240 239 874

266 749 224 681 959 2711

MacDonald Wholesale Drugs-3 B. V crge 20B 176 205 589 A. Wh alen 251 191 240 682 B. 5taben 202 185 197 584 H. Andrews 249 226 208 683

910 778 8:10 2538 Fry's T,C.-D: R Hollahan 161 77 D. Parsons 141 147 McCarthy 117 178 G, Rice 224 157

643 559

Marconi T.C.-3:

128 366 117 405 204 499 173 534 622 1824

M. Gladney 159 181 302' 642 G. Breen 214 178 231 623 1'. Bollihan 1SB 174 221 583 A. Hi "droff 173 220 313 706

734 753 1067 2554 Fallto-O: J. Moore 181 144 156 581 F. Walsh 232 137 123 392 Smallwood 134 125 111 370 K. McGrath 107 221 231 559

654 627 621 1902

Royal T.C.-2:. n. Neary 257 183 233 673 P. Waltcl'll 216 180 264 760 Wiscombe 261 235 217 713 E Churchill210 208 154 :172

1044 806 868 2718 Canada. Packers-I: D. Youden 227 2115 269 '711 R. Parsons 156 162 162 480 H. Couden 204 111 ~ 595 Noseworthy 181 168 181 530

768 656 892 2312

Maple Leaf Club-2: A. Plnksen 167 200 236 803 O. Sullivan 176 117 177 470 E. Fahey 182 266 187' 635 R. Caughie 207 171 215 593

732 754 815 2301 Del Tile-I: D. Hand 220 159 222 601 B. Dangelo 242 182 240 664 L. MicoJi, 208' 151 158 517 E. D'Angelo 237 197 191 625

907 689 811 2407

A "small business" is one that employs less than 500 persons,. according' to the U.S. Department of Commerc·e.


K. Rowe 148 21B 109 535 l~, Nicholls 217 190 253 660 1 D. Whittle 186 172 233 591 Samuelson 258 300 245 803 !. H'ill:;l} 201 151 169 ;;211].1, Kirby 151 227 210 5BB J. Ryan 228 152 259 639 1177 1174 1172 3523 McLaughlin 153 167 247 567 C, Andrews 205 225 241 .671 1094 923 1109 3126 C, Stewart 202 212 255 669 111. Walsh 192 179 207 578 980 1094 1112 3186 Crusaders-3: T. Barnes 223 197 184 604

887 853 961 2701 Postal-I: C.L.B.~2. C, Martin 190 l' Hugel'S 217 214 221 652 J. Barrett 296 C. And:ews 190 238 187 615 L, Meany 194

Ph. ,8-'4111

225 206 193 222 181 189

J. White 251 223 217 7011 C, Halme 180 181 167 52B 621 L. Gosse 213 202 251 666 G. Simmons 215 223 191 629 7111 P. Hurley 180 213 242 635 i G. Wood 278 253 214 745 564 R, Nugent 265 236 217 7181 1098106610113175 ,

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good • ~ • fits better and looks exci,tingly

new. It can be worn two ways, over the

slacks or inside. It has short sleeves, three

button front and perma·stay collar.

The colours are: White, Green, Beige, Gold, Fawn, Navy,

Powder Blue, Royal Blue, Navy and Black.



The sizesl S. M. L., Ex,.Large.


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j' ,

A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (14)

, , ! , , , : I


1 i I : I I

1~ THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, MAY, 18, 1962 , "-


'. The "'DailyNews .' with MAJOR HOOPLE OUT OliR WAY .. By J. !JY!!:.l:~~

lr---======~--"--·-~~~~~77A~6~R~&~~~~I~O~EA~,7.~~P~L~~~ UM,YA5, MI1. ~Ofll!;;G, we COLlLO OPEN 't-Ilit-l A LONG CAMERA 15M OF HOOPLE:






Toronto Orln!lby Oslsko IJallamlr PuUno M

400 210 226 230 l500 29 29 29

1200 44 44 44 -1 17000 11 \I 1\

500 BBO 8BO 8BO + .0 100 m 310 325 + 15

1000 2m 21 21 -II'.! Palo l'ax tnt

TOROSTO ('LOSING STOCKS Pc~rJes8 rick Crow rllch Oro

32400 30 24 25 + 1 500 61 61 67 -1 1\" The Canadian J1rtll 15000 9''; 9~ W. Tornntfl Stork F.!U'hange-Mn1 17

Camplet(' tabulation of Thunda)' transactions. (Ouot"toin5 1n ccnts un·

I ten tnilrkcd S. 1-0dd lot. xd-Ex·dlvl· dln:J. xr-Ex rls:hls X\\-Ex.\'nrr~mI5.

Placcr Preston Pros Air (1ue Chlb Que L.b Que Lllh

1603 526'. 2GI, 26'. -1''; 250 660 6,5 660 +30 1200 68 6B 68 -1

2200 24 23\, 2~ -2 4100 6 5 5-1 100 315 315 m I t\rU chanJ:f' Is from pre\ IOll:l hoard·Jot

clO!i\lnlC IDte) Ntt Que MDn Salel ftI,h Low Clole ChI,e Qunston

2500 19 18 19 - I>

Arad Uran 1\!l\OCJl(' Alb. ~'rl Am Ul'rler Amat Rare AnilC'on An~lo Hur An~ Rou)n An'lI Alr.1 A lroadl. A .\1 rod Bw A\I t: Cop .\unor n.nlJlUd Hat nJt Ran "'I11 Ra'c It. RNl\ 1.04 nell "er 1l('1:lIm nf"~i.1n ~

nlhl~ Hldt(lP Rl \I k l\iIo\' Rrahllnt· fhuul nC"rf Ihunl!\\~ lIu!r \We Camr 't'll1b (.\11'11 nL r 'Ill",..-r \"'Ion. r lhlUI I \1.lllrt 1 tin ~W C ... ,111:' ( ;\11 rn" I " lin I,iHI;1r (('111 l'nrc ( I\r~kll k ( hf"~!1 r • hlh h",. t hnnn , 4 II h Will (1)111 1 tl).; .. (. (lmh ,,1('t c"nn ~('y ( Ih~l".oY (. 1 \ n • «; \llnw « H,IIII' ( ".1\ hrn (" \1;lrC'Ul,

\In::;111 "110' fI~nn 'lu,tH'l

« '\lllhld C (In (}ur (" n.urhl("r ( HI cl 1'''1' ( I1I_ro'lrl « \., o1'c)rm

( "nl\ I'~' t f.1 (. orJ'l CIP!:\!Hl (1'1 N , I ;l1_l'lt

{ 1 ('~I lilt )1;1.11>111: Urf'1 J{Ctrn 111 1,1110r. PI'I h 1 PAC llrll1 1m 1l1~ h l~n D"I ,f'

I1nn.ll,l. 11J\ I!\

F \mphl 1 ,'-I \hl 1 .1.. !'o.ull 111'11 I 1IIIIt h 1 "I :l1\<'Y T ,,11111'" r\ ;1'I('orllf (,ret) '\Imr!l (,nt )1",\ t (.I:lnl Y1\ Gol'I;l!e (.oJr'rar (jr~r.tluc Gulrh C;unl1 fir Bald Rock lI.r.~lln H nr Lak •• !I.alh lII:h n.1I Holhnj::er Butt l'ay Hu Pam Irish Cop Iron Da) 1'0

.1\\aU. Jacobu. Ja.' {' r:"rl .1c1\i('fl(" ,lo'Julke J011Cl .Im/"nUh ,Tm\~t'~ hen \dd l'::o(1;.&n 1 all ~tln I. llulaull L 0-1 I anliH\Ue I a'" :1:; 11'1111 \m 1 ('T.(Uurt ll'~!nlhn I.L I .IC tor.ulo, '13,llod 'Iall lTl ':'(d 'lalartl0 'Iann' .. t 'IS 'lalltime 'Ial'm ~'a!!~ml ~t;Hlhul'l ~Iclnt' reo 'Id'::"n ~lc'tpr ~tc\\ IIJ ;\1t'II!ur :\lel nIl ~tldrlJn ;\tln CnrP :,!nnl'l~ ~II I·.tl~ht ~!urnl~o ~1 :-;ama Cr :>,,1 .. 'pi ~ealon ~C'\\ (\th ~e\\ Old N'fI\\il\1nd ~ :'I!)lama Ne"nor ~ Senator :<I,k'i )IS ~ulo r..;nr.Acme ~orbeau Ner.lold ~orJ:u1Ie ~ormetal :.erpal( :>' Cold.I,m :'onh"l. :. Golden S nank ::'\OflP A w ~ Deau~ ~nrth Can n'1.eary Op .. mbka

~ItSE~ Radlure 2.~00 Gt, 6'~ 8". lI.glan

J3!1 6~0 62j 6~O + 5 RtH'rock lOOO 31> 3I'J 3\1 ncalm ~OOO 21 21 21 _ I'.! 1110 AIQom .\000 16 14 15 Ill' "Ihnb 165" o\~t~ 421fl ';l12 +11.': Hownn Con 300 910 910 9~B -211 Snn Ani

POOtl 14 14 11 +:: Sat~1Utc SOIl tol~ 101." 1012 _ 'h Sherrltt

noo W II~ 110 _ 6 SlIvmoq 7')00 ~~ 52 S2 -2 SI!!co(! 18110 IA 11 17 -2 8larr.1t ~Soo 102 100 100 _I Sle.p R

'011 3r.5 ,1' 015 -20 "ulll"n 1000 :!3 23"J Sunhul'8t SliGO 121 loW 125 .. 2 S)lvnnlte ~oo 25 ::!~ 25 -1 Teck It

WOO 7 i 7 _ l~ Territory 1000 \', 5' \ M'o Thom L 6:00 46 4fi 46 Tomblll

8110 :: f! :!:.!ti 2.!li _~ ,Torn\onl 414.! 11 101, 101,-. _ 1~ ~rtbaJ! 1Uf11 hloz iii:. fi~. 'Ilin Chlb

,\00 11 10 11 lIlI·Shaw (ii){ \1 11 11 131~ _ 11 U A8bc~tos

~.}o 6h3 tifO ti61 Un Keno 40(:\) )(J :10 :11'1 -1 I Utll HUUnd 1~.!i -;l;r1 ~';) :li;j -10 Un Keno

ilk) ~-)7 ::!~7 '!"'7 Un }<'nrt : III ;i~11 j:!5 5~j -20 ~pp Can

;r.!, "Ii, 1-)1~ Ii~.. \rtndoo IUO 21Yl 2(1~ ~O'I \uuz('

11\011 ;'2 '\I~ ill \l'llturrs :.!lflll 100 111 1M -1 \,l"5I1ar ~1)'1I 12 .12 :~.! -2 \ IIllant

1,.,1111 7 hi.. fila _ I, I \\,Il!inl~r _'um 1I~ In 11:'1 I \\('~tlnl\ :Blh ~I ZIJI'l:!1 _I:J \\crnl'l

o,un 7 , 7 _I ~ \\ Mallir "11f! ji*z'. 121, 121. W Surf [

.(~ III 10 ; HI l:l \\'11110\" tllllll ~ 4 ~ • I~ \\lIthcy ')\~O 2h :'11,; 211 -1 WI Han: 1~) 1"' l'i Ii \,"'l'st ~t1n(!5 H11 H 1'; ~7 -1 Yal(' Ll"act 1011 ~H1 :\1'\ :'lIn .. 10 Ycllofu

111UIl 1l1:J 3.!1. 121~ Yk neHI H'1 2t> 2i'1:'R ,'"ung IlG 2(1(\11 11'2 I'; U'~ \ukrl1o

Pr:11 l.!rI 11F. H!1 -1-:1 Zcnmne l,flO lR 1R 1R Zulnpa

~'!H\41 1~ 4~\~ I~ -1 Curh In:Of) !,2 4f11., ~2 Dulnlll

'\(~I ]i'~ :17':1 .Iil~ +11-..1

.no IIR 118 118 t>1)0 \1)1) !"Ii !Ii - 2

:!(\;O :'2 :',2 ~2 -1 :700 2trJ 2J~ 2:17 -1 Zr.IlA 2'\ 25 ~~ hrll :1h'o!i :11112 ',(,1".:1 - 1".. l~Nl Ifill 1'7 1~7 -3

lil1l .. l 1211 11 l1t~-l '11m i' A R

f;1,11n 1)1<0.1 1l1~ n'~ - l'l :I'~ M~ Fim IiRO -In lilt r'! III: l:1t~ till-l ,Ilill )'I~ nz l:l~ Jill n ":'1 ~I) 31 +- I ~ 2°1~ ~11"t1, )1114 lrt~, "l{1I., 7

j'iflO 11\ In 1R "wn ~II III 1!l -1 Inih III 10 111 '(on 47 \7 41 -1

\,01) ~Ili. 11 Il -;, 21 ',1, !(In -:~n :I~i

nl 2RI.2r.1• :R'" 11100 8 R R _11

4 01'11 1:'1 12 l:!ol.,. 1 "1(1 ~13 ~'2 i'<a

Ji il ::!I~ .:'!~) 21i 1111:) 1':0 ll:1R li'!I :I~L1tl l~\ 1~,1 1':'1 -'2 57[ n ... !J n

11111 1il 173 lj:\ + 1 '\1111() 2~ !!.l 2l

It1'1 n'oz ~Il 1111 ..'~[1 ~!!il:: :71" 2il~ - t~

21\ .... 1\ II1Il !}P. ntl -1 ltl ... IO S\~:1" 11-" I:! + I~

jf\()ll ~~I'l :\Jll 3:1~2

"emf' Gill All nox Almln"", Am LCltuc Anrhm In~lo Vld IInll.y S A Unit ;\3. pr lIonU nrlll«R ('l1lll1ln Cal E,I C 011 I.~, C: S pf'lf: C 1l.lhl c: Ex GI. C IIi~h Cr C LI Pet. C'", Dcl no,lCI 011 C l)r,l!:un C ~lIe Mlc C 11',,1 r lJC\ ·1'01 HO!l1c Ptle Ghll'lC'r nl Plalnl HOJn!! (\ 1I0mc n II 1\ 011 G M"rl~(Jld ~!e'lnl Mld,on r-;at }Irte N COl1t NO! th('at ~C 011. ~('O pr Ok.lln

1500 IS II 14 1700 49\~ 48 49\, - I, 5000 82 56 5B -4

575 1\5 85 85 -5 18000 II~ 101'.! III'.! + I, 2133 SIOI, 101, 101. - I,

12100 41 39 40 -I 3000 (j II 6 _th 1509 185 185 195 6000 221, 22'h 221'.! 3113 400 393 400

5315 27 26 21 2100 118 110 110 -3

2700 7 m 1 + I> 4iBS 820 m f,20 1510 159 155 ISS

HOaO 131, 13 13-1 900 9';' 91, 91,

1100 156 m ISS ~ I 5020 13 13 13 - 't. 2700 71 70 71 -4

23350 100 HS 93 -3 18100 SO 49 49 -1 3500 fi.t fiJ 61 1000 20 20 2() +1

10100 151. 15 U -I 400 SOIl 495 495 -10

1972 860 8SO B50 _10 4400 42 40 41't. - 't, 1072 860 850 B50 -10 5000 21 2% 22 -1 8100 172 16~ 112 + I .!ocn ~h a~1 :iii! + 1.2 20no 129 125 125 -2

1607 S59', 57', 57',-2 mo I~ 19 19

10nO 110 AO 60 lOon 68 S8 88 -2 100') 3<, 3', 3'';

141'0" 20 18 10 42'.1 301111 3'1 :W:a :JI~ ,loon 10 19 19 -', lOon Ir.S 162 102 -7

~1",Oi) 221. 21\, 22 - \1 210n IIlIl 100 100 2000 26; 2~'> 2a, H 3121l pI ~ D~'~ 9V~ 11100 ~I\ m ~',\

10300 '2 ~O 9n -I 1500 IA 18 lA :tOM Ii ~ 6 4- 1, IOAno lO 2~ 20 -I MOO 22', 201\ 21 -2,

4~' 71~ 145 745 -25 f111,~

5ro II II II -I mo 22 22 ~2 -1

180 197 191 197 f ~ 16;00 6', ~ ~-2 20~0 r, 6 6

8100 42 41', m. - ... If121 flOi 780 7r.0 -30 ll70 $2~'" 251. 25\,

5011 mIlO 110 -~ 500 40 40 40 -8 ~OOO 20 20 20 -I 1'00 $2, 2.\ 2\'\-'\ '00 102 102 102

2200 :J1i~ 3.15 a.il 1~(lI' 410 400 400 -2 2llo 14; 14 145 420 1~1 lfil~ ]61'J 1611

50« 38 38 aR +1 2R2i li70 fl5:l fiEn -10 6100 III 13,\ 141 + 9 J~13 ~ P ~ _ '" 1000 ~30 m X!~ -10

ZOO I~' l.il US -, 2'01' 48 4! 48

400 $11 II II -'. 10000 24 21 21 -I l,jiO S10'J~ In1, 101 .. _ JIi 1~8n $1~ 1, l~~~ 121h _ J ~ lOJ~ Sl2h 12 1• 12~~ _ t~ 2£5 Sl/iI,]6 16 - 1) 4~iJ')0 9 0 2al1210 233 237 -2

3300 ~J 2~1'" 23 , 1000 375 375 m -15 mo 24 231> 24 + \, 12.10 61~ 611 IH'2-h

100 171 171 171 -, l23 320 26 26

JOOO 13 12 13 +3 2i~O SI1 I I1 it 14'.-1'

::!116 ~j :loIH. 37 +1 1 ,Ill 310 Jla 330 -~ 1010 f,l:l 61'2 fill-t 11 Jij ~75 9jS 915 + 23

l'~c Pcte Pnc Pele ramoll relmo

" 300 785 185 185 + 35 ~l~n 12 !2 1Z 500B 1I1~ II', 11'. + 'h :",r.o IR 1';'12 1713 - I:: ~0{1066. "0> 2:fl 225 225 -3

~1I11l $2H~ 13 23 - 3. 01\(1 ~5R'':I: 58 ~P.- Iii,

sno 12 12 12 -,~ uno 72 72 72 .+ 2

[I(\) 1~5 ]:'J~ 1.5~ -3 04CfI:l 91 M 90 -2 5'Oij 28 21 27 -1

10hl>1 51 50, 50 lor,o 13 13 13 - I'.! 1000 7 "; 7

)5('\0 8 8 R 2200 21 21 21

]!ljl () 22 21 2! -1 NO :n 31 31 +1 ~~ 'i RPI'I 8jO !\Sn ... 5 11100 Il 13 13 111.0 528 ~8 2R - I, M:lO M,1l ~35 5~ 'i + 10 1t( \' 16 Hi Iii

I1q :'I~i JRi :lll~ ., 5 ~Hln ~o 40 10

lilOO 102 !Iii !)n -4 1",11l j~ 71, jl;l_I:1

.iltO!) 31'l 31:1 3':i .1 2 ~ I) ljr, lil Ii", - S

3:?( 00 11)~ JM HIO ... I !(\I) 111 111 111 -3 1~()[) 21 ~ .!10 21!-. -~ 1'1"10 71' iR 7R 1'1111 311 :!il :!R 'WO i~ 71 71 -1

4:;~0 411 47 47 20('1 S121".1: 121o!i 1~1h: + VOl:

Pml\' 011 Pluc('! I',ah 10 011 PI 0\ n Gill Quonto Sarcce South U StiJm, cit Tld'l Trlnd 011 U Can.o vt tnlon OU Un ou. tn Reer p W !\Inlar II' D".lt. \'an Can

Mont ~s

SOD 39 3~ 3~ -3 3720 lO 23 30 + 't. 20no 115 lIS 115 + 9 9;00 17 14 75 -I 200 19\ 193 195 -5

2358 181 17A 180 -2 mu 2B 262m 1000 91 91 94 -6

0500 14 13 14 566 30 lO 10 +1,

6500 130 128 130 +2 80n 160 m 160 +2

4000 153 I!J 153 + 4 105 Sil'l 11" 1I1'.!- '. 9200 ISS lSI 151 -1

4l~O 25 231, 2311-1 3000 JI, 3\, 3I'J 7:0 100 100 100 -S 9100 10 91> 10 - I, RANIi~

1390 565\, 611. 129 sm. 141.

641'.! -1 Nit" _ 1.

C Imp l1o)al Tor Dom

nk C 1307 SGI'" fiJI': 6l'\ -I 791i1_ ,~ 990 SBO 79 1,

810 S61'. GI 641. - I, ISIIIISTRlAL~

Alum!nl 1501 S2~~1 2l1-'3 2jT. +- lil e Prow 6420 S101. 10'. 10' .... 1\ C lIambl., ISIlO 160 1;7 1:'1 -3 no~('o 200 SIOI. °014 101.~ _ II Grn B.k. 200 SII\I 11', 1I1'.!- V. Inland 320 SM4 ,ll. 51~ lin' Svn A Rj~ Sl5:t .. 551~ ~31:1- If. I'('mhlna 40(} S7~4 7:11 j:ltl_ l,R

Simp~on! t37~ '29\~ 2:R:\4 291, + "1 Stellman IiU 5\:1 3• 13t -to 131" - 'h W,lkers 847 ~ml 57 57'. - II We.ton B 520 $191. 19'4 19\0 + ~.

'--S(lon 11 ]01'2 101 :1 - ''01: fi2,j $4fi', 4G 4G~, +1 Tota) .ale!: 1,836.000, 500 16t, IC,', 161'. - '10

2311 61, 6 6 - \I .

New York 7,!'jHO Sf! :it !Ii -~ n()()o 52 50 50 3000 61 i\6 66-1 10," JI 31 31

41)(' $11\, 15\, 151~ - ~\ ~700 71 71 11 +1 :C<1O 60 57 60

22',00 121 1\1 110 -I '0:10 10 10 10 lOO 6', 61, 61> - I.

4500 6 51, 5't. -I 1000 32 31 32 + I'.! 1600 8 8 8 - I'.! 7300 19 18 18 -I (,1111(1 31 30 30 - I'.!

33700 1m 13 131> 4000 1 6', 61'.! - \': 8524 51 48 51 +1 lorD 5 5 S lr,OO 21 21 21

SOO 31 35 35 +1 1I~{1 51'.! 511 51'.! 1 '100 13 13 ]3 30~1 300 297 300 It~OO 19 IA 13 1000 70 70 7B 9j11't (,70 6iO 6£5

10'06 2. 25 28 80'1<1 33 3110 32 wc 40 40 40

'nOO 32 ~2 32 -I' fi.l""O 305 31)0 30i - 5 :lh()(\ 16 11\ Iii + I; 2;1111 600 ~!li Mj -!'i

NEW TORK CLOSING STOCK~ B1 lh. A ... "alea Pr ...

neth 51,el 3BI. Monly W norg Wnrner 41;. NY Cent C nnd 0 54 n.dlo C.rp Can. Edison 761'.! South Pac G.n E1cc 101. Sid 011 NJ Goo,lyear 311. U1d Alrerall Gt Nor ny 41'. VaMdlum Inl or T 44 We,lng.' Kenne,oll 76 -----


32 1m 551~ 16 Slll 47!1 18"4 321\

~IOSTREAL CLOSING 8lOCKS 8r The Clnadlan Preal

Abitibi 461'.! FrOler 26 AbU pr 2,)11 lIud nay MJn jlJl~ Aabuto5 3:1 Imp on -44 1 4 nntlue C Nat 78 Tnt Nick 78 nank Monl GN Inl r.p 33 Uank NS 74\-1 Mau.Fer 12·"a IImlllt' PC 50 NorandA S:W.



Buller adds indispensable details that prodUce beat· dr~sed, mnst wcather,woI'tny pre·englneered building_

EIGHT COLOUR SELECTIONS II1l1ke Butler the most appealing pre·englneered building. Butler·tone IS 110 ordinary finish, It Is an entire, decora· tive and protective finishing sYllern tor metal ,panel" when you buy BUTLER you buy with assurance tliat you are getting colour thnt Is unsurpalsed today In' beauty, ,lIurabilily and dependability.


\ .

Bell BrazU

5n. P.uduh m 450 rrlce ~9V,

Bldg Prod m. Quo Pow 32 C Imp Bk C Cdn Drew Cdn Brew pr Cd" Celan

631< noyol Dank 191'1 101, noy.lIl. 12 5211, Shawln 2m 321, Sioel 191\

C Int l'owcr C Inl rwr pr crn Sctl.tlrnml

IHI Tr Con rL 2m 401'.! UN Slo.1 G', 2." W.lkor IlV,

D Bridge 15\\ CANADIAN

21 Anr Moly 345' Dom Tar Found.Uon

191. Con. rop 40!' 12~M --


111 The Cunn.!!IDn lIre •• stock Salrl llIR:h Low Clou Cb'le

INIlUSTIUALS Shawln Steel an Tran. MI Hell Phune Cdn Drcw

19370 $21h 24 241, - " !l;!)~ $201 11 191'1 l~~k - t. 113W 515'" 151 :1 151h - \-:. lUi!) S51 1t 1l 50l 54 _:14

G220 110'. 101\ 10 + '. Oil,S

Quonto 11541 28 2A 27'. Am Leduc Cdn NW Spooner Glacier

165M 61",: 5 5-2 13000 7 t.1,~ 61/2 - l:l

12000 H Il t:Hl + I,. 10000 2~ ~3 24 -1

~IISES Cent l'ore NClwnol' Pccrlcnl

40jOO 10 1 10 +3 moo Ill'.! 13 131• 32100 30 24 23 11


Mutual Funds ,

~IUTU'\\, .·UNIJS "1 The CR;"odlan l'rt~.

Rid A,. AU C~n Com M.I ~ 26 All Cdn D1v 6,13 612 Arnel tcn" Grm, rh Il:'ili 931 Ucauhran :\2 fiR :lj.70 Canadian Imrlotmcnt 10 'I.i 11 35 Cunafund 4 I on 4~ 4t Champion Mutuill 5 flO (; ~8 COlnl1wnwcllllh Inl('l". 8.!)7 0.f.3 Cumman\\cnlth Inl, LNt.r 7 n fI.47 COlporale lnvc~(ltrJ 10211 1121 Europcnn Gro\\th 737 A.flO Frnhlli 111 {]; 1745 1lI,ld'nrt Sharn 327 l,U DOnllnlon f;Q\llty IIIII~ 1843 FrdrWI.rt Gro~ Ih I n~ ~ 31 Fint UII 1,",1 (ill~ 44! 4 flJ L'nmhl ColleclU A fi 2~ {i 7n Fond" Col.cet.t n :; H :; 71 Fond, Collccur C fi 4: A 98 Gruul' Inc, :1 6j 3 {tfJ Growll, 01 on~ GI. 6 ;0 891 1nve!lor!IJ Gro\\ th 6 lin 7.M Inve,lo," Mntunl 12,~q I' 78 Mulual AccumulatlnJiC 360 J.9J MUtUAl In,om, 5 III 5811 N Amerl,nn 01 ennnd. 10 5J 11 51 0110 WlIlIRm 51".1 ' I' ~6 15 ~A l»utnnrn Growth 8 A6 !l 6:1 n .. lI"oo 4 81 M9 Itcgcnt :; '12 5.al Sn~c nnd 1n\""1 nf Cllnarilt 112!l n'8 SUl'lC!nlllcx Amer. n 20 R 28 Supcr\ \lIrd l:xcc ~~ 47 71i Supcrvl~ed Exec ~fi :\!) 1B SU(lcrvhC)( nxtC 57 Ii 71 Supervised E)(cc !lR 7 {It! 7.1l Supe" I •• d Growlh 2 O~ 2 II Supcl'\'i!ictl lnrome ~:'IR 4 liJ 1 V Jo;leclronle 7 7:1 A 45-"!mrd In\ rstment Ii 3~ R 97 United Mcumul,li" 14 \8 15.18

. Montreal' . , ~ ,0L ,

MONTIlI:AL CLOSING ~T(JCKS Uy The canailiau rrtll

Montrul tltork 1:"cltan(t-:\l1I1 17 COlllplele 10b"laUon 01 Thursdny

IInns8ctions. (Quoulons In cent! un· Ie .. mDrk.d S, t-Odd 101, XlI-Ex·dlvl· d~nd, xr-l!:X.llJilhh, X'\\-E)(·waaanta. Net chBnse ta from previous board·lot

N,I cloling IRle)

~tot." tiDln JUah 1.(lW Clolil!! Ch',1! Abillbi 1020 SI6il 46 461, - I. AbU pr ~:; $:.!~h jl5h 251'.;- If.! Algoma lOBS $49 48 1/. 48V. - ~, Alumln! :Z:HU 52!; 25~1I 2jh Argus 4UO sn 40~, 40~. - ;; Arg 260 pr ;)11 .53 flJ 51 + 1, A,beolo. 330 m\.\ 32', 33 -1 AU.. 51 .. 1 3;00 S301, 30l!, 3UV, - ¥, Hank 20nt 1543 $651• ti.ah IHI",-1 Dnnk NS IlO 57ll. 11\, 1~\, - I'.! Uan'l CN 216 S78 7S 78 Unn', lIe til $50 50 50 - Ih nalh P A 100 S53\> 53\.\ 53\.\ - I. nell l'hon. 4222 SJII. 54 54'. - Ii Downier 1000 $3h 5~1 51. - I, Brazil 2352 405 410 150 -15 nA 011 835 531'. 311\ 311'l - I. DC l'ow 11lO~ S17V ... 1n8 171/.

Build rrod 175 Sl3', 3310 331• Cal row 4100 120', 2011 201, Cdn Urow 4805 1101• 10Yo 16'" + II Cdn Drew pr lell 152', 521> sm - h C nron!o I~II 110 19 I~ Cdn tetan rdj 53" 32:'1" J2:'1.,-1 C Husky 300 $5:1. 5~4 5~. - III

C lInp Dk C lUJ SG~I, jjJ:l4 633" _1:/,

elL 1:10 SlOll, 131~ 131'4 - " CI Pow 401) SlJl~ lllR ll~ + ;11 Cl Pow p 2093 S~Il\l 4Uh 401 i& j- \~ C MplrClnl 4()O 551• 51 4 it, Cdn 011 :mo $ll l , 311 ... 3l l , + ~~ CPI\ 2210 sm. 21'. ~5 '. - Ii Cdn Prt pr 150 Sl:.!~1'I 120

110 12:.. Con MS 2100 S121. 2m m. - I, e filR5!l1 2~ SJ! 32 32 Coronation 1:.!0 S8 R 8 Cluih lnt lion $!.ll. 91• !I~~ + ~4. Dhlt Seal 995 $~6~.a 4~1,...& 45 In, -1 Dom Ume 3011 $7 7 7 -!4, D 8rl,lgo 915 521 II 21 - I, Il .-ndry 5H $611 r,91> ~!I\,-m D Sleel 100 liD" 10,. 101~ - \-, o inor.. ~oo 113 13 ]3 - I, Dom T.r 1715 129''0 191'. 191'.! - ~. Dom Text 605 $17 1tP" 161 ,

Il 'rexl pr 10 1142 m 142 DonohUe 17j S:lijl/• 26 2G Du ronl 150 IJI', 31'\ 31'1-'\ Du I'onl pr 110 153 BJ 83 Elcclrolux 50 149 49 49 Fleet"ood' 200 $23 22'. 23 - I'.! Fndln 100 SI2', 12\8 12'. Fr Pole pr 500 310 335 l35 -5 Gntlneau 1340 S323~ 32 31~. + 1 GMC ]000 1511. 511\ 51", _I'. GL Pavor 200 119 1B\1 1m - ;, 11011 nen 211 1201'. 20 201'.! + I'.! lIome A 300 SI21'.! 12M. 121. - M. lIome 0 1100 SI21'.! 1211 12~' -\, lIud 007 295 UBI> 58 5BI'.! + 'I, IIBC !51 S12111 12% m .. - ~, Imp OU 864 $45% 44~, 41',-m lmp Tob S02 $15~ 15lf4 1511, - 1;. Ind Acoep 11BO 121 261.\ 261'. - ~, Inland C p 100 $17 11 17 - I'.! Inl NI,k ,d 1202 578 11''; 7B -2 Inl rap 427 S33'" 31 33 - II Inl UIII 50 145 45 45 Int UI!I P 1050 151 so;, 50 II 1ntl:!r PL 425 SB21~ 82 B2-1 .Jamalea PS 110 $171/,' 171,.. 17V, +114 I.,ur .·In A ma $18 10 18 Leell?lot 500 $14t~ UI~ 14~~ + % I. SI L 300 $lO 30 lO -I Mn I'n 1m $201> 2011 201i- ¥, M.rllim R\ 5101 60 ~R 60 MOJ!ll ... 220 S1211. 12% 12!\, Mo.. 51> pr IbO SI08 100 108 Mtrnn Sp 16'5 tlOVo lOll, 10'4 Milch n A 1M 'I'll~ 1lI'.l nih Mo,"l1n A ~O $2)\<.,21', 21'" - V, Molllnn R 115 $2BI4 2rw. 2AI/.t, Molson I1r 12,1 Stl1h, 4:!1,1j 421'J Mont Tl~t !tJ5 590 90 00 Morgan pr 201100 100 100 - II, Nat Drug 4100 SUP\ 111 3 , lR:l4 - ~~ Nnr"nrla !l1l7 SGJ1" 6J!~ 63\. - ~. NS LP 3:,(\ ~20'1 20,.20\, +'to r.~e He" 700 IM,:!2 22 -" Pla.er 100 $211'.! 2BI'.! 26\\ Price Dr 1"70 IlO 49 49\, - " QN G.. 250 1m 61'.! 61,- h Quo Pow IS2 132% 32 32 - I'.! Quo Ph 61 ,200 122 22 22 Roo AV C 860 'SIlI m 5li1- \1

MANOR, FAtl'E 1).IK'OU6\-1 IHE OOOR,tJ.I~N F'AN AC(i'05S Tf\E ANilGlLlEG! -HAK-I<AFF/ ..... AS A




t=~.I-!-f.-+-';"';'" 'EM pOPS DOWN



CHOKEI': OI<J • .Ju:;r PASSIIII' BY! ",.----

;{ ®EL.L, AI Lt=AST IT'6 A GALl:: =

RoUnnd A 2Son Sl1h 11;4 111/4 +1~ Royal Uank 2n S[:O 791f4 791, - 3,

St LCp A I'r 100 SI03 103 1113 +', Snindn F 2inj Sli% HI I 1·fiR + 'i>

Shawln Ij3R7 S2fk 2~ !P~ - '2 Simpsons :l!5 $291'1 29 9~ -t 1"2 1:j •• mtham· 17,) ~3! 3]1':.1:12 t 1 ~ S:Cl'!) Can 2(17.! $191 11 191~ 1Uh - 1~ :c:o(neo C 3i5 Sj: I, 5l:1 4 51:1 .. _ 1"

Tor nDm t{]O Su~ 6-1 64 -1 .. ' Fin A 425 Sl~~" 141 " IPt - 11 ~'r C Corp Hi')O $121..! 12 12 _:18

'l't' Can PL gOO $22 \:.t ~~I. 22~ ~ - 1 ~ W,llk GW 7(\0 $j'ja" ~7 5il~ - '" WCoMt \'t~ 1iO S16':. l(il~ 1(j'1;t-1.a Zellers Ii~O S:lrl ~6 3fi

CAS.un~N Altn Tnk A fih!) 53U J , JOl4 :\0'. Am~ Jl" 1500 8 R 8 An Am Mol lO~n 3'ij 340 a4'i -10 Arno 100011 fI n fi Mlns :;:'111,11 9 !) !) _ 1~ AtlAs 1 rl 231.!:'i :\90 3M :1:1; 1- 5 hU,1UIL!1l5 2IJJ2 :I!)I:& 3'1~:.I :1~1:. - I;! A\lllun 3jJ $!';11 15'. 151• - 1\

Bnr\U!c lr.rll:1 J :l - !'~ BII[cman 1:100 71':z 71.~ 71 ~ + 1;.1

Helll C llr 101 $11'1 1~14 1:11, - I;! BclIct'hns I~O!\ 17 17 17 nhlC! n tV 2'lU ni() fi')l1 6iO Bornite iOjOIJ 2l 20 22 - 1.4z UuU('rfh' .;~; %.i0 2in 2i{) C l<~hll)r R Ino $11i'4 163 , IIJ~' cPu\', rr 2:10 SR 8 il -+- 1" C SIllUl ~~\I 11~ 115 11'; .,:1 CnnllrnllHI ~IIII 1:1 ]3 l~ Calhec :l000 15 t~ 1'i ~:z Call1lni nId 9:10 410 410 410 ·5 C,nl Dcl 200 fi70 fi70 870 -5 Cenl l\tftll :1000 4 4 ~ Chcmnlo), l~:'H 1:l5 IH 13; Chet;~ 101111 :Ill 31"z l't.. ChipmAn 1000 4 4 4 C Paper 710 S11 ' '.! 40~:I 40~" ~11!l ('on (iiiS 1'2, SHill, 191ft tfl14 + I r. Cnllraml iO] 13~ 132 132 -:1 COI1~tt m :;c,1O 19 2!l 29 Dlllfcn 'jon ~o fin ~11 n Eloo:plnrrr 3'1M 21\ 1B 211 -2 D LCilM' lnno 1; ~'j 1i - 1 U Oilcloth 10') $201'.1: 2fi ,(, - 1".1: nr1l11l Wrld 2m) Sll 11 11 Dumonl lionn:l5 33 :Il EjJ~t sun linn 170 I,ll 1711 -:\ rllh 1000 9 0 '-1 rnlt.:on Inoo Sjhl~ 5hl~ .5fi1)-2-)"ol\tnn" :ZOllO 5 5 ~ Ft n,lI.n. 411011 42 40 411 FUntly :lOOt) 9 RI~ RI~ l'nlll 1I0~ ~9~4 1118 I'j II Giant \'1\ 1ROn SI~1St U 12 Glen l.akf: 44110 HJCI 18n lR9 - 3 Golil 1\10:('0 1:100 26 25 2') -1 Helium ('or g:ln() I!lll l r J HI5 --l. Hollln.ccr R8() $231".1 231 • 21' '" - I a lnt Ceram 11'10(1 9 9 ~I Int Hclmm 7:ill :tT,() :1:15 :l3i _ol!l .Iuhll('(~ 2iO[) 3~lJ :lJ5 315 -10 Kelley Fr :.00 31 J3 :on -I Kur Add ::!Ol) 870 R';II 8iO -20 l(onlikl ~,no 4 4 4 _ I::

I.nb AcreI' j"O $97 " 914 ~71\ .... ~~ 1.adulHII 0 :lOU 110 l!O 110 T:l Lamht A ~50 S~2'. 22 2~1.l, + 11\

Lamnntg It. 200 S10 3, 10h 101.: - I~ Lobeo A HlO $83• 8~, U3 , + 1,

MD!iSval 3noo 9 81'2. BY.! - \;1 Mer Chip 2;00 34 31 J.1 + 1 Merrill ,00 6n 63 68 :\to raper 1M $~2~" 2211 221, - 1/4 Mogat.ior 1000 6 6 6 MI 1'1 •• ,1 27610 157 150 155 -5 Mr Dalrl" IlO 17 1 7 ~"ray 900 ]25 120 120 -7 Nol A Vend 1000 25\1 250 250 Nol". M 100Q 13 Il 13 + I Needro 4650 S5\', 48.1 5'1 ~ 63 N Jack L 122000 22 29 21 +6 Newrleh 1500 17 11 17 NW ,Imult MOO W, 15 IS', ~A nar. 3900 60 51 M +I, NQ row 25 1311\ 31t, 'II> -v, Opem Exp 4500 2l 21', 2J + I Pouda,h 5\10 Btl 81, 81', PIli rrod A 100 11011 ]01. ID';' - 't. Port'ullinc :moa In~ GI'l !!"'i Quo Col1alt 200 370 3G5 3;0 -I Que Lab ]('on Ii 6 fi Que Lllh 200 310 310 310 -10 Quo Sm,1I 1000 13 n II Ruby Foo W 400 :lfi 36 36 ~ 1 51!. D, I.d' 100 115 115 m +5 Saueon D 18300 J~ 28 2R - 5 SISr.:,llt" 200 60 60 60 Sohry 225 51j 11 17 ~ t. S l>uff'ult 2M!.') III 9' ~ !'II J - 1'..t Sc Pow 8 pr 1 R S10S 105 105 Srmrtl1n :1250 liO 165 115 Spnrtnn w 500 3~ Jt ~ 1 -~ SIC'cp n ji f20 MO 610 <;uill\ an 800 158 m 155 'I'ache I tl 700 ~ 4 :'J TOIl1e" 19700 31 33 31 -" Tail,man 10300 74 69 7~ 4 l or.,ln SIX' 12 12 12-1 Tlb Expl 7500 ~ R II - I'J Titan :lSOO 9 ~ll RI~ - 11

Trnn!l Mt 5120 $IS~, 15~a 151 _ - 1/1

Un Gas ~Ck"I S211A, 21 211,.4 - 112 U Prln 3000 61 GI 61 -4 V.lm" ~OO 161> 611 G % +'. V.n D 1I0ut 100 330 330 3 30 Weodon 1000 31'l 311 3't. -1 Weslvllle 6500 911 9 9\1 York Sp.. 100 315 315 315

CI.,ln« .. I." Indu,trlol. mines and oils 425,200.


NEW YORK CI,OSISG STOCKS By The Associated Prel!

New York Stock ExchDnge-MD1 17 :td - Ex dlvldend. xr - E:<,rl~htl,

xw-Ex.warrants. Net change J. from IJrcvloul day's close.

Nt! Slurk

Ae!' Ind Address Alhs Ch Am Can Am Cyan Am "-ll1l 'I:~ Am Smelt Am Std Am Tel :\rn 'rob Ancnda AI mco SII hrmstJ: Ck n:.hCOl;k Ralt Ohln nelh Sleel noelnR nnrd,n nor~ W1'lr nn~ f;dl~on nrun&w1< Rucy Erl. Burl Inrt Burrch!' Con Dry C ... JI C.lcr Tr

Salel mgh Low Clou: Ch',t. 2100 05 B4'I, is - 'I 9000 filii! 1,2 1 ... 6Jt1 -;" 4200 IB\~ 181/1 18111 + 1 a 3100 44'4. 431;4 441,r, 4tOO 45s .. 40\1\-1; 45 - I'. ~~OO 16 15~, 15 3 ,

2100 60~ 59~. 59~~-1 3600 15h 1:'i:t', 1!'i~.

32400 12():I, llH' 120~ BODO 38 37 37 -I 2100 411'0 45li 451'l - I. ~~Of1 5!)II, ~RIIf 581 •

~on 67~" 67H 67~, - ¥. 1600 47'~ 47\. 471'.! 400 27'. 21 27

2nrm :m~A 3RI ~ :l~IA _ R~

moo 45lit 0\41. 4'> - '" 4200 f,o~'4 ~ti1'~ :;,11' ~ - ~. 21r.o 41'4 41'. 41~,-;4 ~oo 813, lit 8\

21800 321\ ~2 32 - \': 2100 16', 16 16Yo 5000 23't. 23 231, - "

12100 41'1; 41P .. ,n3~ -", 300 23" 23" 231, - 1\ RGO 6'. 6Y, m + II

~400 361'.! 36 3fil'o - .,.

Celanese Ches Ohio ChrYlllcr Cities ~'C Coca Cola eBS Com 1 Snlv Con ~I\u: c*nt C xd Cr Zell Curtiss Wl Deere Olst Seal Dome Doug Ins Dow Chern Ou Pont g.,1 Kod

3400 :1R :n14 3i~. _ 3,.

2tiOO 5n~ 131~ M _:11 HOiJ ~U:11 49ltl 50 -;-, J400 53 52. 1, 53

STEAMSH I PMOVEMENTS !:iljO\) 91]. 1..9 1 :.1 1:191",-1 2JOO 10 39', J91~ - h CLARKE· CABOT SERVICES ·Fergus lcace Charlottetown

2[;R50~0 2,L ;~':, ;3~~ ~:: 'M,S. Dundee loading at Mon· May 25, leave Pictou 1!ay 24, ar. 3900 41'" 40', 41 -I treal May 18 for St. John's, rive SI. John's May 28, leave '1800 49 4i:J, 4';~, -1~'Ii S S N' tid t '[ 3200 11\, 17 17 " ovapor oa Ing a II on· same day. ,SOil IU', 49 4~" - I, trcal May 22nd for St John's. "Refrigeration.

... Paramount

Today .. ~1~0 4~;:, 4i~' 4~~~;~" s S. Highliner loading In «'UHNMiS. WITHY & CO., LTD VIVIEN LEIGH, IX

~~~~ ;;;: ;;" 1;,.:-:; Great Lakes May 241h, Mon· Newfoundland leaVing Boston "TilE RO~IA:-I SI'ItIXG 29CO 221'1 ~19', 220 _2'. treal, May 20th for SL John's, for Saint John, N.B., Halifax OF MRS. STOXE" 90011 100',1117', lin'. - '. S S. Gulfport loading at and SL John's, Nfle!. lIIay 11. I _

EI Pn"o Il'Irc'ln I rlml

Frueh TIA Glm llyn (fl'11 I~l{'c G"lC

21500 22 I. 2~ 22 -" 'I t I 'I 29 f St L 2noo ~I', ~n', 111', _I', II on rca, l' ay , or . ca~'Jng Saln~ .John" N.B. for lOne of Ihe SClrrl!! ~r" moo ~\;: ~~" ;'::: =1:: ,John's, Halifax and SI. John s May 14. beaullful and mo'l hlln I',: hIli. S.S, Gowrie Ioadin~ in Great I caVin" HaIIE'!V fa SI J I ' • orr< "

CCIl 11rr. Goodru h G()()tI)(,ftr

Cirllnd Un lIt A I'

9200 2!l'~~ 29 2')', - ~l ,. ~. he." r .• 0 1n s rCSSC5) Vi't'icn LCI~h, and (:1

i~l~ ;l:: ;~~: ;~:: +'1 J,ake, May 20th, Montreal June May 19, due SI. John's May 21. ycar's most exciting nCllcor,: I%Oil !",'. 26', !6'. _,,1st for 51. .John's and Bot· Satlmg agam same day for t\' B tl I I • arren ea y, Icaf the c""

4200 ",', ,3', 51 -I', wood LII'crpool fi~OO '3 '. 37', "', - '. I' of I'The Roman SPrlll2 of )Ir' 2100 23', 23 23', - '. ·S S. Novap0r[ load In/! In Sycamore Iea\'ing LIverpOOl Stonc," opening tomorrow " 4r~~00 ~l;: :;\:: ~;"i ';:: ~Iontreal ,hiM 91h for SI. IlIIay 0, dlle St, John's !I!ay 18 the Paramount Theatre " mo 10 3~', 'U" - " .Tohn's. Lca\'ln~ for Halifax and Boston Techmcolor drama for Cit NO) R

Gull 01\ lIom"ll( Ilud n.IY Interlake Jnt nus lnt Han'

3;n!) 51 30', ',1 41'" ·S.S. Gulfport loading In ~[ay 17, due Halifax May 19 ~nd \I ~~~ ~!.;: ~;:: ;,::':'::: Monlml .Iune 16th for SI. Boston IIlay 25. Leavmg Boston Bros. release IS ~Nd on

!, III 1"', H7 4~9 -R .John's. May 28 and Iiailiax June I, due nmel. by th? screen, mo!l p:;

1nt NH:k x,1 Jnt 1';11' Int Trl ,Iohn, ~I hcnncrnt 1{1Jf\ elt(l LlhMcS I. .. Litton Loew'~ \!nr.h Flrl i1f.lltm J\Trnk 'till .. lIon ;\lInll ~n( l\tollll!!CO ;\IOllt Ward Nat /\\ lOll Nat Cil~h Nat nl~t Nnt GVJl!l ~\ Cenl Nor Pac Ohio Oil Outh ~I[lr Parke tla Pcnn fiR PHzrr Phrlp!'l () }'hi1l,l !-.lnr Pit Plate Pine Gitln PullmAn ileA Repuh SI1 Hey rob !to)"1 !lui Scnrs Il Shrll 011 Sherllton Sinclair Socony Soulh Pile Sperry n Sid nrAnd Sid COl Sid Inrl Std !'l,J Stud Pock 'l'cxnco 'rex SuI Textron Thlokol Tldc\\tr Tlmk.:.>n Utd ,\Irt' Did Corp US Gyp, US lIubb us Sleel \'anad \\aH,crs

I W Un Tel Wc.sths 01 Wooh\th

~~~:: ~~" ~~" ~i:: = :: ·S.S. Nuvaport loading in SI. John's June 4. Saihng again vocative Writei', Tcnnc'>ee 1\" IAh{'!) 31', 3n', ;0" - '. i\lonlreal .June 261h for 51. same day for Liverpool. I hams. 12;~~0 4l;~" I:~~, ';;' -~ John'" Nova Scotia leavmg Liver. Two·time Acadcllll' 4100 10'. 71', 7'" .,~ S S Gulfpol't loadm;: in pool May 23, duc SI. John's I wmner Vh'icn Leigh Ih7no 1[,', 11'. 41', -I ~[ 29 L II IIh A 1201' 11" Il 1~',- ',\ Montreal ,July 3rd for SI. ,ay " eavmg for Halifax fle

f wlea y merlcan

mOG 117",113'. II,', .', .John's, and Boston May 31, due Halifax 0 a( mg beauly lured ,I~OO 3' 31', 32', -I', Junc 2 ami Boston Jllne 6. love affair with the HJn') 4ijJ~ 1f'4 4:i 11-l *flcfrigcration.

11','"' 21', 22', 22', +" NFLIl. CAr-;ABA STEAMSHIPS Leaving Boston .June 8 and young Italian gigolo pl"lEd II 190G BI", 1.1', 'l',- 2'\ Halifax June 15, due St. John's Beatt", who won :l3l () IflR~, lOll 11 h', -:ll J IJli\lJTED ,J

;100 "' "2'. fi2', -I', 1 l\I 5 B If I II '1' from ,June 18. Sallmg agam same stardom in his scrcen deb'Jl 2iO(l ll\~. lO''.! H" ~ I ".' c( on sal 109 d f I d . 1IiI0 32', II'. ,I _ II Halifax Mav 12th. Due St' ay or Liverpool. "Sp en or In Ihe Gra,,'

611' 2h', 26', 'h'~ I J h • 'I "14 h . ---- - Echomg the electriC 500(\ 97 ~j ~il':l -II) 0 n S .I' ay t" 'I " ' of another Wilhams' J:iCO 211 2';~. 2i'4 - ~I\ J\ .'t'. I'3UVettc sailing from

3~~~ 1~:: ;~:: :~.: =~: Halifax )!ay 15th, due <it. Capl-tol p1cture-"A Slreelcar 11011 '7'. H~ 37'. John's ~!ay lith. DeSire," in \Ilmh )1155 ~"o 40'. l'I', 411', played opposile Marlon

;,,011 IB 17'. I, M,S, Bedford II salling from 4';0,°01) 311:,' 311'.;.311'4\-_'\ Halifax Jllay 19th. Due st.


To-morrow who had only one , " film to hiS credit and that "

,9,", 51", ;"', ',11', -I John's Jllay 21st. released WhCR they ~E'I ~;,~ ~~1' ~;" ~~'\ :1:: lIl.V. Fau\ etle salhng from, ------------- paired-Beatty had Iclul~' ~,'oo '" ",P,;o. Halifax ~lay 22nd, due St. I completed hiS co staffln~ !t~ 07,l{ 77 1, 77 71', -I'. John's ~lay 24th ' JERRY LEWIS IN " 2100 l2',,2 " +'" • . with MISS Leigh before "Spit: I~~~:: ~~~: :;~: :;,: _T;; I ]l1.S, Bedford II sailing from "THE ERRAND BOY" dor" was released. 2"2011 35', \;', ',;-, -3' < I Hahfax:May 26th. Due SI. Althou"h 'I I e··h

If I 0 "ISS J I. ~:.

IRI1700,',' "I~" "1°;', R'.~'·.-::~ I John's May 28th. you Ike comedy loaded h f' A d A' ." th I . won er Irst C3 eml' WI:. 3,00 3G', J5, 36', + Is M.V, FauveHe ~aihng from WI .5 apstlck and clowning, for Best Performance; by I:

3~~ ii:: ~i:: ~i,: _" Halifax May 29th, due SI. the kind condUCive to belly· Actress for "Gone Wllh I!I 5~00 ~2" It'. ,2'. +', John's May 31st. laughs In huge doses, then by I Wind", was ber second O!c:'

12100 :::fl~J 26 26 _:'Ilj all means ha t t th c ·t I 6100 IE', 18', 10', _ " GULF & NORTHERN SnIP., s en 0 e apl 0 as the tragic heroine In II: 3100 67', 66', 67" + 1. PING CO LTD 'Ireatre where Jerry LeWIS' Iiams' "Streetcar", she jl1\IO 5!)1~ 53110 5B~~ 1-1~ .,. 1 t t 2900 491, 4B', 48', _ " "Fcrgus leavc Charlottetown a es Paramount comedy "The aUy turned down the role ;~~~ 5~:: j~': 5~~: = ~ , May 18, leave Pictou, N,S. l\lay Errand Boy" opens tomorrow. Karen Stone" after reading 14'"0 5~" 511, 54'. ,17, arrive 51. John's lIIay 21, This is without doubt one of novel. 27400 17 15 IS'I -1"1 leave same da" Lewis' zaniest screen offerings, Howe\'er, afler reading

2fi[)O 27;~ 2ij~'8 261,,- III "0 T 3900 30\, 29', 29'. - "~I he story affords many natural actual fIlm and

500 10'. 101, 10',- I, Dra,lI 2r.oo 4', 5', 4'\-" hilariOUS ~ituahons all of which certal'n baSI'n cllang·s In 600 l'il''!. 5111 5114 - Ih nA all 200 291y2 291 ~ ~918 - Y.t "" l:

5700 47', 46 41', - I, nunk 11111 500 E', 8', p.'. Jerry takes advantage of as aeter and redehned 200 B m 8 CS Pel. 19110 3 3 16 3', 3\. I h

2709 B4h 82", 82', -1'\ Chesebro 41)00 561, 55t\ 55'. _', on y e can, so you can expect ions, she decided she 21()() 43', 47', 47', - % Creole 1000 39 331, 39 +', a mad, merry time with the the part, her first screen

34000 5711\ 56!!, ~6J-I-JlII nc\opal ::!OD 7"16 7·16 7-16 t I h I th .00 ta', Ie', IE', +" Oflldd IROG 21, 2V, 2V, _" aecen on aug 5 a I e way. after six years of stage 400 53 52'·, 12'. - '. 1I0lllnr.er llOO 21" 211, 211" "The Errand Boy" deals with ances.

SBOO :lG\~ 33'8 :l6 Imp Oil 500 4Ft! 4J11 .. 411,-1 16700 33 32 32'. _ '. Imp Toh C 111(1 I~', I p, 14"< _" a major studio chief who be· Beatty, on the other mo 17 15', 77 +1', In, :l A ,fill ~\, 1,9',89', - '. Iieves that much of the profits with a singlc-but

.Iupltf"r 101) 71~ 71.1 71!l- lp-I. Short 2ItI, 2, 2', 2', are being squandered by the acclaimed -Broadway role ~!P.<1 John 900 1201,120',120', employees. To fmd the gUI·!ty unrcleased-but hlghh.'

Tot~l nIcs' 2,950,(J{)O

Min Corp 20(1 1414 HI to 14", + 1,.4 MI1I~ "" '3,> 33'. 331, - 1. persons he engages Jerry, a film-to his credit was ~~~ ~~b 2~1.?1 ~:6 ~;' 3 ~iG :!j16 well·mcanlng idiot paper·hanger ally balked by Williams ~.r Z,"' ~()i) '0'. 30 311', - 11, at the studiO, to act as his un. sistence that only an AMERICA,N Pile P{'le :noo 131 2 11 ]3 - Iii d

A'n:R1CAS CL051~C. RTOCKS P.nl,pe, 500',',', + 1.16 ereover spy. To make spying could play the role of By Th. A"ool.l,d Prm Pow Corp 50 511. 5\', 5t', - h easy, LeWIS is assigned as a The determined ,oung

Am~rltan Siork Exchllntt-~ln1 17 II Prcston lJllO 6 A S xii _ r:xd.I,ldend, " - Ex ",hi" Que row 100 30 30 30 _ '\ messengcr boy, running errands flew to Puerto Rico and

.w_Ex.~arr.nls. Net change I, from I Shrr \Im, ~{'O 92'1 9l', ~n, -I', to the various stUdio depart. 12 hours convincmg the llTC\ laus daJ. '!I close. I Techndr 2100 151

(1. 14~ .. 14~iI- If.z ld '. Ntt Tr Cont "I 200 34·. 341> 341> - V. ments, In rapid succession he no one but Bcatty cou p~ stork Ral., lIIall Lon Clo" CII'go War Itrg 1500 '. V.;1 disrupts a film rehearsal, the it. Miss Leigh, \\ho had !II:,

Anaean 100 % l" :!R j

nell I'hOne ~oo 50 j9lio 49% - .. Tol,! .. I.. 860,000. stenographic, wardrobe and Beatty on Broadway. ass!l', makeup departments, a sound and the young Virginia tOil recording session and before off for Rome to acquire long the studio is in total chaos. proper Italian !ccrnt. I Show Biz

ACROSS 44 Pencil tIps 1 Musical group 46 At present 5 Kind of concert 48 Age 8 Applaud 49 R.epresenl8tJve.'l

12 TroplClll plant 53 SInger Shore 13 Exist 57 Amo, -14 CrIppled 58 Fat:t0us Uncle 15 Performer eo Italian money

_ Andr'ews 61 Man's 16 Sailor nlcknome 17 Solar disk 62 One of the lBUpright Gsbors 20 Pays attention 63 Brltlsh

to a statesman 11 Writing p.rlormancc 64 Prosecuted implements

22 Mineral rock 65 Mr. Skelton 19 Journey 24 MovIe shooting 6G Deceosed 21 Weep

location DOWN 23 Jacob's son 25 L!~race, 1 Commanded 25 T,me gone by

for Instance 2 Wlng·shaped 26 Unemployed 29 AnAl! 3 Not any 27 Arab,an gul( 33 Augment 4 Church o!llcla1 28 AUlomoblle 34 Coupt. 5 Singer Boone accessory 36 KInd or revIew 6 Spoken ~O Strong bOll: 37 Snow vehicle 1 Danger a 1 Alw"ys 39 Russian river 8 Noise 32 Spreads to dry 41 NourIshed 9 Tardy 35 Un",ual 42 Singing voice. 10 Prayer 36 Gave

. 40 Animal rat 43 Decay 45 Went by sea 47 German rIver 40 Folds 50 Allstrallan

ostrich 51 Entrance in a

f.nre 52 nescue 54 Neot of

pheasants 551t.l!lon 56 Bo~y part 59 Demented

The result, a screen classic In Lotte Lenya, Coral comedy that spoofs movie Jill SI. John and Jmmy town's traditions and its people. ser are also slarred In '

A catchy new song, titled A.A. Producticl'n, produced "That's The Way" was com. Louis de Rochemont and posed for one of the big musi. rected by Jose Quinlero,

There are an eshm;d H,j species of roses

cal sequences in the film. British song·and·dance star, Pat Dahl sings the number in a speakeasy sequcnee. This lovely 1--------­blonde is destined for Holly- a~slstant director who (onsUe} wood stardom because she not ly runs afoul of LeWIS' only gives a fine song·and. antics. Veleran character dance performance but is also Howard McNear turns in a capable actress as well. er exceptional

An extremely talented cast the executive hns been assembled to support lVorking life is made

;,~ Jerry Lewis in thc title role, by LeWis, Others ill the ,~ with Bnan Donlevy, longtime elude Felicia Atkin,. frill

Hollywood tough guy, making Isabel Eisom, Kathleen a brilliant rcturn to comedy as man, Paul and Mar) Rltl-. the studio chief. Versatile Dick Adrian, Doodles \\'cal cr. Wesson portrays a frustrated Taylor and many ~lIe~


From Hallfu, N,S •• to St. John's, Nfld, Ship Leaving HaUfu Ilue Sl.

FAUVETTE ", .. """'''''" ..... ,,'',,,., .. MAY 25 , ~~i

HOIJ,D'AY SPECI,Al! FAUVETTE .. " ...... "" .. """."".,, .•.. JUNE 1 Ur.t II FAUVETTE .. " ......... "." ................ JUNE 8 J '£11 FAUVETTE . ''''''" ......... " ............. JUNE 15 ,JtI~

Nylon Tubeless

750 x 14 NO TRADE

NEEDED 514.29. A. E. Hickman Co., Ltd I


15 month


, "--~

lICk" C.V., St. John" Phon" 2021 1 ~ . ,10 I" II. N. caLi, I,eel,1 1I.,,,,,.lall •• , bYO~ I,nk lIds., st. John ',;;,:..;'

---~----.... _____ 1'1' ~ •• ~~~~

. , \ ~

, ;

OR 111




For r DIAL



I f f I I



A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (15)

, Hl62


)unt •

... 1:\

; I'ltl!';(;

rr'n'~ mO,1 honnrrri il.l'~. :h. ~ncl the : nrll'l'ltnlrr. :In thr Wt ~: Ii~ of ~lro. qntlrrnw U !ratrr. Thr

for \I' "rn~r h:l>ed nn I ,'~ mO~1 pr~ nnr~>rr Wil.

r:n~' Awa~

l.~h stars l! ril':!n wldo'" lured into I

he hand;ome 10 pl:l)'rd br Illstant.nrou\ prn drbut in

'ririe imparl :ms l motion tear !'\amrd

'li.'~ Lei;h :11'lon Brando ~e prrl'ioul :lnd that un· they 'Om

,ad actually ,tarrin~ stint ,dore "Splrn·

Lci~h. who "clem), Award lance.; hy I~ Ie With the ~rcond OleOr roine in WiI· '. she origin' th~ role 01

'r reading thl

reading th I discol'ering n~e~ in char· ned molil'll· 'c! she wanttd ,t screen roll . stage appear·

other hand, hut critical\)' ldw8\' role In highi), touted tlit was init~ Williams in-

11\' an ualin '(;le of Paolo. d I'ounl: actol 1 ic~ and Splnt in" the author t\\~ could pilY who had stln jW8\'. assented Vi;:;inia took

n acquire I

crent. Coral Bro~lll, I J ercmy Spell' tarred in the

produced b1 .:mont and d~


estimated 2.00Il

r who consunl· or Lewis' %1111 character aelol

turns in anGt~ performance I

• t t "'hOlI lS-GlS an ble made miscra. ~ in the. cast ;X killS. FrItz Fe Kathleen FIt: \lan' nilt,. Inl . • . II Weavcr. Ren

\. ~ur5t stArI. . -








t ,

I !

( ." .. , ..... " .. _." ....•.. ".~." .. """" .•. ""." . .......... _ •• _ ................ )<, ...









I!:L ... _ .. "., ... ,."" .. , .......... ...,.._"... ...... _, .... , .. , .... _ ............ , ... ' ...... , .. , ... '''''' ..... ,., .. ,., ...





$13.50 UP,



For prompt and efficient furnace and stove on delivery

DIAL ............................ 8·3001 to 8·3005



• • • JACOBY




East and West have an easy par. They must bid four spades. They don't have to make it be· cause the way the cards lie they can't make it if North and South put up the best de· fense.

This best defense isn't too difficult, but North and South have to find It to get their par.

Soutll has a normal opening lead of the king of clubs and North should play the queen under his partner's king. Tilis play is a defensive signal and shows that North also holds the jack. • Now South should put North


'114 ., 761 •. K'1I 4 QJ'9SS.

WESI' 'Q9'7 'IQU +AQJ10a 4102

EAST (D) ,AK.ilOea ., AJ' +942 4711

SOUTll '82 'IKI0lJ88 +n 4AKU

North and South vulnerable Eu' f111111h Wed North 1 , Palll 2 • PaIII 2 , 1'11111 3 , Palll 4 , Palll Pau Pus

0ptIninJ lead-4 X ,---


in by underleading the ace whereupon North will be able to lead a heart.

East is helpless against this series of defensive plays and wlll have to lose one heart, one diamond, and two clubs.

IC South does not underlcad the ace of clubs, East will have a cinch. He wlll gd the lead before North has a chance to play a heart and will draw trumps before trying the dia­mond finesse.

Of course, that finesse will lose, but it won't hurt East. He will be able to discard his jack of hearts on dummy'. long dia· monds.

CARD SENSE Q-The bidding has been:

South West North East 1 • Pass 1 ... Pass 2 ., Pas! 3 • Pas! 4 • Pas! 5 4 Pass

1 You, South, hold:

.A2.,A KJ7 .AQ86~ +32 What do you do? A-A mere bid of five spades

is inadequate. Bid either live dIamonds or six spadcs.

TODAY'S QUESTION You bid five diamonds and

your partner bids five spades. Now what do you do?

Answer Tomorrow


Before you eat too much and grow fat consider the expanse. account. • • •

Send a birthday card, advises a greeting card ad. Il's some· times hard to Get off that easy.

• • •

There's one job a man likes to tackle in the spring-getting his fishing gear ready,

• • • Keep in the 8 un through

shady deals and there arc slorm clouds ahead.


~r )~\ 1 Some of the new hots look like 'j I they hod made a forced londlng I on CI short I\lnwcy. • .... \ • .. ----~ ....... -----. -----

HELP GROW'fH An aqueduct across Cali-

fornia's desert lands and dams on the Colorado River enable Los Angeles and San Diego at· tain a growth far beyond their limited water resources. The Coachella and Imperial Valleys once hostile wilderness. have been transformed Into an agri· cultural empire. by irrigation canalS.

ORIGN. The superstition of "Three

times a bridesmaid never a bride" stcms from the Idea that good or evil always hap­pms in thrces and then the fourth occurrence will be the opposite. Hpwcvcr, iI one could be a bridesmaid seven times the

- _____ ...;. ____ -. ________ .;...~~--_-_, spell could be broken .

. '

'. ."

I -'. , . '.! i:i"

13 .. ;. i

PfllSCILLA'S POP By AL VERMEEII -,\''''EETrE pm Rv NADlNE SELTZEI(· ~~=tt=::=::;::=====::':::::;::===::::;-I -.: 1,.....::===....:;.;.;'-'="""""-----;· - .. - .. --.---.--.-.--....

THts IS ,.I4E !=OUETT;:






"Don't let that get-up fool you! She's the IIllhtweii\lt champIon of the neighborhood!'· .....



FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS MERRILL BLOSSER (~·:::::::::::::::::-~ff~~;;~~q·~~~~~~:rf?~'T'~'5~J~U~5;T~T~~r~~~c~L~~~I~S7Ji



I , f ! , I


. :'


I' !

, I

I !

. t



· \




i, . 1

i •

; .'

I ! , 'I '1 :

· .

I I: . "

· ;; ,'i

, '3i~ I, . , ~ '" .\

~li I

Ii ., · '.

A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (16)

, , , ' . f

; I I , ,

: I , , , , i i

, ( I. 1 !;

I '


Hclp Wantcd-Salcsmcn FOR .8ALE-Nfld. Stamps SALES REPRESENTATIVE 12 dlff. for .. " ............... $1.00

WANTED-Verd·A·Ray 1n· dustries Ltd.. 1285 Hodge Street, MDntreal 9, exclusive lighting prDducts since 1918. has Dpening fDr an experi. enced Sales Representative. Car necessary . Liberal Commissions and Bonuses. Excellent Dpportunit)'. Snc· cessful applicant fu\l)' train· ed. Write 10 Sales Manager, outlining sales experience.




,<,: Dependable Fire .Insnrance. ':., Promllt Claim Settlrments. .'.' DIAL 8·7035

'CROSBIE & CO" Ltd. , , Agp.nts for


LOW RATE~ lllAL 8·5031


20 diff. for ................... .52.00 30 diff. for ....... , ........... $3.00 Central Stamp Co., Topsail, I C.B, my8,lmth --_ .. _--- . ,-

FOR SALE-1 small Cabin on Bauline Line. Apply 171 Empire Avenue or phone 90935. my1B,21


Bargain Priced at

3 Pce. CIIESTERFIELD Usually 8249.95

r\ow 5189.95




RADIOS, etc.


------...:.. Misccllancous

A.B.C. SIGNS - Lettering Show Cards, PDsters, Stick· ers, Silk Screen Printing at YDur service. Dial 84259. my16.1mth

DO YOU NEED your Spring· filled mattress re·condition· ed or YDur All Wool mat· tress re·picked. and recov· ered, your bedspring or daybed re·wired or YDur furniture re.upholstered. If so call us. Items called for and delivered. Rates lowest obtainable. Keats IIlattress Factory, 16 Mount RDyal Avenue. Ph: 9·2753.

. CASIl PAID FOR-Comics.


'=-=-=========~ magazines, and pDcket A A novels. John D. Snow, 9.

uto cccssorics 1 New Gower Street, Pho:le Nfld. 8680B. jan61mtll R

Armature TilE CENTRAL BARBER Works' 8IIOP..!.We are nDW opera\.

38 ing 10 chairs, you can be Bambrick n.ssured of prompt, efficl'

Street em, sanitary service. No


. Authorixed Service Depot


Electroholme and symphonic Emerson Sales & Service

Power & Chafe Television

52 Prescott St. Dial 8·4490 aprl6,lmth

Statutory Notice In the m'atter of the Estate 'of

Ihe late Jonathan Brett of Lamaline, In the Electoral District of Fortune, ill the Province or NeWfoundland, Canada, Merchant, deceased.

All persons claiming to be creditors or who have any claims or demands upon or af· fecting the Estate of Jonathan BreIt of Lamaline aforesaid, are hereby requested to scnd par·

'----------: ticulars of same in writing. dulv __________ , attested to the undersigned


Save your Energy

Solicitor for the Administratrix. on or before the 5th day of June A,D. 1962, after which date lhe Administratrix will proceed til distribute the Estate of the said deceased hal'ing re· gard only to the claims of which she shall then have haa notice.

Dated at St. .Tohn·s this 26th day of April A.D. 1962.

R. C. B. JUERCER, Q.C. Solicitor for the Administratrix




A YOUNG A~AN for \\' arehollse \\' ork

Grade XI educatioll required. KIl()\ded~e 01 electrical materials an asset. .J d~\V week alld all llsual bellefits. COlld ,lilli.

, in~ salar\' ami a career opportullill

Apph' in "()\Il' OWlI hal\(h\Tilill~ .~i\ illg £ lIll details to:

JOB BROTHER~ Dial 8·7191·2 waiting problem, 24 New '& COMPANY, Ltd. 1 Gower Street oppOSite Adr·


"." Water Stret~ --------- Laide Motors Ltd. R _________________ -=~~~~==~~~ ___ B_c_R_u2' __ P_al_'lo_u_rs ___ K '~=-.'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ~~i I Cabot Bnilding, Duckworth Street, my16,3i DIAL 8·2658 - 8·U23 ,.. ~

GLADY'S BEAUTY SIIOI'I']o; Dupl.'catl'ng 44 .... , ... !IN.rO S!. John's, Newfoundland

apr27my4,ll,18 REG. T. MORGAN

~'INSURANCE Ltd. Temple Bldg •• P. O. Bo,; 168"

3U Duckworth St. : DIAL 80370 or 8·7756 I


Firc . Auto • Casualty PH: 8·2902, 8·7811

158 Water Street fit. John', mar6,1mth D



Dl4L 8-4131 ALSO


Where To Stay Balsam Hotel


Situatf'd in the heart of the I City. ,

Quiet, CDmfortable Atmos, phere.

For ReservatiDns information:


Dial 8-6336 ~'RS. JOnN FACEY, Resident Manageress.

m3l,tf E·2

Where To Stay


Cross Country Tires

Reg. List Price $19.95

HANDY ANDY PRICE ...... $14.95

4 Ply Nylon $1.00 Per Week

1 Flower Hill Phone 8·61 '1.7

FENCING Grcen Lawn Fcncing Single Scroll 36", 42", 48" Double ScrDII 36", 42", 48"

Farm Fencing

Chain Link Fcncing

Barbed Wire

Lawn Gales

J, & S. RYAN 51-55 .Joh Strcet

D1.A1. 8·4991 12i Buck\\'orth Street

mAL 8·2480 aprl8,lll1th


Park View Hotel; I,~~r 118 ~fiLITARY ROAD II~ ~~

cor. Bond and Prescott Sts. Phone 8·4951·8·71198. Spcci· S' alizing In cold waving, hair erYICe

Cheap Reliable Elrctricity In and Around St. JDhn's Statutory Notice ?-.IE?lIOH IAL U:.!I\ EHSITY UF

~E\vFOUNDL:\\D styling, cutting and tinting, White Printing • manicuring, facials etc., 14 I Notice In the matter of the Will and I

l':state of John Bishop late of Ray Roberts in the Electoral District o[ Port de Gral'e ill £he Province of Newfound·' land, Dominion Dr Canalla, lUlllowner, deceased.

operators, no waiting. ~1i1lleograp lin,!!; • \ and Photo Coping


. CO., LTD. Radio, TelevisiDn, Washers. Refrigerators, Deep Freezers

Electric Ranges. lo'loDr Polishers.

GramDphones Public Address Systems

Tape Recorders


DIAL 8·3001 to 8·3005

WATER Jan28,1y


Special Offer (For Limited Time Only)



EXpert workmanship guaranteed;

Brookfield Service Station


Body S.hop Cor. TOllsail Road & COlvan Ave

mAL 9·2381

Fucl (Coal and Oil) L



Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd,

PHONE 90876

Three weeks after date here· of. we, Hotel St ,John's Limited, will make application to thel Board o[ Liquor CDntrol. for permission to sell Beers, Wines I and Liquors i~ a hotel tD be I All persons claiming to be

~,~ m.·imvl.6.,I.m.th .... ___ ~. located at Ehzabeth Avenue, creditors of or who h . ________ ' ___ ' _____ and New Cove Road, st. John's. claims or demands upo~\:/~ll EXTENSION


Dial: 8·3169 or 9·0811 ~5 Hcnry' Sh'cct


p, S BUCKINGHAM. • Audiotician

Otarion Hearing Center

338 DI;~kWllrth Street, St, John's

Phone 8·7907, 8·61505, 11-4808 P,S, Wa ha\'e free ballerr


Newfoundland: fecting the estate of John Bis. , Signed hop late of Bay Hoberts in the

HOTEL ST, JOliN'S LIMITED. Province of Newfoundland my18.25jnel Dominion of Canada. MiJ1owner:

Notice deceased, are hereby reqUested to send particulars of same ml writing, duly attested, to the undersigned Solicitor for the

Notice is herebY given that Executrix of the will of the pursuant to Section 102 of the said deceased on or before the Crown Lands Act, Chapter 174 25th day Df ~Iay, A.D. 1%2, of the Revised statutes Df New. after which datc the said Ex· foundland 1952, application will ecutrix will proceed to dis· be made one month after this tribute the estale of the said date tD the Minister of Mines. deceased having regard only to AJriculturc and Resources, to the claims of which she shall lease fDr conservatiDn and de. then have had notice velDpment purposes, an area of Datcd at Bay llobertsthe land cDntaining approxim~l.ely 25th day of April. A.D. 1962. one and one half square miles, WI~,I:IAM R. S~lALLWO~D, situate bctween Witness Bay SOh.cltor [or the Executrix. Line and Salmonier Line Dis. I Cross Roads, trie! of HarbDur Main and 'lying i Bay Roberts. to the southward of Trans·Can.: apr26.my9,lB,22 ada Highway and eastward of i ____ ~_ Velvet Heart Pond. I MOTORS CARS ST. JOIN'S ROD AND GUN

CWB. my16,23.30jne7

Departmmt. 0,( Education st. .John's, Nfld.

• ( ....• , .~ )




EXTENSIO~ SmnlER SCHOOL Julv. 2nd - 14th, HJ(j2

At :\Iemorial Universit\', St. 1111111" Applications frolll adults 'are im:itet! for the Extension Summer Schoo\, \\'hith i, different from the fonner Summer Sesliou -no universit\· credits arC' offered and there arc no' formal qllalifieatiolls for enlrv. Each applieallt will be required til l'hllll'e OIlC of the foll()win~ courses and til sta\' in the ,group of his ~hoice for the full tllO wC'cks.

I. ?lIlTS I C (especialh- eh III'ch llHlsic,

with arran.gements to meet differenl denominational needs).



4. NATUHAL JIISTORY OF \EI\'. FOCNDLA~D (in collaboratioll \I'ilh

, the Department of ?llilles alld I\e· sources, i\' ewfoulldland C:o\'cnllllcllti.

Full particulars and applicatioJl IDnns are being sent to clergv and schools throl1~h· out thc Province. If von wOllld like to receive particulars "ourself, please llrite or telephone as soon as possible to;-The Director of Extension, ?llclllorial l'nil'crs' il\' of Newfoundland, St. John·s. , I I ~I()C ~X)( ~XX~ XXxX)( ~ ~IC~ my 18,22

S~ftmmer Schoo I :i ~xx ~xx~ ~ ~ iXXI TO DISCU-SS-E('M--~-' n.,\I~1 r,\f:\T'~GS 1962 I XXXl( x' xxxx x I LONDON !Relltersl - A fOl1r· LONDO:>;. ',\PI -1,,,a.:;',:)';£,lr1>i~1

11 tJ .... •. " "II I ~lCX~ x~ xxxxx~ ~xx dily conl:ress to promole Com· author S n 111 p r <rt .Iii , rJl~ - It xxxx x R i X monwealth trade opens here daughter claimcri

e Applications are invited frllm next Monday. The congress, the that nine of Ihe "

I AJJ MlJb lecturers at the PrDbationers' the Federation or' Common· longed to her. TIle

KII 80'

NewSI Sf

B 14 1


I 2 2 2 3

15 1

20 Consola'

Help K


STE~ has pleas, ment of ~ Represent land.

Mr. Rabb is probabl

His offiCI Bank Bu my17,l8

HEJ Tele

Centrally sItuated on the Bus route. Offers the best accom. modation. For reservatiDn and Information:

. Dia I 8·2557

"Let's get rid of this FULL BASElI1ENT house and buy one built or HORWOOD'S Top Quality Materials!"

• • •

ft -1-.. .1.1." senior teachers for positions as LOAN 21st International Assembly of sold al auction lail

of> ~ Summer S<:hooI. This Summer TH E wealth and British Chambers of I the daughter, ],ad~'

I"~ School will commence on July BANK OF Trade, will centre its discus· filed papers to sue , 9th, and end Dn August 17th NOVA SCOTIA sions on problems arising from Sotheby and Compau)' lor./ V

Visit Me lor 15 Registration will take place on the development of the Euro· 750 ($651,217)-nenrly ill. 01

Mlnules and l'U Shaw Friday and Saturday, July 6th I ;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;p;;e;;an;co~m~m;;o;;n;;";;ra~r;;ke~t.;;;;;;;;;;~pr~o~ce~ed~s;;f~o;r ~th~eis;;a:e;;. ;;;;j1:tll. You The Wa, In and 7th. I r

New World of Sound Courses will be gIven at the mar3,eod,lmtll

Liberal '.' ... Headquarters · . ',":.'

301 Hamilton Avcnue . Telcphones:

: : 80238, 80373, 80372

Vote Liberal . Liberal Assoc. of Nfld,

. Article~ For' Sale H . '

',FOR SALE Have available all breeds

· ··Of.·dairy cattle to freshen from June to December. Pure breeds or J?:rades,

: ,'al~ beef cattle. , , · .n-. J. & A. W.· KENNEDY , "",~ P. O. Box 152, . .

. Charlottctown, P.E.! •. my17,lmtb

.' \

Now there's a man who speaks from the vantage point Df engulfing experi· ence. But, YOU need not learn the hart! W1lY. that Top QuaJily Materials will SAVI': you in the end. Before YOU Build '01' Hemodel come 111 and let us show you why it pays to nl wu~'S lise the pro· per materials [01' .the job.



L ---------------~. Elect. ApplicRnces M·2

HEAP & PARTNERS (NFLD.) Ltd. Wiring Materials, Wire and

Cables, Motors, Starters, Lamps, Switches, Lightinc

Fixtures. ~tc. WAREHOUSE: PRINCE'S ST.

Through Th. Madern Probationers' Summer SChDOI Mlratleol . R d' 1 M Tarlet Hurlnr III ea mg, C assrODm anage·

ment, Written English and Arilhmetic and Physical Edu· caiion.

• flf. IIorl/om.'rf, M •• ,.,_or • A ... ,.,.", .. "'.,,. or ~""';."

alll'26, (1m)


Applications should he ad· dressed to the undersigned on or before May 22nd. 1962.,

P. J. HANI.EY, Deputy JUm.tsler.l

TOKYO (AP) - Heavy· rains my15,18 ,Japan Tuesday, causing land· ---------­and wind lashed s01lthwestern Casks in which Jerez, Spain, slides and disrupting t r a i n ferments its sherry are made DIAL 8·5088

1\1.2 schedules. The Maritime Safely I of American oak shipped there __________ Agency said two ships· were from New Orleans And New

REPAIRS damaged at Yawata Port. York. . RADIO·TV


,-----___ -J REPAIRS TO RADIOS, TV AND ALL ELECTRICAL lIIale Help Wanted ........... A Articles Found





Three soldiers' were killM Wed· nesday. In ,an unexplaIned explo' sion of en experImental model 105 • millimetre howitzer being tested by the U.S .. Armyartll. Icry hoard. Seven men wem inJ.ured; ,

APPLIANCE!; Female Help Wanted ....... .A·l AutD Accessories ~""""""'hU.l mAL 8.300 to 8.3005 Domestic Help Wanted ... .A·2 Garages ............. , ..................... .J

M.3 PDsitions Available ........... .B Servico Stations .................... J·l ____ -_____ PDsitiDn .................................... B·1 Beauty Parlours .................... K

Drug Stores Q To Let-Houses, RDoms, Fuel (CDal and Oil) ........... .L __ ...;;..;.;;;a....;,,;;;:.;;,::..._~ Apartments ...................... C CDnstruction Contractors .... M M CONNORS Ltd Wanted-HDuses, Rooms .... C·l Electrical ContractDr! ........ M·I

·pr~scriPtlonS_PiCkllp 'and lnsurance .... " ............ , .......... D Electric Appliances .... :... M·2 delivery serVice. Clubs, Entertainment ............. E Radio-TV Repairs ........... M·3 , PHONE 8.2206 Where to Eat ........................ E-l Pianos - Organs ............... :0,

Where to Stay ................... 1:,2 Auction Sales... . .......... p Rentals Where to Go ........ : ............... E-3 AuctiDn LivestDck Ere. '" P·I

Automobiles .~ ... tI ... t .. IH •• " .. , ...... F Cards ....................................... P·2

Floor Sanders, Belt Sanders, Power Saws, . Electrical Drills etc. Reasonable Hates. Call 8·5016, 8-7352. .. ,

,U·RENT Dlv. narrls & IIIscllck LI1I.

169 Water Street, St. John's

Taxi .................. : ...... ; .. .-.............. F .. 1 Druggists ........................... ' .... Q Cars FQr Sale I ..... "U ............... G Miscellaneous ................... I •• .R Cars Wanted .................. , ..... G-1 Legal Notices ......................... 8 Cars' tD Rent ..... , .................. G·2 Business Services ............... " .. T Articles for Sale ................... H Real Estate Agents , ........... ; .. U Articles W dnted .................. H·1 Real Estate' Wanted ........... ,V Articles ror Rent ................... ,H2, Real Estate for Sale ........... W Articles Lost ................... , .... H·3 Classified Display ........ : .. , .... X

. , , >,


• • • e·

The Fabulous Dancing Waters Country Gentlemen and Joan Morrissey

Cash r Goods and Prize Wheels

Commercial and Entertainment

SHOW TIMES: 7.45 & 10.30 (Children's Matinee 3 p.m. Saturday)



KINSMEN'TRADE KARNIVAl St. John's Memorial Stadium


NF 'Ni11

Ticket i

Mrs. 0' Grac

Proceed to hosp

,Mo Consistin

, Place, pi obstructe roOms, t and sink;

Set L'1 W ornalllen'

PEl E.!

BO) 111)'18,21,

A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (17)



,N t '( lue


day ,I.trl·

i \ ill tT





'd for it'll is ('"inn I and s for


I stal' 1\ tll'O

IIlII Sl(',


\ E\\'­I ",ith I He-111(,11 I).

Il S are 1'0 11 !!h· like to

\\Tite :-The II ivers-





• ,




B I N G 0 1-1 25 37 52 75 ~ 2·1 42 55 72 I

11 2D 35 53 69 30

31 57 15 16

20 Consolation Prizes for the letter "x" ="

Help Kin - Help Kiddies


STEAMSHIPS LIMITED has pleasme in announcing the appoint­ment of ~lr. John A. Habbitts as Special Hepre,entative in St. John's, Newfound land.

~Ir. Rahhitts is a native of St. John's and IS )lr()h~bl\' :llrcady well known to you. Ihs ()ffll'~ l:~ located in room 29 Royal Bank BlIlldmg, Telephone No. 8-2207. myl7.IB


Telephone 8·5001

5 Lines

VOTE CASHIN , NFLD. AQUARIUM SOCIETY Ninner of the fully equipped


Mrs. Maude ,01'Toole 10 Bulley 'Street

Ticket Number ................ : ........... 2295

~[r~ 0d'Toole presented the Aquarium to ra e 4B St. Patrick's Hall School.

r;hce~s were used to present aquariums· __ oSPltals and institutions in St. John's.


. Modern Bungalow ConSisting r " place PictuO IIvlrg room 116 x ,23),' over alze fire' Obstr~cted rle w ndows giving complete and un­rOOIns b Vew of countryside' and bay, two bed­IlId &lnk.athroom, kitchen with built-In' cupboards

Set in tw Large·roofed open v(lllndah. ornaInent~l acrndes f(bout) well-wooded tract includlnll

a rult trees, shrubs and flowers.

PERFECt' SUMMER RESIDENce Easily adapted' to year-In occupancy.,

80 For particulars apply

X 400 .. IIIYI8,21,23 . c/O THE DAILY NEWS





A Director of Nursing Is required, by not later tha~ Scptembcr 1st, for a new, modern 200 bed regIOnal general hospital at GraDd Falls New·' foundland. '

Preference will be given to applicants who have had successful nursing administrative experience and who hav~ completed, satisfactorily, formal post-graduate tramlng in nursing administration.

Applicntio~s should Include details of experience and qualifications" the names of at least two refer­ences, and salary expected. and should be addressed to l\lr C. p. Penney, Honourary Secreta";;. Grand Falls Hospital Corporation, P. O. Box 42tl Grand Falls, Newfoundland. ' ,




St. John/s, Newfoundland, Canada The Annual Convocation for the Con .. ferring of Degrees and Awards 'will take place on Saturday,. May 19th at 2:30 in the Gymnasium of the Physical Education Building on the new Campu~.

A number of seats in the body of the Hall and comfortable bleacher seats are availabllil to the public, who are cordially invited to attend. mylB,19


In order to give a greater scope of service to our customers and friends, we have secured the service! of two first class mechanics. To our many otber services we have added these facilities. All types of work done on:-





Notice is hereby giVen that in accordance with tbe !erms of the Deeds of Trust securing the above Issue of bonds, all the outstanding bonds have been called for redemption and will be redeemed on the 15th day of June, 1962 at 100 with accrued interest to that date, at, the office of The Royal Trust Com. p~ny, St. John s on surrender of the said bonds With coupons due on the 1st. day of October 1962 and all subsequent coupons attached thereto. 'Hold­ers of bonds are required to present their bonds for redcll!ptlon at the aforesaid office on the said date a~d m case such bonds are not presented on the said date, all Interest on the said bonds shall cease as from the aforesaid 15th day of June, 1962.

May 7th, 1962.




$12,000 in Great Eastern 011 and Import Company Ltd.. 6% General Mortgage Bonds, due July 1st, 1973, also $2,000 In Great Eastern Oil Company Ltd., 4% % First Mortgage Bonds, due May 1st, 1965.

Great Eastern Oil Co., Ltd. WATER STREET




All work guaranteed. Many yenrs of service and continuous growth speaks for itself.

Adams' Service Station ADAMS AVENUE and PENNYWELL ROAD

Where Services Comes Naturally DIAL 8·5831 and 3·0399

FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! Union Oil Early Bird Offer Still in Effect

When you need oil Here's· what to do:


UNION OIL 8·2822





, . '


Heaviest Native Trout ............ , .. ,$25 Gift Certificate Heaviest ¥4 doz. Native Trout, $25. Gift Certificate He~v~est % doz, Native Trout $25. Gift Certificate HeaViest Trout any kind .......... $25, Gift Certificate RULES

ADMINISTRATOR' -- . __ "'"' ..... ,j __ ... ...n;,_~.."..J .. __

An Administrator is required. by not latcr than·· September 1s.t. for a new, modern 200 bed regional " general hospital at Grand Falis Newfoundland Preference will be given to applicants Who have had nuccessful hospital administrath'e experience <

and who ha:re completed. satisfactorily an accept·,', able course In hospital admir\ :(ration. '

Applicatio.~5 ~hould include details of experience and quallucahons, the names of at least two refer­ences. and salary expected, and should be addressed to Mr. C. D. Penney. Honourary Secretary Grand Falls Hospital Corporation, P. O. Box 420: Grand Falls, Newfoundland.


REGISTRATiON is now being accepted by



Nursey School, Kindergarten Gmdc 1-8 During the months of July 'and AuO'ust Special coaching will be available ''''for children requiring extra tutoring.

Also required a TEACHER fpr Grqde 1

Phone the Principal 80049 or 834332

1962 DiNNER

NAVAL REUN~O~J Coral Room Bella Vista

June 16,1962 Tot Will Be Served Price $5 Tickets obtainable from: The Veterans Club, Henry Street; Fred vVilliams, Trans­Canada Service Station' Eric Howe P ., ' , Jemler 5 Office; Herb Wells, Confedera-

tion Building; Jim Shields, Shield's ?\Ieat Market; Gordon Duff, Bank of ~lontreal fOlmer~y Nfld. Savings Bank; Jim Brown, .; Palmer s Ltd.; W. R. Dawe, Jr., Chalker ·1

& C d I, 0., Lt .; Paul ~IcDonaJd, Customs : I

Dept.; Charlie Noseworthv, ]\'£1(1. Herald. The dinner will be prece'ded bv a 11lJO'c motorcade throughout the city. ' A l110\ie will be shown of last \'em.'s dinner which . was produced hy the C.B.C. The C.L.B.

; Band will pe in attendance at the dinncr.

, I


, !

, ;


, I . , .





FREE entry slip with every purchase from May 18 to 24th.

FRESH LIVE BAIT 25c. Tin $2.00 01' more gasoline purchase Mily 22 to 24th.

Entries must be fresh, clean and in displayable condition. Trout must be entered at Churchill Park ESSO Service, Elizabeth and by 11 a.m. May 25th. Entry slip must accompany all entries. Prize trout will be displayed at Ernest Clouston Ltd., 216 Water Street.

Will Knock at your DOOI with Gifts and Greet!ngs .. ,. from Friendly Bu$ihes5 : •. Neighbours and Yom· Civic and Social Groups . On the occasion of: .

New comer to the City, I


~~k your ESSO Dealer, to-day about his new low prices on all ATLAS TIRES and accessories. Look over this

rulsbPlaRY of ~1AK~tVELUBE Outboard Motor Oil~ Outboard Gear Oil. Iosol Flashlights and Flashlights Batteries.

e epall' I s. .


Service Station Pennywell ,Road

,Phone 8-5831


Service Station Mount Pearl

Phone 9 .. 3084


Ser,vice Station Cor. Albany and

Blackmilrsh Phone 9-4880


PATRICK'S ;esso -

Service Station CornwaU Avenue Phone 9·2680

, '



Service Station King's Road'

Phone 8-3435


. Servic'e Station Freshwater Road Phone 9-6100

Churchill Park I :esso

Service I Station Elizabeth Ave.

Pkpne 9·1009


Service Station Topsail & Blackmarsh

Phone 9'()020


Service Sfation Ellzabetht & Anderson

Phone 9~6200


Service Station Water Street

Phone 8.3118

The Birth of a Baby. ' , "

PHONE 8-4664, 90943 i.

ARREST PRIEST ," CATAMARCA, A I' g en tin a·. ::: .

(AP) - Msgr. Arturo Melo. ,;:. editor of the newspaper La Union and Roman Catholic pro­vicar of Catamarca, was held under house arrest Tuesday on charges of contempt of court. Msgr. Melo's newspaper has said that the provincial judi­ciary is in the grip of "an organized Mafia."


bishop who urges rctentioli' of Illr'Hd~ •. the death penalty In Britain re­ported it helps to soften up mur­'derers for salvation. The' Rt. Rev. Maurice Harland 66.year­old Bishop of Durham, told a meeting of the convocation of York he opposes a resolution for abolition of the death penalty for at least five years.

A IN THE NEW CARS, USED CARS PARTS BEST-ONLY …collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt...· News ...•. ~ • • --.----~ the ~ ~ :&#039;. . . __ ..... _____ ! ! !\ ~ - [PDF Document] (18)


... .. , ,


, I '. ,.

:r' , -"",.

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j .. j

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::.-,' \ .,

.:\t. ,

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.:~ ,

I I ~ I ! ,

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• " I .. Ie THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOlIN'S, NFLD., FHIDAY, :'lAY, 18,1962

'~.~ ... '.~-----~--~--=-:~~~~~~~~ "-

. AT

'I MILLE Y' S B!~e",'~'~~~~""II' ~

24 MPH, visibility 20 miles. 'Scattered ice consisting of block amI small floes, two tenths coy-



WHITE HATS with a lot of Fashion Appeal .••

Newest shapes and styles.

The Right Hat for the Right Look

PRICE ............... , ............... , ............. . $ .98




·Sl.2S_~i.!.:.--$1_._98 to $3.50



·60·c to 51.25


I erage, one berg one mile East


and one lierg one half mile I Eastnortheast oC station.

Cape Bauld. Visibility 10 miles. Eight tenths heavy close pack.

I i r


Flowers Island: Visibility one CANADA and mile. No ice visibility. Mr. Diefenhakel'


Belle Isle' Southwest: Visi· bility 18 miles. Ten tenths B. T. Richardson-heavy close pack to Southwest. Cloth ................ $3.50 South, Southenst and Easdt. Paper .... . .......... $2.50 large lake open water elc\en - THE LIBERAL ing ten miles to West and

i' Northwest. PARTY i BelIe Isle Northeast: Visi· J. W. Pickers gill-

bility 15. Five tenths close pock Cloth ................ $3.50 I to Northwest. Four tenths loose $ "'0 ice to' Northeast and Easl. Paper ............ '" 2.0

Bonavista: Visibility one THE AGONY AND eight mile in fog. Unable to: THE ECSTASY . ascertain ice conditions.. 1 Irving Stone ........ $6.75

:,ong Point. Twi~ling~te: i CENTRAL PASSAGE WlI~d S.outheast flvc. SIX lUlles I Lawrence of Ice lo Green Bay and Cape .., , John shore extends Eastward, Schoonover..... .. $4.00 ' otherwise alI open water. DAUGHTER OF

SILENCE Morris L. West ... $3.95

____________ ..,. .. ,, ______ .......... , ....... J .. ____ ....... _.' ___ _


125-56-14 Pound Air Tight Steel Drums

TAR ROOFING ........................................................ 5 Gallon Tins

CEMENT IINORTH STAR" ............................... " ... 87Y2 lb. Sacks


NEW SHIPMENT CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES ........... AII Varieties FERTILIZERS-Potatoes, Cabbage, Turnips


PHONES 8-5143 - 8-5144 QUEEN STREET

DEVIL WATER 'I-======================~ . Anva Seton ....... S6.95 • ___ --,-______ _


Police Make ,rres S· J. D. Salinger ... $4.75



Six arrests were made by city I THE GOLDEN police yesterday. RENDEZVOUS , Radio And TV Programmes

Three men were arrested for Alistair :'lacLean $3.25, ----------, 8.15-Sports Capsule drunkenness, one for impaired SCHUFFY I C 8 N 8.25-News

I driving and hit·and·run, and one Paul Gallieo . $5.00 '.' 8.30-Hit Tune of the Day , given in charge for assault. A CE 's . FRIDAY, l\Iay 18th. 8.35-World of Sport

woman was arrested for drtmk- SPEN R . B.40-George Cawdry Show ennm. MOUNTAIN 7.30-CBL News 8.55-News

RCMP. arrested on 11 f E 1 II T (049"" 7.35-Top of the ~Iorning 9.00-~lornlng MedItatIOn ' . e lall 01': ar' ammer, r"1 . 0 8.00-CBC News and Weather: d Sh ca~ . th~ft and one for drunk i TO'IORRO\V'S . I 9.03-George Caw ry ow

drtvmg. " .-\ 8.l0-Weather Report 9.aO-News Headltnes I ~IIRACLE 8.13-CBC Sports Report. I 9.3l-George Cawdry Show

---------- r Frank G. 8.lS-Musical Clock 10.OO-News I 9.00-Morning Devotions 10.G5-Stork Club i Slau~hter.. $4.75: 9.15-0n the March 10.OB-Bili Allen Show

i 9A5-Doclor's Iloll;e Call; r • 9.55-Kitchen Klattcr , 10.00-News in a :'lulllle : 10.01-~Iartln's Corner : 10.15- What's CUOklll

. 10.30-Natiunal i'iC\\S 'IO.35-Jerry 1V1~::lli·., 110""

wives ChOlee ;;lId ~f!'J . L l.OO-Hobin Hood Hullella : 11.15-Life Can Bc UeautlLi : 11.30-!\" C\v:i

i 1135-:-;flll. QlllZ

! 11.45-0rchid Fruill Ci'r!~ Coullir)', Weather

'fIlE . NE'"

"AU) Stick Shift


Cri BANGKOK ,,.,,"[In trool

.,ftilrrces here hei communist Although n

not think But Thai F inet that t. infantrym Laos.

told a pr that it would I

1<1.'o,\,e here other tJ East Asia Trl


said Tha that all

Dr. Cope~ At Corner Brook

NEWFOUNDLAND SERVICES . Legion Rally Conference jl Dic~: ~o~~~ne!td .• ,1 :!i~~~i~~";'d"m ! t~f~I::~:~:;:~ :::: France

L05--Wrnther FOlw"t forces

I PASSENGER NOTICES . 10.25-1o'u. lon,umers : 11.31-The Bill Allen Show

i Pt Halifax I Group A,rrives: TROUTERS SPECIAL LEAV.I Spm [ ~g.~~~~lg'Jee~~ol Broadcast lL55-Ncws

I I ING ST. JOliN'S MAY , 8-44~5 or 8-2008 or 8-319]' lO:45-Muslc In the Morning ! r2~U-GCOrge Cawdry SholV Dr. P. (opes. Professor of i Thil·t.v delegates from 50: A plane cal'l'ying 30 mcmbers 23rd lLOO-BEC Variety : 12.30-Ncws

Economics at :llemorial Uni·: branches of the Royal Canadian of the Duke of Edinburgh's Trouters special will leave 1l.30-Nfid. School Broadcast i 12.:15-George Cawdry Show ,·crsil)·. will address a west r Legion in Ncwfoundland will Second Commonwealth Study SI. John's 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, l1.45-Regina ~lcBride 12A5-Fishermen's Forecast roast economic study conference be going to Halifax in June to Conference landed at Gander May 23rd for points 'to Argentia. L2.00-ilHC News l2.5S:-News which opens today at Corner attend the Dominion convention yesterday after fog prevented Returning will leave Argentia l2.l0-Announcers Choice 1.00-George Cawdr)' Sb'ow Brool;. of the Royal Canadian Legion. the~ [l'~~ land~ng .at S.t. John's, 6:00 p.m. Thursday, May 24th Good 12.30-Farm Broadcast U5-World of Sport

Thc conference 'was arranged The convention will be held theIr orlgmal deshnatlon. for SI. John's. (For Cares caIl l2.45-!Ilid Day Serenade l.30-News (Local Summary) 11\' ~lemorial Extension Service at the Nova Scotian Hotel June lOne group scheduled ~o leavc Ticket Office No. 80491 EK- Mom:n' g, l.OO-Doyle Bulletin 1.45-George Cawdry Show .;Hl delegates from various 3-B. today ~or a day studYing the tension 276·277 or direct line ., U5-Earl ~Iitten and The i 2.00-l\ews Headlines parts oC the west coast of New- Officers of the Ncwfoundland economIc aspects of Bell Isl~nc\ Saturday and Sunday 30497). Ne;ghbor Valley Rhythm Boys 1 2.01-Prizes and Problems foundland arc attending. provincial command will be at· spen,!! the evenin~ traveIl.lOg CONNECTION WEST RUN ., 1.30-CBC News and Weather 2.:J0-News Headhnes

~layor Allison Bugden of tending. They are provincial by ~ar to SI. John s, 200 mIles PLACENTIA BAY Pi .... con.ide .... lun 1.45-1'ommy Hunter Show 2.31-Prtzes and Problems COl'ner Brook \ViIi welcome the president, A. R. Burry; C. R. over largely unpal'ed road.: Train "The Caribou" leaving tbot'._Tour frlmda IlDd 2.15-~lusical Rendezvous 2,55-Ncws delegates to the conference.. Parsons, honorary - treasurer; They were due at 2 a.m. I SI. John's 12:01 p.m. to·day, will ~=,,:n~~~n!ii 2.29-Dominion Obs. Time a.OO-TilCBob Cole Show

Dr. Copes will discuss some W, R. lIlartin, provincial sec· make connection via Placentia yO<tt ...... raoceproble..... SIgnal 3.31-The Bob Cole Show oC the vielVs expressed in his retary; and Myles P. Murray, OC all fur·bearing animals I Junction and Argentia with M. juat calt... 2.30- .Muslcal Rendezvous 3.55-News recent Economic Survey' prc- rcpresentive o[ the Domi·nion bred ~~ Sweden, 99 per cent I V. Petite Forte for West run 2An-National School Broad· 4.00-Bob Cole Show pared Cor and published by the Command. are mink. Placentia Bay. cast 4.30-Ncws Headlincs Newfoundland Board oC Trade. REG. T. MORGAN a.l5-JU:lll Drainie Tells a 4.31-Bob Cole Show

The talk will be on New· ing held at the Amalgamated The United States signed a i CONNECTION SOUTH COAST INSURANCE Story 4.55-News and Weather foundlanrl's economic prospects. Regional Htgh School, will end treaty of ann e x a t ion with I SERVICE VIA ARGENTIA r.mp!. luild;"II. IhH:k..- sc. 3.30-CBC News and Trans' 5.00-The. Bill Allen Show

'l'he . t\\'o·da~· conference, be- Saturday. Hawaii on February 14th, 1893 Train "The Caribou" leaving DIAL 8.0370 . 8.7756 Canada Matinee 5.30-News Headlines --------------------'-----------~-., St. .John's 12:01 p.m. to·day will 3,33-Trans Canada Matinee 5.31-The Bili Allen Sho"


As Low $9.00 As .


• All new internal parts (up to 300)

• Guaranteed trade-In allowance

• ,Installation quickly, las- I

ily arranged

5 IMPS 0 N 5 -5 EA RS:r , .


-----,----_-:_---------­.... . .

make connection via Placentia' 4.:W-CBC Ncws 5.45-Fisherman's !"orecasl Junction and Argentia with Americans are estimated to 4.33-l\lusic from Halifax 5.55-News !II.V Bonavista for the South spend more than $11 billion 5.UO-~luslr;n lht: AIr . I 6.00-Bulletin Board Coast Service. annually on food and drink 5.30· -F!shcries Broadcast 6.10-Movie Guide


FLOWER'S COVE Train "The Carihou" leal'ing

oSt. John's 12:01 p.m. Monday, : Mal' 21st will make connection ! at 'Corne~ Brook with M.V.

ClarenviIle for ports Corner Brook to Flower's COl'e. (No conne~tion Cor further North ac- I

count ice conditions in the· I Straits). I


! l\lAY 22nd 5.S. Northern Ranger Cor I

l'egular ports SI. John's to St. Anthony will sail from the Dock Coastal. Wharf noon Tues· day, May 22nd. (Ship cannot continue through Straits oC Belle Isle to Corner Brook ac· cou.nt of ice conditions).


outside the home. I 5.45-Music from the Albums. 6.15-Sports Report 6.00-CBC News 6.25-Travel Guide


PHONE 95300


6.05-1 ntl!rmezzo r 6.aO-Early Evening News 6AO-Program Preview Roundup 6A5-Supper Guest : 7.00-S~ge Brush Sam Show 700-,':[)l l\ews .Ind \Veather; 12.50-Sign OfC 7.l5-Light Music I 7.l5-Shillclagh Showtime 7.30-Tops Today I 7.30-News Headlines 7.45-Doy Ie Bulletin 7.31-Shilielagh Showtime 8.l5-Campaign Report ! 6.30-The Bob LeWIS Sho ... 8.20-Byline I 7.55-News 8.25-Radio International \' 8.00-Cream 01 the Crop

I 8.55-Weather for Mariners B.aGo-News Headlines 9.00-Radio International ,B.3l-Cream of the Crop

11.00-CBC Dance Band ~ 8.55-Ncws 11.30--CBC National News, ; 10.OO-Night Show

Roundup and Speakilt~ r to.30-News Headlines Personally , 10.31-Night Show

12.00-Sign Off-O Canada- I lO.45-World oC Sport The Queen ilO.55-News

__________ 111.00-Torbay Weather Rep"rt

, 1l.02-Big 'l'op Ten . VOCM n.30-News Headlines

1l.3l-Night Show FRIDAY, l\Iay 181h. A I ' -------- .~. BIltTH I - 12.00-Night Show

---------- 12.30-News Headline!

1.15-i'i ews had been thank, l.35-Doll Jamieson'; ~dl\ur,' 1.40-Sports SEATO nalio L45-Art Baker', :-':utcbnuk Britain~ Franc. 2.00-Ncwo H:ghll~ht, Zealand, Pa 2.03-Jerry \YJ~;1I1· .. l!at:rt! IPlIiliPllines and Thl 3.00-News Highll~h[; would ha 3.01-.lohn :-':ol;on'; \\'cmrn if SEATO naliol

.1 am boree informal reqUl 4.00-XcIl'S lIi~hh;hl' the sources 4.05-.rolll1 ;o.;olan·; out that T

Party asked : 4.30-Natlonal i'iC\\' to be senl 4.33-.lohn ;';olan', who aITi

Part) I command 5.00-i'iews 1I1~hil;ht~ u.s. troop~ 5.01-Art AndreW;' plan to sen,

Party 6.00-t\e\l·s Ilcad'lOcs

Weather 6.1l3-Xational :oic\\'; 6.IO-Sports 6.20-News 6,30-Da\'c ~Iallndc(, Club P:

and :-.'CII"

C JON -TV fRIDAY. }lay I::lh.


iling f . Resul

I (AP~ : 10A5-l'astor's Stu;!, Palace spok , 10.50-Women·s :\'011, night aiting : ll.OO-·!'h)·sical Film'" t'ro:. to reSt , 11.l2-l!oncy 'frrp IIC~tde 01 activitil 1l.1a-Romper nil"'" ~ 12.15-)llllWY Tree

, lZ.IS-Local· and :\lIti"",,1 News

. 12.30-Sign Off ~.OO-Dral1l:1t i,' . \ Ilth"to,) 2.;~7-~!oncy Trep 2.30-Chez Helcne 2A5-:'Iursery Schllol Time 3.00-Quintet 3.30-The Verdict i, YOllfl

3.55-Cross Section 4.00-01Icn lIolllS;'

4.30-~loncy Trc(' 4.33-Last of the Jlllhkalll 5.00-Friendly Giallt 5.15-Sing Rin~ .\round 5.30-Razzle Dazzle G.OO-Captain Jack \lith Fe1

two of her ., " ...... m off rum~

expecting ano f,~'~ese were em)

by a source

If the QI

IN STOCK The M.V. Trepassey on the St.

John's - Lewisporte service will sail from the dock coastal wharf noon today.

King-Born to Arthur and j A.M. 12.3l-Night Show Joan King (nee Dwyer),. on 6.28-Sign On 12.55-News Summary. Weather, May 161h, at the Grace Hospital, 6.30-News and Weather l.05-Sign Off !

eye Cartoon 6.00-Four Father Falls 6.15-Caplain Jack 6.lS-The Worill of Sporl 6.25-Political A,,{ln'si 6.30-News Ca"a!ta(\c 6.50-)'oinl of Yil'w 7.00-U.S.· ~Iarshat








' .. .~ ,

, I

PHONES:: 8-2264 ....; 8-4440 - 8-342(,

a son. 6.35-George Cawdry Show Report and Time ! 6.40-Morning Meditation 6.45-World of Sport

7 .~O-I.ea,·p it 10 Ilt'arer 8.00-PoJiticai Tc\cra,t S.15-National 1\. \\" 3/!O.-Z.l1W Gr,'.· .. '1 ::r';1're ,


'Train ''The Caribou" leaving MORRIS-Passed away on St. John's 12:01 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, May 16th, at the May 21st will make connection Royal Victoria Hospital, Mon­yia Placentia Junction - and Ar- treal, Sidney H. Morris, Leaving gentia with !II.V. Petite Forte to mourn his beloved wife, for West run Placentia Bay. Blanche; one daughter, Rose-

. . mary (Mrs. H. Blair Trimble. FREIGHT NOI:ICES Knoxville, Tenn., U.S.A.); three

I sons, Dr. Arthur, Sidney and 1 FREIGIIT SOUTH COAST Robert; tw.elve grandchildren


. ~ERVICE . and two brothers and two sisters ~relght I~ accepted dally at residing in England. Funeral,

RaIlway FreIght Shed. for por~s Saturday, from his • late resb on South Coast SerVice but In dence 153 Elizabeth Avenue to order to guarantee mov~ment St Joseph's Church for Requi-by this trip S.S. Bat H~ven, e~ Mass at 10 a.m. (tel) Creight must be at Railway ______ '--__ _ Shed by 1:00 pm. Tuesday, May 22nd.




Freight for regular poInts st .. REASONABLE RATES John's to St. Anthony only per GUARANTEED WORK S.S. Northern Ranger accepted. .

nt the Coastal Shed today 9,00 PHONE 94123 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. . '

E·lectronic: C:'Em~re Lt~.

90 CAMPBELL i\ VE, Alter hours 'phone 8-7313


6.55-News 7.00-George Cawdry Show ,7.l5-World of Sport 7.30-News 7.35-'l'ravel Guide 7.36-George Cawdry Show 7.45-World oC Sport 7.55-News (Lo~a\) B.OO-RCAF Tower, Torbay

(Weather Report) B.03-News (National) 8.0S-George Cawdry Silow

C J·O N FRIDAY, lUay _~t1t._ 9.00-lIowie )!ecker's Sho~

6.30-The Bob LeWis ShoW, Kews, Sports and Weath er Report:

9.05-lIlusic [or Millions 9.20-Hit of the Day 9.20-Hit of the Day 9.30-Austin Willis 9.35-Weather lo'orc(a.;t 9,40-Jerry Wiggins Show

9.30-Collntry Hoedown lO.OO-Car 54 ShO~ IO.30-Tommy ,\m3rO~C

11.OO-I'erry ~I ason l!!.OO~<;ports Ca:,,;:llar 1~.05-N ews and \\'eallJCf l2.l5-lIIovics al Midnight 1.45-Pastors Study 1.50-Sign Off.

A.H. MURRAY & CO., LTD. Machinery Division

Distributors 'of SKF Bearings.

We have the largest stock' for' immediate delivery.


Vee Belts - all sizes and lengths and V Pulleys Copp~r and 'Plastic Pipe and Fittings

No-Corode' Dra~n pipe .

.~---.----., ... ,----~,-=. ________ ,-,'",,1' _1iIIiII __________ ••••

Toronto' '. Miiitlre , .•. Moneto al: ". Hilif n '"

~. SYdne:'" Sl' Y "" .•. John'a

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.